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10 Good
  1. Sounds like an easy way to sell hypercrates for 500 million all day long. Post them, and let him buy them up?
  2. There are other threads of this same subject.
  3. Of the thousand or whatever changes in this latest patch, this one, Legacy Ignore, doesn't nerf any class ability, doesn't take away any pvp dps, doesn't change the look of any armor, doesn't cap any item mods, it literally does not affect anyone's gameplay except for the person who chooses to use it. Yet so many are coming out against it. I don't understand it. The only reason I can think of to say that LI is a bad idea, is because you are the type of person who runs their mouth reckless in general chat, knowing you are going to be ignored. But that was ok, because you could always hop on another character and pretend to be a nice person. I've put 3 on LI so far. Just 3. And the difference in general chat is amazing. I'm loving it. Well worth my $15 bucks a month not to have to listen to some pimply faced kids 5 minute repertoire of poop jokes before launching into how he wants to take everyone's mom over the edge of the couch and do butt stuff to her. Well done DEVS.
  4. Legacy Ignore won't stop a player from logging off their main character and making a new character in order to run their mouths in a reckless fashion in Genchat. It will only stop their chat showing up for you. What will happen, is that players who do that, will think twice about it now since their main characters will also be ignored, especially if those main characters are 'popular'. I'm very curious to see if the amount of harassment, and otherwise socially unacceptable comments often seen in Genchat decreases after the patch. I suppose the die hard grievers/trolls could always pony up a new account.
  5. You know it's happening. Player1 logs off, makes a new character, jumps to the fleet and begins to say things in Genchat they would never say on their main character. Legacy Ignore won't stop that, but I would bet a million credits it will slow it down, a LOT. Also the gold sellers...buh bye! I'm going to love this new feature, and use it with extreme prejudice. Why? Because I pay $15 a month to do what I want, that's why.
  6. I rolled my first Jedi Sage and had gotten a bit tired of all the combat crapola. So what I did was only trained her to I think it was level 6...then after that, I only trained passive skills, no advanced class crapola either. Now, it's my favorite character to play. Sooooo simple!!! Yet, still levels insanely fast.
  7. To crafters...90 is not a lot. And I don't need 600 slots. Maybe I didn't make myself clear, I just want to open it up a little. I run up against the limit on a daily basis, I'm constantly fighting it. Maybe just take it up to another 30...or better yet, double it to 180. If that's not an option, let me sell my product in stacks. I would be happy to sell a stack of 9 mods, 7 for armor and 2 for held items, and have it count as one item on the GTN.
  8. Of course not, that would be silly since I can only submit 90 at a time, hence the point of my post. I would, however, craft much more than 90 if I could submit more than 90 on the GTN.
  9. I think it's time to open up the GTN to allow for more than 90 items. While to some, 90 sounds like a lot, it's really not. My Merc does Cybertech and in my crafting tree, just in Mods alone, there are over 100 different Mods that I can craft. Even if I just focused on 2 Mods per level, 1 regular, and 1 advanced, that's 28 different Mods. A normal set of gear, seven pieces, would take 7 Mods, so even if I only made enough for one set of gear per level, I would need 196 slots in the GTN. Even if I only made advanced Mods...I would need 98 spots on the GTN to just have enough for 1 set of gear per level, and if you count for two weapons/focus/offhand/etc....that's another 28. And this is JUST for Mods, this doesn't include all the other things I could make and be selling. All told there are around 526 items to craft, and that doesn't count archived items. Please open up the GTN so we can sell more items at one time. 90 is just not enough.
  10. The fleet is a huge place, having a mount available, especially to travel that outer rim is nearly essential if you want to get anything done in a timely fashion. That being said, the cantina area is not that big and quick to run out of. But a lot of RP is ruined by those who feel the need to park their giant mounts on tops of groups of people. How hard would it be to just disable mount code in the cantina area to make this a more realistic RP experience? It's already done in lots of areas of the game. I get the warning all the time about being dismounted if I continue. Can't you just apply that to the cantinas? I know this has been talked about before but it always seems to have met a dead end and I'm not sure why. Having a mount in an cantina serves no purpose that I know of other than to troll those who want to RP there.
  11. I don't know if chat bubbles are the answer. But it IS incredibly annoying to keep track of the 2 or 3 people you are talking to when 20 others in a 100 foot radius of you are spamming your little chat box with their conversation and emotes as well.
  12. I hear ya. I log on at home, no problem. Use my laptop at work, with my phone as my ISP, and I need the "one time password" to log in. I get back home, and guess what...the cycle starts all over. Yep, 'one time password' needed. Rinse repeat.
  13. If you pvp then I guess you take your chances, or don't buy the new option to /ignore the whole player. Bioware...I up my ante, I'll pay 40 bucks if you put this ability, unlimited uses, in the cartel market.
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