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Everything posted by Toochbag

  1. Congrats. The larger of the two factions cant go into the base. Now they are just camping out the hill at the bottom. The issue has not been addressed and the free-farming continues. We can't leave, they control all points. Therefore they get more valor. Therefore thye get more levels, faster simply by being the bigger faction. Star Wars: The Old Empire has begun.
  2. And now all the people who exploited this get to choose what they get. I had a stretch of over 30 bags with nothing in them and now they get to choose what they get. Still no chestpiece, boots, main-hand, 1 implant, and bracers. Its harder to gear leading up to battlemaster than it is when you are ACTUALLY a battlemaster now. The flood of new battlemasters because of this exploit is only making the gear gap widen. This only makes this patch hit harder, and increases the need for the patch to be addressed.
  3. And the reason? Anybody who farmed could get their daily/weekly donefor Ilum after farming to 60. This results in BM 2 bags. Then, they can do WZ's; the daily/weekly will also give the bags. That's 4. The lucky ones can get 3-4 tokens. This allows them to choose what they want. With 3, they buy their weapon while I level my valor legitimately and get my 7th Helmet token. I still have no main hand token. They got their valor to tier 3 and got to choose their weapon. Seems legit.
  4. I think the funniest part part is that the problem with the extreme amounts af farming has only been amplified after the patch. Battlemaster Commendations - I opened four champ bags today and got another helmet and another pair of gloves, still no main hand to my frustration; especially because I am a sentinel. BUT in that same situation, if somebody farmed to 60 valro with this exploit, they would have gotten 2 BM commendations, which is enough for ANY PIECE OF ARMOR. If you reach 60 legitimately you deserve to choose which piece you want, but now with the extreme farming; this was just icing on the cake. 50 bracket - the way it is now; people who are leveling legitimately can hope they get some useful gear insted of their 7th helmet from a champ bag. So that MAYBE they can put up a fight against the farmers, who now get to choose which gear they get, so they can get the gear they want/need faster and do more damage! Therefore you will only face 50's who now have ridiculous gear. In the meantime, whatever side got farmed will now frequently lose due to the large gear gap. MAKING IT HARDER to level up our valor legitimately due to frequent losses against oppenents who will outgear us.
  5. This has been a problem since before 1.1 and after 1.1 in both PvE and PvP. The fact that it has not been addressed is ludacris. My guild and I recently began doing raids. Last week we cleared the first 4 in Eternity Vault. 6 out 8 people didn't get credit for killing Gharj. Not to mention that Soa kept resetting in the final stage for no reason. As a result we couldn't finish the raid. However the point is that we didn't get credit. Tonight we killed the first four again and once again 6 out of 8 people didn't get credit for killing Gharj. This time Soa also decided to reset for no reason. Not to mention the same issue in PvP when you've played to entire match and don't get credit for it. You want us to do end game content yet bosses are still glitched and so are the daily/weekly quests.
  6. Not saying I have the solution, nor will I pretend to. I love this game and want it to be successful. However, Ilum broke PvP. You now have people who gained valor because of the "broken system", "exploit", or whatever anybody wants to call it. As such the side with more people now has better gear. The true fact here is that this situation will set the tone for the entire rest of the game. People are already up in arms about those who used credit exploits and the actions taken against them. After that people had no fear continuing their actions on Ilum whether Republic or Sith. All I know is that it was a bad day to be Republic on my server. Now no matter what happens somebody will be angry. I want to keep playing and keep enjoying this game, but things like this are making it harder and harder to KEEP loving this game. Bioware's best move would be a rollback, but who knows. I just know that if something isn't done about the valor exploiters, PvP will be dead on my server and many others. 1 side will be geared, the other side will not. This will not only make PvP'ing less fun but will demotivate those who are earning valor the old way. All I know is that Bioware's actions will determine whether or not many others will re-sub or not. I still have hope, but something needs to be done; this can't be ignored.
  7. As another Death Wind Corridor player, I feel your pain. Our server got hit hard with farming. Its a shame....
  8. What Voidstar imbalance? Void is probably the most even PvP map. Huttball is a mirrored map so I dont really know what you're talking about on Huttball either. Civil War faces all turrets toward Republic when starting so Sith cap and get instant points whereas Rep has to wait for the turret to turn to get points. That is an imbalance. The reason we're mad is because the larger faction gets better gear and a ridiculous rate of valor farming. Thus breaking WZ's as a result.
  9. Agreed, and the longer they wait the worse its going to get. More people will switch to or play Imp's just out of sheer numbers, especially after today.
  10. I wasn't sure what you were talking about when you asked lv 14. Thats all you said, which didn't make sense. Therefore I tried to figure out what you are talking about with the addition of the 50 bracket. Because if I was talking about BM they can't be 14 valor or lv 14. I was trying to see if you were legitimatley asking, now I see you were trolling. I know how the system works, I just wasn't sure if you didn't know about the 50 bracket. Instead of calling you a noob or a troll, I wanted to find out what you meant. My apoligies for not jumping to a conclusion and being nice.
  11. Wonderful. Instant extreme, I like it. He's lv 50, now there is a 50 bracket. The level of the other team doesn't matter, they are lv 50. If they have Battlemaster gear, they are valor 60. Easy to see black/red gunfire sabers. Hurr durr.
  12. If you do Ilum daily, you can get a BM bag. If you do the weekly you get a bag. If you do the WZ daily/weekly; same thing. Some people get commendations for BM gear which CAN be chosen now. So they get their weapon/ armor/etc. May not be fully decked out in Battlemaster, but the weapons alone for one team will give them a major advantage.
  13. 14 valor? Dunno.All he said was that the other team had BM gear and his team was getting destroyed.
  14. Ability lag, tell me about it. 2 words, blade storm. I love my sent and do very well in PvP (one of the top dps'ers! ) but when I press a button I want to use that move not have my person do a wind up, then nothing.
  15. At this point its so bad on our server that my friend played one game after the dust settled at 2 in the morning server time, went up against a full team of sith with battlemaster gear. Spread like wildfire.
  16. I'm glad your server is still thriving, maybe my guild and I will move once server transfers are available. Our server is 4 Imps to 1 Rep. Huttball however is the bane of Sith getting bored, especially when they can face other geared Sith. I would agree, but sadly Bioware has Huttball.
  17. 2 problems with that. 1. Huttball can be played aginst other Sith so Battlemasters will still be queueing. 2. LEGITIMATELY farming valor takes time. Time which has now been increased because against all Battlemaster's your chance of winning has drastically been reduced. You're right, it will balance, but it won't be for months.
  18. Why would they play less..... They have the best gear, they get things form PvP, then they sell those things. Therefore they get credits. Then with credits you can buy OTHER things. They still win, they still get to have fun. They will have very competitive Huttball. Republic however is dead.
  19. Farming lowbies? In what warzones? The lv 20 gear isn't worth it and the 40 gear is meh... If they want to PvP, their choice. Ilum was not the same, seriously rediculous amounts of spawn camping and farming. You're right everybody will have the same gear eventually but not without lots of farming against a side that is now well geared with a large number of battlemasters. It will even out, but not only will it take more time on the Republic because of well-equipped Imp's, it will also be a long time before that even happens when many farmed to 60 in hours and other people do it legitimately. It will be months before it evens out.
  20. Before today we had very few ppl with battlemaster on both sides. Friend just played a match, all sith had battlemaster gear. Well, its official PvP is broken on our server. Guess we'll give it another go after we get the tier 3 PvE gear. Or we can continuously go into a match and get killed because of a crappy exploit that favored the side with more people. That works too.
  21. Tell me about it... Jedi Sentinel who has gotten 5 helmets, 4 gloves, and still no chestpiece, main-hand, or boots. Being a knight is tough enough without every Sith having Battlemaster. Had a stretch of 30 bags with no gear tokens.
  22. Call it Star Wars: The Old Empire Might as well because the 20% who play Republic are really angry. Myself being one of them. You are already making it harder to play Republic by not rolling back the majority of Sith who exploited this due to sheer numbers.
  23. Star Wars: The Old Empire, bc you clealy favor the Empire. And after this they'll probably be the only ones left. Most Sith are now geared in Battlemaster. Now there is a 50 bracket. I have been grinding PvP daily/weekly's for about 2-3 weeks now. I'm at 35 valor. All Sith are now at 60 valor and can choose which pieces to get. In the meatime I'm still getting the same helmet token over and over in my champ bag. I am a jedi sentinel. I will now be stunlocked to death by battlemaster inquisitors and assassin's. FUN!
  24. I'm hoping the only reason the servers are still up is to make an example of some of the largest offenders by banning them. Still want a rollback on valor however.
  25. Average ratio of Empire to Republic, 4 to 1. Let's make it so you have to kill people on Ilum and that turrets give you valor. Still deciding if this patch was to troll the Republic or if this is just massive amounts of Anti-Logic.
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