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Everything posted by HumanPirhana

  1. *Spoiler Alert* Look I'm not saying Abrams is gonna be good and I'm not saying he's gonna be bad. Personally my feeling is he can't do any worse than Jar Jar Binks, and that was with George himself at the helm. But having said that, I know a guy who knows a guy who's mother is Abrams housekeeper, and the first draft of the script for 7 has Luke waking up lying in the sand on Tatoinne after the Sand People attack in the original SW only to realize everything after that was all in his mind and in reality HE was the one who shot JR Ewing. True Story
  2. While this is true and to a large extent I agree, there is definately a disconnect with a lot of the pricing, crew skill mats being a prime example, that points to a massive market inefficiency created by buyer ignorance. I can believe that a good number of crafters, not wanting to deal with the tedium of farming mats or waiting for comp missions to pruduce the needed quantities, would be willing to pay a premium for mats on the GTN if they can still work a profit into their crafted items. Side note: I always think of the premium prices mats go for (which I never pay btw) on the GTN when I read yet another post on the forums complaining that you can't make any money with crafting skill x. I have a hard time believing large numbers of such crafters are ignorant enough to pay significant premiums over vendor price for crew skill mats that can be had in any quantity with no investment of time or energy. tl:dr version: The Tor playerbase seems intent on proving itself particularly foolish and uninformed buyers on average.
  3. This was rumored to be in the works during beta and around launch but never materialized. Honestly at this point I wouldn't want it, it would give those with smart phones and/or the time and inclination to spend all day managing their comps from their phones an unfair advantage over those without and would likely create a glut for nearly every kind of mat available through comp missions, crashing their sale value on the market. On the other hand, some of the going prices are rather absurd relative to time and cost to acquire, so maybe that wouldn't be entirely bad. The unfair advantage is still a consideration though.
  4. Wrong, they exist in this game, therefore they ARE part of the Star Wars universe. (btw, did you really just compare wanting a somewhat differently colored lightsaber than appears in the films to wanting things from totally unrelated IP's? REALLY? Exagerate much? Two can play at that game) Oh wait, you're one of those this is canon that isn't sort of fan I'll bet (as if that really matter to the guy who was just asking how to get something he wanted and who most likely doesn't give a flying flip about your self apointed title as keeper of the list of who is a true Star Wars fan and who isn't). Okay, I'll play your game Mr canon. SWTOR isn't canon because SW games aren't canon (as I saw someone in another thread claim yesterday) I guess that means Revan isn't canon because he only exists in Bioware games. Attention! Attention! Attention! Everyone! Could I have your attention please? It's recently been pointed out that Revan is in fact NOT Star Wars canon, therefore as a public service I'd like to remind all TRUE Star Wars fans to make sure they aren't wearing or owning, or having any of their companions wear, any Revan gear. TRUE Star Wars fans, in order to demonstrate their superior knowledge, loyalty and overall betterness, are encouraged to avoid playing the Order of Revanites storyline on Drumond Kass or running The Foundry flashpoint mission, as these bits of content deal with the unseemly and unworthy non canon Revan character. To be on the safe side, George Lucas himself has recently advised me that serious fans should also avoid obtaining HK-51 as a companion, since he is similarly non canon and also carries the double black mark of having been created by a non canon character. As a final reminder, TRUE Star Wars fans are encouraged to bathe exclusively in Windex glass cleaner not for reasons relating to canon or non canon issues, but because Lucas himself and a number of (I'm told) high ranking Disney executives find it entertaining to think that you do so. Carry on, or should I say Live long and prosper?
  5. "much better"? "vastly superior"?? Maybe I'm nitpicking here and the issue is admittedly subjective, but this strikes me as a bit of an overstatement. Rakata stims boost the primary stat by 112 points and a relevant secondary stat by 46 points. By comparison, exotech stims, the ones that are "much better" and "vastly superior" boost the same stats by 128 and 52 points respectively, an increase of less than fifteen percent. Noticeable perhaps, although to some even that would be debatable, but "vastly superior"?.... Sir do you bychance work for a major political party, or perhaps earn your living commentating professional sports of some kind? If so then this sort of hyperbole makes sense, otherwise it seems a bit of a stretch at best.
  6. Cybertech is by no means a bad go, however let me offer an alternative. If you're going to do armormech AT ALL, by far the character to do it on is trooper, imo. There are 3 main reasons: 1. Tanno Vik boasts the only +5 crit to armormech in the game, wheras the only way to obtain +5 crit to cybertech is through the purchasable sensor for your ship droid, this making it potentially available to ANY class. MX-6 (or whatever your tanking droid companion is named when you're a trooper) has +5 crit to scavenging, which is equally useful for both armormech crafting and cybertech, since presumably you'd be taking scavenging either way. 2. ALL of a troopers companions have AIM as their primary stat. Unless I'm mistaken, this is the only class in the game where all of one's comps (or even close really) all share the same primary stat. What this means is that while going to the effort to RE and craft up to purple level armors while leveling is arguably wasteful for any other class since only yourself and maybe one other companion can use them, this isn't the case when a trooper takes armormech. It's more worthwhile to spend the time and materials needed to learn a purple recipe if you're going to be making not just one for yourself, but yourself and all your companions save one (the tanking droid obviously takes droid parts) 3. Armormech helps you stay current/improve more gear slots than any other crafting skill in the game BY FAR. While each of the others helps with one or two, armormech helps with half a dozen. On a trooper, again this isn't just half a dozen slots for you, but each of your companions as well, save the previously mentioned droid. For these reasons, I recommend going armormech on a trooper, especially if you're planning to put the time and energy into crafting to learn purple armor recipes. Oh and btw, when people tell you you can't sell any of those purple armors on the GTN because everyone just uses modable stuff, just smile and nod and then trust me and put a few up for sale at reasonable prices. When *everyone* knows it, it aint' necessarily so.
  7. Srsly? This thread is 2 days and 3 pages old an no one's yet come up with perhaps the most simple, obvious, straightfoward CLASSIC (to say nothing of dismissive) line of all? *shakes head* You guuuuuuuuys.... try this one next time: "All too easy"
  8. This may be true, but it begs the question... Why in the world is it necessary for the playerbase to alert the game developers to errors or inconsistencies in their own design? This is Revan's armor we're talking about, and hence Revan. Not Darth Vader, not Darth Maul, not Bobba Fett...Revan. Revan who has been Bioware's creation and foremost contribution to the Star Wars expanded universe from the beginning. Revan isn't some obscure character the developers aren't familiar with, or a major character from the movies that they might not have experience rendering in a game environment. This is THEIR guy! When players have to tell developers they can't even get the armor for their own inhouse creation and major story centerpiece right, it says something about quality control and pride in one's product or lack therof.
  9. Sadly, I suspect this is the sort of thing where someone made a careless error in the transition from beta to live, leaving something like this uncorrected. The problem (I suspect) is that now the development team is so buried dealing with real problems; bugs and obvious design flaws that something like this, a minor annoyance but far from game breaking rightly has little to no priority. C'est la vie.
  10. This man is absolutely right. There is no money to be made crafting anything but endgame stims and adrenals etc. Those that claim money can be made crafting low to mid level implants are lying to you. I personally have not made uncounted millions selling level 41 purple implants day after day after day. I'm not continuing to make money selling these and level 21 purple implants day in and day out. There is nothing to see here. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. These aren't the droids you're looking for.
  11. Well it's hard to sell you laminoid without knowing what server you're on, and it's hard to tell you where to farm it without knowing if you're Republic or Imperial, but if you need it, then chances are you have the scavenging gathering skill. If you don't, this is your problem, get it. Once you have it, farm the tier one mission jungle medicine, it returns laminoid.
  12. All of which points to what...say it with me kids...Poorly Designed Crafting System™ This particular little issue is but one of many that highlight how the design team that gave us this crafting system understands little about what makes MMO crafting and economies work or not work
  13. If that's true then it's still misleading that the mission tells you both in the main window and in mission log that you're still missing those parts
  14. Okay I just went to DK and attempted to regather the motivator, and when I went to collect it, it told me I already have this item, even though the mission window says I don't and it doesn't show up anywhere in inventory. Srsly fubar.
  15. Okay so I logged into my sith inquisitor today, planning to complete False Emperor, the last thing I needed to do to acquire HK-47, when I look at the mission log and notice it says I still need the motivator and the regulator, the parts found on DK and Coruscant respectively. That can't be right I say to myself, I did those the other night, they were a pain in the arse, but I got them done. I check my inventory and lo and behold, no motivator, no regulator. WTH? I know to a metaphysical certainty that I did the required searching in the required places to acquire them. I checked my inventory after each part to ensure I'd properly recovered it. Now they're missing. Anyone else running up against this? Oh btw, I mailed both the excavator and the regulator to my inquisitor from my consular. I know I received them because the excavator is sitting right there in my inventory and anyway I subsequently used it searching for hte motivator on DK. Is anyone else experiencing disappearing HK parts or anythign else from their inventory?
  16. Slicing. Running slicing missions for sliced parts ie mats gives you a chance for one or even two schematics on a crit. The level of augment schem that such a crit will produce will roughly correspond with the tier of slicing mats you ran the mission for, ie do low level missions for low level augments, higher for high level, etc.
  17. The problem with your math is it doesn't account for the fact that crafting an exotech stim creates 3 of them, not one, four on a crit. If the radioactive pastes cost 9k apiece, that's 36k cost vs 56k in revenue for crafting and selling the stim, 72k each time you crit. Depending on the cost of the other mats, exotech stim crafting should certainly be viable based on the info you've provided. Perhaps not insanely profitable per transaction, but definately viable.
  18. Yeah it's pretty absurd when you go to look at your UT mission options and MULTIPLE level tiers have NOTHING BUT companion gift missions. No metals, no fabrics, just gift missions. I've had this happen so many times I almost can't get upset about it anymore. Almost. Srsly Bioware? This game is coming up on a year from launch in a couple months, and this was known and mentioned early and often in beta, I know cause I was there. I'm having a hard time imagining that changing mission population frequencies is either difficult or time consuming coding wise unless whoever programmed it was some kind of retard. By any plausible stretch of the imagination it should simply be changing a value in an equation or a spreadsheet somewhere, so why hasn't it been done after all this time? This isn't the first thread complaining about this issue. Hell, it isn't even the tenth, or the twentieth. Could we at the very least get some developer comment on this, seeing as how frequent and widespread of a complaint it is?
  19. This just in, guys like to look at scantily clad women. Always have. Always will. In other news, the sky is blue and water is wet.
  20. Totally starting a guild with this name RFN. Also, tell me this wouldn't make a great name for a garage band. Just sayin.
  21. True, and I understand what you're saying about time vs money. I fully expect there to be some level of premium over CTA for mats sold on the market, otherwise why would anyone bother? But even taking that into account, there sometimes seems to be pricing levels that make little sense, even relative to other sold mats. The Laminoid I mention being a prime example. It's a tier one mat for scavenging, the mission to obtain it is up with a good deal of frequency (at least pub side), takes all of four minutes to run, and costs I believe less than 250 credits, while almost always yielding at least two laminoids along with silica. Even if one considers the silica worthless, 1k a pop seems a bizarre price level compared to mats that take much longer to acquire in terms of mission time and with correspondingly greater mission costs. Maybe I should just shut up and keep selling my laminoid like hotcakes.
  22. Thank you sir for that reply, I feel less confused/nutty/wondering if I'm just dumb. Anyone happen to know if the devs have said anything about looking at this? Odds that Charged Bolts may be buffed at some point? Or is this completely WAI? If so it seems a pretty flawed design.
  23. Has anyone done any serious analysis of average cost to acquire various mats, particularly purple mats via companion missions? I realize there are opportunity costs involved, but some of the GTN mat prices seem wildly inflated relative to my own rough mental calculations. Not pointing any fingers *cough* Lamanoid going for 1k per and up *cough* Just curious if anyone has done this kind of math nerd accounting type stuff or not.
  24. So forgive me if this is old hat or a dead horse or whatever, but I have a level 42 gunnery trooper and yesterday while looking over the gunnery tree, then looking at how grav round and charged bolts have the exact same ammo cost and activation times, yet charged bolts (at least the rank 5 version of charged bolts anyway) does slight LESS damage than grav round, doesn't debuff target's armor by 4% per shot, doesn't grant charged barrel, and is only half as effective at building charged barrier, it occured to me that I couldn't find a reason to EVER fire charged bolts as opposed to grav round. A friend who has a level 50 trooper said that there is a set bonus that gives charged bolts a 15% better chance to proc for something (he couldn't remember exactly what) but that was the ONLY reason he could come up with to ever fire charged bolts, and it only applied once you had endgame raid armor sets. What am I missing? Are there typos in the gunnery tree and these abilities actually work differently from what I'm reading? Is this a design flaw that troopers have been bugging the devs to fix for months and I'm only just now noticing? (Forgive me I spend most of my time on other alts and only play this toon with a friend who has her own trooper paired with mine) What's the dealy yo? tl:dr version Why does Charged Bolts seem so fail compared to Grav Round as to be not worth using?
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