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Everything posted by Stultophobe

  1. I'm starting this thread as a break from the endless drone of apparently dissatisfied customers who nonetheless seem to invest a great deal of time and money into this game. So I want to know, why do you play SWTOR? Is it for the PvE? The PvP? The story? Friends? MMOs are a service. With the exception of government, you do not pay for commercial services you are dissatisfied with. How does SWTOR satisfy?
  2. I always bash heals first I don't Smash them anymore, though (the good ol' days) And to clarify, I don't have problems with Mercs (other than net). They're a bit underpowered imo, at least 1v1. Only class I have any real issue with is Immortal "DPS" Jugg soaking up my burst.
  3. Yes, I believe I stated in my original post that getting netted is frustrating/annoying because it is often impossible to counter effectively on Mara without wasting cds. I've been netting Maras/Sents in PvP on my Merc just to see what they do, and often they don't even seem aware that it's on them until they're dead. I see "good" Maras pop their defensives or cc break -> Camo ASAP if they can, or LoS if they can. Otherwise, without heals, it's my kill. I usually save my net for healers rather than wasting it on random Maras (unless they're killing our heals), I don't even use it 1v1 other than on jumpy DPS Sorcs. The reason for sarcasm is that when people start these kinds of threads they're typically trolled for just "being bad" (and sometimes they are just bad, but that's besides the point). I'm not speaking from personal experience here, that's just my impression reading through the forums (and knowing how people operate on the Internet). Therefore, the tongue-in-cheek self-deprecation in my original post leaves the trolls with nothing to work with, as trolling is only effective on individuals who portray themselves as overly-serious and/or insecure. See?
  4. No, SVT. I appreciate your reply. I was referring to your specific quotation of one part of my original post. Yes, my comment is laced with some sarcasm. No, the main question of how best to deal with Electronet is genuine.
  5. lol thanks. I was being sarcastic.
  6. (No real spoilers here.) Tried pure LS Warrior, which felt unique. I thought I liked it for the first chapter but the charm wore off quick and upon reflection it made no sense to me lore-wise, especially playing an Imperial-educated Pureblood. I liked the whole "honorable Sith" thing, but that was the only redeeming element for my LS playthrough. Pure DS Warrior playthrough -- what is there to say? Pure DS Warrior is the galaxy's biggest ******e. I personally found it equal parts predictable and off-putting. Unsatisfied with both LS and DS playthroughs, I tried various combinations of the two. In most cases, it just becomes morally contradictory and confusing. For my main Warrior I use to run story content, I simply dropped all concern about LS/DS ratios and decided on a rough moral code of conduct prioritizing the Sith Code, loyalty to the Empire, pragmatism and honor. For most choices, I simply ask myself "What would Quinn do?" (WWQD). This has resulted in an approximate 2/5 LS to DS ratio total from Chapters 1-16, although that's not factoring in FPs in which I typically rack up DS points. It's important to me that my Warrior have both negative and redeeming characteristics, otherwise the story becomes bland and I simply lose interest. For instance, my Pureblood might be an unremitting racist but will still honor individual aliens (and Jedi) who prove their merit (i.e. Vette). While ruthless in his conviction to the Sith Code, he nevertheless seeks to know his enemy (Sun Tzu-style) and uses his understanding of the Jedi Code to undermine the certainty of his Jedi opponents (i.e. End of Chapter I & Belsavis). While not phased by the Empire's use of slavery, he still believes those strong enough to fight for it deserve freedom. In KotFE, it is perhaps ironically (perhaps not at all ironically) the Sith Code which transforms him into a through-and-through freedom-fighter/liberator figure following the formation of the Alliance. Don't get me wrong, my Sith is a horrible person by Western moral standards, just not irredeemably horrible and unsympathetic like pure DS. I will say that deciding LS/DS ratio was irrelevant story-wise was very liberating and made for a much more enjoyable, believable, immersive experience, at least from a writer's perspective. In my opinion, continuity is very important no matter what class you're playing (if you care about that kind of stuff). Anyways, how do you play your Sith Warrior?
  7. Not sure. I often queue solo or no heals and can usually top damage while playing objectives, usually only die 1-3 times per match (without heals) unless team is very bad (or game decides to accurately reflect Pub class demographics by queuing 7/8 backpedaling bubble-warrior Sages together). Electronet is the only offensive ability for any class I can think of that I simply cannot counter in any effective way on Mara unless the circumstances -- as others have pointed out -- are just right (which may as well be the circumstantial odds of intelligent life arising in the universe). I don't think Mara doesn't have enough stuns, snares/slows make up for it. Pretty sure Mara also has the most interrupts of any class (Camouflage can double as an interrupt). Could Mara use more surviveability? Maybe take 15-30 seconds off two primary defensives. Maybe not. Maybe introduce a passive where the Mara takes 1% less damage stacking to 5% when attacked. But I'm not really complaining about Mara surviveability, regardless. Will recommend that early Utility point into Saber Ward. I can't even count how many times people have wasted their hard stun on me right off the bat, which is basically a death sentence in 1v1 (unless of course you have Electronet to compensate for the fact that you don't know how to kite). (Edit: Mara doesn't have most interrupts.)
  8. Yes, naturally I'm super bad and need to l2p. I get it. PvPing on Carnage Mara. Not too much trouble with most classes other than unkillable Juggs/Guardians 1v1. Then again, I'm super bad and good Maras just global Juggs all day long. Anyway, can't find any decent answer to the question of how to counter Electronet other than to just give the netter his free kill. And if it were just once every few matches, fine. But I'm netted often and frequently and it's getting annoying. Net cd is 90 seconds and blowing my defensives (2-3min cds) is basically the only luck I've had in surviving thus far. Other two options seem to be stand still and die, or move and die. Utility points for cleanse are wasted since net disables those abilities. Don't worry, I'll l2p eventually. This thread is me trying to l2p and not be bad.
  9. It's just a fact, for whatever facts are worth nowadays.
  10. Yes, I suppose I should just l2playscrub and hope Force Choke is not on cd and that their stun breaker is.
  11. Obviously this is situational, but I find I'm wasting my time focusing Sorc/Sage. You're not going to stand around for 10 seconds waiting for bubble as they heal to full and the time you spend hunting them down after phase walk is usually time better spent taking out killable classes on a node. If anything, they're just taking you out of the fight. I've found my gameplay has improved since placing Sorc/Sage on low priority.
  12. lol. Go back to Sorc.
  13. Can relate to this narrative for my Warrior, former conqueror turned liberator. Although he is still very much Sith in the traditional sense. I do not think Valkorion is an agent of the Dark Side, per se. He's both a creator and a destroyer, beyond the Jedi and Sith's cultural interpretations of the Force. That's what makes him so dangerous.
  14. SW gets a traditional BioWare leadership scenario on Taris.
  15. Malgus? No. Multiculturalism rots any society with its roots in tradition and nationalism. Jadus? No. Jadus is an ideologue and extreme even by Sith standards. Marr and the Empire's Wrath (Sith Warrior) were the only people holding the Empire together, the game tells you as much. Marr was a true leader and adherent of the Sith Code. With his rationalism, pragmatism and raw power, he embodied the best of Imperial and Sith doctrines and understood the value of unity and tradition. The Empire had already lost by the time Marr had any real influence. I do not think Marr could have defeated the Republic had the Valkorion not invaded, but I do think he could have salvaged what was left of the Empire and, as he put it, "make it survive." Marr would know that he could not outright defeat the Republic (it's an issue of resources at this point), he would likely retreat, reform and reconstitute the Sith. Bear in mind that Supreme Chancellor Saresh is basically repeating the events of the Great Hyperspace War and attempting genocide against the Sith.
  16. First, I put "canon" in quotations for a reason. Don't freak out. I know you want to think your smuggler can take on the most powerful Force-users in the galaxy single-handed. Go for it Right now, debating between Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior. Obviously different people will play each class differently, but I'm particularly interested in defining themes which develop throughout the story progression of both JK and SW and how they become relevant in KotOR. Specifically, JK: order, preservation. SW: freedom, conquest. Personally, I find the Sith Warrior's relationship with Valkorion to be the most compelling, even considering Chapter 3 of the JK story arc. But I'm biased.
  17. Male Sith Warrior, in my opinion. Cultured, confident, intelligent.
  18. This question is mostly for Mara/Sent. How important is it? Not so important, from what I gather. So I'm not sure why my Exemplar set is packing so much accuracy (yes, I've replaced acc enhancements for pwr/crit). PvP gear should be optimized for PvP.
  19. Sorcs are BioWare's crutch for backpedaling clickers.
  20. Well, let's think about this... No.
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