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Posts posted by Karaiblis

  1. A cat suit is supposed to look painted on, a spy suit is traditionally a cat suite. If you want hideous gear with all kinds of gender erasing crap glued on it, try every single other piece of gear in the whole darn game. These were the only decent pieces without. There was no need to change them to look like a pack cover artist rendition, it's a rendition. Satele looks hot in the artist rendition too, but in game she wears hoodrat black lip liner, has baggy wrinkles, and has gained 40lbs. An artist rendition is not proof of what gear will look like, that's what the character preview window is for. And yes we gambled, of course we gambled, that is the way BW set the system up to work, gamble to get the pieces you want. You dont gamble that they will stay the pieces you want after investing all the cash to get them. If they don't want to support their own system, they shouldn't have made such a predatory system in the first place.
  2. Words cannot express my disappointment with the changes to phantom armor. You can hide the stupid hood by electing to show helm but nothing will get rid of those fugly shoulderpads.


    The awfulness of the phantom shoulder-pads barely registers next to the third breast they added in the middle of the female spymasters gear, that's larger than the two nature (or programing) has already provided them.

  3. I bought my packs before the announcement, I rushed home to check it all out soon as I got off work and got them. For the idiot who is all, har har you spent real money. DUH that's what the cartel market is set up for, and why BW should be fixing the scam they have played on people, you couldn't have spent in game credits on the items if people hadn't spent cartel coins on them in the first place, idiot.
  4. I did #2 as well, to buy the Phantom chestpiece for a pretty penny from the GTN since I like the sleek, all-black look. It's perfect for a ninja-themed character or a catsuit for a female Agent or Consular Shadow. Now, with the fluffy shoulderpads, I feel like I wasted my credits. I realize there are folks in Camp 1 who WERE miffed, but who are now happy. I really hope Bioware makes the right move and provides a way for BOTH looks to be included in the game, preferably without making EITHER group pay for the armor again.


    Truthfully, after spending so very much on cartel coins, I will still throw good money after bad and spend the extra to buy the outfit the way it looked, if they will only offer it back. Otherwise, just give me back my money.

  5. This was an error on my part. I posted here as soon as I heard an answer before confirming with multiple parties. I shouldn't have posted with such haste, and in the future, I will be sure to make sure that information is 100% accurate. There is a delicate balance with timeliness and accuracy and I will be sure to watch for that in the future.


    A timely response was appreciated, and you did say you were looking into it, and your answer either way has nothing to do with what BW did by switching the armor many people paid specifically to get. Can we get a refund for the false preview, or get our armor back, is what we need to know.

  6. If you want to get technical, its called the SpyMASTER set. A spymaster is the person who runs a spying operation, like M, not Mrs. Peel. The Spymaster set now, correctly and appropriately, looks like a variant of the Imperial uniform. By the way, there is an excellent, sleek, close fitting, spy-style outfit in the game since launch. Hardweave Jacket and Hardweave Leggings, avaialble for the Agent and Warrior. I know it won't make you feel any better about the situation, but since you are obviously interested in this style of armor I thought I would let you know about it.


    The hardweave is not white, not adaptive to my Smuggy, and it also has a big fat chest smashing piece of crap over it. I paid real life money for the lack of that crap on my armor. If they are going to remove this item, just refund me my money.

  7. Yes it was. Both versions were obviously missing the detail meshes.


    Obviously they were not missing on the female gear, but left off deliberately because a female SPY cat suit -it is called spymaster- (which is what female spy's, and Archer, always wear, DUH) is exactly what they should have offered us from the beginning in this game, and were finally rectifying, even if we had to spend real money for it. If it wasn't intended to be worn without that hideous chest mashing piece of crap and butt flap, why design all those details on the outfit underneath?

  8. Yes, they fixed a known problem. Terrible support.


    It wasn't broken on females, there was no female on the pack concept art, I built a character around it and spent a lot of real life money BEFORE they said anything about changing it, so yes, just taking it away is terrible support for the mistake THEY made, and I want my REAL LIFE MONEY back.

  9. The preview armor was on a male human, I don't play a male human, I looked in the changing room to see what spymaster would look like on a female, IN REAL TIME PREVIEW, on my character and then spent REAL LIFE MONEY to get the item YOU SHOWED US ON OUR CHARACTER IN THE CHANGING ROOM PREVIEW!


    I paid a lot of real money for packs, over 450$ in less than two months, and this is how you support your product? I WANT THE REAL LIFE MONEY BACK YOU STOLE FROM ME IN YOUR BAIT AND SWITCH SCAM! GIVE ME BACK MY MONEY! There ought to be laws that keep companies like you out of work.

  10. NOT ALL people spent money based on the previews. Others spent them based on promos. And so they did not get what they paid for before this patch.


    That's true, the very fist few people buying this gear had only the promos, based on characters that may have been a different race or gender, giving them only a general idea what to expect, to base their decision on to purchase. The rest of us used the changing room for what's intended for, to look at gear on our character and decide if it looks good for them or not. Both armor options have been in the live game, the only reasonable response at this point is to offer a choice, or a refund if they will not.

  11. I can't help but be hopeful that the interest in this topic will wake up the armor designers, who love using reskins rather than coming up with new designs, to what a huge interest the game population has in their gear designs with out all the crap tacked on. How awesome would it be to have so many options for much of the genuinely nice looking gear avaiable once stripped of all the crud? And they dont need new designs, just strip a few gewgaws, sell tons of gear. WINNING.
  12. Since we love to compare SWTOR to food here, I would like to point out that when I get something I didn't order in a restaurant they usually say, "Sorry, you can keep what we brought you and we will give you what you actually ordered at no extra charge." If they are really good they will give me a 10% discount on the entire bill. (Okay, that last one rarely happens.)


    What they should do is create two items for each current item, one with extra stuff and one without. Give everyone that has currently purchased the items both. Then list them separately in the Cartel Market.


    Everyone happy!


    I'd even be happy with only getting one piece of gear and having the choice which, no one has their stuff taken away in this senario. Win win.

  13. This is the same argument as:


    "Sorry officer, I didn't know about the driving change the city passed. I was too busy driving to read the new legislation."


    It doesn't matter what percentage of people visit the forums. If they put it on the launcher do you think people would read it? Probably not; people as a rule don't read notices. Should they annoy people in-game with a plethora of pop-ups every time the developers comment on something? Outside of the obvious displeasure that would cause, people still wouldn't read it.


    This is how the real world works. Announcements are made on websites, notice boards, or whatever else. They're not shoved in your face. It is your responsibility to go out there and read the information. My work sends out important notices to e-mail. If I decide not to read it, that's on me and I face the consequences for it. Similiarily, BioWare posted a notice in an easily accessible space on their website. If you don't read it, it's on you.

    I dont spend my time on troll infested forums, I spend it PLAYING THE GAME I PAY FOR. I bought the items in game, there should have been an announcement in game, or I should get my gear, or my money back. Simple. I do read in game announcements, such as the speeder piloting one that they did make.

  14. I'm sorry, but I don't spend my days reading every little bit of information on the forums. I actually spend my days working, and my leisure time playing the game. I purchased certain outfits based on their look IN GAME at the time of purchase. I spent real money for those specific looks. Not for the current ugly crap they have on after this change.


    I am rarely on the forums. The vast majority of players are rarely (if ever) on the forums.


    What I really don't get though is BW's insistence on producing some of the most god awful ugly armor in the MMO world. They had made some good looking armor, and then ruin it by making horrid changes that make your characters look like they have a third **** growing out of their chests or are trying to sprout wings off their shoulders and fly away. Seriously... beyond ugly and frankly whoever designed those looks, needs to be fired because they couldn't design a good looking piece of armor if their life depended on it, w/o messing it up.


    I've seen some fugly armor in games, don't get me wrong, but I have NEVER sen a game that is so consistent with the fugly armor as I have with this game. It makes it very difficult to mix/match to get gear that LOOKS good and when you do they turn around and fugly it up on you again.


    They just can't seem to help themselves. They make something halfway decent and then cant keep their hands off it. So we have weird leather bibs comming out of the neck on the cloth robes, metal **** cups over the metal geared robes that look like we needed breast spitoons on our armor to drool into, twenty different antennae designes sticking out of our back, and huge spikey chevrons over our chest that would make a rodeo winners belt buckle blush on elegant loungewear + color clones... Just someone take that desiner and stop them from screwing up almost ever piece of gear they put in game before they start adding little pieces of poo to things that are just fine.

  15. I'll agree to the extent that they should not release things that are broken, but there is no excuse for not fixing things that do get released broken.


    They obviously have both set of graphics available, and considering the items were things people paid real life cash for, I dont understand why it needs to be changed either way, both are in game ALREADY, give us a choice and let that be the end of it.

  16. And you did not think for at least a second that it's a bit odd that it looks different on Corso, than on the Ad?


    I dont care how it looks like on a male, on a female there was FINALLY a white catsuit option, so I started buying packs until I got it (hint, it was a lot more than a Wendy's chicken sammich). Now its gone, just give me my money back and it's fine, change it or refund it, either way.

  17. Because all gear in this game (with very few exceptions of robes who show naked stomach) look the same on male and female. This is not the kind of MMO which displayed gear differently based on gender.

    And Phantom set IS shown on female body 3, not male...


    Half the inquisitor chest pieces, raid pieces, and a substantial number of the knights gear are different for a female, why shouldn't I assume that premium real life cash gear gets the extra attention to make it look good on both genders when it shows in the preview that it does? It makes more sense than not, you look at the item preview and buy what looks good on your character.

  18. Here: Phantom AS IT SHOULD BE AND NOW IS http://imageshack.us/a/img801/6895/phantomq.jpg

    Here: Spymaster AS IT SHOULD BE AND NOW IS http://imageshack.us/a/img69/2060/spymaster.jpg


    Previous versions were wrong, people complained same way as you do now, Oh I paid real cash did not get what I want... so what can they do?

    And you know what, they probably did buy it with real cash, but people who complain now just bought it on GTN.


    That is shown on a man, I play a female, why should I assume it will look like a man in an advert on my female character? I check the gear prieview and see it looks good on a female, BUY! and later they change it, not right.

  19. Obvious now after people have paid real life money for the set shown in the character changing room. not obvious when they were spending it on gear that finally looked good. I cant even find a picture of the spymaster stuff on the pack advert, where are you seeing it? I want breasts and butt back please, not a squeezed flat man like the adverts for the pack shows, why would I assume it should look like a man in the armor when the character changing room shows it is attractive on a female, then is later changed..
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