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Everything posted by Vordy

  1. Because they like to whine, cant think about anything else.
  2. lol say that to all the WoW threads out there....
  3. Actually, I do have to say go back to WoW, we dont want Arena in this game.
  4. Im so tired of **** like this, an MMO shouldnt have ARENAS or Warzones, everything should happen on the planets, not sure why some game companies thinks instance **** is the way to go.
  5. So hes telling the truth and then you considering him a troll? Ye good job.... He is correct though.
  6. I shouldnt take this troll serious, she just wants people to think shes ...., and then she reports you . Shes leaving the game anyways.
  7. Darkfall is as bad right now man, better wait for 2.0
  8. haha, if you havnt seen it for a while I suggest you check it again, its like 10 ships overall in that fight
  9. Darkfall Online exist, but its going quite bad atm due to the lack of skills from the company. But I still have my hopes on their 2.0 expansion.
  10. haha, if you havnt seen it for a while I suggest you check it again, its like 10 ships overall in that fight
  11. mm, its sad that they made a WoW clone, because WoW had one of the worste PvP in a mmo game, the PvE was good though.
  12. Ye it sucks that he want to retire, if people doesnt like his movies, then dont see them. Simple as that.
  13. Actually, I have no idea the first time I saw Star Wars, but I'm pretty sure I saw them home with my family and probably got stuck with them from the first time, saw them lliterally once per week atleast for years and when Micro Machines arrived I bought more or less all Star Wars toys from it. Me and my cousin used to play with them for weeks togheter sometimes.
  14. Vordy

    Implement Arenas

    Already given arguments in another stupid thread, dont need to post it everytime. A no is enough.
  15. I'm sure he change his mind sooner or later, maybe it takes 20 years
  16. lol who cares about the books, for me the onlything that matter is the movies, I heard Bobba Fett survived somehow in some ****t book? Well, for me he died on Tatooine and thats it, he was my favourite character in Star Wars
  17. You probably tabbed out and missed it the first time, you only get kicked after 1 min .
  18. So where did you get the 4-5k players from? Another statistic?
  19. Still, you cant call them exploiters when it was designed this way, you are a fool if you think otherwise.
  20. Did you count the numbers at the same time, or did you just took the 21 republic at middle of the night and the 97 at prime time? Fool..
  21. More or less, Bioware should perma ban the ones who said they will leave so they actually cant come back (atleast not on their old char), because we know that most of the time they are full of **** and they will keep playing.
  22. Its not harassment, camping is fine on a PvP server, Bioware's own fault that the cannons didnt do more damage.
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