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Everything posted by Rogha

  1. I just leveled up my Cybertech, found this issue. A little surfing the web led me to this thread. Two months after this thread was created and this issue was brought to the attention of the devs and its still not fixed? Wow. I am not a BW apologist, and usually tend to look at the positives of the game and what the devs are doing. But this frankly is very subpar. This kind of issue would have been fixed by Blizzard within a day or two. Even other MMOs that equal in size to TOR would have had this kind of issue resolved within days. Amber and Eric, you guys responded quickly to this issue. But can we get a response directly from you guys as to how this company can justify the delay in fixing this bug? Its not gamebreaking for me. Not anything on its own to make me /ragequit, but it is very disappointing. It does not exactly fill me with confidence in BW's ability to respond timely to issues.
  2. What I don't like is that there is no resource that tells us what could possible drop from the RE. Forget the chance to learn a recipe, I'd like to know what purple mats might drop. is there a chance for a molecular stabilizer? I want to look at the economics of RE'ing something.
  3. Time to get gear isn't the problem. Time To Kill is the problem. Even the devs have admitted this. There are, and have been for quite some time, egregious class imbalances that are simply made more pronounced if you have recuit gear on and facing a fully equipped WH. Right now, unless you are a lightsaber wielding melee type, you are pretty much a second class citizen. There are far too many specs that have to play what I call the "Brave Sir Robin" playstyle. Hit the enemy then run and hide behind a Sentinel/Marauder. The problem isn't the gear or the time to gear up.
  4. Pilege, I am so glad you made this thread because I too am frustrated with the inability to upgrade Scorpio's armoring. As an OP medic, I actually really like Scorpio because she is so deliciously wicked. But you just can't get her modded up at this time. Yes, Temple has a pretty good dps output, but with a fully geared tank I spend a lot less time casting heals and spend more time contributing to dps than i would with Temple. But if I have my choice of tanks, I want Scorpio. Coolest companion in the game, yet at end game you can't use her. So I'm forced to use Kaliyo. Okay, she gets the job done, but every time time I hear her say "Hey, can I get a heal here?", I really want to slap her. BW - if you devs are listening, please make it easier to upgrade Scorpio. Give Cybertechs the ability to craft end game mods for droid parts. Something.
  5. The biggest complaint I've heard from range is the fact that kiting is near impossible in this game. Yes, while some of the range has some limited knockback capabilities, melee (especially warriors/jedis) have so many gap closing abilities that it is virtually impossible for range to keep melee off of them for any meaningful period of time. I know when I play my Rage Jugg I don't have a problem with kiting. Situationally any class can do well. If a sniper is left unmolested, they can do some serious damage and I've been torn apart by them. But 1v1 they aren't going to fare as well. But we have seen that this game, like most MMOs, isn't really built or balanced around 1v1.
  6. Great quality! Nice job on the stream guys. My main comment focuses on PvP, specifically rated warzones. I hope someone live can address this at the summit. So here's my 2 credits: While I appreciate the desire to play rated warzones, and am personally looking forward to it, I see there also being a huge potential problem, specifically with how the tiered gear will work. If there is a system that allows for people in rated WZs to get gear that only people doing rated WZs, especially the higher rated people, then that has the potential to make more casual players to be little more than second class citizens. Let's say for example you are in a small guild of 10 people. Over the course of the game you have managed to make it to rank 60 valor by grinding out warzones and Ilum, and have full Battlemaster gear. Now along comes rated warzones with its own tier of gear that is better than the BM gear. Will a new 50, in a PvP guild, in a short period of time be better geared than that solo player that took months to get to battlemaster? The solo player virtually overnight becomes a second class citizen. For a system like this to work, you need to allow the person who wants to do WZs, but not necessarily get involved in rated WZs, to get the same gear, ableit have to work harder and longer to get it. For the rated player, you could give rewards along the lines of titles, mounts, and non-combat pets. You could also give perhaps a couple of pieces of gear such as weapon/offhand, and an armor piece. Gives them a little edge, but not obnoxiously so. To do otherwise would create a big disincentive to do any PvP for a significant portion of people that really don't care to do the rated WZs or are not in a highly rated/accomplished PvP guild.
  7. That does seem to be the general consensus. I suppose we can only sit back and wait and hope that in future patches there will be new recipe drops that make not only cybertech, but other crafting skills worthwhile at end game. I just can't imagine that BW will allow a system to stay as is where doing dailies will get you better mods and gear than by crafting. I would guess that what we are currently looking at is only the beginning of the crafting system, so I for one am going to be patient and look at it as in investment in the future. And cross my fingers.
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