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Everything posted by Solosus

  1. i don't know what to say to this post, either you deluded or a wow drone, please state exactly how wow end game is any better than swtor ?
  2. what a load of tosh, wow only begins at max level due to it being out for 7 years and the entire playerbase being at max level, and the end game in wow is spectacular ? since when, the mind numbing dailies, achievements and wow the heroics are what i leveled to max level for ? look at yourself, you've turned into a wow drone. You accusing the OP of everything you doing yourself. shes entitled to her opinion and so are you, slating her opinion does not make yours any more valid.
  3. Just wanted to point out that there was no need to belittle someone by telling them they don't know what they talking about, everything in your post was accurate from what i can tell and i completely agree with what you wrote, but you invited a defensive response by insulting the poster about his misconception with the value of alacrity. Not everyone here has had access to exhausted testing done on alacrity and its effect on GCD, it does in fact affect GCD but only sudsequent to a cast time ability, it has zero effect on instant cast and does not lower the GCD during use of instant casts, so therefore yes, its a useless stat for shadows to use. Bioware has not helped with this either, their descriptions are vague at best and people confused alacrity with haste in use in other games. There was even a post trying to explain that alacrity lowers the animation time of animation intensive abilities, something no doubt mistaken with Aion's haste stats and how they were implemented in that game.
  4. What a load of hogwash, there were game breaking bugs in wow 6 months after release, i remember falling off the world, non spawning quest npcs etc etc. Seriously, do you work for fox news ? Getting tired of the idiocy on display on these boards.
  5. scientific wisdom, that made me chuckle, don't be so myopic, your so called scientific wisdom keeps chaging depending on which theory or knowledge is found to be in line with the majority of core principles, perhaps a little research might enlighten one some in that regard. Scientific wisdom gave us many of the now considered malpracticed medicine of the past, scientific wisdom is bound my CURRENT knowledge constraints, as such, the whole physics debate on the ever expanding universe which is now widely accepted was not even a decade ago an impossibility. So i leave you with this, we may have mapped DNA, but we still do not know the function of every part of the brain down to its cell level, we have a general idea, hence why brain surgery is generally performed while the patient is conscious as to assertain which functions are being tampared with in said surgery, that's how far we still need to go in modern medicine.
  6. true indeed, but but the naysayers can't believe that some of us actually like this game and that the majority has little to no issues with it, they can't accept that.
  7. imo, although some people dont like it, picking up a boulder and throwing it at someone is a much more satifying feeling than lightening, having played both sides, i prefer some of the republic side powers and animations, like the aoe stun etc, the class i play, the aoe force wave actually throws people away from you and knock them down, where on the empire side, they only get knocked down. Just an example ;P
  8. lol indeed, its like the news, newspapers etc, if its dramatic and grabs attention annd thats most likely in a negative way, it will cause interest, if not then its destined to be glossed over, but i agree with you, although there is a game out there with no skybox at all and everything you see is reachable , its called Vanguard, sadly its too hard core and sandbox for the wow generation, so it has a very small population on a huge server that could hold 10s of thousand players all playing at the same time. The likes of which no mmo with realistic graphics has come close to doing with the exception of eve online.
  9. I have do disagree here, i can see the similarity, but the differences are huge imo, one is a sleeze murky day-night hazy planet for lolifes , the other, is just....awe inspiring, especially coming up on the senate building.... then looking out the sides etc etc etc.
  10. I was going to do the same, but decided, what the hell, let me try a class i havent tried and do it on the republic side, like i said, i'm now hooked onto republic side for the reasons i stated on the opening post.
  11. lol, thanks for the ratings, but i'm seriously having a blast on republic side and mean everything i wrote. If it does happen to drive more people to try republic side, than thats a bonus although on my server both republic and empire seem to be equal, ie same amount of people on fleets and zones.
  12. Learned my lesson after racing to level on my first empire character, now not rushing with my alts and really enjoying the game as its meant to be played, some of the visuals are stunning, just wish there were more chairs to sit on
  13. Having started and played 4 character on the empire side, and enjoying it, i decided to try republic side and boy was i surprised. I had read all the complaints about republic and thought it was going to be a let down. Although the gear on republic side does indeed need some improvements, the whole republic side just feels more hashed out, from environmental sounds to quests, and boy i feel sorry for empire side missing the stunning corscant, it is a fantastic planet and should be open to empire, its a huge amazing planet that should be enjoyed by all. Republic side seems to take off where kotor left off, it has that entire feeling and quite a few quests take to the aftermath of revan's exploits both directly and indirectly. The quests and i'm not only talking class quests here, just feel better, it feels like i'm playing a whole different game. Empire side feels just like another game with a star wars feel, republic side feels like kotor 1,2,3 etc etc. Am really enjoying it and hope that Bioware put more effort into empire side on the next expansions, especially allowing them to visit corscant in some way. Improving the republic side gear looks also need to be focussed on obviously, but its not as bad as some point out.
  14. shouldn't you have posted this is the general forums or some other ? i doubt the class forums get many people looking at fps issues
  15. its probably the display bug they tried to fix, the one where it was showing CD complete but the skill did nothing, so they attempted to fix that and sadly added what seems to be a simple delay in the skill cooldown graphic.
  16. I can acknowledge this bug, its very noticeable on a skill with a short CD, you notice the graphics of the CD on it start to come down, then resets back to full and starts again, very clear for me aswell, its not the GCD but the actual skill cooldown graphic as its coming down on short CD skills
  17. I actually enjoy the travelling, if i wanted to play a game where i can just sit at a capital city and do everything from there, i would be playing rift, its pointless, no soul and no purpose. Keep swtor like it is, now if they were able to shorten the loading time, then good or even make entering and leaving your ship seemless. THIS IS A RPG , NOT A SPREADSHEET WITH A FRONT END.
  18. This is one of those games that sucks you in, it has what alot of games are missing, immersion and it does it really well. Ignore the trolling, they have nothing better to do with their time than post on the forum of a game they don't play, don't want to play....how sad is that ?
  19. Don't be dense, wow doesn't have sharding for cities, so they pack everyone on one node into the city, hence why it seems more people, this game splits each zone into shards, the graphics engine takes a beating trying to render too many people in one spot and causes lag, wow doesn't have this problem as their graphics have a very low poly count. and saying the site is extremely outdate is in fact saying those numbers are were better then ? since we all know wow has less numbers today then it did in the past. As an example, 2 of the top guilds on my wow server left , both of them had the bulk of the raiding force, most zones are dead and the newly done starter zones are empty, thats my server.... it feels alot less dense than a year ago.
  20. this thread gets no attention due to it not having enough drama, it shows a positive about SWTOR and the rabid detractors don't want to keep it on page 1. They prefer to thing the game is dying and going free to play next week, lol
  21. I just found out through experience while leveling a second character, that quests outside of the main class story line actually change based on your responses.. I was shocked, that i was asked to do a completely different set of things based on my selection, shocked i tell you, haven't seen this implemented in any mmo before at this scale. So, i then went and tried to do the same thing in a flashpoint and, yes you guessed it, my group was stunned when after doing the same flashpoint numerous times with our other toons, now were experiencing a different scenario based on the dialog we chose. Wow, just wow......been playing mmos since EQ, the amount of work that must have gone into this is off the scale, the VOs, the different paths, the different class stories... We as a group, having come from rift and wow previous to that, finally realised that this game CANNOT be played as a normal MMO, or rather should not, or you will miss the real fun , which is to actually PLAY THE GAME and not rush to end game like in other mmos as there really is no game till end game. Bioware has taken a huge risk, the general mmo consumer is not used to this type of gaming on the mmo front , so a change of attitude is required or one will rush to end game and actually miss the entire game at this point. I do realise that BW/LA designed this game primarily for the SW fans, thats their target market, but i think they have a gem here if people actually took the time to look under the skin and play the game. Well done Bioware, you've surprised the hell out of us and delivered an amazing experience so far, if you fix the remaining bugs and sort out the UI, this GEM will be fun for years with added content. -you earned a few new fans from jaded traditional mmo players.
  22. Yes because its alot more realistic to have an ability hit before any animation right ? i mean when you swing around to slice someone, you hit them at the thought and not at then end of the action. Its this pathetic wow mentality to gameplaying that ruins games, might aswell just stand still and spam attacks, why do you need to move, just as the damage according to you needs to be done independent of animation, so the same rule should apply to positional, heck why should we have to go behind, simply pressing the skill and it hits his back is what you're asking for, same ******** with the instant crap independent of animations. No immersion, nothng, just hit that button and presto instant damage, no need to swing the saber, no need to move into position. heck why dont they just get rid of all animations, makes it easier for people like you...... you playing the wrong game mate, go play CS. My apologies for venting, but i'm so tired of idiotic perceptions due to experiences of a lame mmo made for adhd kiddies, the macdonalds of mmos. sad
  23. This board is ridiculous, countless threads started by the same bunch of people over and over and over, spouting the same garbage, their elevated opinion of themselves in proclaiming their undying hate of this game. Trion controlled their forums alot better, either by locking or deleting repetitive and counter productive threads incredibly fast. The fact is, the majority of people who play, dint post, so most on here are the vocal minority. Its difficult to read anything of interest here with all the afore mentioned threads. The problem is, majority of these whining low lifes have vested interests, they are so fearful that this game will take away their joy of playing what they thing is the no1 game in the world, so they have to come here and attack this game for all its worth. The load of the them can enjoy the McDonald's of MMOs, but stop ramming it down our throats, we know its not a great game or even enjoyable at this stage, it may have the most patrons ( even that is dubious due to how blizzard calculate their active subs from asia which have so called 7 million of their player base) but it does not sell the best hamburgers in the universe or even close to it and therefore does not set the standard for how a hamburger should taste. Feel free to lock and delete this thread , but please consider cleaning up this board as well.
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