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Everything posted by FluorineSpark

  1. It's kind of embarrassing, I recently joined a guild, but haven't done anything with my guild or talk to any of my guild member. Since this is my first MMO, I'm still learning about how the guild works and everything. I thought there's probably a section for each guild, like a home page or something, but couldn't find it. I kind of feel bad, since I thought guild is supposed to be like bunch of people play together and help each other. I sometimes saw my guild member online, but don't know what to do with it. I'm on Perlemian Trade Route server and my guild's name is Illegal Imperial. Can anyone point me to the right direction? Much appreciate.
  2. I'm using Quinn, since he's such a good healer, and he has been working super well during most fights, especially with single boss fights, he can sit back and heal, and I do all the damage.... I'll try with Vette tomorrow. Thanks!
  3. I swing both ways currently playing a Male Sith Marauder on Perlemian Trading Route, a pretty quiet server, not much traffic... But since I'm mostly solo, so doesn't matter. I also have an higher level IA on the same server. If anyone on that server, you can find me on Tatoonine. Just want to speak up~ Can't believe a simple check in thread become a huge argument. Why different age group people checking in, and no one seems to have a problem with that. No one would come into that thread and say "I can't care! why are you make it a big deal?! So you're over 30, why if I start a thread saying 25 and younger I'd be in so much trouble"... ridiculous!
  4. I'm lvl 26 Sith Marauder, having a hard time beating the sand demon on Tatoonine. I know I can avoid the fight all together, but I screwed up the dialog, can't really go back and talk it down, have to do it the hard way. I used everything, cloak of pain, sabor ward, stim, but every time his area attack got me. Should I go grind up 1 level and come back? or I'm doing something wrong? Please help.
  5. Of course Bioware game story line is not original. Every bioware game pretty much follows Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey, so is every other fantasy/popular books/movies/games out there. One way or another, the story can be categorized into different types of structure, and characters can be categorized into archetypes. These structures and archetypes are imbedded in our collective cognition, so we easily recognize it, relate to it, and be moved by it. The only difference is how to presend these archetypes and story structure. Bioware did a great job (most of the time.....). I often laugh at the comment (or images, charts) demonstrating how similar bioware stories are. It's not some industry secret the company trying to fool the player with. It's a known literature theory and has been in practice since human start telling stories. But yeah.... if anyone think they can do better, I'm all for innovation!
  6. Killing him would be too easy... I was hoping for something elaborated torture scene.... At least something matching Vader/Han Solo in the Cloud city, or something like Baras zapping the Republic agent.... But no..... I guess I'll just have to settle for choking him near death.
  7. I have a teen Inquisitor, late 20 Warrior, so far, I enjoy the Warrior quests a lot more than inquisitor. I also heard a lot of people talking about inquisitor quests are horrible in chapter 2 and after.... So... I'm in no hurry to go back to my Inquisitor. Warrior quests feedback I've heard so far are mostly positive. But eventually it's up to you really. I read a lot of comments when I first started rolling out my characters, there're a few people really enjoy inquisitor quest line even most of people hated it.
  8. Thanks! It's not like I don't have good moments with Sniper, being able to critical out 1400 Damage is really satisfying. I normally go with ranged/magic user in other RPGs, that's why I picked sniper in the first place. I remember I was able to kill mobs before they even reach me in as a ranger in Dragon Age. But I was never quite get to the point where I have a Tank who take the damage, while I stay behind and DPS them out. With Kaliyo, she never hold the threat all that well, and when she did, she die pretty easily (especially in boss fights). And with Vector, I'm tanking most of the times which really sucks since all my mods and armor are built towards cunning boost. But I deal with it since Vector do much more damage than I do, and the fight is over quickly enough for me to tank it (most of the time). I don't do warzone or PVP so don't know how it goes, but I heard sniper sucks in PvP because they're mostly stationary and get killed by melee users all the time. don't know if there's any truth in it. I'm leveling up my SW now, but I'll go back to IA and finish the her quests. IA quests are really good. I'll message you later, if you don't mind Thank you so much for helping out!
  9. I'm a new MMO player and unfortunately picked Imperial Agent-Sniper. I have to say I struggled with Sniper all the way through (currently lvl 36). The cover system, no healing/low survivability, most ability come with long preparation time... Good thing the quests are really well written so that kept me going. And I thought the game is supposed to be this hard. Until I rolled out a Sith Marauder and picked up Quinn... Sith Marauder is just so much easier. survivability is high, at lower level, I can go against people 1 or 2 level above me and still win the fight (never gonna happen for IA). at higher level, it gets a bit tricky with same level gold mobs/Boss (or 3 silver enemies) but still, most of the time, it's a breeze. I often walk out of a fight with full health/full rage, and I use channel hatred a lot less than IA using recuperate. It gets a bit sticky with mob of more than 4 people, since I haven't find a good way to do crowd control, but single enemy fight is super easy, I can just turn on cloak of pain and start chopping away HP while Quinn heals me...LOL. I died a lot less than my IA, and some tough fights I had with IA (since IA and SW share some side quests), I fight my way through without any problem at all. I haven't played other classes deep enough to say, but hope this helps
  10. For all Bioware's RPGs, (dating all the way back to Baldur's Gate and original Kotor) If I create a female character, I'll always play her as what I want myself to be, which is Chaotic Good. She'd do the right thing, but never too busy to have some fun, or get some coin out of people. My female IA is very similar to my Female Hawke, always cracking joke if dialog allows it. My female Shepard is a bit too goody two shoes for my taste, and I like Illusive man, so I'm not too crazy about my Female Paragon Shepard's attitude towards him. but I have to play that way to earn maximum Paragon points so I won't loose any of my companions. I had a lot more fun with my IA and Female Hawke. I have to say, I like female IA the most amongst all my Bioward female PCs. For Male Character, I'll always play him as someone I want to date, which is somewhere between lawful evil and right out sociopath. I admit, secretly I never get over the teenager bad boy fantasy. But I think my male Marauder is more on the Lawful evil type, since I want to be on the good side of Quinn... (Just in case Bioware decide to add same sex romance some day). Both of my Male Hawke and Male Shepard are aggressive Renegade, with an attitude, and a huge problem with authority. By far, I like male Hawke the most compare to other male PCs. He's not evil, just totally cool and bad a**!
  11. Blue Crystal for light side only? I'm Dark II, and I'm using a blue light saber.... Weird... Maybe you can use it if it comes with the light saber?
  12. Hey how's the RP-PVE works? Do you need a headset or something? I don't talk to people while I'm playing (typing in chat box is such a pain)... Will it add on game play or distract from it? I'm on a regular PVE server, and most of the time I just turn off the chat and pretend it's a single player game... (it's hard at times especially when you have 3 other people standing right to your receiving quests...) So I'm curious about RP PVE... Let me know how you feel about it.
  13. If you choose the right dialogue you can get a male Hawke to romance a grumpy elf... Wrong game again!
  14. once again... someone think they can represent everyone. Go search False Consensus Effect. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_consensus_effect In psychology, the false consensus effect is a cognitive bias whereby a person tends to overestimate how much other people agree with him or her. There is a tendency for people to assume that their own opinions, beliefs, preferences, values and habits are 'normal' and that others also think the same way that they do. So no, not everyone is thinking it.
  15. Thanks Guys! these are very useful info~ I'm not a PvP player at all... Even for console games, I'm more into co-op/firefight/hord than team slayer or free for all. So basically, unless there's a level cap increase or new quest content release, level 50/beat the final boss is the end of each character for me. But I indeed appreciate that there're 8 unique story line to play through. I personally feel that rush to lvl 50 just so you can beat other people is kind of waste of a good game with great NPCs and quests. But that's just me... LOL.
  16. SWTOR is my first MMOs, so I'm still learning the terminology here. I've been reading a lot of posts talking about "end game" this and that, end game gear, end game skill/specs, best end game class... So what is this End Game? For single player RPG, after you beat the game, you either move on to another game or you roll out a different character and start over. I figure for MMOs that's not the case? There's more after you beat the final storyline boss, and reach level cap? Is it like Halo or COD that you start online co-op or go do firefight? And why is it important to have "end game" gear/spec/skill and such?
  17. Thank you for the reply! It's good to know that Bioware would put in same sex romance eventually, even it's lower priority, it's worth the wait! It is indeed a lot of work... especially for a fully voiced game. I guess I'll just have to use my imagination for now.
  18. Not sure if this is the correct board to post this.... but I just find out my character changed eye color since I created him. My Sith Warrior start out with blue eyes, 23 level's later, he suddenly has yellowish/golden eyes. I remember I specifically pick bluish grey eyes, so he doesn't look too much like Darth Maul.... I'm not complaining, just find it very weird.
  19. LOL I work for a game studio so yeah.... I know all about stake holders and marketing risks. and Bioware's concerns is totally understandable. But that doesn't mean I can't whine about it After all, if more people speak up, things might change.
  20. I don't get what you mean.... Who's cramming sexuality down whose throat? I think people (myself included) are asking for the "option" of homosexual relationship. We're not talking about changing a straight Quinn gay... but rather, make him so that he'd initiate or react to homosexual courtship if player choose so. Simply having such options doesn't mean anyone shoving anything into anyone's throat... I understand people feel strongly about it, but my principle is live and let live. That's why I think predetermine sexual orientation during character creation is a good idea. So straight people won't feel that homosexual flirt is forced on them, and gay (and creepy yaoi fan girls like me) can go around enjoy hot gay/lesbian romance.
  21. Thank you for the reply! I'll roll out a female SW tonight and see if I have the stomach to walk through Korraban and Dumma Kaas again..... If not, I can always imagine my Male SW @#$%^% Quinn.
  22. Yeah.... Remember in DA:O you can have 3 way with Zef and Isabella... (Well, you don't get to see anything, but still nice to have). Why can't we have them in this game? Although I have to say the girl companions are way hotter than guys. I mean, com'on, Vetta, Jaesa, even Kaliyo is better than the Bugman! Imperial Agent ladies are pretty doomed.
  23. hahaha, I hear you about the marriage part. what do you think about Quinn romance in general? I really like Quinn (knowing that he actually have the guts to betray me some how adds the charm....) My male Marauder is about early 23 (just finish Balmorra), I'm itching to roll out a female SW just to romance Quinn... But my male SW is just so hot, I'm not sure if I should give up the nice bro-mance here and start anew. Does it worth it?
  24. This is very helpful info! thank you for writing it up! I'm mostly playing the game for the story, so guess I'll stick with missions.
  25. I'm currently playing with my male Sith Marauder, very tempted to roll out a female just so I can romance Quinn... But my male SW is also super hot! just seeing these two on screen makes me all heart-eyed.
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