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Everything posted by FluorineSpark

  1. Glee has teen gay romance~ (and it's super cute!) I mean this game does imply that the characters regularly engage random sex with random people on every planet. As long as the actual act is not portrait on the scene, it shouldn't matter which sexual orientation. And should I mention the entire "Yaoi" subculture, which contains mostly teenage girls? So I don't think Rating is a logical concern (although it might very well be the reason for it). But back to Quinn, he is perfect for gay romance. I like the way he said "Didn't loose you" in the fight, or "sorry I require that much attention" if he died in the battle. And he get all excited about my violence/pro Imp choices, I guess I got sick and tired of earning negative affection points with Vette (Or Kaliyo and Vector for that matter) every time I say "there won't be a heart left beating". For once, someone applause my blood thirst and my loyalty to he Empire!
  2. hey I really like this idea! It'd be nice to give players the option to choose their sexual orientation when creating characters, and it is reasonable that you can't change it afterwards. I can understand people get annoyed by the "flirt" option, and it shouldn't be too much trouble to turn it off at backend.
  3. LOL ~ maybe I understand you wrong, if that's the case my apologies. This is never supposed to be a serious discussion. I guess you could say me wanting to see my evil psychopath marauder kissing scumbag traitor Quinn is indeed a perversion then I guess I'm one big perv indeed. I read a spoiler so known about Quinn's little stunt ... I was actually wondering if there's gonna be some torture scene .... hahaha ~~~ now now... I'll shut up before the CM kick me out.
  4. you mean yourself right? I'm certainly not perverted nor anyone from the LGBT community. I know a post like this would attract trolls and morons around.
  5. I really enjoy this game, so I think I'm gonna stay and keep playing... Good luck to you
  6. indeed, female flirting options are limited compare to male. I flirted like 3 times with my IA (lvl 36), and with my SW, I basically slept around the universe and I'm only lvl 21. And I have to say, male flirt is just so much sexier than female flirt.
  7. Ah.... Thank you so much guys!!! You're so advanced!!! but... what is "dot" and "proc" and "ToT"?
  8. To demonstrate my point: Here's what could've happened with SW and Quinn~~~ Happy Valentine's day http://fluorinespark.deviantart.com/#/d4poin0
  9. And here's a bit of a "work in progress"~ finger crossed I'd be able to finish these two tonight. Well, cintiq coloring is really bad.... It's supposed to be a lot darker. https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/423614_2355193097613_1783781172_1503403_896945297_n.jpg
  10. I said I'd do something romantic for the two. http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/045/4/c/sith_marauder_and_quinn_by_fluorinespark-d4poin0.png
  11. I recently roll out an evil SW, totally LOVE every minute of it. I used to really attached to my light side Imperial Agent, but now.... Story wise, SW is really Star Wars worthy. IA is good, but more of a James Bond story line.
  12. Thank you for the support! LOL I have something special in mind for Valentines day. Will have a late night update~ But yeah, I'm definitely planning on finish this one. Probably change my SW into a standing pose just so he doesn't look too much like a pimp... LOL
  13. I'm leveling up my early 20s Sith Marauder, don't know which one should choose, Annihilation or Carnage. From the skill tree, Carnage looks like focus more on accuracy, Annihilation focus more on damage? don't know if this assumption is correct. I intent to build an aggressive DPS Melee fighter, any recommendation on which skill tree I should go? Much appreciated!
  14. I'd totally vote for Dragon Age 2 type of romance, that PC can romance NPC regardless gender (although there're slight dialog changes with male/female Hawke). Seriously, male Hawke/Fenris rival-mance is the hottest game romance I've seen in years. I don't know why people have so much issue with it. I think it's the perfect solution. It's not homosexual or heterosexual, it's player-character-sexual.
  15. I read it.... Damn! I shouldn't read it... .but I did.... somehow it makes him even more charming very fitting for my evil Sith Marauder.
  16. Please please please!!! It'd be so freaking hot! Got Quinn over the weekend, and I heart pump a bit faster every time he calls me m'lord. How's the female/Quinn romance? Is he romance light side or dark side? I'm so tempted to start a female Sith Warrior just for him. Also, on a separate note, Sith Warrior is really the Sith playboy isn't he! Damn He's been sleeping around! Even my Imperial Agent didn't get that much action, and IA is supposed to be the Star Wars James Bond.
  17. Thank you so much guys!!! The charts and guide are really helpful! I'm totally missing out on the entire crafting thing! I'll have to put my idle companions to good use! Thanks~
  18. oh!!! hum..... looks like I'm missing out with crew skills, need to do more research... where can I learn crafting skills? Imperial fleet?
  19. class with healing ability or healing companion (early on) are probably the best. I soloed a Imperial sniper, a lot of fun to play since I'm more of a ranged DPS type, but it gets really tough with boss fights, survivability is low, and you really need to out level your current boss at least 1 or 2 to get through. I'm currently playing Sith Marauder, and it's a lot easier! I mean, some of the tough fights I had when I play IA, seem not that hard with SW. And normal fights, with Quinn I often come out of fight with full health and full rage.... LOL. There're still tought spots, but a lot easier than sniper. So get a healing class, it'll make your life a lot easier. That being said, any class can go solo really, I mean after playing sniper, I'm pretty sure I can go solo with any class.
  20. I sent Vette on underground trading missions, and got bunch of underground metal and fabric. What can I do with it? sell them?
  21. Got it, many thanks! I thought it's some weird bug....LOL.
  22. I have a question about companion affection points. So did these points added as we go, or it was added after every mission is completed? I thought they're added right after the conversation which resulted the affection points, since it's shown on the screen +15 or +20. But I open the companion window right after, the points remain the same. But if I give my companion a gift, the points are added right on the spot. Just want to make sure it's not a bug or something.
  23. yeah... 1 guy 2 girl, instant pimp material.
  24. XD now that you put it that way.... He does look like a pimp!!!! LOL. OK I'll get him a light saber so he looks more like an evil sith than an evil pimp.
  25. My Characters: Left: Middori, Smugglers Middle: Xiu Luo, Sith Marauder Right: Lyn, Imperial Sniper (main) I'm currently playing evil Sith Marauder and having so much fun! http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/421983_2344245983942_1783781172_1498894_417072232_n.jpg Can't say I'm happy with my SW though... I should make him more aggressive and bad ***...
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