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Everything posted by Randy_Marsh

  1. Early last year they did battlegroup mergers so you can pvp against people from other battlegroups moron.
  2. See you're just repeating some ******** rumors. There was never an 1800 glad . The only wow character i still have is named Discontinue on Illidan, i never got glad but you can see my 2200+ achievs...what's your characters name.
  3. ok you're retarded. The battlegroup merger happened less than a year ago unless you were talking about the formation of battle groups you're obviously full of **** and never did anything in arenas in the 1st place.
  4. lol that's definitely not true unless it was season 3 when 50 million teams were made.
  5. I'm sick being booted to the character screen near the end of a WZ and then logging back in and getting no credit at all for the last 20 minutes. Why would you hire a company that tanked their own ****** pvp based game to code your game. Wow volunteer mod makers would do better than this ****. I have next to no expectations for the quality of pvp in this game but STOP WASTING MY *********** TIME.
  6. Lighting doesn't even hit hard roll a sorc or sage and you'll see.
  7. Randy_Marsh

    Idiots of TOR

    Anyone trying to play this game for super competitive pvp is a joke.
  8. You don't know what you're talking about i break 300k every wz.
  9. I went full dark side it seemed to work fine. You're companions generally don't like it though.
  10. You're right people should just take their time to carry you if you want to play a useless spec.
  11. better cancel since they nerfed healing by 30% a week ago.
  12. I've been trying to finish my daily for the past 2.5 hours i've been 1 win away and won 3 games with no credit. Fix your broken game.
  13. they should just get rid of same faction warzones and let them sit in queue for a hour like Wow.
  14. The fact the servers are still up means the game is not worth sticking with.
  15. Brb Bioware. Can be the new term for taking a dump.
  16. Make sure everyone knows what a ****** job the dev's on swtor do. This is hilariously bad way beyond anything that happened in 8 years of Wow and it's been less than a month.
  17. The devs on this game just seem beyond retarded. Do they not realise that even if they fix their turret bug the change they made to the daily is going to make Illum not even worth going to since the faction with less people will lose interest and no one is giong to wait around all day for 30 kills. 50 million bugs at release, they delay their first patch and then release it late iwth massive game breaking bugs. If their isn't a roll back this game will become a big joke.
  18. Why are they so pig headed. Hint: Blizzard has more experience than you, Blizzard makes better games than you. Do what Blizzard does.
  19. Actually they adressed that after season 2 like 5 years ago...
  20. Do your eyes ever run out of tears?
  21. You buy them with warzones commendations lololol
  22. I find it very easy tbh, use your tank until you get Tharan then use him. Put 2 points into pinning resolve if you're having trouble and between you and your companion you can cc 4 targets.
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