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Everything posted by Demosthinez

  1. I have been able to unlock all the others from the cartel market. I think this is a glitch.
  2. A version of the Vectron J0-1Y that isn't all christmas/life day. http://static.swtor-spy.com/img/guides/2014/12/Swtor_Speeder_Vectron_JO_1Y_1.jpg
  3. Well played, Sir, well played
  4. Ugh.. Two troublemaker packs that I don't need, but no Revan set that I DO need. *bangs head on keyboard*
  5. Greetings and salutations people of Shadowlands. So, I just transferred here from another server and I am seeking a guild of grown up, mature, or adult individuals. As an adult game (46), I would like to enjoy my gaming experience around like minded gamers. This not a slight against the younger generation, because there are plenty of "grown up" youngsters, and an equal amount of childish "adults" in this game. I just would like to run with people from my generation, so to speak. People who saw Star Wars in 77 lol. So give a shout if you have that type of guild. Either here, or in game. Republic: Demosthanis, Dakken'rai, Daro'ven, Daxanar (Didn't plan all the names to start with D, just worked that way ) Imperial: Satado, Cobra-bubbles, Fifty-Three, Zotalor
  6. Well, I cannot speak for anyone other than myself with these changes, and the updates. I can only say making a game great is a process and I think BioWare is well on their way to making a great game greater. This is the face of a happy gamer
  7. If you take a Legacy name with a Sith character, will it also apply to Republic characters?
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