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Everything posted by Aliman

  1. yes kweassa but remember that war hero gear can also be augmented so what you are showing is great unbalance as well... But people need to start shuffling mods around to even out the stats. Gear sets are unbalanced, you will either get too much accuracy, surge, crit or what ever... so everyone needs to balance out their gear with shuffling mods.
  2. When are we getting this transfer reward ?? I already transferred all my characters, do I have to wait 1 month to receive my reward ??
  3. Pekish dude... I'm not using original mods that are inside BM gear. I'm actually buying additional BM gear and pulling out mods and putting it in my gear to even out stats more and boost them some more... What you are showing is if you just buy 1 set of armor and stick with it... That doesn't work in neither PvP or PvE. You need to adjust your gear and your stats all the way otherwise you are gimping your self big time.. I can see that you are comparing stats from 1 set to another and yes that is big difference but if you actually switch on some mods from different sets and by some additional BM gear and replace some useless mods you will see how much better you will perform. That's what I'm trying to show you in my 1st post. Take a look again and you will see
  4. TBH best set bonus for sniper is actually to have 2 x set bonus from pvp gear and 2 x set bonus from pve gear... just switch mods. But I guess it involves some reading and thinking... it's easier to just QQ about stuff.
  5. Ok folks, Since I have some extra time at work it gives me time to investigate and read up on different guides and many other stuff. And recently I found out about askmrrobot.com So as many of you have done I got my battlemaster long before Ilum was easy mode but then I got tired of PvP and went for PvE. But now I'm trying to get back into PvP action again and tbh grind to get warhero gear is awefull especially when you are up against pre-mades and better geared players then your self. So I visited mr. robot and asked him a question, what do I need to do, to become better in PvP gear wise... and this is what he told me. PS! This is done for sniper but I'm sure that every class out there can do same thing or even better. Anyways: BattleMaster augmented and with some mods changed WarHero augmented Battlemaster ranged: War Hero ranged: Battlemaster expertise stats: WarHero expertise stats: So there you have it, yes War Hero is stronger but if you do a little homework your self, you can even out a stats a bit at least...
  6. Please make note that all mods in PvE gear are ripped from Black Hole So all does pieces of armor are costume modded. And yes I think duration of orbital strike vs cost reduction of takedown is simple = duration of orbital strikes WIN
  7. Hello all, I've been playing with askmrrobot.com and I think I figured out what I think is Optimized Sniper. Please take a look here : http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/38939f0b-85b7-40c5-930a-6272e3696588 and please comment back if I've done something wrong. Thank you for all your feedback.
  8. I'm sorry to say this but I have never seen ungrateful community as people here in SW:TOR. I'm going to ake off my hat and greet bioware devs and tell them " GOOD JOB FOLKS" I've been here since launch and from what I can see BioWare has been improving this a LOT ever since then. I seriously can't see what else to expect from BioWare devs. So people please stop your QQ and do some more pew pew. Enjoy another fine product delivered by BioWare.
  9. Hello all, I just wanted to put down few words regarding state of SW:TOR First of all, this game is unique. I'm enjoying my self like never before
  10. my stats are as following... This is totally unbuffed. Accuracy : 104.10% Crit chance : 32.38% Crit multiplier: 69.95% Aim : 1830
  11. I may just add that with pyro build I'm pulling anywhere between 1300 and 1500... depending on proc.
  12. Ok guys I will say it out just like it is, I've played arsenal merc for a while now and I love it for raids. I managed to find my own rotation so that i would never overheat and keep an constant dps on bosses. Usualy it's like many of you are saying keep 5 stacks of TM at all time, unload on barrage and so on... normal rotation that many of you are using. I've been using mox pharser program to messure my dps but for some reason I'm waaaay bellow what some of you claim. I've tested it on MK-5 dummy on fleet and I seem to be around 1200 DPS. I've been trying to optimize my gear according to aerros guide. So my question is: What's your stats ?? how much aim? how much power ? accuracy ? surge ? what should be my target for does different stats ?? Thanks
  13. I've been mostly raiding as Arsenal spec but has anyone out there tryed to do Pyro in raids and what is result of that ?? Is it on pair or meaby better then Arsenal ??
  14. usualy from ops but little hint take a look at battlemaster gear I'm stacker also and i did some wz for battlemaster gloves and pulled mods out of that same stats as does that drop in ops :)
  15. Just chekked dev tracker and I had a lot's to read from yesterday. Awesome job, keep it up and keep us posted. I'm starting to believe that there still may be hope for this game
  16. Hmmm today i experienced some serious overheating problems... my usual rotation is 3 x TM the 1 x unload 2 x TM by that time i'm like 60% on my heat.
  17. hmm.. I keep on comming back to swtor forums to try to read up on something usefull like guides or hint and tips of what people are doing in game, or even read up on some dev chatter to get latest info about the game... But from what i can see it's all about complains and complains... There is nothing here to read about no dev chatter either. Same messages that I read weeks ago. Why do you come to visit swtor forums ?? Am i missing something ?? Where do you get your game and ingame info from ??
  18. what is early summer ? what is few weeks ? is it 2 weeks 3 weeks ?? Feeling that i have is that there is just too much random and cloud talk and nothing specific, that's why we are seeing all these sky's are falling kind of threads on forums. But if people actually was talked to and if they were able to see all process and development progress, i think people would have more understanding and patience
  19. Why is it tabu to talk about time frame for patch 1.3 ?? I have stated this several times that in most mmo's communication is a huge problem due to fact that people are being kept in dark for too long. Why is it tabu to talk and make a time frame for patch 1.3 If something unexpected happends, just go out and tell people : " we encountered problem with ********* " we are going to delay the patch for xx amount days/weeks/months. I think that people will be more patient and more forgiving if something like that happend instead of keeping them in that dark day after day without anything to look forward to. Or meaby something that could be even better is instead of giving out big patches like 1.2 or 1.3 just add stuff to game as soon as it's ready... I don't know this is just something i wanted to say in case someone reads this.
  20. Kracken *** man heya bud, long time no see
  21. I like them both equaly good. Got a feeling that 8-man is somewhat easier to accomplish due to less organization. It's easier to manage. But my guild is getting so big that we can't do 8-man anymore since everyone wanna do raids. So last week we had 1 16 man hm group and missed 1 or 2 healers for 2nd raid group.
  22. i say seek help my friend... if that is making you happy then there is something really wrong with you
  23. hmmm... was thinking it would have been easier for them to just join in directly on hard mode flashpoint action if they could just buy what they needed to start, instead of grind it for some days. But i guess i will have to figure out something else then.
  24. Hello all, Just a quick question: I'm making a gear up guide for our guild and was wondering what to tell fresh level 50's. Is it viable to actually just go and buy Recruit PvP gear and start doing flashpoints HM and Operation NM in hunt for columi armor... Or would you still recommend doing daily for epic armorings, mods and enhencments ?? When i compare recruit combat medic helmet on torhead with columi combat medic helmet this is difference: Recruit Combat Medic's Helmet Binds on Pickup Head 788 Armor (Rating 128) Durability: 120/120 Total Stats: +59 Aim +67 Endurance +69 Expertise Rating +42 Critical Rating +42 Surge Rating Item Modifications Augment: Open Requires Level 50 Requires Heavy Armor Columi Combat Medic's Helmet Binds on Pickup Head 836 Armor (Rating 136) Durability: 120/120 Total Stats: +105 Aim +123 Endurance +29 Critical Rating +48 Surge Rating Augment: Open Requires Level 50 Requires Heavy Armor I'm very unsure what to suggest to our fresh level 50's.
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