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Posts posted by DeathHenk

  1. Yes ppl permanent choices are fun. But im not dedicating my life here. I want to play my character just like you only that I want the freedom to help my friends healing when we are short on a healer as I am normally a dps.

    And with a dual spec people are less forced to choose to stick with a spec. Heck with dual spec they are encouraged to test different talent trees, even if its from the same tree. With the current cost to respec people are less willing to test around with their specs because its expensive. But with dual spec they can have a spec they know that works and one they use to fill in the class role needed for the group or test new builds.


    Keeping the respec cost penalty also worries me that people who want to do pvp and pve are set up with a hard choice. Because they are forced to play a certain spec unless they pay the penalty to respec. For example, tanks are not able to play pvp as efficiently as they should when they would have a different spec for pvp. It will lead to people making the focus on one side of the game, will it be dps, tank or healing. However all of these 3 class roles are needed, but when making a choice on spec, especially the tanks, you look if you can play how you want to play the game. A tank in pvp is a nono unless he takes pvp talents with the pve spec. Healing has the same story, but dps is punished much less in fulfilling their role as a damage dealer. The choice on dps is often easily made. And consequently it would be a disaster to starve of tanks and healers...


    I sincerely hope bioware does implement dual spec into the game so we can be more versatile and helpful to others, because that's where it is about.

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