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Posts posted by Evanouss

  1. ... I don't understand why I try to make people understand when they can't even comprehend what I am saying.


    I didn't comprehend? You pointed out why it may "seem" OP like gearing, burst damage being even from 4.0-5.0..Higher Hp totals. Doesn't change the fact that essentially nothing changed...except heals are either even from 4.0 or better from 4.0...Hence the point of the post. This could all be just a factor of ridiculous sorc/sage over tuning in 4.0 and merc/Op healing is just fine? Problem with that is, since sorc/sage are easier to heal with, theres a **** ton more of them.

    You could be correct about gear scaling better for DPS then for heals, but why should we have to wait a season to make amends when we already know it was bad in 4.0? So your opinion is.....hey, lets wait til the end of a full season and see what happens...? With crap RNG on command crates i'd rather not "wait it out..."


    match making still needs to be addressed

  2. Whoa. Whoa. Slow down. I wouldn't make bold claims without having an understanding about what is really happening in PvP, gearing and the current meta. All of this impacts what we see in every PvP match today.


    1) One in 5.0 time to kill went up while burst classes damage stayed slightly the same. It's not that healing is over tuned it's that hp pools so a lot higher and burst is pretty much the same. If you looked at the patch coding for 5.0 and all the healing classes didn't get any buffs, they are exactly the same (Sorcs got slight nerfs).


    2) More people who are PvErs mains are now participating in PvP. First off this isn't a bad thing but it does come with some headaches. This means there are more average to bad (no offense) players in queue for regs, solo ranked and maybe even group ranked. Remember that healing relative to DPS. More bads in queue, the more healing is easier and seems like its overtuned but in reality it's not.


    3) Gearing also might be a factor. I noticed with how bolster is looking currently. It looks like DPS might be scaling up 240+ gear rating because of how the stat conversions look while healing is scaling less. DPS output might slightly increase and less so for healing as people become more geared. Also keep in mind there are going to be slight gear imbalances as well. Some players are going to be better geared than others which effects how they might perform.


    4) The new meta favors Mercs. Mercs are without a doubt one of the most hilariously overtuned PvP classes. Arguably ever since this games release. They went from being meh to unkillable gods. Look at it this way, it's pretty easy to heal a DPS who has the best DCDs in the game. You not being able to kill them more of a class imbalance issue than it is a healing output issue.


    Just consider all these facts before crying healing is OP.


    Mercs are OP yes, but thats not the point of my post. The loss was assumed by 2 ppl to be over tuned mercs when in fact it was an unbalancing of HEALING. Also, i'm not calling for the nerf bat on heals just needs to be curbed. Most of my complaint is match making. However, now that you bring it up, the fact that time to kill has been raised it makes the over tuned healing in 4.0 much much worse in 5. Longer kill times increase healer time to bounce you back up....they were already bad in 4.0...Now it's just ludicrous..Stalemate pvp is boring as hell.

  3. I can't believe this hasn't been addressed by devs yet (/sarcasm off). Healing has been out of control for a while now but to have teams with 2 of these out of control healers vs. a team with none is ridiculous. One of these has to give. i know this won't ever be fixed since the devs don't seem to give a flying crap about pvp in this game, just here to vent to the void...


    Was just in a match where people were screaming about too many OP mercs...leader boards showed opposing team with 1 merc, but 2 healers with outrageous healing numbers...and yes we focused them and attempted to cc and split. with the amount of escapes and taunts flying around it just doesn't matter. I'd even be ok with matches where 1 team had 1 healer, at least that's manageable, your extra dps should, all things being equal, be able to compensate.

  4. No ones saying BAN PREMADES, but as soon as a solo que for regs is suggested premaders sphincters tighten up so much they could turn coal into diamonds at the thought that :


    1: their que times might...might (cause noone knows for sure) take a substantial hit.


    2: they would have to actually face some real competition on a regular basis.


    Because that's why we all PVP right, for competition, not to have virtually guaranteed victories over pugs and guaranteed maximum creds/comms.


    The simple fact that que times would increase for premades in a general que and decrease with the addition (again not taking the ability to premade away) ADDITION of a solo que simply highlights the fact that most people want a solo que...Not to mention the probability that more people would pvp as a result.. The one thing that people who complain outside of the pvp community about is facing facroll premades, so they don't bother to pvp after one of those said matches...but yeah F strengthening the community and adding more people to it.

  5. hmm strange...Solo que would destroy pvp grouping in this game? Why? I see so many pro premade ppl on this forum all the time, premaders and non premaders a like.


    Surely even with the introduction of a solo que all of these people would still join the "general" que? Especially if the rewards are greater? More valor, more creds, more pvp tokens. Because, you know, they love the challenge of going against premades all the time.

  6. 2 questions


    1. If they introduced a solo que would the que times be faster for the solo que then the que times for the general que now? Yes or no please.


    2. If they introduced a solo que would more people be inclined to pvp out of the general populace that do not pvp now? Yes or no please.


    These are in reference to Regs.

  7. LOL was in a match the other day, 6/8 quit before it started since the other team was a premade easily obtained information with a /who check..but yeah keep rolfstomping with your premades and all the que times you ***** about solo ques creating are coming true anyways. Imbalance, lack of a reg solo que, lack of developer attention is killing pvp in this game. You're premades alienate a certain percentage of the player base....and it's clearly large...hence all the posts about it on the forums, but yeah all your clever quips about this being an MMO and solo quers joining together to form teams isn't going to change anything. New players walk into pvp...get roflstomped by a premade and never come back...who the F would blame them. Stepping into matches and getting entrance camped is going to turn every new player away. I'm not an advocate for change, but if something isn't done soon all that's going to be left is a small group of premades waiting an hour for ques to pop.
  8. When they allowed the crossing of color crystals red to rep and blue/green to imp, it ended all the cross faction crap right there. Not to mention the cartel market has allowed everyone to look exactly the same....Rep pvp sucks, im liking this cross faction idea, it will help the reps big time in pvp.
  9. ugh....Mara's, most played frikking class (sans fotm sorc), least understood class mechanics. mara's can jump in to the fray right from the hump, if you actually realize how to play them and use their defenses correctly. My gawd so many mara players have no clue how to use force camo. and how frikkin amazing it is as a defensive cd.
  10. Same argument people have against solo ques for wz's. He want's forced pvp participation. Just like premades want forced participation from the solo community. Both parties realize that their actual time played in pvp combat in their preferred way will be reduced significantly if changes are made (i.e. toggleable pvp combat for pvp servers and a solo que for reg wz's.) I am against toggled pvp for pvp servers, that's just plain stupid since you chose to play on a pvp server....you have a choice and knew what you were doing when you made it..As for going against Premades in reg WZ's since there is no "solo" que/group que for regs, that topic has been beaten to death ad nauseam.
  11. Again, it's another class like sniper that requires great skill to play and master..but once achieved is completely deadly. Most people can't play mara/sniper well. Crippling slash is your friend, if you're not applying it liberally you're never going to keep ppl in melee. A lot of maras think they should be able to just dps people into the dirt, this is not the case, you win with your utilities not with your damage. Movement and using cc/root break at the appropriate time is more important for mara/sent then probably any other class.
  12. Give more dps classes better healing debuffs. ATM it's maras/sent , sniper/slinger that have heal debuffs? It's not enough classes to have it. Also, increase it to 30% and don't tie it to an easily cleanse able/breakable root/slow.


    Also, I know this will come as a shocker, mara/sent players are mostly bads that don't even realize how important their heal debuff ability is. I use mine probably every 3rd-4th attack regardless of who im fighting since so many classes have self heals.

  13. 0 incentive to play pub side. Pub gear looks atrocious (not as big a deal anymore with CC), Pub questing is awful, especially at lower levels. Pub ability animation looks stupid (pebbles anyone?) Force sweep ( are they galatic janitors?) All around the pub side since the beginning has had the short side of the, don't i look sweet, end of the stick.


    The pub gear looking awful has basically sent pubs to a very bad place from the jump, and will never recover.

  14. It's hilarious how, when one of these types of posts come up, the obvious premade for rofl stomp people come flying and screaming about cry baby solo quers. I'll bet you, if you could guarantee them no change in que times if a solo que was added...they would still ***** and throw tantrums and hissy fits.......I wonder why...
  15. Nope im not attacking the person sorry your butthurt about the issue . theres so many crybabies and qqrs like seriously am i supposed to feel sorry for you? Bioware isnt going to hold your hand and baby you just because there are premades thats just how active guilds are bioware isnt going to stop it just because a few ppl cant stop crying about it . Its ridiclous really thays like saying forguilds to stop conqiesting together and or pvp in large quanities just stop . Its not our fault your guildless and or in a small guild . Either run im a well geared group of pugs and or stop crying .


    The dumb in this hurts...Nope im not attacking the person......Stop being cry babies...lol you are awesome, completely mental and dumb...but awesome.

  16. #regstar is one of my favorite epeen elitist sayings ever. Every good player should be a regstar. If you're good in ranked and not good in regs...*** does that even mean?


    I agree with the above post. 90% of your time is in regs, but yeah, it doesn't matter, they should cater to the other 10% of pvp. Or maybe the other -1% that is team ranked.

  17. I keybind and use [target nearest enemy], especially if I'm playing melee...if i want to use a gap closer to get to a further player then i will just screen click. Tab targeting seems to random.


    Also, the key imo, to not sucking in pvp....movement, movement in pvp is king, everyone can lrn a rotation, but movement needs to be trained.


    LoSing ranged, especially sniper/slinger. you can render a sniper/slinger useless with a pillar if you know how to move. Using the environment in pvp is crucial to being a good player.

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