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Everything posted by lollermittens

  1. Absolute nonsense. Even F2P MMOs provide LFD/LFG tools that are light years (no pun intended) ahead of what SW:TOR has to offer. This is just another instance of rushing a game out to meet the holiday mark and maximize profits. These demands/issues haven demanded and voiced all through closed and open betas but have been ignored or casually put in the 'WIP' category while they are working to implement some buggy LFG tool that should have been available and functional at launch. When you are competing with the juggernaut that is WoW and you are lacking or willingly omitting functionalities that made WoW successful, you're simply shooting yourself in the foot or simply show you can't do what the WoW dev team has done. Example: nobody knows about the modular functionalities (i.e. the inclusion of add-ons) of this game and from Mythic's pathetic track record, I can guarantee you that we will never see add-ons being created and implemented at the rate of WoW's since the latter was designed for the inclusion of complex add-ons from the get go; something Mythic/Bioware ignored to put more time in their Mass Effect-like cutscenes. This game has a long way to go before it even begins to impress me. So far the 2006 Guild War graphics have me more perplexed than impressed.
  2. Absolutely. Since I have the subtitles on, I usually am done reading what the NPC has to say well before he's done talking. The highest selling point are these cutscenes and as you've mentioned, the majority are worthless to sit through given the copy & paste job they did regarding the quest content. Mythic is the developer anyways. I made the mistake of buying WAR. I wanted to give them another chance but so far I'm unimpressed. Thank God for Valve and that DotA 2 beta invite.
  3. Signed. I play a Sith Assassin and up until level 35, I had little to no problems tanking in my DPS gear -- only having the tank stance on was sufficient. However, now that I'm getting closer to 50, a dual/tri-spec is a must to perform adequately and not overburden the healer and the group since I don't have access to the talents available in the defense tree. Rift has implemented this function; WoW started it. There's no excuse from Bioware's development team for not implementing such a functionality. If SW:TOR is trying to be at the forefront of the MMO genre, this should be their top priority. But judging from the lack of any decent end-game activities, a terribly designed AH, and sub-par PvP, I'm not holding my breath.
  4. Add on to the list that you can get banned for making jokes in general chat that include fake e-mail addresses. I just got a one week ban for making a fake spam joke and I find that unacceptable.
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