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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Ravenolf

  1. I used to never leave, and would make comments of those that did. Then the opposing side started farming in Huttball. Get 5 scores, then keep passing the ball around so they could maximize medals. You have a choice. Stick around for marginal exp/money etc and increase your opponents valor gain increasing their gear advantage over you in future matches, or get enough people to leave to shut off the valor flow.


    The delta of valor between you and the farming team is greater if they farm then if you leave and lose out on your minimum valor.

  2. Now that my IA is getting nerfed tomorrow, I will be playing my sorc alt. So hopefully they will hold off for a bit. Upside, I can join all the "all sorc" premades that form up at fleet to grind out wz wins.
  3. So lemme get this straight. I was lvling up. Playing both PvE and PvP. I was doing pretty well in PVP. Def holding my own. Dinged 50 and went into a WZ. SLAM! BLAM! BLAST! POW! DEAD! DEAD! DEAD! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!




    I'm just supposed to get crushed for a while until I slowly gear up over a couple hundred games?




    Wait for it. The folks that powered to 50 and are now Battlemaster will tell you it is about skill, and you just are not good. It has nothing to do about being able to play many hours due to little real life responsibilities, and get gear advantage. That is never the case.

  4. just an fyi, not every server has this going for it.

    Ilum on my server is full of imps trying to zerg the reps but getting demolished because we are better pvpers and play smarter.

    also our ratio is 2:1 maybe 3:1

    were actually a server that ends up doing rep v rep huttball a lot.

    (we actually enjoy it since it gives us a challange)


    That is pretty interesting. Outnumbered by Imps in ILUM, but not in warzones causing you to get same faction huttball.


    What server? What's are the guild's that are so good at pvp they are beating 2:1 numbers in Ilum?

  5. Star Wars: The Old Republic - 1.1.1 Patch Notes


    Imperial Agent





    Acid Blade: Now provides 30% armor penetration while active.

    Jarring Strike: This ability now knocks the target down for 1.5 seconds.

    Hidden Strike: The damage output of this ability has been decreased by approximately 20% to control burst damage and because it was enabling significantly faster than intended kills in PvP.


    So the Operative nerf day is upon us. Sad day for all the ops, seems like they went ahead with a nerf that basically makes us useless in PVP, so now the class is crap in both PVP and PVE... I was hoping BW would fix our out of combat damage and nerf our stealth opener to be more in line with other abilities, but no they nerfed the opener, nerfed the already horrible out of combat damage and made our knockdown the worst CC in the game since it will give a full resolve bar for 1.5sec of stun.


    GG BW


    The most important thing here, is that those Operatives re-roll making all their valor worthless. As it was not earned.

  6. honestly I dont know why scoundrel/ops getting nerfed even right now lvl 45 I can't even touch a same lvl sorc using everything i got


    That is because sorc/sages need be be balanced next.

  7. This is the next mirror class that needs to be looked at. The healing is a bit overpowered. Interupts should prevent any other healing ability for x seconds. Not just that ability.
  8. I consider myself a very good sage, but I have a sentinel friend in the guild who always wins me in 1v1.


    That's when you realize that sages aren't OP at all, when two people who're good at the game and have about the same gear fight in a 1v1.


    Your argument fails where you ask us to assume you and your friend are good. You will get Nerfed, so enjoy the good times while they last. And don't re-roll to a new FOTM because you will have squandered all that valor you grinded. That would be such a shame.

  9. I never thought Bioware was going to deliver a world pvp experience with depth at launch. Not that we shouldn't have had those expectations. This was always a PVE centric game, wiith a growing development team to bring the PVP side in line.


    3 WZ and Ilum as it is now is a fraction of what the true potential is. We know that, and I think Bioware knows that too. It just was not prioritized for launch. To retain all the pvp players, they need to get it moving, and start sharing the direction they are taking it.

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