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Everything posted by krosswong

  1. we're holding both nodes with no counterplay, what do you expect us to do?
  2. LMAO, get your facts straight before you run your mouth. This was anything but a stale match seeing as how both off nodes were capped by our team in the first 30seconds of the match and the other team made no attempts at counterplay other than smashing into us at mid. How is it our fault that they'd rather farm us at mid than attempt to actually win the match? That seems like an easy L2objective on their part.
  3. It won't even come to that, we'll just screw the four other players on one side when one of our premades leave.
  4. Hate to tell you this, but "fixing" premades isn't the solution to fixing all the bads on SS
  5. Seeing as how our guild can put two very strong groups of tanks heals and dps together every night. That's exactly what i'm suggesting.
  6. So how does backfilling work? If two teams get matched with one healer each, and one healer leaves.... does that team just get to play undermanned until another healer enters que? I could think of several ways, off the top of my head, to abuse the **** out of this.
  7. Does being embarrassed for them count?
  8. To bring things full circle, i don't see how a group of players being held off a node by a handful of corpse grinders are any more skilled than the corpse grinders themselves. I mean, if i couldn't take a node from a bunch of players tactically dying... i'd be downright embarrassed.
  9. Bit of column A, bit of column B.
  10. Strike you down and you'll become more powerful than they can possibly imagine. if it's good enough for obi wan, it's good enough for us.
  11. look at all these wasted GCD's
  12. gratz mourne, also... hi mourne!
  13. Peshaw, fashion is just a waste of a global cooldown
  14. I believe you mean, "Blanket of Death"
  15. They're MANKINIS you uncultured swine!
  16. Trust me, if i could train wandering mend to completely ignore someone - I would. But let's be honest here, it would probably be our crummy scoundrel.
  17. Sorry, too busy healing myself to get anyone else. Better luck next time.
  18. That's why i spam force stun on cooldown.
  19. Obviously the tooltip should read "Stops incoming kamikazes"
  20. Maybe someone should write a guide on CC'ing incoming kamikazes off the node... perhaps with a stealth class with a sap ability.
  21. Too bad that's not the type of thing you could find in a tooltip.
  22. The amount of people that claim "lol, get farmed" when they lose a warzone is downright laughable.
  23. Technically, it's both.
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