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Everything posted by Bruticuss

  1. I agree how you started your thread, I would like to have discussions based off the merits of the feature, but some of the features are so well known that folks that disagree just assume its based off WOW and send the person giving the feedback back to WOW without any mention of WOW in the original post. I wish we could just discuss things and leave the 'I hate WOW' or 'I Love WOW' biases out of it, because that will cloud one's judgement on the actual feature pros and cons at hand.. What I don't agree with on your thread, is that you automatically assumed I felt that wow was the be all and end all of MMOs because I mentioned that they did a lot of things right, I don't think they blindly fell into the position they are in, so that is why I say, lets not write off things they have done, just because one hates WOW for one reason or another
  2. so did these folks Aion, Age of Conan, LOTR, Warhammer, COH, etc... the list goes on,
  3. I sure wish I owned the company producing that garbage called WOW, just under 10 million subs and after 8 years still the MMO to beat. This is what won't work, thinking everything WOW is bad, garbage, etc... some of the things there work well. Today I can say I had a good 4-5 years of playing WOW, I sure hope I can say the same thing about SWTOR 4 years from today, so that is why I like to give Bioware feedback and suggestions via the forum, I don't care if the feedback is based off WOW or not, feedback is feedback and therefore valuable.
  4. This is exactly my point, if someone likes any aspects of WOW, this is the normal response from the fans, why does it have to be one or the other? Why can't we discusses opinions and try to make the game better for everyone, instead of sending folks to WOW? For all you know I may be in your guild, we may have grouped together.. but yet you are sending me back to WOW. Why? Because I can be honest and admit that although I am no longer playing WOW and currently enjoying SWTOR, there still exists things in WOW that I believe will enhance my gameplay in SWTOR
  5. I know there are some things people dislike about WOW, but there are things that work really well and can be learned from, if you owned Bioware you probably want to make cash and lure the WOW player base to your MMO, (just a guess, but most of which are casual players and not the hardcore folks that what to do everything as if this was 2001... hardcore folks are cool, the best, and all that jazz, but lets make the money) I see a lot of posting where fans want to just defend what's different from WOW and bash any idea/feedback based off WOW... wny not innovate and improve on what they have going on, the community should try to stop bashing anything and everything that WOW has in place, instead try and learn from what works and what can be improved on. Every forum I've been in always tries to send folks back to WOW, if they as much as mention a feature that is in WOW but not in the forum's MMO Aion, Age of Conan, LOTR, Warhammer, COH, etc... the list goes on, Go back to WOW, go back to WOW, go back to WOW is the common theme on any post that suggested and/or gives feedback on something related to WOW (the hot one atm here is LFG/D tool) Bioware wants to make money, they don't want to become just another MMO that couldn't dethrone WOW. Stop agruing that WOW has ruined MMOs and that any ideal based off WOW gameplay is a bad one, last I checked WOW still has the throne and SWTOR is the one that needs to prove itself. Hopefully it will conquer, but lets not forget about the winning formula it can use as a good stepping stone, WOW brought MMOs into the mainstream, and companys that what mainstream money, will have to cater to us casual, lazy, just want to hop in and play for a while player base. Oh, and stop sending people back to wow after disagreeing with an idea, all that does it produce lonely servers like those found in the games I mentioned earlier. Flame away...
  6. Thanks, I pretty much do all those things, except asking while on planets... since we do have to ask in channel for groups, be nice if general was server wide. Its not like I never get a group, I do, and sometimes I have time to run with the same group another time, but usually that isn't the case, either I or someone from the group need to leave. I'm not saying its impossible to get a great, I am saying that there is a lot of hoops to jumps through to get one, and the benefit vs is cost is starting to diminish for me.
  7. Ouch, 4 or 6 hours a day playing, I wish I had that type of time, I wouldn't have an issue finding a group either, unfortunately I only have an hour maybe 2 hours to play. You did make a good point though, perhaps I do need a new guild, my guild just spams and invites whoever, whenever, so, probably not one of the better ones. Boy, you sure jumped all over the word SPAM, folks have different definitions for it you know, I probably send out 2 to 4 tells at most before I call it a day (there's been days I send out more, when I have the extra time, but not by much) that's what I call spamming, so hope you don't lose too much sleep over that one. Like I said in my original post, its probably me and just a handful of folks having issues finding a group, I'm sure everyone on every server, at all times of day, with any amount of available playing time, are landing groups almost instantly, I just don't have that same type of luck.
  8. Call me lazy, call me modern, call me whatever you wish, but I hate sitting around spamming general for a group.... yes I'm in a guild, and I'm a healer even, but I only have about an hour maybe two to play a day, I can probably squeeze in one dungeon as most of my time is spent looking for a group. I know some of you enjoy spamming general for a group, and is the highlights of your day, so I ready to get flamed, but man, I wish there were a better way for people like me, I know there are only a handful of us, who hate spamming all day just to get into a group. *BTW, today i didn't even get into a group, dungeons are fun and all, but just not that fun for me to justify spamming general to see if I can get a group going, just didn't have the energy, so logged in and out.
  9. Yeah, I saw it earlier as well.. don't understand how getting search to work is taking so long, are they writting the search functionality from scratch? Some new type of search never seen or used before? This is something that all the other existing forums have up and running from day 1, I don't understand, oh well, guess we'll have to continue with a whole bunch of duplicate posting
  10. Any thoughts on this BIO? Reduce number of loading screens, some really do seem un-needed... why go through 2 instance, and therefore 2 loading screens (hanger instance and then ship instance)? Things like that should be optimized.
  11. 100% agree with OP and like the suggestions. Hopefully BIO will consider.
  12. So I need to sit through 4 loading screens per trip? is that really beneficial? Really?
  13. Has Bioware ever commented on the loading screen issue? I've seen many of threads from players saying they don't like it, some players say, they don't mind, but never seen a thread from a player that says they like loading screens, and never seen a reply from Bioware. Bio?
  14. My vote goes to less instancing and more open-ness 1) remove some of the instancing required to get to your ship, enter your ship, exit your ship, exit hanger, are all those really needed? If it were better streamed-lined, I wouldn't mind it so much, maybe 1 load screen (2 if really neede) should be all that is required to leave one planet and go to another.
  15. I won't go into the difference between a cutscene and a loading screen for you, but spacebar won't dismiss a loading screen.
  16. I was really enjoying the game, I feel there are so many right things about this game that I won't list them all, from the combat, to flashpoints, to gear and character visuals/animations, etc, its really a WOW killer (for me anyways)... but The loading screens are taking up to much gameplay time and makes what should be enjoyable travel, into a boring game interupting chore. Its easier to get to flashpoints then to your ship and major cities (I rather hang around the flashpoint departure area, as opposed to exploring and questing, just to avoid the crazy numbers of loading screens) One example of the issue: going from one city to another requires one to go through at least 4 loading screen, some of those loading screen are triggered by just jumping on an elevator to hanger, others are jumping in and out of your ship, then the elevator at the destination city I'm hoping as the game matures and changes, bioware finds a way to reduce the number of loading screens, I know it is easier said then done, but they really have a winner on their hands that can potentially generate a lot of money and resources for the company, I'm confident that they have the talent to figure this issue out and hopefully are already working on it BTW: I am now level 28 (not my first character, but the one I've gotten furthest with) and I am really starting to feel the pain of the loading screens, at first it was bearable, but now its getting to the point that I don't want to invest as much time into the game. Another suggesion may be to add the ability to teleport from one planet to another w/o the need of ship and therefor all the loading screens.
  17. I wonder if Legacy names are meant to track ninjas... folks won't be able to log on as an alt and continue their ninja ways with me if I'm able to ignore their entire family... lol
  18. You are a lifesaver... thanks for the great guide
  19. Search is broken, so can't search.. but anyway to turn on chat bubbles?
  20. Another can't find search box post... how about searching for the answer next time before posting? HAHA just kidding, I couldn't find it either, good thing I saw your post on top of the forum table and was able to get this info... Thanks all
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