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Everything posted by Robert_Guiscard

  1. Well, that's exactly what I am doing. However, as someone who is still technically a paying customer until June 18th, I will express my opinion as I see fit. And no, I'm not just ranting on the forums. I've sent several messages to Bioware - not that they ever responded. I'm not surprised, since I don't really think they're taking our concerns seriously, and rather are doing what they feel is best for the game. Sounds familiar - just like ME3. They'll do what they want, and we can live with it or be damned. If the only way I can get them to listen is by expressing my displeasure with my wallet, so be it.
  2. I'm posting on it because I care. I want this game to succeed. I enjoyed it. I would like to continue to enjoy it. But Bioware needs to hear its critics. Looking at the statements they've put out, I genuinely wonder if they realize how bad the situation with server pops really is. They are bleeding out players. There's going to be a point where EA will pull the plug if a profit isn't still made - such as if it drops below 500k subscribers. Yes, $15 a month isn't much, but there's a lot more I can - and perhaps should - do with that money other than continuing to give it to Bioware for a game I've stopped playing. I'm hoping they'll turn things around, but I'm deeply pessimistic, given their ostrich approach thus far.
  3. $30 isn't a lot of money. But why would I give them $15 a month for a game that I don't find worth playing? And as far as wanting it now - this should have been prepared for long ago. Long before the Legacy system, which is probably what is making this all the more complicated. They had history to look at - and ignored it. Why should I pay for failure? Perhaps you enjoy subsidizing mediocrity. In which case, go for it.
  4. Just unsub, wait, and play something else in the meantime. I'm a lot happier now that I've gone that route. If Bioware gets it fixed, great. If not, I doubt I'll care anymore. With how long it takes them to get anything out - and then patch it to work - I'd be surprised if they got merges or transfers working before summer was over.
  5. Very true, Paradox has kept to its roots and their games haven't failed to disappoint. And if for some reason people are unhappy with a game, they listen to the community and fix it rather quickly. And that's why I'm playing CK2 and Vicky 2 and EU III while I can't get the motivation to log into here and use the rest of my free month.
  6. Not until population issues are fixed, no. At that point, I'd be willing to resub and hope they improve other aspects of the game, but until then the population issue is a deal breaker.
  7. All of the arguing over calendar dates is semantics. What it will come down to is whether or not people are willing to extend their subscriptions until then. Mine expires on June 18th, and I have no intention to pay for another month to see if they can get things right this time - unlike 1.2, where I took them up on their free month in exchange for paying for a month. I know better this time.
  8. Well, at least I know it will be after my sub runs out. I won't have to worry about if I am paying to be a lab rat like with 1.2.
  9. Yeah, Legacy hurt it. It's not a bad idea...for a finished game. As it is now, it is merely something that is sapping developer time that many people aren't getting the benefit of because we rerolled and left our legacies behind on dead servers. Sure, I have a Legacy character on the server I play now. Legacy level 3. Versus my legacy level 27 on the dead server. Needless to say, I don't really much give a damn about Legacy features, since I have no real use for them. Maybe, in the future, when they finally get server transfers or merges done, sure. But I'm not going to pay to wait until then - once this free month is up, I'll patiently wait. Without paying. As subscriptions fall away, perhaps they'll shift their priorities to features that would actually bring people back.
  10. Exactly. I don't mind waiting just as long as I'm not paying for it. My sub is up in late June, and as much as I'd like to think things will be fixed enough to persuade me to not unsub, I sincerely doubt it. Hell, I doubt they'll have transfers or merges or anything of substance done by then.
  11. Yeah. I shouldn't be surprised, really. After the whole ME 3 circus of Bioware blaming the gamers (not to mention outright lying, hiding information, being vague about everything) seeing it repeat itself here is just tiring. I used to really like Bioware - I've been a fan since playing Baldur's Gate back in the day - but no matter how much I liked them, I'm sick of being lied to, given vague (and usually unfulfilled) promises, and ultimately insulted. You pushed your sloppily thrown together ME 3 out the door too quickly, along with SWTOR -and then had the gall to blame the gamers who paid for it. Well, it has certainly ensured that I'll never buy a Bioware product until it has been in the market for months and thoroughly reviewed by real gamers, not "professional" shills. If I can buy it used, all the better. If this sounds angry and vindictive...well, I am angry. After Bioware's treatment of its customers and fanbase lately, I think I have a right to be. Not that they'll care - they sold out to the tune of EA's money.
  12. Because the story lines are bad. They're all formulaic and dull. I've played through all of the Imperial ones, and it just got to be a chore. And if they managed to make the Imperial story lines dull, I can't even imagine how sleep inducing the Republic side ones must be (I fell asleep at the keyboard playing through a couple of the class lines - I've never done that playing a RPG before). I feel like they took the people who wrote ME3's story and put them on this. They are both just awful.
  13. Started playing D&D in 1984, still play every Saturday. And to be honest, I don't expect a video game to ever come near that level of complexity, but they've certainly regressed over the past few years. If you take the depth of a game like Fallout 1 or 2, or Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale (or for those old enough to remember, Wasteland!) and compare it to SWTOR or Skyrim or Mass Effect 3...it is just a huge dropoff. Sure, graphics have gotten a lot better, but the story has become more and more simplistic. Even the best storyline I've played in SWTOR so far (which I thought was the IA's story) was pretty predictable. Compare that to the moment you realized you were Revan in KOTOR. The writing is just formulaic and wooden. And while I could blame this mostly on Bioware (the godawful story in ME3 immediately comes to mind - and I'm not even talking about the end), Bethesda and other companies that are supposedly creating RPGs have made the same mistake. Let's face it - while Fallout 3 was fun to play, its story was horrible. In the end, I guess the lackluster stories disappoint me even more than the lack of transfers and X-Server finders. If you are going to play alts - and the system certainly encourages it - you're going to have to play through another story. And if they're all mediocre...how many times can you stomach it, especially if you've had to reroll (as I have done)?
  14. You have a very good point. As an older gamer, I remember when games were simply a lot more difficult and a lot more creative. Since they weren't a big business, they had to innovate to carve out a niche. Now some of the best companies from that era are either dead and gone or they have been corrupted, releasing simplistic games that become dull quickly. I had the same experience with D1 and D2...and then D3 comes out. Faceroll. DA2, ME2 and ME3, Oblivion and Skyrim, Fallout 3, Civ V...all moved away from their older, and more difficult (and original) predecessors. Like the film industry, the video game industry is just banking on making a lot of quick cash through the watering down of previously great franchises. As a long time gamer, I find it depressing. Sure, I'll blame part of it on the console gamers which spearheaded a movement to turn a lot of games (Mass Effect, ahem) into shooters and more accessible to anyone with two thumbs and a pulse, but also PC gamers (and review sites) that weren't nearly critical enough of this backsliding in quality and continued to encourage it with positive reviews and sales. But, until Paradox Interactive dumbs its strategy games down into something like Total War, I'll still hold some hope for the industry.
  15. I imagine that's why there hasn't been a word about this from BW lately. The amount of time, effort and money to create new characters and cutscenes for all eight classes will be substantial - and therefore probably expansion territory. With the amount of fires they need to put out in the near future, this has probably been shelved for the time being. That being said, I know a solid number of people were hoping from this from the beginning, and I hope they get their wish. Just as a X-Server LFG tool and server merges would make my gaming experience much better, this would undoubtedly make a lot of Bioware enthusiasts happy.
  16. I'm not screaming for the game's demise. Far from it. One doesn't have to be either a fanboy or a hater. On the contrary, I enjoyed the game a great deal - and still do, to some extent. However, it has glaring issues that need to be fixed. Until then, I don't see the point to me sticking around and paying them to drag their feet as they toss out vague promises and then underdeliver on content they do release.
  17. Having rerolled from a RP server that has gone low pop onto a high pop regular PvE server, I have to say that I miss the RP server feel. General chat is a cesspool of idiocy, names are moronic, and behavior is asinine. When/if server transfers come, I'd love to see a concerted effort to concentrate populations on one or two west coast RP servers (I don't care if it is PvE or PvP). For West Coast players, of course. Not that East Coast and the rest of the world couldn't do the same thing.
  18. Great. If BW manages to turn things around and improve the game, I'll happily resubscribe. But I'm not going to continue to pay for vague promises of "soon" and poor decision-making. So, while I wait for them to improve the game, they can wait for my money.
  19. That'd be great. I filled out the exit poll when I unsubscribed before 1.2 came out, and figured I'd just wait until my subscription elapses in late June to give them feedback again. But giving it to them now would be ideal, especially since concerns can change over time.
  20. I don't have a problem with waiting. I have a problem with paying for waiting.
  21. Yeah. I brought this up in another thread - give me one REAL reason against X-server LFG if it is optional to use. If you aren't going to use it...why would you care? As far as "the community" as an answer...don't make me laugh. Ever since I rerolled from a depopulated RP server onto a populated PVE server, all I see in general chat is rampant misogyny, homophobia, ignorance, and general idiocy. That's the community you're trying to protect?
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