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Everything posted by Ravenolf

  1. 1v1, not order of who can post the highest warzone damage. With out a healer to keep them up, they go down to the four classes already posted.
  2. 1v1 classes in order of dominance 1. Agent/Smug 2. Shadow/Tankasins 3. Gunslinger/Sniper (People will laugh at this, but good pvpers rock this class, they just aren't numerous) 4. Mara/Sent Assuming they are all played by good pvp's
  3. So I am full BM and yesterday with the release of 1.2 and no nerf for Shadow/Tankasins, they destroy me in 1v1 every time. Shadow/Tankasins are way better than any other class. They have great single target dps and with their defensive abilities, they have more durability than any other class.
  4. I am not happy I didn't get ranked warzones, but better you wait till you get it polished then releasing garbage. (like several other MMO publishers I could name) I enjoy the heck out of the pvp we have today, and will be here waiting for the next big update. Thanks for new warzone, customizable UI, same faction voidstar, shorter voidstars, and all the other good stuff. /subbed
  5. You could, the template is out there, and works for every melee class.
  6. I'm a noob and my situational awareness has huge room for improvement, but I've noticed that in the lvl 50 WZs, Commandos on attack sometimes get gobbled up by a team of 3 Tankasins. You can blow one off with a concussion charge but his buddy immediately jumps you. No way to run because you are snared or rooted. For that matter, a Tankasins could out run you anyhow. I've been getting my head handed to me, but I think that there is hope, because pulling 3 defenders away from the neighborhood of the asset has got to create a vulnerability. It seems like a defense against the Tankasins teams would be to make a mini-phalanx of 2 or 3 troopers. If a Tankasin speed bursts to you, one of you pops a concussion charge. If another speed bursts to you, then another pops a concussion charge. Meanwhile you could keep focus fire on a healer or whatever, maybe even on the SOB that popped out of stealth on top of you. It would require noticing that your neighbor had been attacked, or otherwise had a melee enemy on top of him. Just being in a crowd of teammates won't help if you don't support each other. Anyone else see the Tankasin teams? Anyone have success countering them? Any Tankasins have comments or suggestions that are not anatomically improbable?
  7. Bingo (Which forces me to go find and post in all the Tankasin threads for balance)
  8. By popular classes did you mean (and mirrors) Sorcerers, Juggs, and Tankasins? You mentioned maras, and there are hardly any on my server so....
  9. DPS tanks should not be doing even equal damage to pure dps. And before you start going on and on about unproductive dps. I would take 6 tankasins over 6 of any other pure dps class out there. And you and I both know, i would win every time.
  10. Oh you sweet, sweet thread. I was worried the sent/mara nerf cry threads were coming back in fashion. So where were we. Yeah the post above make you think, but then there is the post above that one....I don't know. Great discussion all around. Tanks should have high utility, and low dps. That is all.
  11. Ravenolf

    Mvp Voting

    Get the best scoreboard metrics and don't get a vote? Here may be a couple of reasons: You are a wz rager. Use the term noob, baddies, or yell at the team, no vote for you. You are not with guildies (guildies will vote for guildies to help pvp progression) You are not a healer (have to keep the healers happy) You are not a tank with high protection (if there are no healers, this guy may have saved you) People don't like you. It's personal.
  12. To prevent injury. You take that out of the equation, the coaches would keep them in fighting for a historic come back, because they are competitors. We are talking about competitors playing the game, not audience members. Yes please, this is silly fun. Oh I forgot your A. Do you really need a mercy rule for games that can not last longer then 15 min.? 15min? ......15 min? Which they don't if it is a blow out, regardless of what actions you take.
  13. Ravenolf

    Force camo

    Not a gap closer.??? You don't play one, or if you do, not very well. Yeah it can be used for escape too, but most of the time it is a gap closer.
  14. "I apologize to the victims that go bruned...." Went from action star to 3 stooges. Always check your work before you compile. Otherwise, good video.
  15. Perfect balance is impossible. I think the point is forum posts draw attention to a subject, it does not make a bullet proof case for change. Metrics will drive changes in any competent business.
  16. laughed out loud with that one. Too funny. Actually, Bioware said with all the posts on the forum they would investigate. Don't you love being able to post with out giving sources.
  17. I really don't know, but it is certainly worth discussing in more detail.
  18. If I lose in pvp, it is because the other class is op. If I win in pvp, it is because I have great skill. If my premade loses a warzone, the other team used hacks. If my premade wins a warzone it is because of our superior skill and intelligence. If you have a low personal rating, it is the pugs fault. If you have a high personal rating, it is your great skill. Why would you think this would ever, ever change?
  19. What does PVE servers having Ilum to pvp, have to do with PVP servers being able to go nuts on all the worlds? I don't see the linkage there.
  20. First, great post. I missed the DaoC train and have been curious about it. Second, concerning the quoted part of your post. When did this happen? I remember Bioware going on and on about their story in PVE, and then announced they would have PVP too. Like we have space combat too. It was an added feature, this was never a pvp game, or a 50/50 PVE, PVP game. Bioware never set that expectation. That came from PVP'rs pre launch who gave a list of their expectations and saying Bioware had to meet them or they would fail. They then move forward talking about PVP as if Bioware promised a game like Daoc or Warhammer. That came from the community, not Bioware.
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