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Posts posted by Aidank

  1. Yeah, marauders should have burst like this....


    Oh wait...


    Not saying marauders are underpowered, or at all agreeing with the OP, but this video is from before there was a 50 bracket, with stacking consumables and against lvl 30s.


    And it's a rage marauder, which is almost entirely outclassed by juggernauts- under the same conditions there was a juggernaut critting for up to 10,000 with the same ability.

  2. Obviously your friend is wrong saying it's never about skill, but he's right about it being practically impossible to avoid knockbacks. That isn't really an issue of skill.



    And what he says holds quite a bit of truth in pugs, rated warzones will undoubtedly be about skill but setting up sneaky passes and whatnot doesn't really happen in pugs, 90% of the time it's one rambo assassin that runs the ball in on his own while the entire other team is farming kills in the middle

  3. But you can only get 4 medals that count towards comms and valor now.


    Healers already got that many.


    And I frequently got plenty of kill credits because i didnt just spam heals, i did aoe's and dots between healing.


    Its just sad how ez-mode this is becoming.


    We've got dps for AoEs and dots, healers shouldn't be forced into doing a dps's role when they should be healing.

  4. If you see them (you get close enough) You can target & attack them out of stealth, and if not you can always AoE them out of stealth.



    Troopers / BH also have an ability that they can target on the ground that'll instantly unstealth anyone who goes on top of it.



    Compared to other games, unstealthing people here is relatively easy.

  5. So your solution is "nerf two classes so much that the people playing it will reroll other classes to be competitive".


    Some thoughts aren't worth posting on these forums.


    We could just nerf them enough so that everyone and their grandmother stops rolling them.

  6. from patch notes: Healers in Warzones now receive kill credit when a healed player kills an enemy.


    Am I the only DPS that thinks this is wrong?

    I dont get medals for being healed, why should they get medals because I kill people?


    Because they aren't getting medals for you doing damage.



    You get 4 damage dealing medals, 2.5k 5k hits, and 75k & 300k total.


    They get 4 healind medals, 2.5k 5k heals, and 75k & 300k total.



    The only difference was that you could also pretty easily get 10, and 25 kills, at least a lot easier than they could despite them arguably contributing more to the kill by healing you through their damage.

  7. IMO they should just make tendon blast and flash bang 30 yard range attacks. And maybe to make tendon blast a greater than 50% snare. We don't necessarily need a gap closer (There are plenty of those in the game, and they're a bit overrated) but we really need something that addresses our problem with getting back on characters 30 yards away.
  8. To me at least it seems like everything in there is great, they're doing away with the crap medal system, they're fixing the side speeders in aldaraan, and they're making it so you can't suicide dot everyone up to make voidstar a tie 99% of the time.


    No, it doesn't fix every problem with the game, I'm not really sure how you could expect it to, but they're fixing a lot of the problems and doing it relatively quickly imo. I know blizzard was never this quick to respond.

  9. I think you also get valor in reward for winning a match, so there would always be that incentive.



    But I think this is a better system, I'm not going to call you a bad player but on many classes consistently getting 11 medals is practically, if not entirely impossible, whether or not you really deserved all that extra valor & commendations simply for playing a dps class that can guard and taunt is debatable.

  10. More medals does not equate to a warzone win. Hopefully this change helps keep people focused on winning rather than padding their stats. The old system was also completely broken since some classes could get over a dozen medals in a game, while others are pretty much capped at 8-9.


    I fully agree with you, the medal system we've got now is absolutely terrible.



    All I'm saying is I think the guy that solo caps the right side turret in aldaraan 4 times and ends up with 400k damage should be rewarded more than the guy who was afk half the time watching the left and ended the game with 2 kills.

  11. You're talking to a hardcore PvPer. They just made our Valor ranks meaningless. Do you see the point?


    So you pvp a lot (Assuming, since you're a self proclaimed harcore pvper) yet the only reason you pvp is because you like having a higher valor rank than other people? Seems like an odd reason to play a game.



    If you just need something to flaunt your e-peen over, rated warzones are coming out soon anyways.

  12. I think that overall, it's a change for the better. The current system we've got is god awful in so many ways, but this new system doesn't seem like that big of an improvement to me.



    It's basically a participation trophy, your actual performance isn't really linked to how much valor / comms you get.

  13. Why necro this thread? As with every other "NERF SORC/SAGE CUZ I DIED BROHA", this thread is filled with exaggerated, false, uninformed, and anecdotal posts by people who died in PvP and whose consciences require justice.


    Additionally, bumping threads is against forum rules.


    Yep, except 90% of it is from sorcerers who don't want to get nerfed.

  14. actually, no one in this thread complained about the lockout at all, except for the ones you claimed to have complained elsewhere.



    the majority of us are suggesting getting locked out and just cast something else during the lockout.


    You're just offering dumb solutions that no one agrees with.


    Is this a joke? I have seen YOU personally complaining about interrupts, particularly marauder interrupts, on more than one occasion.

  15. I did, because I was the one who said that in the first place.


    Your solution is crap, and so is your logic.


    There is no way to know that your opponent sucks or has a slow reaction for interrupts without "reading his mind."


    There is also a huge possibility that he does not have the same reaction time every single time.


    Therefore, it would be nearly impossible to predict when he will actually interrupt, or will be interrupt at all, for a specific cast to justify fake casting - without "mind reading."



    If you fake cast, then pause for a second, you've just already went through half of the lockout time of an interrupt. Not to mention the possibility that he didn't even try to interrupt and then you get interrupted on your NEXT cast.


    What is your solution now? Wait longer? Wait until his interrupt animation (if there is one for that class) to go off before you cast anything?




    So don't fake cast either one and get locked out regardless, solid idea bro. Fake casting isn't meant to be a foolproof solution to never getting locked out, if you can judge your opponent correctly you can get out of being interrupted the majority of the time.


    Complain more about interrupts though, and if you pausing lasts for 2 seconds then you've got bigger problems than interrupts.



    And if the players you're playing against are so bad that they can't interrupt 1.5 second casts, then I'm not quite sure why you're complaining about interrupts in the first place as it clearly doesn't matter.

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