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Everything posted by Fygee

  1. I was thinking, since we have standard sabers, double sabers, and now saber pikes, why not think out of the box a bit and make some Japanese sword style light sabers, specifically the No Dachi? I know we have shoto sabers so there's some precedent there, but being able to rock a giant two handed light saber is something I've been wanting to do for a long time. To keep in the theme, I would presume it would be locked down to "one handed" styles only since dual weilding these would be absurd. For reference: http://www.trueswords.com/images/prod/78-odachi-sword-black-handle-and-scabbard-a46-tq6795.jpg
  2. There's a difference between easily attainable and blatant cash grab via what amounts to gambling. I purchased three hypercrates, and didn't get one platinum. That's completely absurd. One platinum per hypercrate seems fair to me. 26 per crate is foolish hyperbole. Games also shouldn't cater to rich people in any way. That's a personal opinion, but that style of gaming boils my blood. Imagine buying Street Fighter 2 back in the day and having to gamble to unlock M. Bison as a playable character. I also have a job and work 40-60 hours a week, so you can take that condescending tone and stuff it. Some of us have other financial responsibilities that don't allow us to blow lots of real money on fake items in a video game.
  3. The solution to me is simple. If you're going to go RNG, make it fair. Give players a fair chance to get good equipment with it, and trade for items that they need or want. Stingy RNGs just piss people off and make them feel like their time, effort, and money were wasted. Nobody wants to feel screwed when playing a video game for leisure. More crates are good, but it's still far less satisfying, and still less viable than just having higher odds of getting something worthwhile in the crates you're already getting. Would you rather find a hundred dollar bill in a stack of singles, or would you rather dig for one in a giant pile of pennies? Ditto for the Cartel Market packs, where you have a higher chance of winning on a jackpot on a real gambling machine than getting a platinum item in these packs.
  4. Agreed. All they need to do is fix the RNG so its more forgiving, and a lot of the issues and gripes would go away. It's great that they reinstituted a vendor system again, but that's still pretty harsh in how it's implemented. I get that this is top tier equipment and shouldn't be a breeze to get, but it needs to be fair.
  5. The fact that there's even any possibility of whaling in an MMO that runs off of a subscription model is the biggest issue here. Content like this should either be acquired through working for it in the game, or just purchased directly from the Cartel Market instead of having to deal with RNG ********. This isn't a crappy mobile game that exists to siphon funds.....or at least, it shouldn't be. Not sure if the developers realize this, but all this does is make people want to actually buy credits from those Chinese spammers just so they can get one or two of the platinum items they want off of the GTN for less money out of pocket than one 26 pack of crates.
  6. I like the previous one much better. They could have fine tuned it a bit if they wanted, but the current one is total balls.
  7. I enjoyed the story campaign missions, so no, its not a complete failure. I like the idea of the Light side vs. Dark Side and Galactic Command, but I just feel that it was poorly implemented, and also suffers from previous methods of acquiring gear being eliminated. I think with some work, and listening to people's feedback, they can improve it and make it worthwhile. First thing they need to do is stop being so damn miserly with the RNG odds.
  8. The RNG is completely unfair. That's also true for cartel market packs as well.
  9. Agreed. Being able to earn tokens for the entire game, and then have them useable at lvl 70 as an incentive to max your character, would be great. Ditto for Dark/Light tokens.
  10. The cost is obscene, not legacy wide, and the benefit is way too little. Swing and a miss BioWare.
  11. This is a stellar idea. I fully support this. If anything, it would be a nice break from all the crazy war going on before the Empire and the Republic inevitably go at each others' throats again.
  12. I think this is an amazing idea, and its something that's been sorely lacking in the game. For a game that's very story driven, and also developed by BioWare, I've always been surprised how relationships between characters tend to be explored less than they should be. Not just romantic ones, but in general. They use emails to fill in the gaps, but that just feels phoned in to me. At the very least, I would think that it should be at the same level of quality that Mass Effect is for that.
  13. At what point to we, or EA, hit a bar for what's acceptable for gaining revenue? Subscription fees are totally fine. It's been an established model for MMOs for a long time, and ensures both profits and costs are covered for both development and maintenance. The Cartel Market is fine as long as every item is cosmetic and/or not required to complete and of the game's content. The gambling is where I have a problem. A big problem. This isn't some dumb *** mobile game, and as a method of earning revenue for any game or platform, its a disgrace. We shouldn't have to spend stupid amounts of real world cash for top tier cosmetic items. We also shouldn't have to spend an amount of credits for those who sell them that is largely unattainable for most players that aren't hardcore.
  14. Being able to write your own would be really neat. They should add that.
  15. I noticed that and thought it to be a very strange addition to the Fleet combat area. Why would they have a detonator just chilling there for people set off?
  16. Considering the wealth of companions you get in KOTEE and KOTET, this shouldn't affect you too much.
  17. If you run through Drommund Kaas or Coruscant, you'll be up to your ears in lvl 1 mats from harvesting. No need to even bother with the crew missions for that. They sell fairly cheap on the GTN too if you don't want to bother with it. That's pretty much true for any resource depending on what world you're on.
  18. While a neat idea, I think it works better in practice to use your own imagination for that. That way it's always unique to you and your character.
  19. It really bothers me that whales have their own item tier. If we're paid subscribers, all items should either be attainable through gameplay, or priced cheaply and fairly on the Cartel Market.
  20. Leveling alts to at least get their main stories completed. After that I'll either do more CXP grinding on my main, or do all the expansion stories on a Republic character instead of Imperial.
  21. 5 years in, and we're still having to listen to the same companion dialogue when we're in a mission. It would be great if you could get your voice talent to record some new lines for them to mix things up, instead of the same three canned phrases we always here. Even better, please make some lines specific to characters that have been romanced, and also have their loyalty ratings higher. Its weird that my romantic interest at the end of the KOTET still says the same default phrases as when I first met them way back in the beginning of the game.
  22. Honestly, all of the great single player content with the latest expansions is exactly what got me to resubscribe to the game. I've thoroughly enjoyed the last two expansions, and I'm really looking forward to what's up next. I'm all for adding other content that's more in line with the MMO aspect of the game, but not at the expense of the great single player PvE content we've been getting.
  23. This will probably fall on deaf ears, but the new packs are very underwhelming, and reek of "whale bait", forcing people to spend a lot of cash for the small chance of getting gold items, and the much, much smaller chance of getting platinum items. I miss the good old days where equipment like this could either be acquired through gameplay, or through the Cartel Market without it being left up to chance, and therefore not being stupidly expensive. I was really jonesing to get Senya's lightsaber pike, but that's looking to be a pipe dream now. I simply can't justify myself spending hundreds of dollars from one in-game item.
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