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Everything posted by al_giordino

  1. So if Bioware released a high rest texture pack for Dragon Age, why would it be such a crazy idea that they'd do the same thing here, only charge for it as per EAs need to deliver shareholder profits and maximize their return on SWTOR investment? Don't be naive. Even WoW has microtransactions for vanity items - pets, mounts, etc.
  2. These green walls make it so you don't meet up with other people your level doing the same quest chains... In other MMOs you can run into other people and see they are doing the same quest lines you are. Next thing you are grouping up, making a new friend, and having fun. Later, that friend might introduce you to a new friend and eventually you have a group of friends to level and play with...maybe start a guild with. In SWTOR, your main quests are segregated from others main quests by the green walls, so these community building experiences don't occur...
  3. I read something about this a week or two ago... any truth to it? To clarify, I read (edit) ON ANOTHER THREAD IN THESE FORUMS (/edit) that EA/BW has plans to release the high res pack as a microtransaction for PC gamers with computers powerful enough to run it... the rest of the gang wouldn't have to purchase it if playing on a lower end computer.
  4. There were air to air combat vehicle *quests* at Wratch launch.
  5. There's just no challenge (and other things) so it gets dull. Think of the games you are about to play - SC2 or LoL. I've played them both and they are both very exciting!! You're in for a half hour to hour of heart pounding excitement as you battle your enemy. SWTOR? No heart pounding excitement.
  6. Oh yeah, btw Anakin was a narcissist. In one comment in Clone Wars, he says something to the effect that he's more skilled at a light saber than Yoda. And of course says he's more advanced than Obi Wan in "many" ways. I just think these arrogant comments were few between or often missed. He describes well how he feels held back by the council including saying its "not fair". As anyone knows, someone who feels that way might often say to themselves "I'll show them one day.". And he does.
  7. There's some extra foreshadowing in 1 and 2 that is easily missed. I think sometimes the scenes are so dynamic and breathtaking its easy to get caught up in it rather than focus on the dialogue. I know I have to pay extra attention to catch the details of the nuanced dialogue vs most othet movies. In Phantom Menace, a young Anakin tells Yoda and the council he misses and worries about his mom. Yoda goes on to foreshadow everything by explains how this fear of loss can lead to the dark side. In Clone Wars, a disturbed Anakin tells I think Obi-Wan or Palpatine how he's been having bad dreams about losing his mother, hence like Yoda previously said, his mind is open to corruption by the dark side. Most importantly, going to the dark side isn't like you or I making a decision to do a single wrong action. We can be good and bad where the dark side is something much more dangerous, something you can't just tap into some of the time. Yoda in particular gives a number of warnings about it thought the 5 films he appears in.
  8. Couple questions worth discussing - Who is the Yoda-race looking guy a few seats to the left of Yoda in Phantom Menace? He looks almost like Yoda but with a tiny bit more hair. But they look the same race. In the movies, do we see any members of the council besides Windu and Yoda fight? What happened to the council members we don't see fight?
  9. I've never been able to get vent voices to come through headphones while game sounds come through 2.1 speakers. I've played WoW and I never realized the speaker setting did that - and I don't think it does. Why? Because I also have googled this before and pretty sure that you can't seperate sound outputs - whatever your output is... 2.1 or 4.1 or 5.1... that's what it is, speakers OR headset, I have not heard of a way to differentiate Vent coming through X channel while game comes through Y channel - pretty sure it doesn't work that way. I too would love to hear if there's a way to do that, but I don't think there is! (which would explain why nothing works and why googling it doesnt show an answer)
  10. Duris MUD is the best rpg mmo type game of all time but they won't wipe for a few months, after that it's on. The creative mind behind EQ came from Duris, Cython. Hence much of the MMO market today is based on Duris. Anyway google it
  11. Yea I loved wow pvp I have an 85 Worgen in pvp blues I haven't played in a year But it's old now Still I remember fighting back to back at tol barad while our enemies fell before us...
  12. I got every good game thats out for PC and $ isn't an object, so what's a guy to do Game has major flaws and I don't want to pay to Beta test, but c'mon, my lunch here in NYC is $15 a day. For food. One meal. So .50 a day for SWTOR, maybe it doesn't need to immediately be aaa perfect. /shrug /confused At least emergency patch will be out tomorrow, it's not like they are partying it up at Dorsia. Thoughts?
  13. Dude....people have been suggesting the same things for a month and there has been no response or answer regarding any of it.
  14. Yes, you did buy a half finished product. But EA was smart enough to know that we'd pay anyway. At least we can unsubscribe and keep the cool box!
  15. Hmm... I'd say that this is moderately unacceptable.
  16. I'm not PAYING to BETA TEST this screwy game. I do want it to be great, it's hard to admit it's no where close. I think everyone should just unsubscribe and maybe we can come back if/when all the issues are fixed. It clearly wasn't ready for release but EA tends to push things out the door early because they need to meet their quarterly profit and revenue estimates.
  17. They're EA. They know better than you! Their not doing anything! If they haven't addressed issues that have been outstanding since December 20th launch, why would they address even newer issues?
  18. You think they'd just put in a search feature instaed of manually closing every post to direct people to another one... Makes no sense.
  19. GUYS PLEASE DON'T WORRY!! They are working on a patch that will fix this last patch that fixed the previous patch that fixed the patch that fixed the patch!
  20. Well if they had a search function, that would cut down on the amount of threads. But mainly, I think they have a trouble with forum posters revealing the truth.
  21. Please don't post the truth or your thread will be closed. Thank you.
  22. For some reason I'm not seeing any high resolution textures....
  23. I unsubscribed. But this thread is sure to be closed in about .5 seconds. The moderators are closing posts like this as quick as they can
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