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Posts posted by VixenRawR

  1. It's not as bad as, say, Ragnarok Online or BDO. Those games are insanely grindy.


    Ugh I played AION...lol I think I could probably get 10 70's on swtor before I got to lvl 40 on that game. It was so grindy. Couldn't even do pve content because it required groups to progress the story. It was so dumb. Do one solo dungeon and locked out for 23 hours...so you had go grind a few quests that gave liek 1/50 of your lvl upon completion and they were the kind of quests that said "Gather 25 Hearts from a crab" or something and you could only find about 10 crabs on the whole map and it had a 30% chance of dropping a heart.


    Ugh FK that game! :D


    Rift...lol gear gap central. What a sorry excuse for a mmo...I cant say I know what some of these other mmos are because I read about them and could instantly tell it was a gear and grind frenzy so I never played.

  2. Icykill_ For president!


    I completely agree. I would rather see issues fixed. The fact that snipers can roll and operatives get stuck in roll means its not roll thats the problem, but rather the inability to fix the problem.


    I think it would go a long way if they fixed the roll bug. At least for me.

    Removed the cooldown on the /stuck as I doubt they are going to fix everything. Just the other night I was in my Tatooine stronghold and was walking up the stairs and I got stuck on the wall...like what??? Not even on a tree, or in the crack of a rock, or on another object placed...just the wall. Granted there are no cooldowns for /stuck in strongholds but it happens to me everywhere. I am scared to jump because I fear if I touch anything before I land ill be stuck.


    I don't even want shiny stuff, or new stuff if old stuff can't be fixed.


    I mean if they started pumping out new warzones bug free and there were still a few glitches in the old ones I might not complain because that would be actual content and not just random bling...though I still would want old stuff fixed.


    They proved it with Oddesson...make all warzones cross faction.



  3. What I hate the most is when I end up in an arena where the other side has a tanking class + healer (non-Ranked) and my PuG doesn't even realize that guard and taunts exist.


    "Everyone focus healer"

    "That won't work, we need to force guard swaps or peel away the tank-"


    ~Everyone on our team dies and their healer never drops below 80% heath~



    "That's exactly what we did last tim-"


    ~Same story~




    -Story of every arena in swtor, ever


    At this point I can't even tell if the game needs guard+taunt to be tuned down, or a mandatory tutorial on how tank protection works, and why swaps are important.


    Your teams dmg was bad. You should "FOCUS THE HEALER" if you want to win.


    Unless the healer is bad, or the tank can't guard swap...then it wont matter as everyone will die.


    I find that no matter what...if I am healing and everyone is focusing the tank or dps...you just made my job a lot easier. I can just freecast and use perfect rotation without bothering to waste cooldowns on other abilities and lose healing potential.


    Tanks aren't taunting 24/7 They cant aoe taunt very often, and they can't single taunt the entire team. A healer being focused will weaken the tank causing the healer to focus heals off itself and onto tank as well. If you can get the dps caught into aoes thats even better. Focusing healer doesn't just mean sit there and blindly dps. You need to keep it interrupted constantly. Everyone spamming interrupts will quickly see a healer to run. Timing knockbacks is great. Sure use cc to separate the tank and healer but that is just used to focus healer and included. The only time you break off heals if they barrier, or phase far away or the enemy in the midst of aoe or dmg through guard is dropping well below 30% and you could turn and quickly burst it down before the healer in all its glory can do anything. That is when you could stun the healer and quickly take out the tank or a dps.


    Otherwise focusing the healer is better than people tunneling the tank or just splitting up dps across all targets.


    Interrupting innervate on a sorc is probably the BEST thing you can do. It allows for so much mobility and procing that you never want to see it get the full channel. Interrupting late into a heal cast (Not channel) is great because if they spam dark heal and you interrupt it towards the later half of the cast you just wasted all that time they spent casting, now they have to wait for it to come back too.


    The problem is people don't know how to focus a healer right.


    Btw if a tank guard swaps it most likely will just swap back to healer the moment it is damaged, If its bad it will just stay on healer and you will be wasting your time as the healer will be healing all the dps because it isn't being focused.


    I am sure maybe in some perfect team speak FOTM pos ranked arena team where everyone plays easy mode classes that will never die this might work in the hopes of getting one big coordinated attack off on the healer before guard is applied once more.


    Either way, if you can focus the healer right with good interrupts, cc, and burst...it should die even under guard.

  4. EVERY single wz can be won without killing a single opponent, without exception!

    Civil War = cap and guard

    Novare = cap and guard

    Stunball = grab and score

    Hypergate = cap and guard / run orbs / ninja enemy pylon

    Quesh Stunball = grab and score

    Voidstar = guard on defense / plant on offense

    Arena's can be won by immunity bubble timing / having more health than opponent in gas / CC them in gas away from mid, etc

    At no time are kills "needed".

    Ask yourself this question: How many times has your team had two turrets in civil war, only to lose because people went "kill hunting", bored with guarding for the win, and you lost one or both pylons?

    I'll take a boring win over a hotly contested loss ANY day!


    If you have a majority of healers on your team, the above strategies will give you the win. I'll take an abundance of healers over zero healers any wz.


    First off kills DO matter in hypergate a lot. I've seen double caps fail under the slaughter of the other team. Unless they double cap more than once.


    Only an idiot would lose a node when not dead. So unless the guards have the brains of a pigeon...good luck capping.


    People who win arenas with bubble should just uninstall the game. Arena's are stupid anyways. Who cares if you win. I just leave if its a sorc healfest. I have better things to do like get into a real warzone.


    I've actually had civil wars where our team ran in a pack of 8, predation spam and just moved from node to node slaughtering and capping. They were so disorganized because they didn't know what to expect that even t hough they capped the node we left empty a dozen times we were holding 2-3 nodes most the match. Doubt this is sound logic, but I actually convinced people to do this a lot a few years ago and it worked really well. Course if your dmg is bad it wont work to well...its fun to try something different though.


    It's fine I sometimes guard grass at snow. People are so bad it won't matter. I spent a civil war going and ganking people at grass and snow and kept both nodes while everyone fought in mid. I would usually make it back to the other node in time....course my sin no longer has phasewalk...*sigh*


    "Grab and score." Are you grabbing a fold of hutt fat and considering it a score? >.>


    I find a lot of times I just pull/push the ball carrier into acid or fire and thank them for bringing me the ball. Why fight your way up?

  5. Why do people think they should survive a tunnel? I mean have the years of playing sorc with barrier and phasewalk and now merc struck people dumb? No one should survive a tunnel unless they have a team helping them survive. But being ganked 1 v 4...sorry you should die. Sure there are ways to prolong it, or even escape...but surviving no.


    First off as a sniper, you shouldn't be in the middle of a gank. If people start forming up on you, the tank should give you guard. If you dont have a tank..and a healer. Then hopefully you have dpst hat can at least taunt or keep them at bay with knockbacks, and other forms of cc. People should know the potential of snipers and at least try to protect them and peel for them when no tank or heal present and even so if being tunneled.


    If you have multiple melee on you, use cover pulse and push them away...the root will keep them at bay. If they manage to cleanse it. Leg shot the biggest threat. When they start to reach you, cover escape away. Course if you are engineering like so many...keep plasma probe up to constantly slow them. Legshot as often as practical.


    I'd save flashbang for targets that you are certain don't have their cc breaker up as long as it wont get broken in the frenzy of aoes and such.


    If people are on you and you dont have your knockback, use covered escape. If that isn't up and you NEED to move. Then hard stun and move, or get up and root at least one melee and try to get away from the other. Root the jugg or mara thats on you as they will just leap if you get up and move. An op can just cleanse your root, and a PT has enough range, and H/O for it to not matter and the sin will just low slash you anyways. Hopefully it got knocked back and is still rooted. Though if it has used force speed...the root still good to use on the sin. I take back what I said about the PT...it will be dead by then.


    Usually melee are the ones caught up in all the plasma probes, aoe and team gank while range maneuver out of the way. You are a sniper and will have more range in general so keep your distance from ranged targets with a well placed legshot.


    If you can escape being tunneled and make people turn towards nearer targets you can sometimes place youself in a position that blocks another ranged target from attacking you while you still have los of other melee. Though you may not be able to tunnel the other range you wont take dmg from them and you can kill their melee as they crawl to you if they even bother.

  6. I use my 'Dragonslayer' title all the time, it doesn't seem to invite trouble.


    Once your on the scene for a while, and most of the regular PVPers get to know you well enough to gauge your skill level, most of them are not going to be apt to attack you simply because you have a title that denotes you are a hardcore PVEer [Raider].


    lmfao, I don't even know what that title is. I don't even bother reading peoples names 99% of the time. Title, guild, name, anything doens't really mean anything in a pvp.


    About the only thing I keep my eye out for are sorcs. Remnant sorcs of years of being FOTM, their potential off heals. Sure ill attack other people but I will make sorc 100% my priority in target acquisition before I even kill another player unless there are heal ops and mercs and no sorc healer...the sorc may get lucky.


    The moment you turn your back on a sorc its a healer, or a dps who starts spamming dark heal. Just assume all are heals and see them thru to the end. =) Happy day. Dead sorc.

  7. I'm not avoiding them. Just not playing lvl 70 unless no other brackets are popping. Once they fix the gear gap I will nearly exclusively play lvl 70.


    Yup. I have been rerolling instant 65 token chars a lot. Played lowbies a little bit but got overrun by premades of sin bots that ruined ques.


    Sometimes lowbies is really fun because of the balance issues of 5.0 don't exist there. Though you run into OP dps sorc. But I love how OP poison is in the lowbie bracket as well. Plus it is my hope to destroy all the bad mercs and make them give up long before entering mids.

  8. I just don't like hearing people talk while I pvp. I'd rather listen to music. Without a mic, premades are pointless, and aren't really any different than solo.


    Haha so true. A lot of times when I premade I don't talk to them either. I just like being in a group with like minded people. People who can act and think like a team. Though I do talk, its to the team and I know the people I am with will listen...that is the only difference.


    People act like premades are like some Airline Pilot receiving instructions to land by Air Traffic Control with perfect precision of wording, timing, instructions and so on.


    Most the time its just pvp like normal but in a group, at least it is for me. No voice comms, no strategic perfect synced Ambush gank at all times with matching ping and fluidity. Just pvp, responding to calls, being aware. When you play with skilled players who aren't letting nodes fall absently minded, focusing a tank instead of a healer...then there isnt a lot of room to communicate. They are doing EVERYTHING I would have said to the 7 other players when I solo qued. Here are some popular phases I end up using.


    "Why are 6 people at east when I am fighting 6 people at west?"


    "Wrong Endzone."


    "Pass the ball."

    *10 seconds later*

    "You passed it to the enemy"


    "CC the *enter class here*"

    *watches in horror as door timer hits 7.9 seconds then attacked by a jugg who walked 30m to hit me, absent saber throw and leap*


    "Incoming 6"

    The other 7 teammates are like pigeons gathering at a bird bath and beyond any location near the door.


    "Vote Kick Afk player."

    They afk player remains in the zone for the entire match standing around in a corner. Btw YOU CAN KICK THEM. It works.


    "Focus target" = Run about and attack various things including force storm on empty spaces.


    I actually had that happen once. I was on my op I think and I was destroying this sorc, like the fight was completely in my favor. Instead of making attempt to distance themselves, heal or do more dmg...then turn and try to force storm an empty area in hoping to find the other stealth...uh you have other pressing concerns. It wasn't even in a spot that revealing the stealth would have helped their team.


    You ever have those matches where you feel like you tray your hardest but nothing is dying. Sure they have a healer, but your entire team is there..dmg should be happening, targets should be at half life...but nothing. I actually watched this happen and so I escaped combat, took a step back from battle and watched to my horror as my team ran about like they were in a school play for a mock battle. I saw at least 2 players just running around in the battle, free of ability casting. I saw another player standing in acid in huttball fighting and no attempt to leave and was not cc'd. I saw a sorc using saber strike over and over, I saw juggernaughts using similiar auto attacks. I saw another sorc get leaped to and they used barrier at 94% health. I think I quit...I just...why? Are they trying to look busy in hopes good players will carry them...guess they all thought that cause it was so sad that I stopped playing for a few days.


    Solo que all you want in your communist system of the good carrying the weight of the rich. Sorry I don't partake in that small slice of pie life. I aim for getting the biggest slice of pie, why should I share what I earn? I will group any day I think it will be more advantageous than to try to carry the burden of 7 bads on my back.

  9. This is why it sucks to say anything with an opinion in PVP section.


    I quoted offhealing to talk about the offhealing aspect and I'm getting quoted telling me I'm wrong about the healing tree. I SAID NOTHING ABOUT THE HEALING TREE.


    Arsenal mercs and Innovative Ordinance mercs and their baseline healing abilities.


    Not the Bodyguard merc which is designed to heal as its main job.


    To be fair you said nothing about Arsenal or I/O. You weren't even clear on which specs. You talked mainly about heal changes for the class as a whole.


    You said nothing about any tree. So when you speak about mercs in general, you are implying the healing tree as well. You should have specified instead of getting snippy. ^^


    The only thing mentioned a little bit was merc off healing, but replied to a post both including off healing and healing. All options were open to respond to.

  10. You were farmed? oh man thats too bad someone twisted your arm and forced you to keep joining warzones. You sound like a real victim. Hopefully BW listens to your ideas.


    Bioware forced me to give up my first born child. =(


    Made me so mad when I was in third grade and got in trouble because a kid "tattle tailed" on me about something and said, that I told them to do something. The few times that happened I was placed at higher blame than the person who committed the crime.


    Like did I tell you to jump off a cliff? Because if my words held so much power....many things would be happening now.





  11. Rotations are meaningless in PVP unless for procing abilities. You can't depend on simple rotation. Like I won't use certain abilities if I know the target is about to die. I might save it for the target I am about to attack..thus switching my rotation.


    I mean there is a simple rotation that must be followed on certain classes just to obtain good spread of burst and maintained dps. However mindlessly following rotations is what gets people killed by saber reflect, or spamming white dmg on deflection. There are to many reasons why rotations fail. They differ per class you fight and what abilities they use. One of the only classes you could rotate on mindlessly is a Sorc and Powertech as none of their abilities really nullify ranged/melee/tech/force damage.


    I understand what people are asking, but I see so many people try to follow rotation and never adapt to the warzone which is constantly evolving every second. Should you cast Ambush at a target 1 second away from capping your node...but rotation...:D


    "Well that's common sense."


    Yeah...we both know from the warzones we have played that common sense is far removed from many players. Heck even a workable rotation is among many. So it is good to learn how to use your powers in successive rotation, and the moment you learn it, learn how to not use it in fights.

  12. How about just make a daily or weekly that requires you to solo que. So no loss if you avoid it, and no big deal for hard core pvpers as they will solo que and premade...but it might increase amount of solo ques. This is the only middle ground I find acceptable. Flat out removing group ques or splitting it is a bad idea and will reduce pops.


    I'd be all in favor of some long solo que weekly though. Like win 15 matches solo que. You dont HAVE to do it. Yet it is there, and I am sure plenty of people will act upon it. Though the complaint will be, "I can't pvp and having to do 15 solo ques is to long." You dont have to do every weekly, I don't I don't even do any. I level up all chars only pvp and I ignore all daily and weekly rewards. At max level I dont care if I do them either if I have them sure but I just pvp. That's me, I am sure people who like grinding wont care cause its just another mission to complete. Yet this may create more solo que players.


    My two cents. Jk they are worth millions of dollars. :D


    P.S. I don't care about CXP, it is what it is and I hate it. I would never want it to affect my ability to team play as I dont have all the time in the world to play. Some weeks I dont play, some times I only play on the days there would be "DBL CXP" or whatever...and would hate to find I couldn't team with friend because of it.

  13. You are a sniper. Guard the node within 30m to give distance but not be stretched to far if knocked back. Face in a direction where you can plainly see the node and direction where enemies approach. Do not place your back against a wall or structure. Melee will place themselves against the wall when they fight you and make your knockbacks useless. Also it impairs your range and vision as snipers have best vantage when 360 range is free of obstruction though in reality there is always obstruction. Do not stand on top of node you will lose it that way due to stuns.


    Always remain in cover, no need to stand around like a bimbo XD as it will increase your range to stealth. Depending on warzone use entrench the moment you see stealth or groups about to be upon you.


    The moment you see anything, make a call to your team.


    Hypergate: Inc 1, 2, or 3 just say number You don't have to say side as you are most like guarding the only capped node in the match. Watch timer, pop entrench when you realize the cooldown will match the timer to the end. Then stealth have no option but to fight you.


    Voidstar. If guarding the direction you are facing when you jump out is left or right. Just call that. East or West is confusing to so many people as the map is upside down not in favor of basic thinking. XD Like reading a map that's upside down and giving directions.


    Civil war. Call Mid, Snow or Grass. When you land from speeder you will notice one side is way more snowy and the other is way more grassy. Refer to those nodes as grass or snow. Snow and Grass are considered off nodes. They are long walks and consider an expense to another team to send people out that way as they usually just fight in mid most the time...though sometimes you will see plenty of action.


    Novare coast. Call mid, east and west. You have a minute before the match. Find which side is yours, memorize if it is east or west. If you still get confused, still call inc + number. You are the only one there, and the rest are at mid fighting. If someone calls inc at mid thats stupid...they should realize its you. The team should be aware of who is guarding, you have a name. They have a map, and can locate you if they cared to play objectively. It's basic sense to listen for the voice of the guard and respond to call.


    Oddesson: Way to much for a new player. Just follow the zerg. Lol. The map is a little confusing and I dont think you will play enough to care.


    Huttball. Just sit on ramps and shoot the ball carrier. May not be the best approach but I am sure you wont want to carry it as you might get turned around and bring the ball to your endzone instead of theirs. =)


    Arenas...consider it a quicker match for valor. =)


    Most important of all, to wash your hands free of fault when you die guarding a node...MAKE THE CALL! If you can quickly type "GRASS 1" or just grass if you dont know the number then when it drops and no one comes to aid, its their fault. Remember, calling AFTER you die isnt good enough. You will be to blame as no one can respond to that quick enough. Dont bother correcting typo if you cant, if you say grass 3 when you meant 2...who cares there might be 3 anyways from stealth.


    Bring friends who pvp, they might help you and protect you. A pocket healer might be nice. =)


    Also while guarding. Spam suppressive fire in random locations to root out stealth that may approach...especially if you have been approached by one or two. If you are being ganked at node and help doesnt come...then stop gaurding. You wont win anyways cause team is dumb and no point in getting frustrated by a dozen deaths.


    In the end, do your best and who cares what people think as you wont be around long enough for it to matter. Though I say try your best, and see if you can have fun, maybe you will find enjoyment in pvp afterall. ^^


    Whatever you do, do not say "HELP". That will make you look worse than a noob. I see people call for help just because they get attacked and they want the whole team to save them at the cost of the node. Help means you have lost all awareness of not only the map, the enemies, your teammates but yourself. Help is the word people use when their mouse batteries die, their dial up connection was interrupted due to a phone call, and for people who cannot locate the WASD keys on their keyboard. So don't use it.


    If you fail to grasp where you are, what is going on, how many attack. Just say, "Inc" That is the last resort. Like I said, most people will be in a 7 v 7 at mid so "inc" should instantly imply the other node is being attacked.


    Good luck!

  14. sooo.... let's put it like this. you have 8 people, they have 8 people. logically that means you have someone to cover their healers and they have someone to cover yours. if one dps was all it took to shut down a healer, there is literally 0 point to ever playing a healer at all. dps players just want to do their 800 dps and think things should just fall at their feet and get mad when they don't.


    You really don't understand anything I say do you? You believe your sorc can just turret heal against 4 people and live. I'm not saying they should just melt into the ground. But they should never win a 1 v 1, in the end they should fail by lack of energy, or cooldowns.


    So you believe a healer should win in a 1 v 1? Should never ever die, because that's stupid.Tanking and guard are so easy to apply that a healer takes 20% life from attacks through taunt and guard. On top of that they should already be able to survive multiple people as they already do? Even through the burst of mercs and snipers...sorc healers still reign supreme.


    There is plenty of point, I have played healers in dozen mmos and they never were able to 1 v 1 and always win. Not to say a healer can't win a 1 v 1, but based on skill. If you really think about it, healers are still more op than eng snipers, conceal operatives and mercs why? Cause no one allows them in duels...because it would be stupid op and a waste of time.


    Healing in this game is way over the top. To easy with guards, and now the ease of dps sins, juggs and pt to guard swap.


    I guess people just like to stand around gaining zero kills with heals and tanks.


    Fine keep your heals.Then they should introduce abilities to cut heals by 50% and not 20% or cause those 20% abilities to stack up to 3x if applied by 3 different players.That or an ability to disable guard and put guard on a cast or cooldown, or reduce range of it. The overall Meta of swtor is stripped of reason when multiple heals or heals with guard are introduced in abundance.


    So many people spoiled who mained sorc and its FOTY easy mode heals.


    Healing wouldnt be so bad maybe if dps lacked the ability to heal. No h2f powers, just dcds.


    This is why I've enjoyed Marauders for so long. They are where dps should be at. Their cooldowns require timing and aren't just dumb down h2f garbage. If that is how dps were, then sure heals would be okai. But when you get easy escapes, barrier, phasewalk for sorcs only, h2f x3 on mercs that make healers which are already to hard to kill impossible to kill under guard then you just get boring healfest. Sure mercs are only popular because bads can run around and stay alive forever, their burst hasn't changed, it's just easy to turret mode a merc just like sorc heals do. They don't have to apply reason, tactics or much skill to gain numbers in a warzone.


    But you know, let's just have no one ever die in pvp.


    ....and btw, you did say someone was covering the healer...so that would make it a 1 v 2...the healer being covered would win...there you go...your logic has failed, your thinking is flawed...and that is the purpose of a team. They cover healer, they win.

  15. Mercs heal a large amount now but the actual healing abilities have not become better than they were last year and frankly since the start of the game.


    And that is what I'm saying, the offhealing is not where the healing is coming from.


    What? My first char was merc heals at launch. They have improved a lot. I actually liked merc healing more than other healers in 3.0. It's a lot more fun, and though they had survivability issues until 5.0 they still could heal for quite a bit. I'd put ops below merc healing even before 5.0. Ops have just been lacking in everything when it comes to heals. Their only burst forces them to me a stationary turret that gets massacred if standing around. I think merc heals are fine. I think sorc heals need to be checked. Roaming mend should have a cast, and the utility can make it cast while moving and innervate should be stand and cast...this would reduce the sorcs 100% mobile healing.

  16. I got on my pub today to see if I could help. I did a few warzones and I was carrying everyone so bad. All everyone played was heals and tanks. So boring. Pubs mentality to not getting better is to create stalemate of boredom.
  17. Yup just did a match with everyone tanking and healing....I'd rather just fight all arsenal mercs and snipers, 4 of each instead of stalemate bs of healfests.


    They should remove guard from dps period. And healers should recieve 50% reduced healing received from other healers.

  18. Shouldn't take half the team to take down one healer, maybe if there are two. The problem is finding dps and tanks that are competent enough to properly stun and interrupt. However my argument is that it is way harder for a good healer to get the minimum 8 medals for max valor than a horrible dps that does very minimum damage.


    1 v 1 a healer should always lose to a dps. They shouldn't be able to to out heal a single dps ever. Not saying they should crumple up and die after being hit twice. A healer is useless solo as it is needed to help the team, a tank already guards a healer and makes it insanely strong...and team should peel for a healer. Not to say a good healer vs a bad dps should die...but if I 1 v 1 myself as a healer I should never live forever. Otherwise just que with 2 heals, leave one to guard and call it a win. Dumb mechanics make it where sorcs can't be 1 v 1 unless they are stupid.

  19. I wish when people asked this that they would at least an attempt at what might work. Like I think this spec would be best, with these utilities, I wonder what the rest of people think? I mean you might find you have a better understanding than plainly asking. Another is, have you tried to pvp? I mean the game really doesn't have tons of options so you can't go totally wrong even if the right utilities are picked, you might find that they don't work out that well to begin with.


    I find its a lot more fun to figure out what build works best. I mean asking about what mods, with all the bolster and the ability of min/maxing takes a bit more understanding which is annoying since this game doesn't have a good way of showing real numbers. So I dont mind people asking about that, heck I always have to wonder a lot of the times what is the exact best for my build.

  20. Players don't test because Bio don't organise it or even announce the PTS is up. I've asked them to put a notice on the login screen heaps of times for when it's up and to organise test times so people know when to get on.

    They've done it only "once" in the past when we got them to do it to prove their proposed changes to capping while getting AOE in Void Star would be game breaking. The only way we knew was because they announced the proposed changes a mo th before they went live. Now they don't do that and just dump changes without announcing them.

    If they actually announced class changes and did some real testing and some quality assurance with "real" pvpers and not someone internal like Eric Musco and friends, then maybe we could catch these things well before they are finalised and it is much easier for them to adjust.


    Don't spout logic!


    It's obvious EAware and their limited knowledge of anything balanced or fun knows best. Leave it to the masters who will ruin life itself for the idea of a single cent more of profit!


    I feel that the devs get bored with one class to make another OP so they can play it.

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