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Everything posted by hyuplee

  1. Lemme just quote OP for a sec: Stop trying to click your way to 75k in damage as a DPS class. In fact, stop queuing at all. No excuse for people being as bad as they are. Why is it two people are able to break 300k plus objectives every single match without fail and others can't seem to get past 100k with full battlemaster gear? This isn't rocket science - rotations in this game take like 4 keybinds. ^ this is the original post. Lets see the things which are mentioned here: 75k damage. Break 300k plus objective. Get pass 100k with full bm gear. Rotations takes 4 keybinds. Nowhere in the post did the OP mention about healing score, guards or any other factor that may deter the performance of the group. Also, I have not mentioned anywhere in my post that medals are an indication of how useful someone is in a warzone. It's not my fault that you can't read what has been written (epic l2read issue here, buddy) and its certainly not my fault that you extrapolate things to suit your interpretation. To OP's credit, he has edited his post to be more constructive, which is always good to see. Still, it is you who actually really need to learn to read.
  2. Firstly, I disagree. If you are dumb enough not to wear recruit gear/BM gear when pvping someone, you're not even in the mindset of a pvper. If you don't have the mindset to pvp, that's obviously one crucial skill you're missing. The people who cling onto expertise are the people who took their time to learn the system, therefore they are already better skilled than you because they know too well not to let some misguided sense of entitlement to hinder their ability to pvp. (unless you actually beat them in full pve gear, which does happen but very rarely. Then you can talk about skills and what not.) if you got a problem expertise, suck it up, get geared and then stomp these people. These people, who have actually endured the same thing when they first started out. Did you think they were handed a set of warhero gears on day 1 and told to destroy newbs by BW? No. They climbed the ladder to the top of the building, so they can start throwing jellos at the people below them. They have more than earned the right to abuse their hard earned gear. If you have trouble climbing the ladder, then don't pvp. Clearly this is not for you. Post like these are the reason why the game is going down the drain atm. First, casual players complain about gear being too hard to get, so bioware made it easy to cater these people. The hardcore player, having obtained all the gears since the content was made easy, eventually quit the game, and the casual players who were complaining about gearing in the first place ended up quitting too because they have no one to compete against. Stop expecting everything to be handed to you on a silver platter. Real life doesn't work that way, game sure as hell don't.
  3. Once again a funny video turned to an argument about maras and PTs. Honestly, if you have the time to cry about those classes, maybe its time to roll one. Especially now when the snipers/slingers are becoming the new fotm.
  4. Actually the better thing to do would be mod shopping. Buy the BM gear first , pull out the mods your gonna need, and cash in the empty BM gear for a WH gear and again pull out the mods. Now you have 1 bm gear and 1 WH gear. Enjoy.
  5. The problem with OP's post is that he assumes damage is everything that mattered in a wz, when in fact, defending a node - which may result in 0 damage (it has happened before) - is something of a sacrifice that someone has to make because it is extremely important. Rarely do I crap on the pug who are defending because they are pretty much doing the most important job ever. I, however, do have several problems with the things pug tend to do: A : Call after they're already dead. Picture the following voidstar scenrio: Defender 1: How's East doing? <bombardment detected> Defender 2: ...inc. Dumb, right? B: Unable to hold the node for longer than the duration it takes for them to type inc. It's not that hard to cc break, run around and hide behind walls / poles. C: Wear PVE gear. D: Can't even break 100k dmg even when they are attacking. I've seen people rock in recruit gear doing 500k dmg per wz. Granted said person is a PT, still, 100k is dead easy at level 50. E: Expect someone with more experience to carry them. Literally i have one game where every teammates was standing around me after we capped a node (losing 2 in the progress because the pug who went east sucked) and not doing anything until i tell them to get a move on. F: Leaving the node undefended If not being able to stand any of these dumb behaviours make me an elitist, I'm happy to be one. Coming into warzone with 100 expertise when recruit gears are made free for you is extremely selfish and dumb. You're basically hindering the entire team of people who actually want to try and win. Would you rock up to a soccer game barefoot and expect everyone to be all nice about it? No. So really, are your teammates being a bunch of elitist jerks, or are you just being a total dummass?
  6. Hey, a marauder here. I'm just wondering, what kind of stats are people running with? Atm, I'm running with 34.08 crit chance 100.34 accuracy 77.95 surge with exotech stim I have 1066 damage pri 579 bonus damage I might replace the crit + surge mods with a few accuracy + crit mods. Do you guys think I should?
  7. Expertise is a good system. Please don't assume you represent the opinion of the mass. Thank you.
  8. lol obviously some attention hoar trying to get attention with a misleading title. This entire post is full of dribble.
  9. i think everyone's already explained to you without expertise you are pretty much useless. You are being very selfish if you think the appearance of your character should come before the team's performance. So obviously people are not gonna like you a lot.
  10. Hi. I'm a freelance journalist who happens to be investigating these rumors. As much as I hate to inform everyone, everything this man has posted is legit. And I now fear for this man's life.
  11. i originally thought this troll attempt is pretty fail but then I realized it's got 28 pages going rofl. Nicely done, OP. If only they hand out rakata pieces and black hole commendation for trolling....
  12. These "QQ" have been happening as early as 1.2 and we still got buffed in 1.3. If Bioware thought Mara has issue they'd nerf it then, but they didn't and they buffed the class instead. So if you really think BW will nerf this class because people on forum refuse to l2p then...well... what more can I say?
  13. Erm... Not it won't lol If anything you should pray that it doesn't get buffed - thats what happened in 1.3 and people has been crying about marauder since 1.2 rofl.
  14. im not even trying defend my class lol What would be the point? These threads are completely, utterly pointless because - you're not gonna believe this - with the amount of qq and fresh hot tears on every qq'ers keyboard, Bioware actually BUFFED marauder in patch 1.3 LOLOLOLOL. Now that gore can be used more often than before since its no longer bound by GCD, im having so much fun with my 12k ravage atm. Thread like this only serves to make me laugh and love my class even more.
  15. LOL Crying about Marauder again? Took you long enough. The Return of the Marauder QQ. Good job necroing old busted myth hahaha. HINT: Problem with Mara? Switch class and next thing you know you'd be complaining about Pyro PT.
  16. I really truly enjoy reading this thread, thanks OP. Fail Sorc will always complain about being squishy while everyone else kite like a mofo, top damage board and destroy everything in their path. Has anyone risen to the challenge yet? Funny how everyone complain about sorc being weak and when they're asked to duel a half decent sorc most people chicken out.
  17. hyuplee

    Pt op

    Right because you are so charming in the way you conduct yourself. Thanks for the constructive post though. Appreciate it. no need, bro We're human beings and we all make mistakes Appreciate the re-edit though!
  18. hyuplee

    Pt op

    most classes are fine atm. Each has its strength and lack thereof, with the exception of arsenal merc being a dumb class to play. And yes, i do realize it was a sin not a sorc ;P just woke up then and was looking for a sorc dmg screenshot, got too excited when i see the lightning sign.
  19. hyuplee

    Pt op

    dont waste ur time talking to scrubs pretending to b pro bro. Me and carthy are just having a grand time laughing at the pvp "tough guys" from other server atm. brb
  20. hyuplee

    Pt op

    7 healers? okay.
  21. hyuplee

    Pt op

    yea and then you turn around and find we broke through ur door at voidstar or capped ur bunker in novia coast. Yawn.
  22. hyuplee

    Pt op

    rofl wasting ur time running around a deeps okay bro. brb laughing.
  23. hyuplee

    Pt op

    keybinding is for casual players. lol if he can click and still **** people with zero death, obviously he's pro. he did.
  24. hyuplee

    Pt op

    this kid happen to one of the highest rating on our server but hey thanks for the advice.
  25. hyuplee

    Pt op

    Point taken. I'll be looking for that sorc dmg again then. Just woke up lol
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