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Posts posted by Ravenolf

  1. I don't know where they pulled those numbers from but it's more like 80% win for the imperials in Alderaan and Voidstar.


    3-4 level 10, 11, 12, and < 20 in your group doesn't help matters much. I wish these lowbies would go and level instead of trying to play Obi Wan Kenobi in Warzones and take on the level 50 Sith Inquisitors.


    Because all the current 50s did not play any pvp till they reached maxed level. Please.... This is a lack of bracket issue, not a player issue. Which Bioware acknowledged and is fixing.

  2. I was wondering if anyone else has the issue where when playing the Voidstar warzone, the mini map in the top right corner covers two of your ability buttons? Is there an easy fix I missed?


    More curiosity now, as I am moving to keybinding game play. Not looking forward to that learning curve, but will be happy when it becomes a natural way to play.

  3. Warhammer.


    Hundreds of players crashing together in between castles or storming castles. Changed my focus from PVE to PVP endgame. Amazing experience.


    Oh, they eliminated low level ganking. I guess ganking isn't crucial for good pvp.

  4. You know it will come eventually. What PVP game doesn't have brackets for their PVP 'battlegrounds'? Do you think all those games got it wrong?


    I am ok with no brackets right now, it just released. But don't try to peddle the argument, that 50's earned their dominance by having more time to play. Congratulations you don't have the same real life responsibilities I do. We are talking time, not skill here. To further exacerbate the process, high levels are able to roll over low levels in warzones, thus getting more valor and badges to further their gear advantage. This isn't a new concept. This is the carrot for many of the players for the rush to 50s.


    A good lv 50 player will kill a good lv 30 player 99% of the time. Thus the need for brackets. Patience, they will come.


    Bolster is a short term fix, and for occurrences when the servers mature and the ques get too long (hopefully rarely).


    This is a MMO, gear/level matters more then skill. Stop kidding your self.

  5. I would imagine the brackets will be introduced eventually. We will all recall this as a "remember when" moment.


    I don't think asking for competitive pvp as you level up is too much to ask. But this will be addressed eventually so <shrug>.



    The only thing that bugs me, is hearing that 50's complain that they get lowbies on their team. First, they pvp'd at lower level too. Second, the player has no control over this.

  6. I have been playing a embarrassing amount of hours playing your game. I now have to tear myself away from my computer to go spread some holiday cheer with the family, but I will be back ready to repel the Imperials on Tatooine.


    I also want to thank the sith who participated in a little RP in the Voidstar. He activated his sith pacing back and forth ability on one end of the bridge, and I went into the Jedi meditation on the other. We then activated our weapons and met in the middle. He should have gone after the door, or joined his team to overpower one of the groups, but it wasn't about that. It was about us living out a star wars moment. I gave it my best, we dueled for a whole 30 seconds, but I was defeated.


    And finally, I should thank the folks on the server I am on. "The Shadowlands" I don't know if it is because the large majority of the republic guilds are casual and/or adult based, but the community there is great. Helpful in chat, easy to find groups, and conversations that don't make you question if you are too old be playing a video game. If you did that on purpose Bioware...putting all the casual guilds together as you had that description field, that was an even better idea then staggered launch.


    TLDR: Thank you for great Star Wars Memories, already.


    I can't wait to get back to it on the 26th.

  7. Its absolutely one of the worst gaming experiences I have ever had, not only does the game NOT have a confirmation window when purchasing Commendations items, I can not trade it back -same time- and get my Commendations back.


    Come on developers what are you thinking! :mad:


    IF this is the biggest problem you have to go the forums and post about, this game has to rock like hell. :D

  8. I quit playing the Star Wars Beta months ago because I didn’t want to spoil the game for myself. I think that statement alone says a lot about the sort of MMO Star Wars is. Now that the game has launched Kara and I have jumped back in and we’re having a great time. We have not experienced any of the long queue times or crazy lag that so many people seem to be complaining about. I understand that there are plenty of people having technical issues with the game but I can’t speak to that.


    I’m playing a different class than I did in the beta and so I’m getting a brand new experience. I’m just amazed at the quality of the class specific story-lines. The mission objectives and dialog choices really help you develop a character and not just an avatar. I mentioned this when I talked about the Beta a while ago and to me it really is the defining difference between SW:TOR and other MMO’s. While playing last night with Scott he explained that his bounty hunter was all about completing her contracts and getting credits. She didn’t let her feelings get in the way of the job. He was thinking about this before his character was even level 10. I’d be very surprised if he had any idea what sort of “person” his Troll Shaman was in WOW.


    Kara is playing a Sith Inquisitor. A couple nights ago she was complaining that being bad was difficult and she was struggling with some of the dialog options. Last night she was volunteering to help torture people and was actually pissed when we accidentally gained light side points. Bioware has always done an incredible job of putting you in your character’s shoes and making you care about them. The fact that they have managed to transfer that into the MMO space is a *********** triumph in my opinion.


    -Gabe out



  9. Personally my favorite element of an MMO is leveling faster than other people.


    You know. Typically I try to get hardcore players to admit the above. On PVP servers, this is the race to gank and not be ganked. PVE, it is to get the gear then afk in public areas.


    But with the white hot forum that this has been lately with high school whining, I have to step back and admire your honesty.


    You get 20 internets, and I wish you fast, fast leveling with a worn out spacebar.

  10. No ques to get in.

    No quest mob camping.

    No crashes at all.

    No lag at all.


    And so far the community has been great, and very helpful in chat.


    Congrats Bioware! I am sure future MMOs will take a page out of your book.


    Now to get back to it. So much win in this game.

  11. They should have Email us which Wave are we in, so atleast we won't have to stare at the screen and wait.

    We could plan our leaves etc, do other things, have beer with guildies or whatever meaningful.

    Rather than now.. we are like siting ducks.


    They explained why they wouldn't do this. Did you read the post?

  12. In WoW the population was generally 50/50 in terms of PvP/PvE ratio. At times it was 55% towards PvE. They did surveys and polls and I am guessing that is why they went with the servers based on what people picked in beta and the survey.


    'was' being the operative word. PVP now makes up 30% of the wow pop. If the SWTOR pop is 50/50 right now, then ganking will quickly move the PVP pop down to 30%.

  13. Logged in this morning.


    0 lag, 0 crashes, 0 ques, and no 10 min. mob camping for quest objectives.


    Working as intended.


    My biggest concern (and it was minute) was getting the names I wanted.


    If I was on a PVP server, I imagine every wave that goes by is that much more gankers I have to deal with. But I am not, so whatever.

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