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Posts posted by dargor-


    Some of us never used healbot and stuff like that while healing through heroic progress raiding in WoW, I only used X-perl unit frames to customize raid ui and target bars etc and what buffs/debuffs I wanted to show and removed the crap I didn`t need.


    Being able to customize your UI the way you want it makes alot of the game more fun for the majority of players.


    The majority wants Addons, as demonstrated trough Polls over and over again.

  2. I met the people in my raid guild on WoW, and Rift, and FFXI in pugs... on server.


    You can't do that on cross server dungeons as well.


    That said, I would like to see how well a server *only* tool works, then, possibly, go for cross server.


    Guilds are found on chat channels and/or websites.


    As for non-cross server dungeon finder I can already tell you, the queues will be 2 hours long, which is against the whole point of having a dungeon finder.

  3. Its a social game, which has been proven to be ruined by LFG systems in the past.


    I will leave if they introduce LFG, as much as i love the game. Ill be one in minutes and so will a hell of a lot of others. Simply put, we cannot stand it.


    Since when is 5% a hell of a lot?




    Also, you may as well pack your bags now because Dungeon Finder has already been confirmed, it's only a matter of cross-server or not now.


    Can I have your stuff?

  4. I agree with OP for the most part.


    Those are all sound suggestions and appeal to the majority of the playerbase (as can be seen in multiple threads on the forums and chat convos in-game)


    Also, I don't care about the very vocal anti-everything minority that likes roaming around the forums. Just ignore them and these threads will become a much better place.

  5. Addons like






    Power Auras


    Are all pretty much quality of life addons that are needed in order to make a MMO more fun than tedious.


    I'd be fine if those were all added in trough the game client, but honestly, it would be a hundred time more time effective for the devs to just release an API and let the players build those for themselves while the dev team focuses on bug hunting and new content

  6. Have to admit I'd love to see the poor droid get more love from the devs.


    The character has potential and he could definitly be useful in the field if he had some more utility/damage


    Hell, he could have some story/affection too


    Maybe even put him in charge of ship customization or something


    Some customisation kits would be nice as well

  7. What people aren't telling you is that the Shadow takes nearly 10% more damage than the Guardian on AoE pulls.


    Meanwhile, the Guardian has a hell of a difficult time keeping threat on these same AoE pulls.



    Pick your weakness...

  8. Aric is one of (if not the) best dps companion in the game.


    Like others have said, Dorne is easy/lazy mode

    4X is safe mode if you're a commando

    Jorgan is quick/turbo killing mode


    Take your pick, they're all good enough to get you to 50


    As far as personality goes, 4x is hillarious, Dorne has bo0bies and Jorgan is the classic tough soldier.


    I duo a lot of flashpoints with my wife and i can tell you I've been using all 3 in different situations.

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