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Everything posted by Khanic

  1. I've seen worse lvl 30+ players then lvl 10. I respect those that queue at lvl 10, at least they are willing to learn their class in a pvp environment from the get go instead of the lvl 49 Maruder who only has never played a warzone yet and decides to get ready for 50, then gets facerolled and comes to the forums and complain that (insert class here) is op and....oh wait...I better stop before I give away the QQ thread maker agenda away...
  2. Would be indeed awesome, though I'd image all the posts about how OP the Sarlac is.
  3. That depends, do we have to fight our way out of the sarlac pit once we fall in?
  4. This, it is annoying as hell. I've had people complain to me to stop doing it because of how loud and annoying it is. I'd still take it over the 30m green light of love though. With all the sounds that take place in this game, it can get drowned out but a bright green light going all over the place...ya. I hope they do something about it but oh well what can ya do.
  5. Nice damage man and gratz. Gotta give a shout out to angry pencil though, all that damage and only 22 kills? Dang lucky you guys had good protection and heals or it might have looked different lol.
  6. Khanic

    Marauder threads

    The thing with the Maru/Sent Defensive abilities is they need them. They are a pure DPS class and are in melee range which we all no can be a pain in the butt some times. They don't have a healing tree or a tank tree to draw from for an increase in staying power. So lets see, Undying Rage, the 5 second "Holy crap let me take you all with me ability...oh crap I'm stunned". For 5 seconds you take 99% less damage. A good Maru would pop this at about 15% - 20 % health, depending on the situation. They'll try to keep you from capping that node or planting that bomb but really, all you need is to root their butt or stun em. Any decent player saves their CC for when they need em, which unfortunately isn't the case most of the time and people blow them like its free candy. I feel part of the problem is a lack of knowledge when dealing with the FOTM classes. People never take the time to go look up the class they are having problems with, analyzing their abilities that seem to be killing you and then looking at your class as on how to counter them. I feel if people would just take a second to go to torhead or darthater and just look, read, and plan they'd be much more prepared and better overall pvper.
  7. Khanic

    List your kill order

    Depending on my character really determines my kill order but as a DPS: 1. Snipers/Gunslingers - Left alone they will wreck havoc on your team. Anyone who plays these or has seen a good one knows they will destroy. 2. Healers - Pretty explanatory. Keep a healer busy keeping himself alive and he wont be busy keeping other alive. If you can't kill them, you can at least keep them busy. 3. Maruder/Sent/PT/Van: Because of the High DPS these players can whip out, I put them at third. The reason they aren't up top is because a lot of them are FOTM rollers and most well...suck. You can tell the difference between a veteran and a FOTM roller pretty easily. 4. Anyone else: When it gets to this point, it is against players I know play way. You learn some legacy names as you pvp longer and you'll notice good players and their legacy names and know to take them out. Thats about it...unless I'm playing under the influence that order should stay the same lol.
  8. Howdy everyone, Hope everyone is having a great week and all the fun jazz. I went and searched the gunslinger forums for any info on our offhand weapon and I have a few questions that I didn't believe answered in the three threads I saw on search function. First things first, I played a sniper to level 40 until our server started becoming dead ( as I'm sure a lot of people are experiencing) and re-rolled onto a more populated server as a gunslinger. A friend of mine said that the story was very entertaining and funny so I wanted to give it a chance. My questions are: After rolling a gunslinger, I noticed our offhand was very under powered compared to our main hand, which is to be expected no doubt. I was wondering, is their anything that can be done to improve the overall effectiveness of the offhand pistol? By that I mean should I stack more accuracy then I would on say my sniper or maybe grab more power/crit then normal ( I know this probably wouldn't help it but I'm just throwing ideas out). I guess what I'm trying to get at is there a way to make the pistol more effective and contribute better to my overall DPS. I'm only level 13 so I know I'm no where near experienced with the gunslinger and I'm hoping my experience with the sniper helps me play this class effectively. Thanks in advance for any answers and I hope you all have a great weekend, Khanic
  9. A Timer does need to be added. I play Republic on an empire dominated server and I don't know how many times I'd wish we'd have the timer back. I guess leaving a match is our only option when it is a 5 v 8 or lower but I don't like leaving a match. Oh well, Bioware will keep screwing the Pvp community. What else is new?
  10. I always thought he/she was speaking into a device using commands such as Activate Kolto Infusion or some crap. Hell he could be ordering a sammich for all I know.
  11. It can be annoying to be in the process of stealthing up to someone only to get knocked out before you get there. I've started to taking a wide birth when approaching someone to avoid these as possible which helps but its annoying as hell because it takes more time to get to your target. I understand why AoE, Dots, etc knock us out of it but dang nabbit it is annoying lol.
  12. Both Lethality and Concealment have their uses. Personally I am more of a concealment guy, I prefer to pressure their main guy(s) and stealth cap/plant when I can over the AoE dot. I've ran both and I have to say, if you want to piss off a healer, run Leth. The AoE dots will make their healers work over time and burn through their resources at a quicker rate then say Concealment Ops. Now sure, the Dots do not do a ton of damage on their own but combined with your group damage and your other abilities, it adds more to the overall damage cake that the healers wont be able to keep up with. Now Concealment is a different story. A lot of people think that the ConOp should be assisting the group in dealing with healers/squishies and that is true for the most part unless the Op sees an opening. For example: If I am flying on the speeder in Civil war and I see only one person at say Snow side Node, I may break off from my group and see if I can solo cap and give us an advantage (Note I would not do this if we already own two nodes UNLESS a Node is being too pressured, to which I would attempt the node to possibly peel an attacker or two off the contested node.) After 1.2, Ops (no matter what spec) have to play smarter then before to be effective. We have to pick our targets wisely, plan out of attack and execute without any mistakes or we will get rolled. This is what separates the good ops from the bad ones, those who can adapt and execute their strategies without mistakes. So to those who still play an Operative/Scoundrel like myself, I salute you, for no matter how many times we get nerfed, trolled or have a QQ post made in our Honor, we still come back and show the PvP community that we will continue to knock you on your butt and that we will continue to be that terror in the dark that you just don't know when will strike. /rantandpeptalk
  13. My question to you would be: What does calling them out accomplish? I mean push comes to shove it does nothing. FOTM rollers will always do what they do and that is their right. Also, how can you tell the difference between a FOTM and a new player who decided to roll a Maruder/Sin/Sent/Shadow? If I was a new player and someone had shouted at me that I should be ashamed, I'd probably troll you all match long and destroy you. Complaining about FOTM players is like complaining about the Line at your local Secretary Of State office on a busy day: Pointless and a waste of time.
  14. Nah man, you made the right call. If you are already loosing 4-0 as you said, even if you tried to make a run for it, good chance you wouldn't make it (Not doubting your abilities but if you don't have a good team support, I doubt you'd had made it..) I've done the same thing, especially if we get it at our endzone, I throw it at a far corner and call out "reset". This normally lets my team know that the ball will reset and that anyone at mid should try to get it. Plus this way, if they do get it, they have a few of our team waiting for them at the endzone and corresponding catwalks. This also makes it more of a sound ability in PUG groups because you don't know how these team mates are going to respond. For all you know, you could have passed it and the guy ran right back to your endzone to get killed so the enemy can score ( I've had that happen before and I was pretty upset). The name calling is never needed. People do not learn and will want to pvp less if they are going to be verbally harassed when ever they queue. The worst I do is say " (insert name here) I was at your upper right for a pass" and if they go sorry didn't see you, I'll just respond with a no worries. Most of the time, people appreciate civility in a pvp match and they play better as the match goes on.
  15. Trash is a reference to mobs of a lower level. General mobs of enemies containing either/or a mix of weak, normal, and strong enemies are considered trash. Enemies that are easy to defeat. Skills like the Troopers Mortar volley AoE ability make quick work of these mobs so your team can progress through flashpoints/Operations quickly and reduce times. Boss fight with adds is basically when you are fighting an End Game Boss (champion/Elite ranked) at the end or sometimes during an Operation/Flashpoint and other enemies join during the duration of the fight, such as weak, normal, and/or strong enemies. Using AoE abilities on these mobs helps reduce the effect these trash mobs have on the overall fight and help increase the survival of the encounter. hope this helps
  16. I kid you not, I literally LOL'd at the thought of that, you'd have so many threads started about how OP it is and crap. Would be hilarious to have a skill you could put points into to have it stun the target for 2 secs, kinda like crash did for the Sith Juggernaut. I'd probably die from it just because I'd laugh so hard I couldn't hit the right buttons.
  17. I want my giggle back giggle back giggle back. I want my giggle back giggle back giggle back. I want my giggle back giggle back giggle back. GIGGLE!!! BRING IT ON BACK!!! <giggle>
  18. You know you play too much SWTOR when.... 1. You are walking down the street, trip over a crack, and lay there expecting to hear Baron Deathmark go: "Ouch! Oldest hazard on the court Frogdog! 2.You try to suck up to the boss with a gift and look for a +94 affection increase pop over his head. 3. You tell someone you'll do something dangerous blindfolded just for fun. 4. You start slicing every computer in front of you hoping to disengage the turret. 5. You scream: UNLIMITED POWER ever time lightning strikes. 6. You try to shock your girlfriend, thinking you left the slave collar on. 7. You go out and buy slave outfits for all your girl friends.
  19. Khanic

    Glitch in Hutball

    I believe you are talking about Intrecede (I believe), I've seen juggs do it who aren't high enough level to have that skills. I think it is a glitch because I've seen ops do it, jugs, sorcs, commandos etc. What it is, you go to either teams pit and you go to either corner that is facing to the center of the map (where the ball spawns) you run into this corner and just keep running and hit the jump button constantly, eventually you glitch and appear somewhere else towards that way. I've tried to replicate it and only managed to do it once. I don't know if it is a predetermined place or if it is random but I do believe it is a glitch and not so much an exploit or hack.
  20. Had that happen for the first time last night. Was planting a bomb, died but it still showed me planting and couldnt res till I was done. Kinda made me laugh, would have been more funny if it actually planted!
  21. Khanic

    PvP can be tough!

    Just keep trying. Learn your class in and out. Learn who are the easy targets for you and who are people you should try to avoid. Remember, all three WZ's are objective based thus, you'll not only learn more but you'll also garner respect from your team mates if they see you out there running to the ball, or guarding that node. Like I said at the beginning, just keep trying, you'll gain experience the more you play. Oh and don't worry about being a clicker. I'm a clicker with keybinds so I have the best of both worlds.
  22. Once I hit 10, I grab my AC, my first pvp daily and get to work. I have no problem with 40's, 30's, or even high 20's. You have to use the lower levels to learn your class, your role, and how to best pvp with your play style. Everyone plays differently but I get a smile on face when I take out a lvl 40 who is more focused on trying to take care of our higher level team members while a lowbie is tearing him down. Plus I'm actually surprised by the amount of low 40s who do not have the lvl 40 pvp gear, making it even easier. Sure we don't have sprint yet and our trees are as flat as a french women but we make up for with ankle biting, learning, and plane out right cannon fodder!
  23. I'd have to agree with the OP on this one. I don't know how many times I'll see Incoming Left or Inc Right and I'll head there and no one is there. Now I find it more of a problem for Alderaan mainly because you really can't see each side, by that I mean I can't sit at say west turret and see the right to see what their situation is ( I blame people not using Ops chat for this but that is a separate issue.) Were as in Voidstar you can see from your gate roughly where the majority of people are congregating at and adjust accordingly. You'll still get the "Plant on left door" and run what you think is left and the only person there is your sniper just chillin, guarding the door. It's West/East people, use that dang map at the bottom for directions.
  24. Khanic

    If GW2 Has PvP

    I plan on going to GW2 anyways. I've been watching it since they announced it. I got 50/50 in my HoM on GW1, came here to blow time till it gets released (Which from the way they are talking is going to be this year) and then I shall dump this game like a bad habit except I wont get those phone calls at 3am to come back and play. In short, GW2 can't come soon enough.
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