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Everything posted by Aliman

  1. Well, I didn't believe today when i was reading forums about ilum. Well it's broken beyond repairs... kills are definitely not counting towards your daily / weekly objectives. My suggestion is this... Daily kills : 100 Weekly kills : 700 Warzone daily wins : 3 Warzone weekly wins: 9 but let daily and weekly kills count from warzones.... then people can chose if they wish to go to pvp in open world or just do warzones... After you've done this, sit down and rethink ilum ... Add some real objectives defend / attack / hold / collect what ever just as long as there is a meaning to why people should do it, other then personal gain that is. I wasn't on ilum since last Monday and now im leaving ilum again and will not return there until something dramatically have changed.
  2. hehehe i love the story line and just wanted to share it with everyone no spoilers but he is a DAWG !!!!!!
  3. well to say it like this, i've been opening bags for more then 2 weeks and i have my self and 2 companions in champion gear... but not once have i had drop in leggings... So i could save up all my bags i can get in 2 weeks and just open them up then... That will grant me what i need + more since i will be able to equip my companions too So yes save your bags until after that patch.
  4. no but seriously listen, my main is mercenary. Here is the deal with tracer missles, when i want to dish out great amount of damage, i try to locate my self so that it will take some time for people to get to me, like higher ground or what ever... Then i go on with spamming tracer missles. I can fire off 4 - 5x tracer + rail shot and enemys health drops meaby down to 75% that is if i don't get many ignores or deflections. then i hit heat seeker missles, that's another 20% so by this time other player is down half way on his health. Now i hit unload by the time unload finishes enemy is out of my range... i switch target hit someone else, same thing happens, if i manage to hit someone with this rotation that is 50% health or less i will kill him. But someone with full health i wont. yes so in the end i will eventually hit high on damage dealing list, but have i really managed to kill someone like operatives do ?? no i didn't... If i manage to kill someone they are either not moving or they are allready half dead. but if someone spotes me where i'm standing and jumps on me, i'm just waiting for revive window to pop up... i can count meaby 10-15 times that i have won a fight on 1 vs 1 scenario. but then i was using trinckets, stim packs and pvp boosters. what is important to remember here is that to fire off 4-5 tracer missiles it will take 8 sec. you can get far far away in 8 sec.
  5. ej bud, i think that was sarcam
  6. only 10k ?? I can do almost 25k in green at lvl 45 vs champions and elite pve mobs. Hell i can even solo most flashpoints by my self with my damage output. but i don't... i try to include others so they don't think i'm OP.
  7. hahahaha ^^^ what a noob... 0.2 sec cast time, you need to stack on Alacrity and you can be meg über like me... no cast time at all and with my surge + pvp stims i can 1 shot kill entier group of 8 players in huttball.
  8. unless they are speced into healing you can't really say that they can heal... I have a merc, and you can't do anything half way. Do or don't there is no try. I'm DPS speced and if i try to heal my self or anyone else i overheat in a sec and then i'm just a sitting duck out there.
  9. Aliman

    WZ Daily Prediction

    could not agree more... my tipical warzone experiance is this... sign up... ohh i can join i join and that's allreaday on going game and my team is losing as hell.. ok have a nice day, i leave warzone I don't do that anymore tho, see i found a loophole, if you join any game that is 1,04, 1,06 or what ever except of 1,08 when you get invitel you will end up in an on going losing match. but if you join one that starts ticking of from 1.08 you will enter fresh new match. Now you join fresh new match, first 2 min of the match are critical. It'n not only to take lead over opposing team, but to keep your team. If opposing team scors, my team leaves. leaving me with people like i described in first part of this post... "on going match and we are losing, no thanks". so you will end up with a team of people comming and leaving whole time leaving you in no chance to win. SO yeah i totaly agree with you, they should make it mandatory to stick it out through entier game, win or lose, and meaby add 2-3 more matches on a daily quest. 2.nd thing as a fast fix to ilum daily /weekly. I would suggest that kills in warzones should count towards does objectives. I really can't stand ilum, so for me this would have been great bost of experiance.
  10. just a crazy suggestion since i think ilum is bad... it's unbalanced and laggy and not fun at all... so why don't you let pvp kills in warzones count towards daily / weekly ilum quests i think it would be more enjoyable or at least let us have that possibilty... under current state of ilum i don't wish to set my foot on that planet..
  11. agree, i see a lot's of complains about pvp gear bags and multiple items... yes i experiance that too and yes it can be a pain in the arse... and to be totaly honest i think it's fine...as long as i get something. I have almost 2 companions who are dressed up in either champion or centurion gear... call me stupid but i actually enjoy it
  12. Well meaby time to consider your life then and do something in real life, like get a job or even better a social life of some kind... enjoy it who knows you may even like it...
  13. Ok you rushed to lvl 50, farmed lowbies, then you exploited valor and now your lvl 60 with full battlemaster armour... now you are polluting forums by saying how bored you are... well let me tell you something im nowhere near that... So why don't you roll an alt and do it like it's suppose to be done PEACE !!!!
  14. was kind of hoping to level up 1 more char...
  15. I mean seriously... i have huge problems completing dailys... basicly to complete them i need whole day... is that the idea behind dailys ?? to use up all evening and then some to complete 3 warzone wins and 30 kills ??? I don't find this crap fun at all ....
  16. NO, help me win you freeloader instead of chasing your personal medals.
  17. Aliman

    Boycott ILUM

    yes then i think we imperial's should support them.
  18. Aliman

    Boycott ILUM

    Hello all pvp'ers As of last night i'm on boycott of ilum something i suggest you all do as well.. I am imperial but this is a requests for both imperial and republic players. Currently Ilum is very broken content in all aspects. It's unfair towards both factions. Republic because they are being farmed and imperial because they can't farm enough. and in the end when i see pvp i didn't imagine it would be like this. There are bunch of ideas being thrown out here on forums that are fait and seems like very great ideas but they seems to be completely ignored by BW, so unless they change Ilum once again go on Boycott and don't go there unless you of course are just doing some PVE missions.. Thanks
  19. nope... you want your glory then work for it. sick and tired of players who are just in there and single target chasing their medals while they expect me to do warzone objectives... work for it buddy.
  20. no we allready have warzones... that is not open world pvp.
  21. naa too much work... just easier to make daily - kill 30 players weekly - kill 150 players... why should we bother with more... ??
  22. Aliman

    Valor farming 101

    i think that seems fair enough...
  23. dont bump your are gonna get forum warning heheh trust me i got it... but ideas like this have been posted before, you can find them somewhere on page 1257829324.... all does other posts are just complains about how pvp suxx and how bioware suxx and nerf this becouse it killed me.
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