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Everything posted by lollermittens

  1. This is just a little gimmick they included which will allow you to duel your guildies/friends/same faction with your fists!
  2. Two new PvP-sets and a new PvE-set are coming out: A PvP set to bridge the gear-gap between being a fresh Level 50 to Centurion gear And a War Hero set that has some very marginal stat increases compared to BM (it's really a cosmetic upgrade over the BM set) There is a new PvE set that is to come out of the new Operation. Not much details there.
  3. Yes. You will be able to purchase Legacy races if you haven't reached 50 yet. I'm still fuzzy myself in regards as to how this whole unlocking thing works but one thing I'm sure of, if you have the 1.5M to unlock the Chiss class, then you'll be able to make a Chiss Sith Warrior for example. They haven't released the Legacy loot table yet so I can't answer your other question.
  4. Not to hijack your thread but I have created a similar thread that summarizes the changes more comprehensively: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=357019
  5. NDA has been lifted in regards to the Guild Summit Day 2. During that time, those invited got some hands-on playtime with the 1.2 beta. Massively joystiq and DarthHater have done a comprehensive job of detailing the changes. I have summarized what I personally thought were the most interesting changes. I strongly encourage everyone to read the interview with Goerg Zoeller since I was not able to cover all of the information he discusses in it. I also did not cover the new Flashpoint nor the new Operation in detail to not give away spoilers. You guys should read the Darth Hater articles if you want more details. (And yes, more details about the BH "nerf" at the end of this post). Links: http://massively.joystiq.com/2012/03/13/massivelys-hands-on-with-star-wars-the-old-republic-update-1-2/ http://www.darthhater.com/articles/swtor-news/19982-guild-summit-patch-1-2-hands-on-highlights http://www.darthhater.com/articles/swtor-news/19987-guild-summit-lost-island-flashpoint-impressions http://www.darthhater.com/articles/swtor-news/19979-guild-summit-interview-with-georg-zoeller Legacy: Species Note: All of the values will likely be retooled or changed before the 1.2 patch roll out. Everything here should be treated as such until the final values are updated. Values with * may be incorrect. All species unlocks can be unlocked by getting to 50 with a character of that species. Chiss – Unlockable for 1.5 million credits, legacy level 8 Cyborg – Unlockable for 500,000* credits, legacy level 8 Human – Unlockable for 500,000* credits, legacy level 8 Miraluka – Unlockable for 1.5 million credits, legacy level 8 Mirialan – Unlockable for 1.5 million credits , legacy level 8 Rattataki – Unlockable for 1.5 million credits , legacy level 8 Sith Pureblood – Unlockable for 1.5 million credits , legacy level 8 Twilek – Unlockable for 1.5 million credits , legacy level 8 Zabrak – Unlockable for 500,000* credits , legacy level 8 Alignment: Legacy of Sacrifice – Grants the use of the sacrifice ability to all characters. Injures your companion to instantly heal yourself. Requires level 50, Dark V, 250,000 credits, legacy level 10 Legacy of Unity – Grants the use of the unity ability to all characters. Unity reduces damage to you and your companion for a short duration. Requires level 50, Light V, 250,000 credits, legacy level 10 Legacy of Equilibrium – Grants the use of the equilibrium ability to all characters. Equilibrium increases damage and healing by you and your companion for a short duration. Requires level 50, neutral, 250,000 credits, legacy level 10 Ship Unlocks: Mailbox – Unlockable for 250,000 credits, legacy level 10 Repair Droid – Unlockable for 1 million credits, legacy level 8 Operation Training Dummy – Unlockable for 250,000 credits, legacy level 10 Warzone Training Dummy – Unlockable for 250,000 credits, legacy level 10, valor rank required Black Market Trade Terminal – Unlockable for 5 million credits, legacy level 35 Combat: Legacy of Combat: Punch – Unlocks the unarmed combat function. Unlockable for 10,000 credits, legacy level 5, Valor rank level 5 Legacy of Combat: Jab – Unlockable for 15,000 credits, legacy level 8, valor rank 10 Legacy of Combat: Uppercut – Unlockable for 20,000 credits, legacy level 10,valor rank 15 Legacy of Combat: Bash – Unlockable for 25,000 credits, legacy level 15,valor rank 25 Convenience: Legacy Fleet Pass – Cuts down the time of the use of Fleet Pass by increments of one hour for each of the levels. There are three levels to it and are unlockable for increments of 50,000 credits, 5 legacy levels (5, 10, 15) Legacy Quick Travel – Same as the above except that it is cut down by one minute each level instead. Rocket Boost – Short duration speed increase. Unlockable for 5 million credits, legacy level 20 Achievement Mission Terminals : Several Achievement Mission Terminals are located in fleets of the two factions that now unlock achievement rewards for doing certain flashpoints, operations, etc. These feats require boss kills and more to unlock special speeder skins/colors. Warzone: Novare Coast Novare Coast is a majority control Warzone that pits two sides against each other In order to win, a team will have to control two of the three turret control panels to damage the shielding opposing side’s base If interrupted, players can also continue the progress where they left off if they are able to get back to the panel before the other side proceeds to capture it in the other direction The capture mechanic works almost like a tug of war centered on the points. Interview with Georg Zoeller: Operations: We’re not completely happy with the speed of some of the Operation’s fixes. We know there are a lot of pain points, especially in Eternity Vault with Soa. We now have a very senior team now dedicated specifically to going through all the Operations to make sure that every single report is verified and fixed Bugs: there is a dedicated team now dealing with these things and that should hopefully bring the response times more into a realm that we are happy with. There is a lot more interaction between the core combat, the balance team, and the Operations design team at this point. There are some pain points with area healing in Operations that we are addressing on the class side Class Balance / Buffs / Nerfs: Bounty Hunter Mercenary healers or Scoundrel healers: we bolstered their area healing capability with some nice quality of life changes to make their healing output more predictable and overall comfortable to play We did some improvement on the Sage and the Sorcerer as well, but we also identified some bugs/exploits that we fixed that caused the class to over-perform. Nerfs: it’s obviously controversial if we decide we have to nerf something. I don’t expect people to throw us a parade. Ultimately, people are going to be very unhappy. There is the small-minded approach of “so many people play Sorcerer, BioWare is never going to touch them.” No, that is not how it works. So we did some changes there to rebalance that particular tree to move a bit out of the Tracer Missile, and require you to be more active in your combat style to achieve that kind of effect. You can call that a nerf. I call that housekeeping. *EDIT* In response to the price tag attached to the various Legacy unlocks, Georg Zoeller took the time to respond to our concerns (you can find his post in this very same thread):
  6. Our main 8-man OPs group is currently composed of the following: 1 Assasin (Tank) 1 Sniper 2 Marauders 4 Sorcerers As you can see, we do have 3 melees in the group and we have absolutely no problems in clearing KP (takes between 1hr - 1hr15min) or clearing EV (takes 1hr - 2hrs depending on how glitchy Soa and his pyramids are). Granted, both the Marauders (I am one of them) have both Rakata weapons and at least 3 Rakata PvE pieces, but if anything, we are essential to the Soa fight since Marauder #1 uses his Bloodthirst after the first drop of the pillar while Marauder #2 uses his Bloodthirst on pillar drop number 2... As you could imagine, by the third pillar drop (if the tank/healers haven't gotten mind-trapped unluckily) and no glitching, we can take down the hardest boss (arguably) in the game without any problems and we're carrying three melees in the group. However, it goes without saying that for almost all fights, ranged DPS is highly superior since it does not have to deal with positioning, knockbacks or any of the other non-sense melee classes have to deal with on a consistent basis: the 2 seconds I'm taking to running back to where the boss is 2 seconds of DPS lost that ranged DPS aren't losing.
  7. I guess the coziness offered by ignorance trumps the hard cold facts presented by quantitative, accurate data. People on these forums rather rely on "gut feelings" and "shots in the dark" to fulfill their gameplay experience. They're not interested in knowing how they got that 4k crit; they're just happy to have it and don't want to question it further. Fine. But why do you have to ruin the game by forcing the rest of us who want to know how you got that 4k crit? I'd love to know how you crit me for 4k given my 11% expertise and 23.44% armor reduction. What's your damage modifier? Did you have a trinket/power adrenal on? What was your base power? With a comprehensive, public log, all of these questions could be answered. Why do people fear data, knowledge? This is absurd. The baseless fear-mongering which fuels the argumentative firepower of the con-combat log crowd is getting really, really old. We get it that you don't want your combat information to be public (for whatever reason and I really mean for whatever reason since nobody has been able to give us a definite answer as to why you don't want combat logs). And that's what makes this argument so frustrating: those who advocate for a public and comprehensive combat log system can rally behind one cause and explain their side of the argument in an accurate, scientific manner while the other side has nothing, and let me repeat, nothing but anecdotal and personal experiences based off past gameplay experiences of other MMOs. Example: the folks over at SithWarrior have created this comprehensive formula list which is more accurate than the damage/heals provided on the game's ability tooltips. Here is the link http://sithwarrior.com/forums/Thread-SWTOR-formula-list Another example (needs to be proficient in calculus): for purposes of theory-crafting, the effect of a given stat on the expected damage of an attack can be calculated using the following formula found here http://sithwarrior.com/forums/Thread...S-stat-weights This is what theorycrafting is. And all of this was done without combat log. Now imagine if combat logs were available, this data would be 100% accurate and the spreadsheet which stem from such formulas would be streamlined and essentially complete for all theorycrafters. Anyways, this is my last post to try and convince people why a complete, public, and comprehensive combat log is needed. If people would rather wallow in ignorance while they're playing, be my guest. The most ironic result to come out of the combat log that will be released by BW is that all the people who were so vocal against a public combat log are going to the be the very first ones to use the new builds/specs created by the hardcore theorycrafters who spent a good majority of their time perfecting their builds and itemization while sharing it with the rest of the community. It just doesn't get better than that.
  8. I guess the coziness offered by ignorance trumps the hard cold facts presented by quantitative, accurate data. People on these forums rather rely on "gut feelings" and "shots in the dark" to fulfill their gameplay experience. They're not interested in knowing how they got that 4k crit; they're just happy to have it and don't want to question it further. Fine. But why do you have to ruin the game by forcing the rest of us who want to know how you got that 4k crit? I'd love to know how you crit me for 4k given my 11% expertise and 23.44% armor reduction. What's your damage modifier? Did you have a trinket/power adrenal on? What was your base power? With a comprehensive, public log, all of these questions could be answered. Why do people fear data, knowledge? This is absurd. The baseless fear-mongering which fuels the argumentative firepower of the con-combat log crowd is getting really, really old. We get it that you don't want your combat information to be public (for whatever reason and I really mean for whatever reason since nobody has been able to give us a definite answer as to why you don't want combat logs). And that's what makes this argument so frustrating: those who advocate for a public and comprehensive combat log system can rally behind one cause and explain their side of the argument in an accurate, scientific manner while the other side has nothing, and let me repeat, nothing but anecdotal and personal experiences based off past gameplay experiences of other MMOs. Those against combat logs are doing the exact same: you have no experience, nor any valid reason to not want a combat log. You may believe your reasons to not have a combat log are shared with BW but they're not. BW simply doesn't want a combat log because their simplistic game is going to be dissected to such a level that will make the developers uncomfortable. Example: the folks over at SithWarrior have created this comprehensive formula list which is more accurate than the damage/heals provided on the game's ability tooltips. Here is the link http://sithwarrior.com/forums/Thread-SWTOR-formula-list Another example (needs to be proficient in calculus): for purposes of theory-crafting, the effect of a given stat on the expected damage of an attack can be calculated using the following formula found here http://sithwarrior.com/forums/Thread-Primer-on-calculating-DPS-stat-weights This is what theorycrafting is. And all of this was done without combat log. Now imagine if combat logs were available, this data would be 100% accurate and the spreadsheet which stem from such formulas would be streamlined and essentially complete for all theorycrafters. Anyways, this is my last post to try and convince people why a complete, public, and comprehensive combat log is needed. If people would rather wallow in ignorance while they're playing, be my guest. The most ironic result to come out of the combat log that will be released by BW is that all the people who were so vocal against a public combat log are going to the be the very first ones to use the new builds/specs created by the hardcore theorycrafters who spent a good majority of their time perfecting their builds and itemization while sharing it with the rest of the community. It just doesn't get better than that.
  9. This claim makes me wonder if you ever have played WoW... The developers themselves said they used WoW as a model for many design elements in this game. This is a WoW clone. Plain and simple. This is not even arguable.
  10. I would like to put my definition of what I believe macros would accomplish in this game in order to deviate from all the misinformation and confusion surrounding the issue. I will also post a definition regarding scripting since a lot of folks seem to think both terms are synonymous: Macros: to streamline the automation of a repetitive activity which would result in the same expected outcome even if that activity were to be performed manually. Script (from Wikipedia): program written for a software environment that automates the execution of tasks which could alternatively be executed one by one by a human operator. A macro is not a third-party software or program. It would be a native functionality within the game to create a more unique and tailored experience for each player. In retrospect, those using current third-party software that comes along their keyboards/mice are indeed using scripting programs. I was baffled at your decision not to include macros because: "We don't want to add another barrier to entry in terms of gameplay." I understand that your business model is to cater to the majority of players who are casuals. But from the statistics you gave yesterday, it seems that most players aren't so casual: the average player plays 5 hours per day and almost playing a full 40 hours per week. That's almost comparable to a full-time job. And that's most of your "casual" audience. From what I've gathered by reading threads which touch upon the issues of macros, a majority on these forums (I am aware of the fact that the forums also poorly represent the entire playerbase in general) have simply no idea what a macro does. For most players, they believe that a macro equates to inputing all your abilities onto one command line then spamming this over and over again until your rotation is completed. This isn't Rift; this isn't WoW (even though it has borrowed almost every idea from the-game-that-must-not-be-named). Macros, ultimately, increase the rate of efficiency at which a player can manage his abilities along with the better management of a player's resource (rage/force/heat/etc); it promotes creativity when it comes to certain builds and also promotes those "quality of life" improvements you're so fond of by making certain actions automated and easier to handle. Example: as a Marauder, I would love to include Retaliation (an ability which is off the GCD and procs if you parry/dodge a melee attack) in front of all my offensive abilities meaning that if I parry or defend an attack, my next Annihilate will cast Retaliation then Annihilate without having to manually use Retalation. This accomplishes two things: The most obvious is that it frees up a space on an already limited number of hotbars, which are not being increased in 1.2 by the way The other is that it automates ability usage and lets me be more efficient in terms of ability/rage management This is what most players who are against macros don't understand. They think of it as an unfair advantage even though macros are accessible to everyone including the vocal majority who are against them. There are many more reasons that are argued against the use for macros, but most of them are asinine and can be easily debunked. I won't waste my time going over those since, to me at least, being against macros is the same as being against the self-checkout at your local grocery store: it's there for everyone to use, it won't give you an advantage if you use it and nobody is forcing you to use it. You're just being inefficient and showing that you are scared of change by automating your checkout process. It's unfortunate that the majority of folks are risk-averse. It also baffles me that nothing was mentioned regarding the the good chunk of players who would love to have macros. It's not because you include macros in the game that they are necessary to use. Look at WoW for example (since this game is a clone of WoW): the macros have always been present but most people didn't use them since the audience of WoW is even more casual than that of SW:TOR's. If anything, most people didn't since they downloaded add-ons to do the work for them. Your decision to not include macros in this game is very, very disappointing. It is a staple functionality in many modern MMOs and your belief that it will add another layer of complexity to an already very simple game is unfounded and false. If what you claim is really true, that your average player spends 5 hours per day, they can take the 10 minutes it would take to read a tutorial about the use of macros. And again, if they don't want to use it, don't use them. It won't even change their gameplay one bit. Don't penalize the chunk of players who'd love to have macros because a vocal majority on the forums out of all places is scared of something they don't understand. I had high hopes for this game. Most of what was introduced in 1.2 should have been included at launch hence reinforcing the belief that this game was rushed for the holidays -- don't have to be a genius to figure that out. But your decision to not include macros in the game will come back and bite you in the butt in the future once more skills and content is added onto the game. And I'll be right here, shaking my head and saying to myself... "I told you so." TL;DR - Very disappointed at BW's decision not to include macros in the game to avoid adding "an extra layer of complexity onto the gameplay."
  11. That's the mantra of the con-combat log crowd and here's my response taking into account a different perspective/scenario: This advice works great...for regular players. As a raid leader, trying to down a fight in which you keep hitting the enrage timer, without any way to determine who isn't pulling their weight and needs coaching, is a nightmare. Literally all I can do is tell everyone "ok, let's do it again, bump up your dps!" and wipe yet again. Those sort of analytical tools are invaluable for leaders of more hardcore raiding guilds, without them you can't even come close to optimizing your guild. At that point, you just have to trust that everyone is giving it their all and doesn't need improving, or assume everyone needs more coaching (pissing off the people that actually don't). Seriously, how effective do you think it would be for a business if that business had no way of gauging the performance of their employees? How about if a sports team had no way to determine which players were better than others in certain positions? You need that type of data to have a system that can be optimized. Now perhaps you're just one of those players that don't think that optimization needs to happen. Fine. Just don't ruin my game (and seriously, preventing hardcore raiding guilds from having any feedback on their raids is doing precisely that for them) just because you have a beef with the pompous idiots setting ridiculous requirements for PuG raids.
  12. You should definitely research this topic before posting about it since every other thread has to do with questions regarding Annihilation spec in PvP. Here's what I posted in another thread just two or three days ago: Overall Gameplay Tips: My current build: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bIrRrRMchzZhMbZh.1 - Empowerment is situational; that one extra rage is negligible and you shouldn't have too many problems generating rage if you have a solid rotation. - 3/3 Malice is very important since with the 15% crit guaranteed towards DoTs stack additatively, you have a 21% added chance to crit on your DoTs. This is amazing. - You could take two points out of Subjugation and put them into Phantom -- just remember than a 6 second interrupt and a 45 sec CD Obfuscate is amazing and should not be passed up (however Phantom is also an amazing skill). - You could also take two points out of Subjugation and put them into Empowerment but I wouldn't recommend it. - Some people put two points into Defensive Roll instead of Enraged Charge in the Carnage tree but I personally believe that that one extra rage gained when you Charge in is paramount to a successful Anni rotation. - Some people also don't put points into Seeping Wound (and put them into Phantom/Empowerment/whatever) but I found that having to sneak in Crippling Slash in my rotation instead of relying on a native slow added to one of our most important skills was just too good to pass up -- and it really destabilized my playstyle. More tips and techniques: - You want to avoid Charging into fights. You want to run up to your enemy, get him to blow his KB, then charge in. With Close Quarters, if you're fighting a Trooper/Sorc or an enemy that is reliant on casting skills, definitely use Charge as an interrupt as well. You should have three interrupts technically: Disruption, Charge, and Force Choke. Save these abilities when the other players are blowing their best abilities. - Your rotation should be the following: Charge While Charging, activate Deadly Saber Battering Assault Rupture Annihilate Assault/Obsfucate/other abilities until you maintain more than 5+ rage to always be ready to cast Annihilate since its CD lowers at each cast - Don't jump in 1 v 2, 1 v 3, etc. If you see a teamate is being jumped by a bunch of enemies, don't try to be a hero and save him or sacrifice yourself by taking one enemy down. You're not helping your team. Try to play a support role by assisting your teammates and staying close with them and focus firing targets. Your damage should help bring targets down fast but only if you focus fire. Don't sit on that BM Sorc that's self-healing himself/herself for 30 seconds until you can finally kill him/her (sure you're keeping him/her out of the fight but you could be doing so much more). - Use Predation as an escape tool or as a tool to grab health packs and damage bonus tokens before enemies and your teammates. Also use it if you're playing Huttball as the speed increase is invaluable. - Make sure to always have 2/2 Short Fuse so each of your abilities will generate 4 fury. So 8 abilities will generate 30 Fury (which is very easy to get) and you should be able to spam Berserk on a target consistently. Save your power trinket for when you have 30 Fury, pop trinket, Berserk, then Rupture -> Annihilate. That's usually a big damage maker. Save your crit trinket when you're about to hit someone with Annihilate to increase your chance of a big hit. That's what I can think of on top of my head. Just remember that you're not rambo (not yet anyways...) and that you're fragile. Pick your fights carefully and don't hesitate to run away from fights to go hide and heal if you see you're going to lose miserably. Last but not least, practice, practice, practice and don't get discouraged while getting your PvP gear since a good chunk of your time will be spent getting your butt kicked for a while. Overall Defensive Tips: In terms of defending CDs, I always try to pop Clock of Pain against a melee target (also useful against force casters and ranged too of course) since the spell will last you for 30 seconds if you're consistently being hit while if you wait 6 seconds, the effect will go away. Saber Ward is an amazing defensive ability with an, unfortunately, high 3:00 minute CD. I would use Saber Ward for 1 v 1 and other important fights against melee users since it reduces melee/ranged by 50% and tech/force attacks by only 25%. It's a great skill overall. Use it aggressively too, it will make a huge difference in many fights. Just don't use it if you're being jumped 1 v 3 or more since it'll be a waste and you will most likely die. It's good to use in 1 v 2 situations if you see back up coming or if you think you can take both players out. Undying Rage should only be used when you have <25% hp since it'll cut any amount of HP you have in half. It's also situational such as you can pop it and walk through the fire in Huttball or if you're getting focus targeted like a madman, you can pop it so people will target others instead of wasting 3-4 seconds DPS'ing a target that's technically immune to damage. And Predation is also a great escaping tool. That 50% speed increase is great to run away from fights.
  13. Word has been leaked from the Guild Summit that the expected balance changes are much, much more extensive that what they've related to IGN. Essentially, every class is going to have their talents trees re-designed and hence why everybody will have all of their talent points refunded for free upon the introduction of 1.2 Expect broad sweeping changes regarding all classes.
  14. Has anybody else still not gotten an invite? I haven't received any yet (not that I care too much since I don't know any of my friends who'd be interested in playing this game). Just wondering if they were sent out to all customers or some are still waiting on their friends invite.
  15. Terminova is actually correct in his/her assessment sir. Could you please enlighten us as to why you think he/she is wrong?
  16. There is a huge problem with the toggle off/on combat log solution: it's very difficult to implement. From a technical standpoint, BW already couldn't implement a normal combat log within the game without decreasing game performance hence why we will be relying on a third-party program to handle the data collected by our combat log. During the Guild Summit, they affirmed that the hardest area to develop for was the Guild Bank since it required the sharing of live resources for different, unique players in a central repository. The same logic applies to a combat log that toggles off/on: if you toggle it on, that means the game has to indicate to all the players around you that your damage will be public; to toggle it off, the game will have to hide your data from all players that are around you. This would be problematic in the Fleet, WZs, OPs, and FPs to a certain extent. IMO, and it's not very qualified since I'm not a game developer, I believe that this implementation is too difficult while taking too much time and too many resources. Remember that every design change or initiative to introduce something new into the game has a budget behind it. This game is a software after all and follows many best practice techniques of software engineering.
  17. Thanks for the info. I'll check it out and send them an e-mail with my resume and my areas of expertise as to where I could help in the back-end design of the website.
  18. Starglide, I really appreciate the Honorable Mention where you quoted my post in your OP. As you can see, I am very pro-combat log and I vote vehemently YES for a public, comprehensive, and complete combat log. NO for a combat log handled by a third-party program that parses your actions into a text file. Anyways, since it seems inevitable that BW will not budge on their current stance regarding their implementation of combat logs, I will be pulling resources with folks from TORhead.com and maybe Sithwarrior.com to start the design of a repository style website (kind of like github or pastebin) where people can dump their parses and compare them with other players depending on different criteria and filters (class type; level; encounter; etc).
  19. What was the point of this post? Self-glorification? To tell a story? I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish here but all I've gathered was: "I'm the best Marauder on my server and I don't need combat logs to tell me so! You're a meanie for articulating your points in an intellectual manner so shoo! Go away with your logs and parses, we don't need you here!" Again, another con-combat log individual who cannot provide any basis for his argument since he doesn't have one... Everything that I've said in support of combat logs is backed by the simple fact that a combat log has non-disputable data in it while your opinion is simply normative -- it's not based on fact, just on fear-mongering and speculation that a combat log would dilute the community of this game. I have given my reasoning as to why I want them and as to why I want them to be public, and why I am against third party software which dumps your actions into a text file. Do you want me to expand as to why the third-party program solution is not right? I can write a whole other essay about that.
  20. How do you think your damage scales with each level you gain? That's right, the BW developers most likely used a spreadsheet with mathematical formulas which precisely predict your damage given a number of factors (armor reduction; defense; expertise; etc). Developers don't go out and copy spreadsheets the community has created. It's done the other way around. Theorycrafting is the activity of theorizing game mechanics using data gathered via an accurate combat log. Not manually recording numbers that literally pop out of your screen and that can be blocked by your name and health bar if you have them on. I don't like to use my "gut feeling" or to use "good ideas" to play my game efficiently. I like numbers and I understand math fairly well. I want raw data to work with and share it with other people. You're not interested in that and therefore don't see the need in a combat log. You think I'm the one who destroys this community but think about your stance for a second? What are you actually providing besides crying foul against those asking for precise, numerical tools to gather their in-game data? And trust me, as soon as that combat log is released, I'll only be frequenting Sith Warrior since that website has actually a community that knows what they're doing. I won't be coming here for information that you gathered and recollected from your memory without any proof whatsoever. We live in the age of data. It's sad you fail to realize that. Must not have a job in IT I guess...
  21. It shouldn't be the raid's leader/flashpoint leader opinion. It should be a vote like the /votekick they're implementing. That's a sensible solution.
  22. I don't consider a third-party program that will dump all of my actions into a text file as a combat log. This is rubbish. Plain and simple. Are we going to have to create a repository where people can dump their text files and compare their parses? What is this? 1988? People who are against a combat log that shows that activity of others are simply players who currently lack confidence in their ability to play optimally and are scared to get scolded once people discover so. One just has to read most of the nay-sayers and 99% of the time, their argument will revolve around the fact that them or one of their friends got scolded for having bad gear or playing badly. What are you? 5 years old? How is that a bad thing? If somebody (and let's make this clear: the claims have to be valid) does that, they're actually doing you a service and you should take some time off playing the game and inform yourself a little bit regarding whatever shortcomings you had. I If you want a good, knowledgeable community, that is what is required. Not the "It's-my game-and-I-can-do-whatever-the-hell-I-want" attitude. But this is wishful thinking anyways.
  23. Your comparisons simply don't work here. I want quantitative, accurate data regarding my actions in a virtual game world that can be viewed by everyone else. Performance in a virtual world matters whether you believe it or not I'm not asking for their internal development methods and I'm also not asking them to show me how they create each polygon for each piece of gear. I want to tailor my gameplay experience in the most efficient way possible. You're obviously not interested in that goal. I am. That's the difference between us.
  24. And whose fault is that? When you willingly group with 4 other people (3 in this case) and you're bringing your crappy gear, crappy build, and have no solid rotation down, you are indeed making the gameplay experience worse for all the other players. The argument that "it's a game and I can play it however I want" simply doesn't fly here because you are playing a multiplayer game. You have to accept the consequences of gimping your party and wasting other people's time. How selfish can you get?
  25. Really? Are you trying to advocate that clickers are just as efficient as people who can use over 10 abilities by only using their left hand? This is just golden. Keep thinking that "clickers" are good. I'll be right there destroying you in WZs while you'll be too busy keyboard turning. Ironically enough, all SW:TOR developers in their gameplay/promotional videos are huge clickers. Doesn't surprise me one bit given how easy this game is. They're probably terrible gamers themselves -- they don't have the time to play their own game most likely.
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