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Posts posted by Tweaked

  1. It reduces the global cooldown so it is still useful to classes that use instants. It also increases your resource regeneration by an equal amount. I'm not sure if there is a cap or not, but it is extremely useful to everyone now.





    Alacrity went from the most useless stat in game to HIGHLY VALUABLE to everyone.


    It doesn't matter what you do, everyone benefits from faster resource regen.

  2. Yea it's really a design flaw that melee have gap closers.


    God these angst filled 1.0 mercs/commandos, wishing back the glory days of missle/grav round domination are getting so tiresome.


    You're a friggin turret class. Set up shop on a flipping cliff and unload. If you don't like it, it's not the class being broken, it's the universe beckoning you to reroll a slinger.



    My main's a 'Mando, love him to pieces...


    My first alt is a 'Slinger... and oh dear lord do i love that class!

  3. Cortosis, phrik and mandalorian iron all resist lightsabers.


    This instantly makes vibroswords Canon in this time frame.


    That said, i love the axe on my Juggy and i'd like to see more "Simple" vibroswords, things resembling a Katana for example.

  4. The main problem we have with hacks is the same one that APB currently fights. It's not the retail Cheat Packages out there in the wild that are a problem. Those are detectable and the accounts/IP are easily ban-able.


    It's people that know how to Code and packet sniff for a living that write these hacks for themselves personally. :mad:


    In time these people will be caught, but don't for a second think that catching them is in any way "Easy". :(

  5. Fact: Subscribers get a monthly grant of Cartel Coins. To use the "Barbershop feature" does NOT require a subscriber to pay extra.


    That argument is fallacious.


    I like the ability to change species. I support this. i look FORWARD to this.


    Lastly, if it being on the Cartel Market is what is required for us to finally get this "feature"... I'm OK with that as it's a better option than we presently have: IE nothing at all.


    There was a time when us subs where told the entire game would be accessible to us for the monthly sub fee. Some fluff in the CM was fine, especially since you could wait and buy it off the GTN in most cases.


    Holding unique gear hostage behind prohibitively expensive paywalls is a despicable practice IMO, even if it does pad your bottom line. I wish to see the game succeed, however I don't feel this is a legitimate way of accomplishing that goal. All it has accomplished, in my personal case, is to prompt me to abstain from any future cartel market purchases and ponder whether I really want to continue with this game at all.


    Seriously, the Rep items need to be trade-able.

    This solves the majority of the complaints.

  7. Either you got extemely lucky, have incredibly cheap CC, or are lying.

    One has to spend more than 100$ to get enough CC for 2 batches of 24 packs(14 000 CC), but let's assume it's that 100$.

    From what I gathered from different people, it seems that you get around 2 of both epic rep items and cartel certificates. Not enough data about blues and greens, but let's assume they are equal. That means 11880 rep per batch, 23760 total rep for 2 batches. Not even enough to get to hero.


    Depeneding what you mean by 'almost', you're probably lying anyway since nobody can even get to champion untill next tuesday, evem with increased weekly rep cap. And to get enough rep items from 48 packs to reach close to legend, you would have to get only purple rep items, which just isn't likely enough.


    2 packs of 24 Cost 13824 CC

    buying two stacks of 5500 CC Cost $80

    Buying one stack of 2400 CC Cost $20


    That's a total of 13400 CC

    The last 424 CC was made up by what was left from my monthly grant, but even if i bought that retail that's still just $5 more.


    aaaand i just realized the Armor only requires "hero" not champ.. my bad.

  8. I don't think we'll ever get any kind of breakdown for their income and where all the funds go.


    However, I do know that creating story content, operations, developing new systems, new planets, are all a lot more expensive than making armor, speeders, and pets for packs. Heck, WoW whips those a a few days notice and throws them up for charity when there's some big disaster. :p


    The overall quality of Makeb is going to say a lot about how much time and effort is going to the playability of the game, I think. If that was a total bust then I'd be awfully disappointed. They *say* that the income from the Cartel Market has allowed them to do a lot of cool stuff with Makeb. I really don't see much of a point in just saying "they're liars!" when I haven't even seen it yet.


    Good post.


    And i Agree, if Makeb is the suck, then yeah... we'll have been mislead.


    I LIKE what i see on 2.0 so far, it does look like significant resources have been expended for the transition from 50 to 55. There's just an epic ton of changes. Faith... i still have it, but only time will tell us the truth.

  9. No you're not :p


    The weekly cap is 36,000. Legend is 70,000. You are not close to Legend yet. Next week, maybe.


    EDIT: Oops, unless you meant you are Champion level...then yes, you're next one up is Legend, grats!


    Yeah, champ and i had horribad luck on rep items. countless stingy green bastards.

    I got the spiffy champ armor if you want screenies.

  10. All of these Cartel Rep items should REALLY be unbound. Your argument from day one about the "fairness" of the cartel market was that these items were not bound and were able to be freely sold on the GTN.


    So let us be able to trade and sell these Reputation items. People who feel left out can then put their virtual money where there mouth is.


    As you state many times in the Blog post: Money talks. This theme would continue in that you could then BUY reputation with in game credits.


    Also, i think this would actually increase sales of cartel packs because people would then purchase them just to sell the reputation to other players. Especially if they already capped.


    Inherently, a system that we've been told embraces a free market must continue to do so.

  11. Hey, you know those exclusive items you got for buying that collectors edition? No one else can get those, ever. So you paid more for the game and got stuff that us poor people who just bought the standard edition didn't get. That's paying to win. Now I'll never be able to collect all the mounts in the game without spending extra money beyond my sub on a collectors box somewhere.


    Sadly (for me) the Spiffy mount came with the digital deluxe edition as well as the CE.


    I believe you can upgrade to DD for $5.

  12. If we are going to keep this system can we at least make the certificats legacy bound as I have opened these packs on different alts and it is annoying that the certificates cannot be combined together.


    Considering it is random whether a certificate will drop and due to the inventory space that the companion gifts and other stuff take up I cannot open all the packs I buy on one alt. Seems badly designed in my opinion but then again so are the Gree components.


    This is an issue, it really needs to be Legacy.

  13. So let's see. F2P launched around half a year ago. Since then, we've got one full shipment. Let's assume that you will need only 300 packs(most likely more) to reach legend and get some certificates. This means 20 packs per month. Fact that no subscriber ever will be able to reach that without spending exta money is obvious. What is not obvious, is that anyone interested in that rep will have to shell out 300x320 CC, 96 000. Assuming best priced CC, this is over 17x5500. Almost 700$ on top of 80$ subscription each 6 months.


    This is not reward for people purchasing packs from CM. This is reward for people purchasing TONS of packs from CM. Person that will invest 'only' 100$ to each shipment will hardly get any reward. If they're lucky, maybe enough rep to get to Friend. Another six months, another grind from scratch just to get nothing.


    I won't get into discussion if whole rep idea is good or bad, but if you intend to 'reset' it (I know, it's not reset, but with new rep and removal of old packs, it's damn close to one) with each shipment, it fails to serve purpose of rewarding buyers. But I guess true purpose is just to make people pay tons of money for some crappy headgear, without paying for it directly.


    I wanted to point out that your Math is incorrect. I will admit that i dropped $100 on these packs and i'm aaaaaaalmost legend already.


    I figure $150 in packs should pretty much get anyone to Legend, even with horrible luck.

  14. I'm choosing to ignore nothing, I already said I realize it's in the freakin patch notes! Gezus ok, IT'S IN THE DAMN PATCH NOTES! I understand that, but that's not the point of my topic...


    So what... they told us it's a 2 week long event. If I never even mentioned that I didn't read every patch note then this whole post would have been different and they wouldn't be calling me on on that one thing.


    MY MAIN POINT I am trying to get across was the fact that 2 weeks on a patch that took a damn long time to come out is just not right. THAT is why i'm a little annoyed. All I am saying is it shoulda lasted a bit longer. But whatever people are just going to keep saying learn 2 read and be jerks. So that is why I said unsubbing.



    It'll be back. Miss it this time around, no sweat. It's a recurring event.

  15. Really? Ok so you are saying you are fine with a patch that took a lot of time to develop only lasting 2 weeks? That is ok in your book? And the other people are right and I'm not? Interesting, and people question why the game is in the state that it's in. Unsubbing.


    Wow, are you unsubbing because you didn't bother to read the patch notes about the event or because everyone on the forums has pointed out for you that you didn't read the patch notes?


    Are you choosing to completely ignore that it has also been mentioned to be a recurring event?

  16. I am not on the forum often because I really enjoy this game. However, suddenly the whole thing seems pointless and several times today I just logged off in disgust.


    The problem is that wherever I go, there suddenly turn up level 50's with lower level chars who they apparently level and these lvl 50 kill everything in their path in areas like 11-15 etc. So you can kind of give up your quest and log, hoping the bastard will be gone by the time you get back.


    OK, play another one of my chars in the meantime. Oh no, same thing happening in different area.


    OK, started a brand new char on another server. Heck, my char is level 2 and already there is a level 50 running along with a newcomer and killing everything in sight. Heck, I cannot even level my level 2 char because everything is dead.


    I think these are gold sellers selling levelling up services etc, or they are training more gold sellers so they can also make credits for them they then sell online!


    Well, that is how these people come like roaches and spoil a very good game!!!!!!!


    Don't roll on a PVP server.


    /end thread.

  17. I think the OP has a right to complain. I did the same thing and bought a x24 Space Pack and ended up with a bunch of junk. I know it's random but it makes me wonder how much real money people spent to actually get the good items.


    I knew the chances to get one of those Imperial thrones or Republic hover chairs were between slim and none but I figured out of 24 packs I would get one thing good, Maybe a weapon. :mad:


    I got 2X Longspur STAPs (Big deal)

    A bunch of crates for belts and bracers (A lot of junk)

    At least 4-5 pets (Again junk)

    6 Intimate emotes (Really?)

    Some rare metals and jems (Meh)

    A bunch of companion gifts (Meh)


    All of the stuff listed above could easily be bought on the GTN for a lot less than I spent on the 24 packs. After that big letdown, I will never buy another Cartel pack again. It is just not worth it.

    I bought a 24 pack and "A bunch of crates for belts and bracers (A lot of junk)" is all i got.


    Never buying packs again.


    **** that.

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