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Posts posted by Karaiblis

  1. The pink looks much better, and we finally have a white option, which is why I paid to unlock the last short hair, so I'll be pretty bummed if they change it and take away the only couple white hair options we have. Waste of coins I spent for two characters to change, one pink and one white. Just add black without changing things and let us keep the rest of the colors please, bright colors are a great option to have.
  2. Please don't change this Bioware, we have only a tiny new handful of hairstyles that can now have white hair instead of ugly grey like all the old ones. If people want black there are a *ton* choices by comparison that they can use to be black. Please don't take away our tiny number of options for white!
  3. Part of the problem is that they moved the place where the dual sabers attached to the hip down, so the old dual sabers sit higher and don't stick down to your ankle, and the new ones do, on a female because of the hip angle, they also stick out sideways and down the the ankle. I like some of the new designs, but can never use any of them because my character looks like a five year old with a broom stick swinging out from around at their waist. I wish they would fix it so I could use some of the great new designs.
  4. The problem with that solution is that if it takes twice as many matches to get the conquest points, you now have to deal with conquest afk'ers in twice as many matches as you did before, making your problem twice as big. They will probably not just go do something else, because being able to farm points with almost no participation while they do other things out of game is still a net gain for them. You are aiming yourself at an asteroid here.
  5. The event wasn't that bad (or good), but it did leave most people saying "is that it?" when it came to rewards once the bowcaster hype was past. The only reason most people want the stuff now is because they made them count towards achievements after you couldn't get them, but the rewards were pretty lackluster. I would love seeing something similar but updated to this event return with some better options to work towards tho; who would turn down special events? Anything new to break up the same ol round of dailies is a good thing!
  6. Or... they could make the change as a gesture of good will to those who have already bought that unlock, and all the people who never bought it because it was limited to humans only may buy it now that it interests them, and it will still make them money. Especially as they appear to have already done the work of adding them (at least to the character changer screen) And even if that number is smallish, there will still be all those people with different races that can now use the hair style paying the CC fee to change their character to have it (like I would on my Mirialan).
  7. That's because last year there was nothing new for lifeday, just a re-release of the old pack. This would just have been a special Christmas Day reappearance, we already have a lifeday pack full of new stuff this year to allay that criticism. And it fits in with the theme of the 12 day "bringing back stuff from moratorium for one day each" sale they set up.
  8. Instead of nothing new on Christmas of all days, I don't understand why the old lifeday pack didn't make a reappearance with all the other old packs making an appearance during this sale. The stuff is already designed, it's free money, and would have given them something to offer besides... nothing new on Christmas.
  9. After the disappointing black friday sale I was excited about this one, but old hypercrates everyone has most the stuff from at almost no discount? I might have picked some up for 2500 for the faction items, but I guess at least I wont have to buy more cartel coins for this sale, since it's even worse than the black friday one. I was really hoping it would be fun and exciting like the flash sales they did last year.
  10. With this sweet new x12 XP available, everyone is running out of planetary coms, and the marketplace is devoid of mods as soon as they get thrown on the market (many stats can't be had for any price), now would be a so helpful time to put up a sale on the lvl 31 modded cartel outfits, I wouldn't buy a set for every character at the current price, not for something that would only be used a couple days, but if they were closer to 600-700, I would get a set for each new char as I lvl up.
  11. As long as this fix isn't to offer us even more hideous armor with a third breast, chest smooshing gender bending top wraps, and HORRID BUTT FLAPS, then fine. These were the only options in game for that, and they are all gone, just give us something without all the crap every single other piece of gear comes with and happiness achieved. It's not like asking for one single option in a whole game of the otherstuff is unreasonable, and the pain people feel is because for one brief shining month, it was finally offered.
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