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Everything posted by Anelitt

  1. Ye thx for getting rif of the grind. Gotta go now and do 87 "Kill 5-30 xxx" and "Tag/destory 2/4/6 relays" Quests on the next planet.
  2. Canceled also. Otherwise it would be like paying 15 bugs a month to get a kicked in the nuts.
  3. All these excuses don't make the game better though, all in all its still very mediocre at best.
  4. Agree. This game is in the same boat as Rift/Aion etc. regarding quality. A bit lower even imo.
  5. Sou you imply that this game advertised as having no endgame content, only leveling content, unlike all other MMOs?
  6. Story is good. Story instead of good gameplay, like here, NO.
  7. Stop accusing people of trolling because they dont agree with you, makes you look like a 11 year old.
  8. Starwarsfans in most threads: Stop comparing to wow! Starwarsfans in this thread: " Yes but wow back in the day at launch had...." How do some guys feel the need to defend that raiding in this game is a wreck right now? You guys care so much that precious swtor is soooo great and gonna be the new nr.1 on the MMO market but at the same time try to cover any of the glaring issues so it wont be improved and has nowhere else to go as in the same direction STO/Rift/Aion etc. did. Please tell me i must know lol. Apart from that stop bashing OP and others for having rushed. MMO's cover a wide range of players, including people who level faster then average, who are you to tell them their way of palying is wrong? Get of your high horses, Bioware never wrote anywhere that getting to 50 fast would be inacceptable or not supported. If BW released the game with raiding content for their players then they should make sure its atleast semi functional, not just there as a sales point but in reality an absolute wreck. Apart from that claiming that WoW was not better back in the day is completely pointless. This game does not compete with 2004 wow, it competes with 2011/12 wow and other MMOs. Saying there once was a game just as bad a decade ago is worth nothing. SW: Tired Of Running. Maybe they should add 14 kilometer long hallways between bosses to stretch the Raiding content just like the leveling content
  9. What you say is hilariously wrong sorry. You seem to be the one whi doesnt understand economy. Ye you right Slicers have less money to buy the stuff other players sell and other players therefore also have less money. BUT those other players also need less money cause less money in the economy means they can buy items cheaper also. The thing is though that the large amount of money pushed into the game by slicers would just cause inflation ingame. All items would just cost more. An item that cost 100 credits would then cost 1000 credits to buy. The only difference after the nerf is that slicers dont exlusively have the by far best (and maybe even only realistic) way of generating money. Its all about balance, if one preofession trumps the others conderning revenue production then all other professions seem lame. I am sorry you cannot see that and in a selflish manner only think about your personal advantage over others ingame rather then wanting balance and a healthy game.
  10. Rofl that was great! Elevator music and dumbster's, what more can one wish for? :> Look at the tards in this thread whining that you kill low lvl's without mentioning that those low lvls come with together with lvl. 50 mates. I think they are just jelly cause they suck themselfes ^_- Plz quote me with a good dumbster quote and i will never wash my monitor again
  11. Well tbh the storys are not exactly epic tales like the movies, its just standart plots which one would also expect to find the the cheapest of short storys/comics/novels imo. I Try to listen to the class quests atleast so i feel i have not wasted to much money on the game, but the sure dont have me sitting on the edge of my seat rofl.
  12. Thank you for some OKish voiceover Thank you for...ehm... can't think of more good stuff, but thanks for the slightly above average voiceovers:D
  13. They can't do that, they they would actually have to offer another body type rather then all races having exactly the same bodys as it is right now.
  14. It was more in resposne to the folowing scenario: Between poster A and B -A "PvP in this state is a mess -B "This game is not for you its for storytelling, **** hater!1" -A "Comat has serious resonsivenes issues" -B "LOL go back to wow this game is about amazing and epic story telling" -A " Ok but surely they could add a damagemeter so the bottomfeeders wee all know from PuGs dont drag my raid down without anyone ever beeing able to pinpoint that they are the problem?" -B " damagemeters are pure evil, might be that i make 1/4 of you guys DPS and die constantly, but i have other qualities damn you! And this game has fantastik storytelling and voiceover!" -A "The UI is very limited in its display of information" -B" Yeah but the Voicerovers and storytell..." -A " Ahh just forget it" Meanig the argument that the game is super awsomesauce because of its VO and storys no matter what big gameplay flaws it has, gets really old by now.
  15. 11.784 Side quest storys featuring plots such as: - "MR XXX betrayed us go punish him" - "This Planet is dry go steal some water from sand people" - "Enemys are growing stonger, take out their air support consoles" - "Lord XXXXX holds the artifact and intends to sell in on the black market" ETC.ETC.ETC.ETC.ETC. Whoaaa truly EPIC and amazing story telling! This totally makes up for the Dinosaur age gameplay!
  16. Yes this game probably is the biggest letdown compared to the expectations ever, Seeing as the fanboys now collectively claim OP made up stuff even though almost everything he said is simple fact, i by now believe that fanboys would defend anything. If Bioware released dogshi.t in a cd case people would buy it, litterally put the dogshi.t in their disc drive and claim the"game" is awesome with minor bugs and everyone stating that it is infact dogshi.t would get nerdscreamed into oblivion.
  17. Its borderline obscene how people call the OP a lier when pretty much all he stated were simple FACTS. This fanboyism is unbelieveable, instead of pretending all those downsides are not there they should consider aknowleding them so BW might actually someday act and get this game out of the stoneage.
  18. So much hate from people liking something another person does not like. I actually thought he made an effort to put out a well thought out post, but alas that doesn't matter, the defense army is immidiately there to stomp any form of non positive feedback to this game.
  19. This is the most underwhelming game ever made compared to the hype i think. Its dissapointment after dissapointment ingame. Wont go into details again, done that and others do it plenty but i do feel like posting my agreement that this game is a letdown, since BW got my money now and delivered this abomination. Btw. This is OPINION if you guys liking this game (which is good for you grats) can't accept anything other then praise then maybe a forum is a bad place fou you.
  20. Anelitt


    All you will get in a thread like this one is terrible players that dont like arenas cause they reveal how bad they are. They much prefer going in random BGs so they can happily zerg with the rest nver having to face that they are actually not very good.
  21. Yeah its great because "Those guys" you meet in wow pug groups can now carried in their endless badness without proof its them who drag groups down :>
  22. i would guess 50% and 90% within the first 6 months. This game just doesnt deliver imo. The clunky combat, worst pvp in any mmo ever possibly, endless traveling, stale linear worlds compared to certain competitors. Only thing it has going fot it are the voice overs, but even those get old for me atlast since lvl 20. seriously they are not exiting, we're not watching a SW movie here lol. Just short simple plots, they are nothing more. What to do at 50 even for those who are intrigued by the voicer over story? Be stuck with a terrible combat engine/UI? This game lived from the SW+BW hype at the beginning which guaranteed large initial subscriber numbers. After the launch though i cannot see anything happen other then a massivle decline in subscribers, bad gameplay can never hold its own..
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