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Everything posted by Wrathoran

  1. i love it as a scoundrel i hate it as a sawbone
  2. http://video.mmosite.com/default.php?controller=resource&action=play&id=17888 pause it on the scoundrel
  3. i do agree with that. I got 50 last week with my smugglers and now got some champ, bm , cent gear on. When i started my first WZ , 2 cent pieces and an orange gun on the market ... forget it, no way i could kill a healer even burning everything i got at the good moment. Kick , flash , drop in stealth and re-open , use the energy recovery etc. Nothing to do , they outlive you. From 1 to 36 = i suxed From 36 to 39 = Shoot First yay! i put more pressure! From 40 to 49 = Flechette loaded and ready to own. I was racking the kill count. Almost immortal in every game 50 non geared = Horrible!! some people 2 shot me, i got a hard time escaping fight, healers are gods amongst men. I still do some invincible sometime and go from 0 to 2 death mostly but i need to be damn careful. I can max the damage meter (sometime) running around 250k to 290k but my killing blow suck so bad. I got a HUGE problem finishing up people. 50 more geared = Its ok ... Having played a Jugg veng/immo hybrid , pyro powertech , vanguard ironfist , assassin i still feel like im doing less good. Lemme explain... My dps is all about a 10sec burst when dropping out of stealth. If the fight drags on then its geting more complicated , have to use the def cooldown. If there is backup , then i need to run away. With most of the other classes i can deal with 2 players without too much problem. Assassins seem to have an equal or even better opening burst then us and a better sustained with more survivability. People will say "but you can heal!"... have you tried it in WZ? when someone run after you? Trying to play hide and seek to get some health back, you lose soooo much time and sometime you die from it. I just feel quite unuseful ... i feel like the d*ck that do 1v1 in his corner while his team play the game when i play my smuggler. I cant carry the ball , i cant stay near the door in voidstar and i can hold or capture a turret but if 1-2 defender come by , i have to plan ahead quite well or call backup. I just dont feel as efficient as my powertech or my jugg. I do feel too that assassin and sorcerer got everything for themselves. I know grass look always greener but they can rush, bubble (sage only), push away , pull , attack 30m (with the cd) , CC , tank , stealth etc. I feel like im lacking tool
  4. i looked at it today again and still hate it. I think im seriously going to reroll before 1.2 As scoundrel Pve dps = subpar. Everytime i wanna get into HM and i say im a smuggler i get turned down because im not a gunslinger. Ive been through some with friends but damn that stupid reputation Healing Pve = Commando or Sage , no scoundrel. I do feel like the sage his healing twice as hard with no sweat. Im sure it is doable but it must be alot less of a heart attack on other classes. Pvp dps = doing good but you need the gear for sure. Assassin/shadow seem to have the same burst with 100% more survivability. Pvp healing = you really need to go far deep in it. You can heal really good on other but you cannot survive like a commando or a sage when you get attacked , squishy squishy! So i got some pieces of battlemaster, getting to invincible a couple of time here and there but i always feel like im so much better in Quality of Life on other classes. I was waiting to see if 1.2 was bringing any changes but this armor is almost like the nails in the coffin
  5. mostly it come to this 1-rush rush rush the points to get it faster because they have more time on their hands for whatever reason 2-own people that dont have the gear 3-when getting own, return to the forum and QQ because they dont like competition
  6. Amen to that brother. Not talking english well i cannot make these walls of truth. What is sad though is the community of pvp is plagued by those guys compared to the pve side. I wish it wasnt
  7. i does but its the pvp-er only argument to defend against the change Why is a lvl 50 guardian with the same spec but fresh 50 with blues vs a BM guardian with the same spec get killed really fast and can do nothing to the other? Gear Why is my Focus force sweep was hitting for 4k as fresh 50 and now hit for 9k doing THE SAME EXACT THING. Why is my tank had 12k hp at 50 and now got 22k ? Ooooh right i forgot... THIS IS ABOUT SKILL!!!! like all pvp-hur says. No , its about gear and yes there is a gear gap between a fresh 50 and a full BM. Because if there wasnt, people would be QQing on the forum about how they are full battlemaster and still get own by "SCRUB" and "CAREBEARS" because you know... they need the gear gap to pwn people and not have a challenge
  8. i like that and im the same. I dont want gear advancement, i just want something to show that i pwn them all. Like a new set of armor with nothing in it that i transfer existing mod. Gear advancement is only for people to rush forward because they have more time, not skills and then roflstomp lower geared people until they catch up. When they now pose a threat they QQ on their class forum about being underpowered making . BW dont listen to us, we are broken. Then after that they quit saying they made their class what they are today like they were some sort of legacy. There you go, the basic pvp-huuuur. They dont want a challenge, they want to stomp people. Me i want a challenge. If i can attack someone higher level and harder to kill i will do so, because if i beat him ill be so proud of me.
  9. Probably because alot (like I) is not quite informed of everything in 1.2. Keep going, i find it very interesting. What does the smuggler get?
  10. ouf ... im glad to hear that. A tad sad that they put something as cool only being used with the useless 20min cd ability that is not on my bar because i never needed it.
  11. ^^^^^^^^^^ this totally... +100000 People think because they got full BM gear that they are better then others. Ive been playing since beta like most players and its been a while since i have my full BM set but seriously, anyone can have it if they got the time. Starwars PVP is NOT ABOUT SKILL its about HOW MUCH TIME YOU PUT IN. Simple as that.
  12. Its because alot of players dont want to go pvp because of the gear gap. You know that being a fresh 50 you just get rolfstomped (depending on your class) most of the time by those in BM. One of my close friend that know how to play ... well he still suck but he try get just molested in pvp, he dont have fun and dont want to come play again. Bioware is a game producer. They put alot of time and effort to make pvp enjoyable. The way the system was made was perhaps not enough casual for THE MAJORITY of the players to enjoy it. Its fine that 20% of the population got a blast out of it but they would love to get closer to 100% of the population. You dont want to make a game that only appeal to a certain type (postal 1-2-3), you want your game to be ULTRA popular (D3,WoW etc.) because it is what brings you money. Seriously im just happy with those changes. Now i get to gear an alt easier and i get to pvp with more people. Quote : because we worked for weeks and weeks and weeks and didnt cheat they broken *********** system that lame *** BW designed and now its handed out like candy. **** BW. YOU decided to work on that for weeks for your own personnal enjoyment. Like its written always when you log, this game is bound to change. They didnt twist your arm for you to farm the gear , you did it alone. Now that it is handed more easily youll just have more players to use it on. Anyway in the end everyone would have been battlemaster, you just lost the delay where you could "Kill every new 50 without fearing they would fight back" part... or are you too afraid to fight someone with equal gear?
  13. video for ref: http://video.mmosite.com/default.php?controller=resource&action=play&id=17888 One thing that crossed my mind when watching the 1.2 video is this... You see a sith warrior using flame thrower and you see a smug use force choke. This is a cool idea ... that i fear.. I think in starwars: ToR they already seem to have problem with balance. Mortar volley and and full auto on my trooper are still broke since the beta, nothing as changed. They make some changes here and there often that are questionnable. Healers are damn hard to kill , some classes are still better then the other etc. Now if you introduce a system (i know very little about it so if people got info im curious) that you could choose a skill from another toon. Like a smuggler with a force shield from sage or the dash of the assassin. Or a Jugg with a grapple line or with maul of the assassin doing heavy backstab... I just feel that some combination will be really OP. I just fear that since the balance is already REALLY FRAGILE on this game, putting such a big system in that require even more balance will be a total mess. Like i said , i love the idea but that just scare me to death.
  14. Of course that 22k health tank or the more damage from expertise or the bigger crit from surge isnt AT ALL relied to better gear. Im sorry ive wasted time farming my gear. Yup i should go back to my 4k Force sweep crit in blue instead of doing 9k in BM gear...
  15. hahaha so that. In most mmo i played when there is open pvp of some sort (aion, warhammer, vanilla wow etc.) you always saw full geared people running around chasing noobs. Talking how they were pro and how good at pvp they were but still they never fought someone of their own size. Like in Aion for exemple. How many time you saw a full golden ranger +10 running around chasing noobs in rifting? Yeah really often. When they broke rifting ( for good reason ) they were all on the forum crying that it was broken . The answer is "go to the abyss, this is where you should have fought more often then not". People prefered to leave the game then to chase equally geared oponents and actually have a challenge. So yeah, people want to win more easily and dont have to break a sweat doing it. Thats why they gear up for and are so butthurt about the change
  16. I know you dont care about it but ill still comment, not on your opinion but in general. Its always like that. I bought a computer monitor once , 800$ to get the first flat screen. Now the same thing is worth 80$. People just dont like change. Its like in wow when there is a new tier going out. People who took the time to get decked out cry in front of the AH about how their set was good X time ago and nobody care about them. The point is, the game need to move forward and at an interesting pace.
  17. hehe same for me even after pondering the whole day i still find it ugly as hell. I ask my wife who usually got a better taste then me on those kind of taste. Her reaction was... Me : hey baby , look at the new 1.2 smuggler tier armor , its awesome! Her : HAAHAHAHAHAHA!!! OMG! he look so much like a ------- , i bet all the imps will laugh at you before killing you. *gentle pat*
  18. 1= because its draining her life force away 2=because he see the big picture, repairing it to save alot of citizen , giving it to children mean helping the hoodlums and not respecting your words to the droid
  19. yes but selling and ressembling is another thing. A smuggler would sell anything , even is mother , for credits. The point he wanted to make is, why would i make a tribute to them to adjust my GUNSLINGER/SCOUNDREL look to a force using bad looking specie
  20. oh i thought ill give my first impression in my head, sometime that can help too. When i first saw the 8 classes i stopped the video and looked at them carefully. I saw the smuggler and i already gave my opinion , i dislike it alot then saw the massive trooper and the sith warrior, i was drooling. love it! Just by seeing a good set of armor, it make me want to unshelved them. Please dont kill my love for my smuggler, do a better set then that
  21. you know, yesterday i was helping my friend with his sage on Belsavis and in the story, you see those kinf of aliens. I was like ... OMG!!! they are so horrendous looking, god , this is the worst looking specie ever! What kind of advantage they got with spread eyes like that? This is not evolution? the only benefit to have that kind of eyes is to hide behind a tree and still see. And so on on the rant... Made him laugh alot but still its true I think the Rakata is the worst looking alien (for me , my opinion). Second , the color of the set is awful. Bright orange(yellowish) for a stealther or a gunslinger. Its like "bling bling bling! alert light , there is a gunslinger up here or hey look at the scoundrel in the middle killing everyone, im glad he got an orange tight suit with a beer hat!". It is 100% sure that I DONT WEAR THAT!. I am not a superhero
  22. i want my smuggler to look like an outlaw. Cool hats (not beer can hat), scarf on my face, duster , matrix style trench coat, heavy leather boots , cool gunslinger belt, steel or spiked knuckle plated glove for punching, goggles etc. all that kind of stuff (perhaps not all at the same time). This is my fantasy for me. I wielding a single revolver and i use a bad *** shotgun that i spin around to load a deadly bullet. I am the prince of the underworld . The cape make me look like an Alderan noble, which i hated. But as someone else said, the kind of overlap at the base of the neck is too much and perhaps always having tight pants kill it for me. But hey, i love shotgun...
  23. we need to make our voice heard. What made me pumped for new patches on wow was my tier armor. Everyday i was camping MMO champion to get a sneak pic of my armor. When i saw it.. and was please, i was SOOOO motivated to play since im driven by gear. That just killed my fun and will have to keep wearing my cape
  24. /signed Everyone looks really good except the smuggler. HAHAHAAHA! i laughed so hard when i saw the helm. Party hat with beers on the side, woooohooo
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