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Everything posted by omegakirin

  1. QFT The only warzone I objective play in is the invasion one
  2. Every class has an ability to break CC which is on a 2 minute timer. Every class also has some form of CC. Figure out what your best move is based on the situation.
  3. Reading these posts it seems that people have forgotten how some MMOs are supposed to work. Certain classes have certain roles. They have strengths and weaknesses. It just so happens that concealment specced Operatives are geared towards 1v1 combat/ganking casters/healers. Other classes are better suited at other things. In a crowd, if someone picks out the Operative, he's going to die, no question, because once we're in there, survivability is low. As far as I'm concerned, I do very well in battlegrounds. I usually end up top 3 in damage and kills and bottom 3 in deaths, because I pick my fights. It's a playstyle some people may not like, but it works with the role. However, I regularly get beaten by a host of classes, from Marauders to both kinds of Bounty Hunters, because once they have a pocket healer, they don't need to pick their fights, they can mix it up with anyone in the open field. Yes, getting ganked is frustrating, but it doesn't mean the class ganking you is OP. Next time, think about what you're doing wrong and how to get out of it alive. I get trouble from all classes who are played by a character who clearly knows his abilities.
  4. This. When I come across people who know their abilities, I get a good challenge. LTP before whining
  5. Concealment. Even before Lacerate, it's still uber.
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