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Everything posted by Legendoom

  1. How about that Bounty Hunter armor that the woman wears in the Deceived trailer? Better yet, just give us a set of Hunter armor that doesn't look like the love child of Metallo and a deep sea diver (have you seen our 55 set?). Hydra was a fine start, but the colours are still screwy on the bottoms of the feet and the shoulderpads and it costs over a million on the GTN. One set of scuffless, well-coloured Hunter armor that I could dye and I would drop 20 bucks for it.
  2. I'm game for this. I mean, my non-Force classes are the children of my force-ones in my Legacy, so it makes sense for them, but even then. /signed.
  3. I was half-expecting this to come up somewhere. But seriously, the 3rd type is so little used that it's now far more stereotypical to make your character a ball of dough. I've seen maybe three Sith and a Commando in the last week using type 3. And they looked damn good. But an armored mercenary wearing high-end armor, yet who is so rotund I could roll him down a hill? It just looks ridiculous. I'm still trying to figure out how anyone could afford to look at that mug and body for 55 levels. Maybe it's just because I'm a RPer
  4. I can't be the only one who noticed this. From day one of this game, half the male characters use the 4th body type, the fat one. Anyone know why? Why choose that over type 3, the tall one that looks like a total bad@ss. Just one of those things that I never figured out.
  5. Learn to live with them. They're a big part of the game and the whole reason there are so many different kinds is to allow people to play with a certain companion and not lose affection. Find the one you like and only use that one. If you don't enjoy your five, then reroll.
  6. I've been wanting this for a while. How about the ability to replay your class missions, planet by planet in order, all the way up to 50? Just for kicks. Maybe we could put a simulator on the Fleets where you could select one mission in particular or play them all in order. You'd spawn in an instanced version of the planet the mission took place on and complete the missions planet by planet. No rewards, except maybe for achievements, but just for fun. You wouldn't have to reroll to view the stories, or get new gear or new skills, no more endless Heroic 4s or long LFG wait times or dramatic underleveling... think about it. How cool would it be to see your 55s taking down their final bosses in top-tier armor? Better yet, you could even scale the boss and NPC levels to test your mettle against your old enemies again. I'd love to see my light-side Hunter take down his final boss a few more times, and watch those epic cutscenes.
  7. I have. I picked up Armormech and got it to 450 for the sole purpose of this. I was farming champions a few months after launch for the same thing, and I've been checking the GTN daily. I'm hardly a newcomer to this. Also, I have a feeling we differ on the definition of "good". Although feel free to take a screenshot of your hunters if you'd like
  8. Surely I cannot be the only Hunter who wants this. Some of our PvP 50 gear looked pretty sweet, but now out set looks like a Metallo-ripoff and a deep sea diver had a baby and then threw it to some wolves. The other set just looks like the rejected concept art of the Marauder and Agent mashed together. Come on! Aren't hunters known for their repertoire of weapons hidden inside high-tech suits? Boba Fett would shoot himself in the head before he put on what we're wearing now. Honestly, I would pay 20 bucks in Cartel Coins in a heartbeat if you just built a classic BH armor set (like the one the Hunter had in the Deceived trailer, or the Hydra armor if it was without scuffs and we could change all the colours with dye) and put it on the Cartel Market. It's frigging impossible to find a set that doesn't look like a backwater reject put on baggy clothes and some armor. The closest we can come is the Hydra armor, which costs over a million on the GTN and even then, the dyes leave too much white on it anyway. Just one set. One damn set of classic, scuffless armor that we can colour however we want. I would happily settle for a rework of Hydra or another Mandalorian-like set. You already gave the Warriors their Eradicator's gear. Put that on the cartel market and I will be first to login on patch day.
  9. You seriously necroed a two year old thread? One that doesn't even hold true anymore considering the merged realms?
  10. Best-written? Of the ones I've played, I'd say Mako. It's kinda funny watching her stave off your advances and pushing her slowly over the edge, even if there are only a few intimate scenes with her. Granted, I haven't played any of the "best" ones. In order, for me, they'd be: Mako Kira Carsen Lieutenant Iresso (surprisingly fun ) Jaesa Wilsaam Andronikos Revel Raina Temple (nothing really special here)
  11. No, they didn't. They promised it was in the works more than once: http://www.swtor.com/blog/community-qa-feb-17th-2012 http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=554546
  12. Just came back from a year-long hiatus a couple of weeks ago. I'm a 54 Arsenal merc leveling on Makeb and it'd be funny how many times I get roflstomped if it wasn't so damn annoying. For the first time on this character I've had to actually watch my heatlh when fighting a pack of normals, and elites or two silvers actually make me pop half my cooldowns. I'm using Mako, and while she's still in her Corellia gear, her healing is still somewhat okay. Meanwhile my gear is modded with a combination of 50-51 blue/purples and 58 epic PvP mods. I have around 20k health. Did they nerf mercs over the past year or do I just suck?
  13. This isn't too hard. I've played 5.5 out of the 8 so far, so here are mine. 6. Sith Inquisitor Granted, I only just finished Taris on this story so I'm only about halfway done, but even so, I feel like there's so much wasted gosh darn potential here. I play a female SI, heavy dark side who loves killing and torture, and I was looking forward to And then, after Act I, I saw a chance for redemption with the new story. One disappointment after another. I'll still finish the story, but it will need a hell of a pick-me-up to get me invested again. 5. Jedi Consular Granted, this isn't terrible, and I did kinda enjoy it. It's very appropriate for the consular, being diplomatic and stuff, but ultimately it's just not that interesting. Act III was sort of cool, but I was never really invested in it and the ending was very lackluster. Honestly I liked Act I better than II or III. I liked playing more to the heroism of the Jedi combined with mastering the light side than I did playing a diplomat. I won't play it again, even though I really wanted to romance Nadia... Oh well. If there's one story that's the biggest "meh" here, its the Consular. 4. Jedi Knight Better than the Consular, mostly because of its epicness. I didn't mind the corniness on this story because I really wasn't expecting anything else. You're the Chosen One, the Hero of the ages, the master of light. So you do all the really big things that nobody else can. And ultimately, it was enjoyable. The ride was fun, the twist at the end of Act II was decent, and Act I, unlike most stories, didn't suck and was kinda relevant to the plot, and its climax was really sweet. I'd play through it again. 3. Imperial Agent I know how everyone gives this a super-high rating, but I really didn't see it as the paragon here. Granted it's very interesting, when you think about it, and Act II was very fun to play, but the whole love for it that everyone seems to have I don't really get. The twists are cool, but I've never been one to judge a story based on how much it caught me off guard, but how much I enjoyed it, and the Agent was less enjoyable to me than others. It's just not exciting enough. That said, it's still pretty sweet. Subterfuge, working in the shadows and the political games within Imperial Intelligence itself make this a sweet ride. I'd definitely play through it again. 2. Sith Warrior My god, this story is awesome. I played a heavy dark-side Sith who started out as a mid-dark one, and then changed it up after meeting Jaesa. Act I is easily the greatest part of the story here, and while Act II wasn't interesting to me at all, the final act brought the story back and really gave me a reason to continue. This story has everything the Sith Warrior is supposed to be: a hunter, a warrior, an avatar of violence and vengeance. Personally I loved skirting the line between light and dark here: at first my Warrior treated everyone like he needed to kill, like he had the compulsion of a serial killer, didn't really enjoy taking life, and was more just the embodiment of cold rage than actual evil. That was really fun, and seeing the turns the story would take in response was also pretty awesome. The two female companions are both sexy and epic, and the whole story has a lovely tone of destruction to it. The main villain is fun to hate and great to finally destroy. I love this story. 1. Bounty Hunter Let me explain this one. I know a lot of people say it's predictable or boring or just not fun. Those people are only partially right. It is pretty predictable. There are next to no twists or things that really take you off-guard. But as for fun? HOLY CRAP THIS IS FUN. The Bounty Hunter is the ultimate ******. He doesn't listen to anyone, he makes his own rules even more than the Smuggler does, and he can spit at the feet of Jedi and Sith alike. My Hunter was strong light-side, but the best part was that even if you are a light side Hunter, you don't sound like a wuss. Thats always been a problem for me, especially with stories like the Jedi Knight or Consular: light side choices often make you sound wimpy or unwilling to do what's necessary. Not here. Here, if you save someone instead of kill them, the Hunter still makes it sound like a boss and amazing despite it, like he just doesn't care enough to kill them, or in some cases, how morality shines over getting paid. The story is great too. Act I is fun, and while Act II drops a bit, it picks way back up at the climax and the beginning of Act III when you get a real villain to hate again. It's not the most thrilling story, but the climax if you're a light Hunter is awesome. The companions just make it even more fun. Mako is easily the cutest romance in the entire game, and provides a great framework to design the Hunter around. Gault is a riot, Torian's the classic mandalorian (even if he does have the conversational ability of a wet dishcloth), Blizz is both adorable and hilarious, and Skadge is... well you needed a dark-side companion there somewhere. What else can I say? The story isn't as thrilling as the Agent or as perversely satisfying as the Warrior, but it's more fun than anything. You're the epitome of awesome. You're the only guy in town who can tell the Empire to screw off and they'll still pay you. The companions are great, the story is a bundle of fun, and the character itself is just so satisfying. This class is easily the best in my book. That's all out of me.
  14. Looks pretty sweet, although the colour scheme isn't exactly my style. Another QQ: If I put a colour mod inside the chestpiece of that armor, could I unify colours across my armor and make all the pieces the colour of that mod?
  15. Looks sweet. What's the name of that armor set?
  16. I'm hunting for some good-looking Bounty Hunter armor on my level 50 after a 16-month hiatus. Thought it was best to post here. I'm farming some champions on Quesh, and every time I kill them, they only drop green gear despite their loot tables on TORhead showing that they drop oranges. Do you have to farm champions with a level-appropriate character or am I just unlucky? Note: I know about the anti-farming code. It's not that I'm not getting any loot; it's that I'm only getting greens.
  17. I applaud Bioware for everything they've done over the last two years to spin this game and listening to their playerbase. I honestly do; I've never seen any game push out updates so fast and listen so well. Kudos to you. But seriously, there's STILL no toggle hood option?! The most awesome Sith Warrior armor on the Cartel Market, the Eradicator's Warsuit, looks astounding. Totally makes my Warrior feel like he's attacking the Jedi Temple during the Sack of Coruscant. And I just came back after over a year long hiatus raring to go, and I bought it right away. The only thing that would make it perfect would be if I could see his damn hair! Surely this can't be that hard, Bioware. There are already plenty of armors in the game that have their hoods lowered, so you already have dozens of templates. There's got to be a way to do this that doesn't take an exorbitant amount of time.
  18. I'm hitting level 50 on my fourth character, a Pyrotech Mercenary (since Arsenal is worthless or next-to-worthless in PvP), in a little bit (90% through level 48), and I'm wondering about how to gear for PvP at level 50. I mean, since the two brackets are 10 - 49 and 50, I imagine that I'll be facing down a lot of players who have Battlemaster or War Hero gear, and I'll get smoked (also inadvertently dragging my team down). I've got around 2000 warzone commendations right now, rank 21 valor, and a few handfuls of credits. I wanted to gear up in Battlemaster equipment right away, but that would take me at least five times the commendations that I currently have, and that many warzones probably push me to 50 with their exp anyway. I was told by a friend that I should start with the pistols and work my way through the Battlemaster gear, next armor, then implants/ear, then finally relics. Does anyone have any suggestions what I should do from here?
  19. Sorry, but I loathe your viewpoint on being forced to PvP. MMO's should never force anybody to do anything they don't want to do. That's how you lose subscribers and that's how a game goes underwater. I quit this game in April because I was forced to quest and quest the same missions over and over, and it became an awful grind. Now, with the help of getting into warzones that I was paranoid of trying before, and the implementation of the group finder, I can get a lot more EXP and I can afford to skip some of the quests that I've done three or four times on different characters and focus more on my class story; which is what I care about. I like your Adaptive Conversation viewpoint, but given how much of this game's budget was poured into the voice acting, and the subscriber numbers that Bioware brings in revenue from, this is pretty much unfeasible. Cantina idea? Not bad, but the of the characters in my legacy, only four out of eight of them are all alive at the same time. So they would be the only ones willing to talk together, and what of someone who has a lineage that only has one person alive at any given time? I'm also not sure how you would implement that. Seems like more trouble then it's worth. I primarily play a Bounty Hunter, so I payed attention to your Classes section. I would support something like this where I didn't have to hunt down a player character; perhaps I could do an NPC if I wanted an easier (or harder) challenge. But again, I hate being forced to participate in things, so if it's strictly PvP I wouldn't like that. Your Jedi Temple thing? Have at it, seems easy enough to implement. Don't know how the Empire would get at it, though. Maybe stick one in the Sith Academy too? The Old Hermit idea is iffy. I guess if you only do it once a month it isn't too bad so the bar of competition stays at the level of gear that everyone can obtain. But what I'm worried about is that people are ******es. And they will get better and better at finding the Hermit every month, and will camp him so that nobody else can match their uber-1337 DPS numbers. If you made this guy sell mounts, pets or otherwise novelty items, it wouldn't be so bad. I don't really get what you're saying about these flashpoint conversation-stoppers. Maybe it's just me, but it seems overly complex to both writers and players to do all this just for flashpoints. I think the real story of the game is in the class stories. I honestly did not get into the flashpoint stories that much; they're short and they have limited effect. While on my individual classes, I felt like I had an effect on all of the galaxy. Player Housing? WoW's been barking up that tree for years. Runescape has done it pretty well, but honestly I like the idea of just allowing us to customize our ships more. We're men of action; and my Bounty Hunter is far more likely to get to a fleeing target faster in a ship then if he has to leave his apartment, get to the spaceport and then fly in a ship. Also, you'd have to fly back to the capital planet to get back to your house, whereas in a ship it's always on the planet you're on. Speeder idea? NO, NO and NO. I was around in Patch 1.1 in WoW, when the Tauren didn't have mounts and instead had their racial ability of Plainsrunning. The problem with that was that it took 10 seconds to accelerate to full speed, and if you were hit, you became dazed, the ability was toggled off and had to re-accelerate once you finished killing what dismounted you. If you get knocked off your speeder, it takes a while to re-accelerate and you lose an awful lot of time, and I know for a fact, most players would HATE that. The Sprint thing is already implemented. Your idea would simply postpone it for 35 levels or so, after a character gets to level 30 and unlocks their legacy, and then however long it takes them to reach legacy level 1. Holoterminal idea? I agree. I mostly don't notice that anymore, but it seems easy to fix and would put some people at ease. Do it. I guess I half-agree with you on your point about capital cities. Coruscant and Dromund Kaas don't seem very 'capital' at all, I agree. But at the same time, the Fleet is the Fleet because it's a place where everyone gathers, and if you seperate that, then you'll have a gathering of all the 50's on coruscant, unable to talk with other level 50's who are leveling their other characters. It's just more segregation. Anyway, most new players spend very little time on the Fleet. They get their class quests and go right on to the next planet. And they spend very little time on the Fleet while leveling, unless they're at the end of their act or they want to do a flashpoint, which is mostly bypassed because of the group finder anyway. Huttball? No thanks. I like it where it is. Seems just as warlike as Alderaan or Novare Coast to me, and it's much more fun then any other warzone except maybe Voidstar. It's very small and very chaotic, which is what I and many others love. I don't think that a whole lot of players are obsessed with filling their codex, much less what's in it. I guess writing entries might entice some players to do it, but I don't think so. If ****** loot doesn't motivate people, not a lot will. As for your group finder idea, I can't think of a worse solution to the current problems. Scrap the whole thing? Even making people do it once is a huge pain in the ***. I played WoW for over five years before a group finder was introduced, and I've lost countless hours sitting in Trade chat spamming for a tank or healer. It's so unbridledly painful that I can't even describe it. People like the convenience of the group finder because nobody likes to spam Fleet chat with group messages; it's one of the least entertaining things in the game. I don't get what you're saying about NPCs. I really don't care about four republic soldiers who are all together in a group; would you prefer to see them just all around the world willy-nilly? That wouldn't make any sense at all. Soldiers rarely split up; they always function as a fighting force and not independently (with the exception of Havoc Squad, obviously). As for the NPCs movement, yeah, I guess it's stiffy, but that is by design. MMO's are supposed to be accessible to nearly everyone, because almost everyone owns a computer. If you give all the characters in game amazing models, emotes and visual upgrades, how well do you think that's going to go over for the people playing on a 2008 Dell machine? Upgrading graphics makes it worse for people with low-level graphics cards. I'm not thrilled with the emotes we have, and I admit we could definitely use more facial expression on the NPCs and players alike, but it's just not a good idea to screw over players with older computers or graphics cards. Your travel idea is okay. But I've played multiple MMO's, and due to complaints from players, they almost always end up sticking them in a more convienient location because people just get sick of trekking out there after a while. WoW did it with Battlegrounds, instead implementing Battlemasters and then after people got too lazy for that, the PvP finder. You used to have to go out into the world to find a battleground's portal then talk to the person there to queue for the battleground. And it sucked beyond all measure. I hate to reference WoW again, but your mass-server events is asking for trouble. During the opening of the Gates of Ahn-Quiraj, the servers crashed consistently, people ran raids day and night, and overall it was just a massive cluster****. Some people loved it, others hated it. I personally didn't like it that much. Now granted, that was years ago, and I'm sure server stability is much better now. But still, implementing stuff like that is very, very hard on the game and often is more trouble then it's worth. Sound? Again, meh. Most games have halfway decent background audio, and I don't know a whole lot with sounds attached to jumping. I guess if it's not too expensive, go for it. I mostly turn off my audio when I'm not doing a new quest that I want to hear the dialogue to, but that's just me. U.I.. I agree wholeheartedly. I really do. I miss the default UI we had before 1.2. I got over it, but mainly I really, really don't like that the missions tab is not in the exact corner anymore. I can do that with the UI customization, but if I do, if I have more then a couple quests, they go over my actionbars, which annoys the hell out of me. If they'd just allow us to change that and a couple other things you'd mentioned, I'd be happy. Voice alterations I like. I very much like that. If they could give us some editing tools, even fairly basic ones, for our voices, I'd like that a lot. I like the current character voices (maybe with the exception of the male Jedi Consular. It's almost impossible to find a face-voice match for that one!), but it would be nice to have the option of switching them up a little. Anyway. That's all I got.
  20. Props if you caught the reference in the title. I bought the Collector's Edition of Mists of Pandaria last week. I have to say, Blizzard's really done an excellent job; the Sha are magnificent villains and the story of Pandaria is spectacular. And when I hit 90 there's just so much to do; factions to raise rep with, heroics to run, raids to gear up for... the list goes on. But at the same time, I feel like there's just a little too much stuff to do, and I just don't have enough time to do it all. I'm applying for university soon, and I've got to pay a little more attention to school. So I decided I'd drop my WoW subscription and try my hand at a new game (My buddy suggested Dishonored, which I've heard is awesome, but I decided to go with what I enjoyed and came back to SWTOR). Also, I'd like to give a quick props to Bioware. When I left, back in April after 1.2 dropped, I left because the quests were terribly repetitive and dragged on for quite a while. And while that problem is still there, I also realized just before I left that running Warzones was an excellent substitute for leveling and to throw in a little more exp if needed. But I'm very impressed that you guys added a group finder; you identified your problem and fixed it. Good for you guys. It was such a pain having to get a group for flashpoints before, and this made it so much easier, and will also make it easier on my leveling. So thanks again! While WoW has it's own thing going on that people love, and I still do, SWTOR is just very unique. The stories of each class are unbelievable, the companions are brilliant (especially that you can romance them, that's a boon for me), Warzones are crazy, insane clusterfraks that involve a whole load of knockbacks, stuns and throwing-****-around abilities that culminates to total chaos, which I love, and overall, I have a softer spot in my heart for science fiction over fantasy. Anyway. Enough ***-kissing. Time to recharge my blasters and strap on my armor. See you guys in game!
  21. And to answer several questions: No, I don't play other characters simultaneously. I tried that a while ago, leveling a Jedi Knight alongside a Trooper and a Smuggler, but I found out that bouncing between the stories took away from the linear experience, and kind of ruined the anticipation and amusement of playing through them one by one. Currently I have: Level 50 Sith Marauder Level 50 Jedi Guardian Level 50 Sniper Level 34 Mercenary (I've already leveled a BH, but I deleted my old merc because I hated how his face looked) Level 1 Trooper Level 1 Smuggler Level 1 Sith Inquisitor Level 1 Jedi Consular Honestly if I'd known rested EXP provided that much of a difference I may have reconsidered only running one character at a time.
  22. First of all, if I didn't respect you I'd say you were lying. That's damn near impossible. Second, yes. I do most bonus series, except I generally skip the Nar Shaddaa one. The ones I always do are Tatooine and Alderaan, I often do Taris/Balmorra (both their 20 and 36 versions) and Voss, and sometimes I do the Hoth one if I feel I don't want to do all the bonus quests on Corellia.
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