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Posts posted by Evanouss

  1. Quit if its a premade, Ill never understand why solo quers just ride it out till then end when your facing premades on vent with optimal tactics and perfect class comps. Just quit, stop feeding premaders egos and hope your next one is an actual solo que grp.


    I'll say it again, before people say , how you gonna lrn if you don't play against better players? You aren't going to learn crap when your getting face stomped into your starting area..just quit, it's just regs, don't waste your time and fun going against perfected comp ventrilo'd premades.

  2. You forgot the auto bubble stun which saves the Knock back for another of your minimal cc breaks. Also, if they're good they aren't only running from MS they are stunning/rooting you then. After your transcendence they stun you, damage you, heal themselves, that stun wears off, stun you with instant force lift, and the list goes on and on and on...you die.


    There's too much CC out there atm and sent/mara do not have enough "decent" root/snare breaks/immunity.


    Sage/sorc has 2 roots with 3 stuns and slow plus force speed immunity. They have 5 ways to stop you with 3 of them not building your resolve bar. It's ridiculous. maybe sorc sage is the problem, however, with so many other classes having immunity, taking away from sages increases all the other classes power/freedom a lot. Adding 1 ability to give Sent/Mara immunity is a simple 1 class altering fix.


    Fixing one by nerfing another is a really crappy way to approach a problem.

  3. Still haven't had any of the people explain what they do for the first root, second root, third root, then the follow up 2 stuns?


    I see a lot of don't use resolute on the first root, so do you force camo it? (only if specced)


    If you are pre 60 and do not have brooding/contemplation how do you start fights with full Centering? even if you do start with full centering don't you use it for Zen since you are attacking? I suppose you could use your brooded contemplated full zen then valorous call, but wow 2 abilities to break 1 root that can be re applied right afterwards..


    Sent mara is far too easily countered atm, this was the entire point of this thread, how ever i see many that seem to think sent/mara is fine for solo que (again im not discussing grouping with optimal classes since most other classes do not need this optimal group to do well in solo que.) I'd like to hear how you are countering a decently played sage/sorc?

  4. I can't take you serious as long as you keep saying this.


    Ok then, explain to me how you take down a well played sorc/mage that has 3 stuns , 2 roots and slow? On top of all the self heals, bubbles, and root/slow immunity from force speed?


    I have yet to die against a single mara/sent in pvp since 3.0 on my sage. (excluding times where i was double/triple teamed.)


    Again I'm being serious, trying not to be melodramatic Stealios. This is all assuming "SOLO" que not bringing perfect comps, not everyone has a bunch of friends that like to pvp and play heals tanks and perfected comps to wz's.

  5. That's your issue right there. Why on earth would you use stunbreaker for a root.


    Not that sentinels are in the greatest of places right now, but for normal warzones they're perfectly fine.


    Ok, then don't break that root, accept all the damage for its duration from the ranged class that rooted you.


    get rooted again, but don't break that either accept all damage or use force camo with utility that we should have to use in favor of much better ones.


    Remember everyone don't use your cc break on root, just continually get rooted/ slowed until you die because you didn't want to use it on root only for a stun.


    (Root is stun for this class)



    Sorry for the melodramatic response. I'm trying to make the point that some of our root breaks should NOT come at the cost of other much better utilities. The force camo root break should be in the skill.(see assasin/shadow cloak)


    Some of the Heroic Utilities should be in masterful or skillfull (see fleet footed, in its current version should be in skillfull imop. In masterful it should be unstoppable for it's duration against root/slow/sleep)

  6. Root.



    Force camo(ONLY if Speccd and probably losing some other better utility).


    Dead sentinel/usless sentinel

    and by useless i mean most likely out of range, root=no resolve build so can be applied multiple times.

    Multiple classes can cast more then 1 root/stun.




    Switched to sage/merc/guardian/VG and am much happier in pvp.

  7. Que penalty only when there is solo unranked option, if not ill quit a team that sucks...especially now when you should probably be lvl 50 to enter midbies, anyone under 50 is killing their team.
  8. The old pvp gear is only a small part of the problem...it's the level disparity yet AGAIN, post 55's with 55+ gear are gaining huge advantages vs. new 30's entering this mid bracket. The old pvp gear will be out with in a few months yes....new 56+ PVE, PVE, PVE gear will not be. (I'm emphasizing PVE because everyone keeps talking about the old pvp gear, this is NOT the Problem)


    Bolster needs to be revamped to give 30-54 a more competitive edge ESPECIALLY when it comes to Bonus damage....Ignore stats people, look at each others perspective bonus damage. This correlates directly in damage out put...enter a match with a lvl 30-40 look at your force bonus damage then look at a sentinel who is 56+ in new 56 blues bonus damage...the difference is DRASTIC. 300-400 points per attack more..and that's just a base line.


    Fix Mid level Bolster Please Devs.

  9. also before the "It's just mid level, it doesn't matter." It does matter to the casual people that want to pvp for fun. LvL 60 pvp is wrought with premades, and power gamers. Not a fun bunch or casual bunch that most want to play with.


    Mid level provides a great place to learn how to pvp w/o needing a premade to compete..or amazing gear..well....atleast it used to.

  10. The guy that was 11k more hp's then me and 300-400 more bunos damage was NOT I repeat NOT in old brutalizer gear he was in "NEW" pve blues.....it's broken and will continue to be broken for lowbies, If i see more then 1-2 people in a Wz under 50 it's a loss...they cannot compete. (Taking into account the other team has less 50-'s)
  11. Really getting tired of the "well if you have heals and a guard you do fantastic." We shouldn't "NeeD" those things to do what other classes can do w/o them. Remove leg slash...make deadly throw have the heal reduce and root. Id rather have a root then a slow any ways. Give Force camo total invulnerability for duration, since once you attack you arent invuln anyways, so i wouldn't consider that game breaking.


    Those 2 fixes would solve most if not every mara problem in 3.0.

  12. Trying several combinations of gear on yt lvl 47 and can not get any where near bonus dmaage and HP of lvl 56+'s. Waay to much of an advantage and it is making lower lvl people that want to pvp to learn , learn nothing when they get insta gib'd by 56+ers. I checked a lvl 57 who was in mosly all 56 blues 45k hps almost 0 augs. against my fully blue 47 with some purples and almost each slot auged...34.5k hps. Bolster needs to be fixed badly.
  13. Exactly, love when people say that....I did 700k in this one match one time...1v1 a decent..say ANY OTHER CLASS as a mara, they have to be good thouhg...you will get owned. and yes ..i know WZ's arent 1v1 but you have to win 1v1 battles for your team to be good, your job is to dps...if you're controlled constantly you cannot do your job.


    Do a skill by skill comparison to a focus guardian to a concentration sentinel....I see no one is posting that at all.


    Check and see how many root breaks each.

    How many gap closers..the quality of the gap closers.

    How many stuns / slows each and the quality of them.

    How many defensive CD's and the quality of them.


    go ahead and do that. then come back here and post that maras/sents are just fine as is. (PVP only)

  14. The only way they are going to notice how bad sents got screwed is by a giant drop in sent attendance, stop playing yours now.

    This goes simply for pvp.


    I'm sure in pve they are still quite good.


    No one can deny sent mara kiting is ez in pvp.

    Control = power. If you can control it, you can kill it.


    I'm sure there will be a bunch of "it's a team game, wz's and arenas are team activities, sentinels just need to pick their battles....." That's a game for classes with all the time stealth, anyone w/o stealth is out there ready to be rooted snared and killed just like the rest.


    Sentinels need pvp love, I hope devs see that and respond.

  15. Going Guardian Concentration spec....My god the difference is night and day between my conc sent and guardian...


    Guardian so many more root snare breaks and immunity.

    More all in one moves, such as saber throw, root and armor pen.

    Just seems alot smoother, plus to add the ability to taunt for team assistance.

    Force push...


    the list goes on and on and on...no reason to play sent in pvp now at all.

  16. These need to happen, sents maras will need a viable spec, too easy to stun your way out of precision slash for combat, focus getting guted, still will be decent burst for juggs/guardians on single target but sents will be shafted by the 2.7 changes...They need a watchman boost, the old 2% to crit heals would be enough imo to help them build merciless and juyo to full while having better survivability to get them to full.
  17. Watchman/Annhi pre nerf heal allowed us to live long enough to see our Merciless stacks come to full power, bring back the pre nerf heals and this spec is fixed....other classes are buffed enough to deal with the pre nerf heals now, the level of Burst all around is higher then it was back then.
  18. Apparently you haven't been in match where a team of full geared obroan premades faces a mixed pvp/pve (yes pve gear, everyone has to start some where) random pug, in those matches people can sometimes only get 2-5 medals from being spawn camped. Your solution is flawed.


    So basically all i keep hearing is screw soloers, keep catering to premades? When premades are clearly the minority due to the fact that when ranked ques are an option the que time is ridiculously long....Nope, the problem is most ,(NOT ALL) premades want the easy fast comms farmed from pugs. Take that away as an option , give them fair competition....and their pvp world comes to a screeching halt. See, i have history to base my finding from since we have seen ranked ques fail, where competition is a lot more fair.....Lets try having Solo ques...that way we have another source to pull information from. If solo ques fail, then fine...go back to what it was before, i have a feeling that they would be such an enormous hit, that pug smashing premades would be crying all over these boards about not getting comms fast enough.

  19. Why not keep ques as they are now, and add a solo que option?


    Give the que system as it is now (non ranked arena) a slight boost in comms gains then add a solo que that is slightly lower then comms gains as they are atm.


    This way, a solo player can choose to join the regular que and potentially gain more comms, but also perhaps face premade teams...or...solo que, gain less comms but have a better atmosphere for competition?


    With this method, you may still cater to the premades group since soloers will still have the oppurtunity to join them in reg random WZ's when they feel they are ready for a stronger pvp experience, and not have the crazy long que times that comes with ranked queing.


    Just some ideas, take them as you will.

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