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Everything posted by krosswong

  1. Notice how he has yet do demonstrate even a basic understanding of how tank stats work.... Get out of here already.
  2. I don't think you do. If you'd like to prove me wrong, go ahead and explain to the rest of the class how def/shield/absorb works. If you can't, (which i don't think you can) it's probably best you leave the discussion to the professionals, kiddo.
  3. I was talking about the other scoundrel
  4. To be fair, 2 of our sage healers are trash; our other "scoundrel" healer licks paint i think. Commando's ok though. Also, what kind of guild name is Cambodian Warpigs anyway.... does Cambodia even have pigs?
  5. This is literally the most retarded thing i've read on the forums in a long time.... and this is coming from someone who had to make sense of Musco's patch notes... so thanks for that. I'm fairly certain the first conquest point I earn a week is worth exactly the same amount as the 100,000th point I earned that week. #economicsishard
  6. if you're going to leave us stuck with this horrible ill-conceived system for acquiring conquest points, could you at least give us the option to disable objectives until we want them? I'm really sick and tired of not being able to do, for example, the daily group finder op until I finish it on the alt that needs the conquest points. That just seems asinine.
  7. Why were the crafting changes left out of the patch notes eric?
  8. Hey eric, or really, any of the incompetent dev team, how about getting on the forums and explaining your reasoning behind any of these absolutely laughable conquest changes? hmm?
  9. As my guildleader just told me "vendor them"...... awesome.
  10. Nothing new at the trainers, just checked why didn't this make it into the patch notes?
  11. They also removed the ability to craft dark matter projects with the old exotic isotope stabilizers. The new schematics require refined + an iokath recombinator now thanks bioware, go **** yourself,
  12. But then we're back to two sets of gear, and as much as i don't like the GC system, only needing one set is actually pretty nice.
  13. I will say this, in my ideal world where devs could make changes in one place without breaking something else, For pvp, allow shield to push crit chance off the combat table or Allow absorb rating to counter surge rating for all critical hits. you know, in case the devs are reading.
  14. Changing the way fundamental stats work in this game would require the devs to either: A) Rewrite every PVE encounter in the game to reflect the new changes to keep each bosses outgoing damage about the same post-changes. or B) Institute an entirely separate combat roll system for PVP Neither of these, I feel, the devs are competent enough to do.
  15. Double stealth premades with 3 healers or ****.
  16. krosswong

    Sage/Sorc Bubble

    Sages and Sorcs should get protection numbers for their Force Armor / Static Barrier.... Just saying.
  17. We're taking about the burst, and aoe burst I guess, potential of a tank - not survivability. If we're talking about overall damage done by a tank over the course of an entire match then we take survivability into account. If that's the case however, talking about how much damage they can do in a single gcd is stupid and irrelevant.
  18. Pick a position and stick with it please, your flip-flopping is about to give me a stroke.
  19. Or set tank ability damage to fixed damage and threat values regardless of what gear they're using... problem solved.
  20. I will forego the instacast rapid scan for a taunt. My raid group needs a new tank.
  21. You realize that by playing in a pvp-flagged shard of a planet you're basically acknowledging that you are willing to participate in open world pvp right? There are literally 1-2 other shards on each planet where you can level pve and not be "genked"
  22. By request from forum goers... Plz nerf stupid forum posts by 40%
  23. krosswong

    Nerf Guard!

    Most productive thing to come out of this thread. Maybe he'll just go away.
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