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Posts posted by Karaiblis

  1. They need to make it look like the prieview in the character prieview box that made people buy it. You dont buy based on a pack cover, it cant show the gear on every gender and every race, you look at it in the prieview box to see what it looks like on YOUR character and spend money accordingly. If they want to bait and switch, then just give me back my real life money, and do whatever you want to it then.
  2. The advertised picture is just a vague representation, the preview on your character is what you use to decide to buy or not, to see what exactly they are offering. For example, on the game box, THE advertisement for the game, Satele is an attractive young woman. In game she's a weird black lipliner wearing, wrinkly old broad, who's gained 40 lbs. The advert is simply an artist representation, the prieview in the changing room is the exact representation of what you're buying will look like on your character, and they changed it, its a bait and switch scam.
  3. How is real life fashion different than in game fashion? You buy based on preview, they don't call it a changing room like real life for nothing, oh, and it cost real money too, like real life, just because its a game it's ok to bait and switch people when you charge actual cash? I just want the cash I paid back, I'd never have bought these ugly things with REAL LIFE MONEY, who wouldn't be upset about being cheated out of real life money, dont pull its game money here, cuz its not.
  4. It's advertised by the preview that shows people exactly what it will look like on your character, dont be an idiot. You put things on in a dressing room and buy them based on what it looks like on you, that's the way clothes shopping works, ask your mom to take you next time she buys your clothes and you might get a clue.
  5. It no longer matches the icon or what was previwed. thats not fixing to match, it no longer matches. And a breast smooshing iron plate hiding the chest and a butt flap hiding the waist and butt is what makes the new spymaster set changes worse, it was a white catsuite, now its just the same as all the other ugly gear in game, which is fine, but I payed real money for a premium set of attractive armor, and now its not. I just want my money back.
  6. I am so upset. Finally, FINALLY, Bioware gave us decent cat suits, one white and one black. I didn't care I had to pay real money for it, a lot of it since they came in packs, to get it, IT WAS WORTH IT!


    Then after I pay my real money they add huge hideous shoulder pads, Ugly breast smooshing plating, heinous butt flaps, no more cat suits. I want my money back, I feel like I've been robbed with a bait and switch here. Why would BW do this with things people are spending real money for?


    Why cant they fire their armor graphic designers and hire some real talent, this game has the unsexiest armor in any MMO I've ever played, and now they changed the two few exceptions to be just as bad after people paid real money for them.


    I am so disappoint, I don't feel like playing or buying anything at all from the cartel this new release, even tho I usually spend 100$ or more per. Why would they cheat us this way?

  7. You know I don't think my companions have ever complimented me. Maybe I suck as a leader. LOL. But my favorite companion to play with and the one that I think says the coolest things is Akavvi Sparr shes a bad mammajamma! My favorite comment by her is "My Guns Itch". Now that's some cool s***! :cool:


    Except she doesn't use guns, she is a melee weapon user.... so I want to buy her some cream for all that itching.

  8. A good roleplay takes alot of preparation, you can consider it a form of screenwriting, albeit a bit more... spontaneous.


    The one I've been playing in on this site for almost six months now did not take any planning, it didnt even start as an RP, but it's been great fun. There are other RP threads in that section too, or the one I play in would just sit all lonely at the top, all the time.

  9. You can go back and forth between betrayals in EQ2 as much as you want. There's no "one time" epic quest, tho the quest was a decent time investment for several years. I like the option being available, and liked that it took effort, time, inconveniences to your character, and penalties to overcome when you were done.


    I don't think ToR is set up to offer anything like it, there aren't any quests in game, even for the biggest ones, that would compare to that grind; and making it easy... well, actually, why not make it easy? I guess I'm just being elitist. Is there really a reason not to allow it, other than they said they will not allow it, at one point in time?

  10. Would this be the proper forum to ask for a romance guide? I feel as if romancing companions is only important to role-players but the game-mechanics behind it aren't.


    Still, I play my Smuggler as a shameless womanizer and would like to know how to maximize his number of one-night stands with his companions and other npcs he encounters.


    Could someone write a Romance Guide or tell me where I should request one?


    Well, there is a good one night stand list here that might start you in the right direction.

  11. And if I;m harsh it's for a reason, cuz one of these days these dingbats are gonna get us all in trouble. They are gonna be found messing with a minor and that's how the world is going to find about online Roleplay.


    I didn't mean it to be criticism of your response, which helped me quite a bit (sorry if it came out that way, I tried to make a smileyface clue). It was more a tongue in cheek commentary on the awkwardness of the topic that leads to such varying degrees of responses from the same person, depending on the circumstance, or more honestly in my cynical opinion, depending on who might be able to view and judge a presently stated opinion.


    But as for the perception of the world concerning internet RP interactions (or any online interaction, the line is often very blurred in people's minds for that venue) being male perverts chasing minors/unknown manginas/fetishism weirdness... I think that ship has already sailed. That's been a wide spread stereotype for many years, and even with all the media attention trying to sensationalize it, the concept has becomes less and less prevalent as more/majority of the people regularly use internet mediums, and it loses it's "that weird thing we don't understand and so accept any bizarre rumors about" mystique. Incidents now are more often viewed as the titillating exceptions-to-the-rule sensationalism, being reported for personal entertainment, rather than the dark scary everyday world of online interaction.

  12. Only one was advertising in general chat, and it was for an auction-event that was about to be held, rather than just recruitment spam. One was a random tell from a person I never interacted with /autoignore. The last was from someone I grouped with through Black Talon, who suggested that it would be a good way to learn the ropes of the RP community, after he asked if I was looking for an RP guild and I mentioned that I had never done RP before. That was when I started wondering if I misunderstood things, and decided to search out more information. Turns out that ya, that type of situation really isn't what I'm looking for.


    Apropos of nothing:

    cuz the sickos are most definitely in town.

    Hahaha! (That was seriously harsh, tho :p). Your words have ranged from "I'd do it, in the right circumstances", then through several steps in-between, and down to "these people are sickos". It really mirrors the 'variable conflicting-statements' oddness that I've seen many RP'ers display when similar topics have been brought up on this forum, or even in game so far.

  13. How is that a low? Because "pot" shouldn't be in Star Wars? How is that any different than there being ale, wine, whiskey etc in the SW universe? Or is it a moral objection? In either case, I don't get it.


    /gives in to derail


    There are plenty of illicit substances to smoke/drink/inject mentioned in the game itself, and they are pointed out in very low level quests available to all classes.


    The scenario Letallis mentioned is kind of lore breaking (which is fine, I'm not going to dive into that can of worms), but it's action taken for the sole purpose of being ridiculously lore breaking that's the issue. It's not about someone wanting to RP their character getting high that makes it a new low, it's their use of plain trolling to stir up an OOC response.


    Although, there's not any 'new' low left for trolling, in my opinion. That well has already been dredged to the center of the planet, and it's best just ignored.




    In response to the poster above me...meh, I don't care if they do it, that wasn't the point of my OP. I just didn't realize it was so prevelent, and I kind of thought I might have misunderstood the situation, and interpreted the focus of those guilds wrongly. I wanted some information so I could avoid ending up in a situation, due to ignorance, that could be personally awkward for me.

  14. Let's just say it wasn't for me, I think it reeks of fetishism, and I consider it only slightly less denigrating to RP than ERP (erotic roleplay).


    That said, many legitimately great RP'ers are into it and I am more than willing to play along and respect it...from a distance.


    I see, well that really wont fit the character I made for it.


    I don't mind writing stuff that might barely brush-up against ERP (at least imo, it's barely) as part of a written story for my character, as long as it actually advances the story (LI's and all), but I don't know that I'd be interested in doing it with another just met player, and definitely not if that's the whole function of the encounter/continuing guild-wide encounters.


    I have seen your viewpoint from others as well (about the 'fetishism denigrating true RP'), posted on the forums a few times, but without anyone really delving into it. Does the RP community as a whole really look down on that type of thing, and where are the lines not to cross to step on those toes?

  15. I am new to RP. Never really did it until a few of us got sucked into the Formal Apology thread from the Story and Lore forum section, and ended up transfered to the RP section. But it has been really fun, and I decided to go and check out an RP server last week to try some more of it. My character is still in the midteen levels, but I've been approached to join guilds several times. In one week there have been three offers for a 'slave guild' advertised by the person sending me tells as: active, with slave auctions and events every few weeks.


    At first I thought it must just be a large guild that was heavily recruiting in newb areas, but I asked for more information, and all three were separate guilds. I may not have RP'ed before, but anyone who games across several MMO's, and does CCG gaming events, is at least somewhat aware of RP in a peripheral sense; and I've never noticed this theme being used outside of a few individuals, not in such a predominate genre-wide group...umm, free for all.


    Is this a common theme, is it just in SW, did I just manage to have a strange week? It seems like it isn't so rare, so what is involved? I didn't really think my character would be interested in owning or being a slave, and I was a bit intimidated about asking for details that I suspected I might not have felt comfortable discussing one on one. Is this the most common way for newcomers to get involved with the community and learn the ropes, so to speak, or should I keep looking?

  16. I am told that since the time I got him, Malavai Quinn now comes with an Imperial uniform instead of the weird smugglers outfit he used to get. I've tried asking for a few hours in Balmorra on my server, but no luck yet, is there anyone who has this who wouldn't mind grabbing me a decent screen shot of his full outfit for a reference pretty please? Thanks :)
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