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Posts posted by Ravenolf

  1. The clip in the video reminded me of Champion Online flight. We don't need it, it looks goofy.

    Thanks for use in speeders in spaceports, that wasn't necessary, but appreciated. Don't worry about faster travel outside of a mounts.


    More Speeder Bikes

    Speeders allowing multiple passenger



  2. Our server is an odd duck then. "The Shadlowlands". There are very few Maras/Sents running around in 50 warzones. About a month ago, they seem all over the place, then just disappeared. Now we have a huge in flux of jugg/guardians.


    Of the Sents we have around some are ok, but none of them are the 'known' feared pvp players.

  3. Just so you don't embarrass yourself again.




    Class played more than marauder/sentinel: Sorc/Assassin/Mercenary


    From data distributed at Guild Summit.


    So is that all classes rolled in the game, or only level 50s? And thank you for actually sharing data in the forums. I spat out my hot pocket I was so surprised.

  4. Sents/Maras are easy.


    My 8 year old son is killing it as a watchman. We also just picked up a rescue dalmatian under a year old, and he already is a leet grav round spammer. Neither can touch my 86 year old grandmother that is the servers top smuggler scrapper. Too bad she got nerfed.

  5. OMG!!!! Quick... start the nerf Jugg/Guard threads! Enough with the Sin/Shadow witch hunt! NERF THOSE JUGGS!


    Kidding.. that is impressive though. I would have hated to be on the other team.


    Are you kidding me. This is exactly the post that starts the nerf process. If only you kept your accomplishment to your self, but that is what gets every class in trouble.


    Rise in Jugg pop, and then nerfed to the floor. Enjoy your ride, and special thanks from some my class that has been getting too much attention since patch 1.2 was released.

  6. i love these mara elitest posts. so people are ***-holes for playing an "easy" class but when they roll a "harder" class they are ***-holes because they wont know how to play them. i hope some of these FOTM roll you in your own class so i can watch you run to the forums and cry about BW ruining your game experience


    Spoken like someone that couldn't hack it. :D

  7. :confused::confused: Mara is really not that hard to play. All you have to do is watch your procs and hit your keybinds on time. I understand it can be hell to play if you're a clicker but any competent player with keybinds can play the class rather well.


    Not many people say this is hard class to play. It is just harder then most (...most) other classes.


    Playing a video game is not hard. Try running a business or raising a family. It is all perspective.

  8. 1) The whole Warhammer team did not get moved to Star Wars. I believe they got only one manager (who could influence direction) and they were for the artistic side of the game.


    2) Warhammer had the best world pvp I have played since Daoc. Wow had nothing to compare. Yes the nodes went back and forth, but that was the point. Servers are never going to have a static number of pop on all the time with a perfect 50/50 split between faction(s).


    SWTOR world pvp suffered because it was not a focus. They never communicated it was. They had pvp in the game, like they have space combat in the game. They were placing their bets on story driven aspects, and those story driven aspects are 95% (more really) exclusive to the PVE side of the game.


    Now that said, they acknowledged at the guild summit and dev tracker leading up to guild summit that they were surprised at all the PVP interest, that it was going to be a greater priority, and would get more resources dedicated to it. You all won. You did it. They are moving focus more towards pvp. Now you have to wait till you can see what those resources do. We will know when they have the replacement/fix for Ilum worked out.


    I can't wait for GW2 to come out also. So half the forum pvp pop (not the same as player base) will take off.

  9. whats the point of this post? you got owned cuz u didnt play well and come to the forums to QQ cuz you lost, and claim that the other class is OP? come on, you serious? what level are you at?


    The OPs sarcasm isn't obvious enough, the OP needs a buff.

  10. No class in this game has a high skill cap.


    If other people say things are hard, and I say things are easy, it shows I am better then them.


    The Sentinel has a high'er' skill cap then most other AC in this game. Does that make you feel better?

  11. Class nerfs are old generation game thinking.


    I want player nerfs. I have a list of about 322 players that have killed me since launch, all were OP.


    Just let me know where to send that list Bioware.. I'll unsub if you don't take action.




    ....sorry...didn't look at the script, I meant that I am going to play GW2.

  12. Then i'll see you in gw2 i suppose.


    PvP is an afterthought in this game. The so called "ranked" warzones are nothing more than a solo rank number. BORING.



    This is a joke. Atleast make another tier of gear to work towards that's only lilke 5% better than warhero gear that takes high rating to achieve.


    If you honestly beleive that a 5% gear advantage is holding you back then you have bigger problems to worry about,


    If 5% is meaningless, then why have it at all?

  13. Psh I remember this one times this gunslinger guy fastroped from a freighter ships and capped the right on alderan and i was like *** and he was like yo so i tried to stop him and he shots me in the face with his x5turbo.


    This is getting out of control bw , fix this garbage game GUNSLINGERS ARE KILLING PVP!!!


    That's nothing. On voidstar the imperials were just about to cap the west door, when my gunslinger flew his ship into the dock pinning him and doing crushing dot damage. Since dots don't interupt cap anymore, the imp scum still planted the bomb. So I had to ride out on my Taun Taun and freeze him in carbonite. I then popped invisibility and my invincibility and disarmed the bomb. Finally I used my 20 min cooldown ability to infect an imperial with the Rakghoul virus. In 15 seconds they were all killing each other in their spawn box.


    Leave this class alone, we are fine.

  14. I don't know what the op is talking about. I usually get in my ship and fly around using the turret gun to mow down imperials. My ship can stealth for only 30 seconds, so it isn't broken. And I rarely drop my rancor pet, because that is a little overkill.


    I think my ability to slice other cybernetic players to make them my pets is a great rp element.

  15. I have known a lot of the top pvp'ers on my server, and no one has rage quit this game but one Imperial IA. That isn't to say everyone thinks things are peachy, but there are enough good elements to stick around and see how it evolves.


    That said, I have found it interesting that the pvp community will look at a large number of imperials and republic players in Ilum, and some will say 'yay, world zerg pvp', while others will say 'yay, let's organize kills swaps'. If you love to pvp, why would you not do it when the opportunity presents itself. Especially now that getting gear gets easier and easier.


    And if you kill swap, everyone will have the best gear, so it becomes irrelevant. Maybe that is it. Kill swapping players don't want pvp gear, they would rather it be completely skilled base. I guess there is some merit there.

  16. Here are the medals my Sentinel friend gets consistently:


    -Solo kill

    -Killing blow

    -2.5k damage single hit

    -75k damage

    -10 kills

    -25 kills

    -300k damage

    -75k healing


    He does pretty well and often tops medals.


    Biochem by any chance?

  17. I appreciate the frustration. Use East and West and eventually the association will stick.


    Left and Right being subjective to which way you are facing, and East and West being static as it is defined by position on the mini map.

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