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Posts posted by Evanouss

  1. BS....If you know how to move, use your teammates (i.e. melee teammates) as a wall in reg WZ's you can put out insane numbers as arsenal merc..but you got to know when to fight and when to run and when to pillar hop...especially when fighting sniper/GS. I find it hilarious when people complain about certain specs when it's the player that's the problem. Pvp is about movement and staying alive, stop trying to be the hero and play defensively. Know your surroundings and where the enemy reinforcements will be coming from, but most importantly...move and keep moving. It's a lot harder to focus a movuing target especially if your LOSing them.
  2. They shouldn't and will never bolster empty slots. They tried this before and royally screwed it up so thats not going to happen and shouldn't happen. What they should do is offer low level "blanks" ear pieces, implants and relics with minimal stats just to allow bolster to apply its effects to those stats.
  3. Everything about pvp is movement. Mara/sent have the least abilities to deal with root's/slows/stuns/knockbacks in the game at the moment. Essentially they are the only class that does not have an ability that gives them root/slow immunity for a duration. They can break a root/slow, but as mind numbingly easy as it is to reapply root/slow maras feel like they're playing in molasses.


    Transcendence root/slow break is really clunky, since it shares a resource with zen you have to decide to sit on full zen in case you get root/slowed or use zen and not have the root/slow break..It's a really dumb system.(not to mention it's also a heroic level utility)

  4. Novare Coast...Mid should ALWAYs be the default starting point unless you are stealth.


    Too many times i see ranged not even going into mid, they just sit outside and wait for enemy melee to come to them...

    Gigantic mistake. Pressuring enemy mid force out of mid is the only way to take it. I always go in and go up a ramp either left or right, and start boomin. As melee I try not to pass the middle square until I have a healer just behind me...

    As heals, get The F in there, heal your melee first, your ranged can and should be able to take care of themselves.

  5. I leave when my team isn't competitive. Usually i'll give it 1-2 minutes or so..Regardless if we are winning or losing. If my team is clearly full of derps that have trouble breaking 200k dmg, or getting 5+ medals in the first 3 minutes..yeah i'm out. It's funny, you can always tell the fotm players (shadow/sin PT/VG) by the fact they rarely taunt...5-600k damge (in mids) and less then 10k protection.
  6. What do u think my point is? All I showed was that even a lvl30/undergeared/melee class can perform well enough to make a positive contribution to his team if u know what ur doing. I think most of the QQ'rs just suck, and wouldn't be complaining if they could at least put up the mediocre stats I was able to do.


    Real pvpers power level through pve content to get to lvl 60 pvp asap anyway. These lowbie complaints are a dead giveaway.


    You were making a point that lower levels can contribute, via your pics all you contributed was another target for the opposing team to get numbers off of. Even in your win your numbers we average at best.

  7. This no doubt.


    I rolled a jugg on new server recently and forced myself to do lowbie pvp cuz of all this fuss. Qued up at level 30 with like lvl 25 gear and no relics. Tank spec, no premade, no medpacks.







    Not like I did super good but I dont see what the crying is all about. Lowbies have just always sucked imo.


    In the losses you died an exorbitant amount of times = you got pwned by either higher levels or better players. In the 1 win your team had a great healer and a crap ton of taunts/guards...your point is invalid.

  8. Perhaps I'm over simplifying it but wouldn't it make sense, in a bracket that doesn't matter apparently, to just give everyone the same exact stats....i.e. full bolster and same bonus damage/healing? It seems like a ridiculous equation has being implemented to bolster an infinite possibility of different levels/quality of gear.


    Just have bolster for lows/mids and remove it from 60's. Give 60's starting/easy to get pvp gear?


    Seems like this would solve a lot of problems.

  9. Improved sure, these new changes help....at the cost of all your masterful/heroic offensive utility points.


    Please move the predation root break and/or the force camo root break to skillful or even masterful, this would go a long way.


    Heroic tier mobility utility should be immunity...ask Jugg/Guards

  10. The changes in and of themselves aren't bad, actually they are pretty good. I think we can all agree that the major problem with this class in pvp is mobility, bioware is afraid that giving another melee class better mobility will shun their ranged classes. Honestly, if they moved both the predation root break and/or the force camo root break to skilfull or masterful levels , that would go a long way.
  11. I blame all the morons that posted anything about fixing GBTF, thanks for giving bioware an ez way out. Bioware took this and ran with it since they knew it wouldn't be game breaking but would appease some, it's crap and will be stunned/rooted though. The new leg slash is nice, but with out a better root/slow break it does little to fix what is ailing this class....
  12. a) what about sentinel vs sniper or merc? do they also need a nerf then?

    b) if you can't dominate a sorc with one of the aforementioned 3.0 classes go do esseles better


    seriously , did you even read the quote you posted. I said, leave sorc/sage alone, give sent a better way to deal with the numerous cc/root/slow that sorc/sage has an abundance of, plus all the other ranged classes that have a great amount of them as well. I said nothing about dominating a sorc/sage just make it more then a laughable 1 v 1.

  13. I've played this game since launch. Do you know, as a slinger, I've NEVER been beat by a sent or marauder 1v1? Never! Total dominance. Fair? Jug, that's a different story. As the slinger, before stealth detection in crouch, I could never 1v1 an OP or Assassin. That's still tough today if they're good, and it all depends on my spec! Today, as a sage, I cannot 1v1 a Veng Jugg or Hatred Sin at my same gear level. Boo hoo. MMOs are always like this. "I want my class to be able to beat everyone." BTW, once any sage blows their barrier, they're toast unless they run and heal up. We're not immortal, and the oodles of pre-mades I run against prove it. It's only when I play bads in regs that I seem god-like as my sage. They let me run away, they don't interrupt, they don't stun. This whole crybaby mentality in this thread is disgraceful. There is only one class spec that needs a nerf right now, and it ain't sorc.


    You're right, there are classes that can beat a sorc...you know what they have in common....CC immunity. Do they completely dominate a sorc..no, they don't. Mara/Sent shouldn't be able to face roll a sorc/sage, but at this point it is completely laughable how ez it is to kite/kill them...from more then just sages/sorcs. I do not believe that sorc/sage needs a reduction in abilities, but mara/sent needs some help against theirs and other classes huge amount of CC. I'm not saying they should even be able to beat a sage/sorc, again you're correct some classes will have the upper hand against others, but atm mara/sent is just in a worse off spot then most.


    As a test lets see who everyone thinks mara/sent should and does have an advantage over?

  14. Have mercy so much QQing. Learn to interrupt, stun and pressure. I guarantee it's not vigilance guardians, tactics VG or serenity shadows that are boohooing here, and if you are one of those having trouble with a sorc, you're a noob. Get some gear and ltp while you're doing it. Sages/Sorcs take plenty of beat downs when their team make-up sux. Hell, even a good slinger and sent can 1v1 a sorc. Nothing like a 15k aimed shot, or a well-timed force camo from the sent. Don't like FS? It channels for several seconds - interrupt or get out of it. It's easy to see which one is doing it too.. Ya know, the arms in the air, yada yada. Don't cry about them kiting you either. When you're kited, there is a no FS..So yeah, pressure them. Close the GD thread already.


    If you are a sorc/sage that is dying to a lone sentinel you are bad, awful just horrible. Before you get on your , this is a team game BS fest, why should one class have total control over another in a 1 v 1 situation that comes up A LOT more than anyone want to admit. For instance, last 2 in an arena, sorc vs sent, both of equal skill, who wins? gimme a friggin break, if you pick the sentinel you're crazy. Root/slow/knock back with root/bubble stun/stun, oh you're finally on me and at 50% or less health and managed to do 25% to me, insta heal, bubble, wait for reslove to diminish and my cd's to come back....now I finish you off...gimme a break...

  15. You clearly haven't thought this through. Giving you immunity to some classes only way of keeping you off them is like giving them a resolve bar to your damage once you do enough. That is just preposterous. You propose a circumstance whereby a class is basically a free kill for you rather than managing your CDs to do damage in spurts just like they must do once you close. That kind of thinking is a L2P issue.


    In the current environment where some classes are entirely dependent on keeping melee at range to avoid death giving all melee unremitting or adding roots and/or slows to resolve is simply not workable. We will need defensive CDs to compensate FIRST not 6 months after the change takes affect.


    You're already at range, you already have an advantage when the fight begins. You already have several ways to avoid their damage, what ways do sentinels that are root kited/parked have to avoid, not mitigate but avoid your damage as you do theirs? Short duration slow/root immunity is the only way a sent has a chance against lets say a sorc/sage. Sorc sage is the real problem here, too much root/slow/stun/ speed/bubble/self heal/knock back..it's beyond ridiculous.

  16. It definitely isn't the premade every time,but it's always the pug. It's amazing how many times i see people finish WZ's as dps and having only done 90k damage , or healers barely breaking 100k, tanks at 30k protection and dps with taunt that have 0 protection points. Most of the pugs in regs are just simply people 2,3,4 just screwing around, they're just good and instinctively do what others cannot or refuse to learn to do.


    Not saying there aren't douchey power gamers that have no life outside of this game, that will get together and grief/troll regs..it happens, just not nearly as often as a lot of the complainers think.


    Team comp has a lot to do with, A LOT. If the other team has 2-3 healers and you have none, yes your task will be difficult, unless you focus one at a time and cc others, but unfortunately bad pvpers love to tunnel one target, or chase an almost dead foe into 4 of his friends and wonder why they cant get away when they get curb stomped. Reg pvp is all about awareness, knowing where your team is and what they're doing, and where the enemy is and what their doing. Stay by your heals and ranged, protect them if your melee, your job isn't always to jump head first into a mob of enemies and think your'll survive that (unless you have great healers and amazing dcd's.) It's a team game in pvp, you're not the only hero there.

  17. Those are both random pugs, which I solo queued for. The lowbie match had no healers. The level 60 match had two operative healers, but keep in mind that my entire team (including a vanguard and guardian dps) had access to those same healers yet did not manage to match my kills or my 0 deaths. That is not to say that I am the best mara there is, but rather that the class can perform very well in capable hands.


    Lets see one where your team, as a whole , is full of bads and no healer/support and you still top the charts. Because i have done and have seen good "fotm" classes do really well even on bad teams with little or no support. Your lowbie team completely dominated a horrible team which allowed you to go hog wild. Now , don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you're not a good or even great mara/sent.


    however, to say that it is simply a L2P issue is missing the mark. For some it might be, but over all it's not. Sent/Mara is not nearly as equipped to deal with all the controlling effects out there as sin/jugg/PT/sorc...hell even merc/sinper/Op have sustained ways to deal with being controlled. Mara/sent need a boost, not a huge boost but something in the form of a non utility root break/sustainted root/slow immunity...Hell id even take moving the force cloak root break to masterfull or skillfull as well as Predation root break.. Also for the love of pete would they just get rid of leg slash and give us crippling throw with a root or slow please, utilitied of course.

  18. Shoulder cannon is a little OP, not a ton, but it's burst is pretty rough atm. 1 min cd sure, but when active, it pretty much puts you down if you don't have an opposing Def cd on the ready and you're really fast with it.
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