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Everything posted by mystikmonkey

  1. What an incredible leap in logic. What lead you to believe that i watch reality shows?
  2. People keep touting SWTOR's story as a redeeming feature, but it just isn't that interesting. In WoW, you are given a smaller story for every zone you travel to which you can choose to ignore or engage in. They'll have a "Ride this tank" or "Shoot stuff with this turret" sequence every now and again to break things up and give weight to your actions. In SWTOR, every zone has it's own story sure, but it's rammed down your throat with boring cutscene after boring cutscene, in which me and an NPC awkwardly stare at eachother until he tells me to go and kill X amount of texture swapping minions or collect X amount of meaningless garbage. Sometimes i'll get lucky and he'll reward me, other times he'll just pawn me off on someone else.
  3. Holding its own? Really? After three weeks?
  4. What on earth does this have to do with anything?
  5. No actually, i expect a working, semi-balanced, interesting and rewarding experience. Wow is not "launch-Wow" anymore and i am not prepared to support a game that just ignores the good ideas of other games in the genre.
  6. SWTOR isn't competing with WoW at release, it's competing with WoW now. This is some of the poorest pvp I've ever played, inexcusable when there are plenty of games to learn lessons from.
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