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Everything posted by Exiled-Phoenix

  1. I'm not sure what they tried to achieve with this, but it did not work. I'm not a negative player, i like the update so far and the prospect of more chapters, but this component thing is just...<censored>
  2. Some people have been experiencing some issues when using phantom stride on anything other then a straight line. a slight angle from you to your target is enough to put you somewhere you don't want. (half way to your target). This means you cant really use phantom stride when there is a ramp or if your target is on a higher place then you are unless you jump first, and even then, you cant always jump high enough to reach your target even though he is in your line of sight. A thread has been made on the shadow/Assassin forum here
  3. Deception spec here the 3 charges for discharge always work.
  4. kinda glad i'm not the only one, hopefully they will do something about this.. Its extremely annoying when your target is at an angle above you.. like the huttball walkways or even in PvE.
  5. Is there any good way to raise a companions affection at a steady rate without using gifts all the time? aka any daily or weekly quest that gives some conversation options that help? you know for the poor people among us
  6. I'm still never going to buy packs again, did it once, got nothing good, never again... If i cant be sure of what i am getting, i am not buying it with 'real money'.
  7. Dark reaver chestpiece i believe, with a white dye. Its the 'ranked' pvp chestpiece for inquisitors from before 4.0 http://tor-fashion.com/dark-reaver-force-master-force-mystic-stalker-survivor-imp/
  8. 220 gear, is that purchasable from a vendor with the new ultimate comms? I'm also a bit confused as to how we get new armoring schematics.. RE from an existing, but no armorings so far allow us to RE..
  9. Well, those both jump in an arc to the target, we swoop in a straight line. But ours is so fast, you don't really see any animation, its like you teleported with phase walk. Until you hit a bump.. Jumping before PS is a good idea though, thx!
  10. I have been noticing that when i use phantom stride, anything that could get in the way will stop my 'teleport' to my target in my tracks. A slight ramp on the floor or even the pillars at the fire traps on huttball are enough to stop you halfway, which ofcourse leaves you in a vulnerable place (especially on top of a fire trap...) Is this intended or a bug in the mechanic/ something the Dev's overlooked. Or am i the only on experiencing this?
  11. Does anyone happen to have any 1 credit slot machines in their cargo hold that they want to sell? I was not very active when they were available so i missed them. I'm looking to buy about 5.
  12. Those are also all abilities that you will be using outside of stealth, so u have to have them on your main bar(s) anyway.. no point in a stealth bar. Spike is stealth only unless you are darkness spec. Black out will only be used in stealth by madness. So mind control is the only ability that you always use in stealth...
  13. So u want another bar to put 2 abilities on? Okay...
  14. You lose companions it seems when starting KotFE... even as decorations. So again BW, please give us companion decorations with their default outfit that are not holograms!
  15. 'Ello, i'm a newbie sniper, currently level 30 and running marksmen to lvl and pvp. I'm doing ok with it but i am wondering if any of the other specs are better? Engineer seems like a steady damage with some fluff AoE but does it have enough burst? Virulance is a build-up/release burst imo (like lethality Ops) which seems like ok to spread a lot of damage to a lot of targets but not really to put a single one down without help of others? Some insight and advice would be nice thx
  16. What clutter? What abilities can you only use in stealth as a sin? Spike and mind control And..?
  17. í & ì are your friend, if you have an 'i' in the name... you can use them on a lot of other letters too, but on the i or j they won't be noticable.
  18. Even when running through KotFE i feel as if my companions are better then my character.
  19. Does anyone know (or is there a list somewhere) which classes get which crew skills when you create a instant 60? I have all the AC on imp side already at reasonable levels (55+) but i don't always bother with crew skills as i level and only focus on the ones i use on my main characters. So i'd like to use my free 60 to fill up some crew skills that i don't have maxed yet.
  20. Can they also be a bit cheaper please? 750k for tab #3 is pissing me off.
  21. They said new abilities that are meant to replace older ones will automatically take the place of the old one on your hotbars. They didn't specifically say they would be out of your abilities list tho, but they did say they would replace them
  22. That hurts indeed, should just have been changed to mastery..
  23. Thats not true, if the mats for an item are more expensive then the item, then the item will be bought more and become more expensive. Also if the mats for the item are more expensive then the item, no one would craft and sell the item...
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