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Everything posted by Caligari

  1. Yes, please. I'd really like to get back to playing some abandoned alts that I had the bad luck to roll on 2 different now-empty servers that merged into the same destination server. I'd rather transfer them for free of course, but even paying for the transfer is better than rerolling and going through Taris for the 12th time.
  2. Yup, i agree. Far too expensive, so something needs to make them viable. Between the ones i can craft now and the low GTN prices of the ones I can't, I see little reason to even look at the legacy gear. There are a few sets I like the look of (mostly imp side), but my original reason for buying any legacy gear was the belts and bracers were less than the 500k+ prices the world drops were going for on the GTN when the vendors were first introduced. And don't get e started on the CE vendor, lololol.
  3. Ah, yeah, I figured everyone would at least do Black Talon/Eseless at least once. But yes, double grinding =/= fun.
  4. haha, yes that was taken. I've had to take a new approach, as I've always just gone with single names, but it's all good. Of the stable of the dozen or so names I've used in every mmo up to GW2, all but one were taken. A least I picked the noble story choice for Lord Caligari. I've come up with some new names, so maybe next time I'll have more to choose from.
  5. Agreed, they should be bumped down to a Social I requirement.
  6. Worked extremely well in AoC too. I pleaded on the theads pre-merger to take that approach, but alas, no dice. In AoC, when a merge happens, there's a hierarchy of who gets to keep the name based on active subscrition>subscription length>character level iirc. So when your max level character you've played since early acces got moved to another server, you didn't lose your name to a lvl 1 alt who hasn't been played in 2 years.
  7. Oh, I know. I would love it if we had a first name, a surname option and a legacy name. And if you could toggle both the surname and legacy on or off as you choose. I prefer the CoH/CoV approcah slightly over the CO/STO one, but they are essentially the same except for default display mechanics iirc. You could then make the unique compound key of all three (or some combination thereof) to keep the database happy. It's a complex issue to say the least. Uniqueness and identity are very important, but so is player/customer satisfaction. Here's to hoping something can be done to make everyone happy.
  8. No need to get profane with people that have different opinions. Just because I'm in favor of this change so my friends can get their legacy names back, doesn't mean I give BW a pass on everything. Frankly, I'm baffled at the proposed Resolve change with regard to PVP. And I'll be over on the test server trying it out and posting my thoughts like I always do in the test server forum as soon as i can. I was also vocal about the servers merges and those of us that had to choose which 8 toons of our 16 to move to the new server because BW had no way to reconcile things like this with multiple servers all going into one, i.e., not at least giving us a choice of at least 2 to pick from. And also about those of us who were unlucky enough to not have the option to move until a week after other folks got to. Hopefully, BW will see there are strong opinions on both sides of this issue, and perhaps a better implementation of surnames/legacy names/etc. might arise from this lively discussion.
  9. Believe me, names are very important to me. I was OCD enough to park my name on every PVE server I could just in case there were sever merges someday. Very glad I did now. Hypothetically, let's say all current pve servers were merged into one giant mega-server. And you had to pick a new legacy name because you lost the server lottery and were forced to move. Would you be more interested in keeping the name you've used in GW and WOW, or would you rather have a new unique name that is not the same as you have been using for years?
  10. Like getting your legacy name back you were forced to change.
  11. I agree, especially all my friends that did just that and were forced into changing their legacy names / gamer handles they've had for years because someone who doesn't even play anymore (potentially) already took them. They are all quite excited to be able to change them back and enjoy the names they've put lots of thought into over the years.
  12. I think it would be just as easy to block the "Pick a legacy Name" dialogue box as it is to block charcter slots, etc. Perhaps even easier. Hypothetically, one well placed IF...THEN statement could exclude the entire legacy system until it is unlocked via the F2P model. (and not by File Transfer Protocol )
  13. Frankly, Id rather see 12 Skywalker's running about the fleet instead of the current S'kywalker, Sk'ywalker, Sky'walker, Skyw'alker, Skywa'lker, Skywal'ker, Skywalk'er, Skywalke'r, and Skywälker I see now. Why disguise lack of imagination with creative use of alt characters and apostrophes?
  14. ^^^ This. And do folks really think people are going to rush out and and take your name just to spite you? I think this will only affect the folks with a legacy name of Yumadbro...like y-umadbro, y'umadbro, and yu'mad'bro don't already. Wouldn't you like to change your name back if you would have been forced to change it not to play on an empty server?
  15. Thank you for this change BW. Even though I was lucky enough to retain my legacy name when the guild moved servers, many of our guild had to change their legacy names, many of which they've used for years in various other games, forums, vent, etc.. It's nice to know that they can once again use the name they love, and undo the renaming that was forced upon them because someone who might not even play the game anymore had it first on our new server.
  16. My biggest wish for increased guild functionality is for a way to mail all (or a subset) of the guild. With the recent transfer another officer and myself spent all day mailing all of our members who hadn't been on in a while to let them know that we were moving, since we had to disband the guild in order to keep our bank. The MotD doesn't cut it when you have to disband the guild. The 2 min wait between sending mails (I assume it's some sort of spam blocker) was beyond tedious. But apart from a situation like that, it would be very beneficial to mail all members (or just officers, etc.) about upcoming events and the like that you can't cram into the limited MotD. My number 2 (for the guild window) is to able able to rt-click a name and send a /tell. I mean, come on...it works in the friends list, why can't the guild window be the same.
  17. BW does allow 50 characters to be created, so there seems to be some evidence that they intended for people to create that many if they chose to do so. Also, the standard community response to the "I need more slots" cries months ago was "just roll imp on one server and rep on the other"...which in fact, many folks did. Thus the OP's dilemma perhaps. It seems like we'll have to wait until the paid transfers/additional rounds of transfers to sort things out, so do the best you can for now. Look on the bright side...some folks got told last week some of their origin/destination pairs and moved 5+ toons to the new server, only to find out yesterday their other server now points to the same one, and now can't go back and move the 4/4 toon approach suggested earlier in this thread.
  18. They aren't really. Everybody just likes to complain that they are. The majority can still be fun, and you can still pay your $180/year ($15/mo x 12) for most of them to avoid cash shop type things. If you want to save money, then all the better for you.
  19. I think decreasing the spawn timer would help you out more. Granted, I'm on a server that still has yet to be told its transfer fate. Glad you guys at least have folks to play with.
  20. The total character limit, including the test server, is 50, not 40. That being said, I do have friends in this situation, and it is a problem. The servers I play on still have not been announced (!), so I don't know yet whether the same will happen to me.
  21. I thought Funcom executed their server merges quite flawlessly, especially with the way they handled duplicate names, and the fact that they merged all the servers at the same time. I realize that these transfers are technically optional, but I think we all know they are really just controlled merges.
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