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Posts posted by RachelAnne

  1. If you give people a deserter like at wow, what happens then?


    1. People dont fight anymore or just troll the BG, which is even worse than getting a new player.

    2. People freak out totally if the game does take longer.


    People leave the games because they are no fun, and they are no fun because the queue system is not balanced. You cant blame a new 50 who wants to pvp and runs against high geared players, who then is insulted by his own team and leaves.


    Nobody should be forced to play.

  2. this.


    since there currently is no way to LFD except sit on the fleet and do nothing else, besides maybe a little crafting - which can't really be called an "activity" mind you, people who want flashpoints hang out in the fleet. Or usually, don't bother with them in the first place, since no one is around.


    Wow is currently done by sitting at SW all day, and it has a LFG ;) As you see your argument is not valid. To run 1 dungeon after the other is what many people do there, most of them dont even know where the dungeon entrance is - if its at eastern kingdom or kalimdor. :D


    And I am unsure how often I wrote this here, nobody has to sit at the fleet. You can use the LFG tool from every spot and also the global LFG channel. :eek:

  3. I think that the most 2mens can be easily done by using the companion. Atleast from a tanks perspective with a dps or healer companion out.


    The 4 mens can be duo´d mostly, some even alone with just the companion.


    For me they should stay what they are, wow made that mistake of removing them and guess what - those that complained they cant do them, still dont do them. But those that enjoyed them cant do them anymore... Especially if you quest with people together, those group quest´s are the only real fun during lvling up - as the normal quest´s are way too easy.


    What Id like to see is a second companion available to support those that struggle with just 1, but thats the only compromise Id take there.

  4. If you send 10 people with 20k hp into a battle against 10 with 13k hp its allready decided who is the winner. Same thing with the typical too many or too few healers on one side and last but not least with premades meeting solo queue´s, again you allready know the winner.


    BW but also all the other MMO´s out there should finally find a way to balance this, let equal teams meet. I prefer waiting a few min and getting a good game than having instant queues and a boring one.


    Too many developers think that faster queues are more important than a good game, I currently pvp a bit and its just not working. You cant win anything if your team has many new players, not blaming them - I blame the system that puts us together vs. 20k players with a full set...

  5. /sigh


    That's not a fact, that's still a perspective, an opinion! The tool has nothing to do with player behaviour. In the last few years I have had 19/20 runs be perfectly fine on the cross server group finder!


    Honestly, if you have such a low opinion of other players, even on your own server, why are you playing an MMO?!


    You just dont want to see fact´s, its not making much sense trying to explain it to you, again and again. You dont even read the post´s of those who have an opinion that doesnt fit yours or might just close your eyes at specific parts which might make your argumentation weak. You dont even understand that not the tool is the problem, but the execution of it.


    If the tool is able to select the right group for players, especially casuals then be my guest and write an email to BW so that they can drop it and merge all servers of the world into it. But aslong those tools are unable to detect what kind of game / group we as players want, they will fail always.


    I do play an MMO because I can have fun there, choose those I want to play with.


    I dont play an MMO because I want to meet random people that insult me because I am not an elitist but a casual.


    I am pretty sure that elitist players are having a easier time with LFG tools, they have the power and will control it. It happens at wow, with all the spyware tools that were used against casuals who dont take the game that serious.



    I repeat again my advice, go read the wow forums or read the pvp forum here. You will find many examples of elitist behaivour that is used against casuals and the reason why people dont want to be grouped randomly.

  6. Unfortunately with how lazy, poor and generally hopeless the community seems I think BW needs to just make recruit gear cost 50k for a full set, I am constantly seeing people running 0 expertise in WZ's with mid 40'ss green items.


    Its not the fault of those people that they queue up and end up with elitist´s. In the end you guys should be happy that those people exist, if they would not your queues would be much longer.

    You want the group queues, you got them now life with the consequences...


    What this game needs is a matchmaking system, people should be matched with their own kind - ofc. this has to wait until the queue´s are xrealm.

  7. The one thing I realy wish the old republic had is a flashpoint group finder, like the dungeon finder for WoW. I know the curent system of group finding has a lot of fans but for people like me how don't play durring peak times, finding a group to run the flashpoints is a real pain. Adding this system would be easy, just copy the pvp battleground group finder and set it to find flashpoint groups instead.


    I can't be the only person who would like to see a system like this, please add any helpfull comments or support for this idea. With a bit of luck one of the devs may see this and get the ball rolling.


    And how often do you end up with rude people in BG´s?`How often insult others you for your weak gear?


    Random tools are bad. The reason why the current tool is good & working is, that you can build your group. You dont need to group with those that you dont like. This is important in a game, your free will matters there and if you dont like people, then you dont need to play with them.

    But with a tool, you will end up with people you dont like and this just destroys your fun.


    Wow even goes that far, that it does ban you for 30 mins if you "flee".

  8. I only use the 'no evidence' stance against people who shout about how the Group Finder destroyed something and state it as a fact. It can't be a fact without evidence.


    I still vote for a Group Finder with the options of Group Finder or Single Server so that the player gets to choose how they wish to use it.


    The fact´s are there, go play wow and see it for yourself. If you dont want to just read the forums there, your evidence is all over the place.


    A LFG in the state of Wow´s LFG is not a good thing, it does not matter if single server, server group or worldwide - idiots are everywhere.

    The problem is, that such a tool if automated cant decide about the who is with whom compatible. This is the whole problem, not single server or xrealm or the basic idea of helping finding groups.


    If you throw 1 elitist in a group of 3 non elitist´s, then this cant work - just like 3 elitist wont have a mom in their group. You allready see at this forum here, how different people rate stuff. Some dont want weaker geared in their runs, others dont want to skip trash, again others dont want that others roll for their mainspec etc.

    All those get thrown into 1 pool, thats not good and in the long run it destroys the fun.

  9. .


    Anyone know why they require weekly maintenance times? This is my 5th MMO (DAOC, WOW, WHO, Rift), and none of the others were down like this. And why can't they start it in the wee hours of the night at say 2 - 4 am? Midnight is still relatively early.



    Not sure where you were playing, but most likely not on official servers.


    Every MMO mentioned does have a weekly downtime, especially wow has sometimes 10 hours especially on patch days.


    You should just pick a different day or time for playing and spend your time on downtimes with your family.

  10. I'd add a pool of players that will support one another.


    Example: A guildie gave me an augmented double bladed lightsaber. I've been giving guildies DNA samples for their crystals.


    Thats what guilds were for in the past, you were like one big family.


    Guilds these days tend to be a "use & pay", members only help others if they have advantages themselfs. Guess this is because of LFG and wellfare epics that wow has introduced :(

  11. yep, all of the above + In Game VOIP communications.


    Joining a group should connect all in the group to a simple VOIP for verbal communications.


    Also, add in-game Voip to WZ ops groups.


    Thats like a nightmare coming true. Counter Strike incoming with flaming kids all the time, who scream in their mics, do weird noise etc. :wea_02:

  12. I'm sure bioware could do that, but if you took all the people that did premades out of the pug pool of people to que up with, then que times would go up, and premades would have an insane time of getting a warzone considering the amount of premades that are actually out there. I understand what you are saying, but to implement it would make no logical sense considering the above.


    But when ranked comes out, it will alleviate that issue considering most of the premades will only care about ranked, and hopefully pugs will only care about non ranked considering they will get scraped against the pre mades.


    People make premades so that they can earn money, gear by doing no work. I find it absolutely logical that they then have to wait longer, after all its their choice. If they want to earn loot the hard way, they can queue solo but this they dont want, as they cant manage to beat equal matched players.


    And that queue´s would increase in a split queue is logical too, because those premades are afraid to fight equal teams and stop queing then.


    I hope that BW does add solo and group queue very soon, then people can finally pvp by the use of skill.

  13. WoW's a example of how well the cross server tool can work. It has been a huge success. So much so...in thier next expansion, they are inc all 3 raids for it's use. Sure....there are drawbacks...but the benefits of a lot more players having the chance to experence the end game content far out weigh those.


    To have access to content that is so dumbed down that you dont even need to play your char, I would not call "content".

    The easy raid mode or the dungeons are a joke and I dont know anyone that actually has fun doing those. You can pretty much go afk for 30 min and then loot, fun? Not for me and I doubt that the majority really has fun like that.


    The days at vanilla and tbc when you had to use CC, pots, kiting, positioning, intercepts etc. were still the best, to think about what you do - does make the game fun. If you dont want to think you can just watch the dungeon on YT, its kinda the same effect :(.


    Even the Blizz guys did say that their LFG was a failure, not the idea of it - but the execution.


    You can see how much of a success their tool is, by opening your browser and checking the forum over there. Its full of complaints regarding the tool.

  14. It depends.


    An LFG tool no matter if server only or xrealm can work, but doesnt need to. Wow is a good example of how its not working, to use the tool there is a nightmare as you either get


    - bored


    Blizz had to turn down the difficulty by a lot, those who played vanilla and tbc will know what I mean. To do dungeons has become a joke, you can play with 1 finger kinda... This should not happen at SWTOR, so the difficulty should not be lowered. If BW does manage this, then issue 1 of wow would be fixed and I would look forward to also doing raids then.

    The question is, how to balance dungeons which people run without knowing each other, without beeing able to select specs etc.? If you lower the difficulty all those who know each other will end up bored, if you dont those who are random get frustrated by beeing unable to beat the dungeon.


    - insulted


    Kinda the worst at wow is, that people instantly insult others if they dont do as they demand. It can be a "I dont want to rush", "I am new", "dont know dungeon", "need to afk" or something similar which does open the doors for elitist players who then get rude, as they cant do their points/hour cap. But also small mistakes lead to beeing insulted.


    TO fix this a reputation system would be needed. Those that are rude, should automatically be blacklisted - this can be done by GM´s, but who should pay them? A system like at LOL might work, there the community can judge behaivour - its called tribunal, so that those who are reported for beeing rude will end up in a case and can receive a punishment of several days ban etc.


    - robbed


    A loot system like at D3 would be needed there, as some people dont understand what MS>OS means and that a hunter does not need a sorc staff or intellect jewelery.


    - kicked


    To kick others should not be as easy as there. But it should be always possible if really needed. Kicks like "does only 10k dps" should be invalid, but those "does ninja pull, flame" should be valid. Not sure how to configure such a system tho :(


    If BW does address the mistakes of Blizzards LFG, then be my guest and roll on xrealm queues for raids and dungeons, until then - no to any kind of LFG.

  15. Guild Wars is not and will never be pay to win, if you would have get some information before, you would have now that the guild wars 2 store is only about cosmetic items. Get your information right. And btw, a monthly fee isnt even needes in todays MMO´s, but I wont be explaining that, just watch TotalBiscuit video about that thematic.


    I think that you are not very well informed in this topic.


    GW2 does offer a system where you buy gems with real money. With those gems you buy char slots, bag space, xp bonus, crafting bonus, item find bonus etc.


    As example, a char slot does cost round about 10 euro = 800 gems. Additional bag space 5 euro = 400 gems and a bag does cost 3.60 euro = 300 gems. A revive does even cost 3 euro :eek:


    So if you want to be competetive, you MUST pay money.


    GW2 is going to be F2P and your success in that game does depend on the amount of money you are willing to pay. At SWTOR your skill does decide your success, thats why subscribtion based MMO´s are way more fair than F2P´s.

  16. Wow made the mistake with WOTLK and Cata to make dungeons doable in 30 mins or less. This did lead to content that was too easy and too fast, also called fastfood pve.


    The result of this is playing without fun, because you know every corner inside out in a very short time. People also get slacky and try to skip everything, which then again leads to just doing the bosses.


    The result is subs dropping, I doubt that BW wants this.

  17. Dont copy the wow LFG, please! It killed the game, as it put you in groups that were not suited for your own playstyle.


    A LFG can only work if people decide with whom they want to play. This can be achived by adding different filter settings like


    - Casual

    - pro

    - elite


    - rush

    - slowly


    - MS>OS

    - OS<MS


    At wow it happens a lot that a casual does end up with elitist players who want to rush and blame the casual for not wanting this. That situation aint fun for the casual, but also not for the elite. Or you end up with people that roll for every item, while you want to have a MS priority etc.

    The wow tool does automate the group finding, which is actually very bad without filters.


    It would also be possible to just give players a list of intrested players, so that they can invite them manually.



    If you guys manage this, then I dont mind if its xrealm - to have it for raids and dungeons is also fine.

  18. Right after the day when the combat log was introduced people started "my class is so weak, look how much class xy crits".


    Reading this thread here, you also find many examples why such a DPS Meter etc. is not wanted. Its not used to judge the own performance, it is used to find an excuse why a raid or dungeons is not completed.

    Unfortunately are those excuses never based on true fact´s, because the DPS that does 10k dps and doesnt need any healing due great movement, does intercept when needed and is able to keep his target in CC - is still always better than the 20k dps who does eat the healers mana, misses every intercept etc.



    Wow brought up a very bad attitude, called elitism. An behaivour which does ignore own mistakes, while blaming always the others. Thats not wanted here and I do hope that BW is able to keep it away from this game - even tho there are allready some addons which do support elitism...

  19. Jeder mit etwas Hirn weiß, das TOR immer noch zu den besten gehört ;) Und da Story & Scifi-Szenario ein Alleinstellungsmerkmal sind, wird sich daran mittelfristig auch nichts ändern.


    Allerdings ist die Zahl der Abos nicht unwichtig. Sie entscheidet letztendlich, wieviel content kommt und in welcher Qualität. Gerade bei einem vollvertonten mmog sind die Kosten für neue Inhalte nun mal sehr viel teurer als bei anderen mmogs. Als Beispiel: in patch 1.2 sind mindestens 1 Stunde Sprache enthalten. Allein hierfür hat Bioware - nur für die deutsche Übersetzung&Sprecher - sicher einen 5stelligen Betrag blechen müssen. Das muss irgendwo herkommen. Wir werden sehen, ob dieses Niveau gehalten werden kann. Ich glaube nicht, das der support der DV oder FV deutlich unter 100.000 Spieler rentabel ist


    Naja, wenn man wow anschaut.... da spiegelt Abo Anzahl und Content nicht wirklich eine Relation wieder. Denn da hat man sogut wie nix zu tun auf max lvl.


    Ich bleib bei meiner Meinung, SWTOR hat ne echte Chance wenn sie nicht die Fehler von wow machen und es kopieren.

    Bei release mit Ausnahme der Graphic bugs die es heute immernoch gibt..... war es ein guter release client. Was fehlte war rated pvp und ein besseres Crafting system.


    Würde es BW schaffen sich darauf zu konzentrieren und eben nicht auf die typischen wow Elemente wie Addons, LFG oder daily´s - dann wären sicher mehr Leute geblieben.


    Denn Fakt ist und bleibt, wer wow typische Elemente will - der wird wow spielen und nicht SWTOR. Daher muss SWTOR sich in einer andere Richtung entwickeln um eben die zu bekommen, welche bei wow nicht mehr glücklich sind.

  20. 1. The cross server LFG Tool

    Pro: It makes possible, that all players can run flashpoints together, no matter on what servers they are playing.

    Con: It won't help guilds on low pop servers to recruit new members, it reduces socializing. Personally, I think its the worst solution.


    The LFG tool does "hide" the real problems, as you said. Now that Addons and DPS meters are slowly rolling in, I can only warn people of this tool. It will kill your fun totally, especially as Casual.


    What BW should add is somekind of tool to find players, also xrealm if needed but it should only work manually. Players could for instance open a group and pick players from a big pool. It worked like that in vanilla and tbc with the stones, but also at AOC this did work.

    Or players have to take a little journey before they queue. For instance, Casual-pro-elite run. Fast-normal-slow run. Addons wanted / not wanted etc.


    In that way people can still play with those of their choice but also benefit of a larger player pool.


    2. Server merges

    Pro: It will raise server populations, by merging low pop servers. Former low pop Guilds will find easier new members and party forming for group content will be faster.

    Con: There will be many issues with equal charnames of the different servers at the merging process. It's bad for reputation of a game, since it's used to indicate a mmorpg is dying.


    This happened at a couple of MMO´s that I played and it pretty much is a horrible solution. Many players are going to lose their legacy name, guild name and char names. This is never an option.


    3. Instanced zones on a single server (used in Guild Wars)

    Pro: Every player will have his char on one server with the possibilty to play together. Everything can be done with every player. Even if all players can't be at the same zone, they can all be in the same chatroom, which will be great for socializing and group finding. LFG Tool can work with less impact on socializing. SWTOR already has available the feature of instancing zones.

    Con: All players can't be in one zone at the same time. Higher chance that your charname of choice is already taken.


    Same issue like with server merges. You can say that this is Diablo 2 style and its not much fun. In the long run people wont be able to name their chars properly anymore - yes a Surname is a solution, but is that possible?


    Instancing was also at AOC, I dont know... it was confusing sometimes because those instances were rather empty and you had to switch between them a lot. If you were crafting and tried to pick flowers, you had a couple of instances to choose from, some did not offer flowers anymore.... I actually prefer having servers and no instances.

  21. Everyone should keep in mind that for BF3, EA shot themselves in the foot with their digital distribution by making it an Origin Exclusive.


    I am sure that by limiting your digital outlets for PC sales (arguably the best way to sell PC games) you are going to hurt revenue.


    SWTOR is still young. It is very pre-mature to say "they have declining subscriptions." Every MMO I played has a huge bulge at launch, numbers go down a bit (especially around summer time) and once more content is added, you see those numbers rise again.


    BF3 has also suffered by DLC... I dont know about you guys here, but if I pay for a game which is not an MMO then I dont want to spend 10$ every month to be able to play further..



    Regarding SWTOR,


    well I will keep playing aslong its not a wow clone. As soon things like badly balanced LFG, ranked PVP only for premades - unfair match ups, addons come up I leave.

    Not because of beeing a bad game, I really like it - no its because of the wow effect which I cant stand at any MMO ;)


    Needless to say I would love to get distance sliders to stop the grass pop!

  22. Crafting should play a very important role at MMO´s, thats how it always has been until wow dumped that down with WOTLK.


    Should it offer the best gear? Well yes and no.


    First of all should crafting give those that cant raid, pvp etc. a way of getting gear which allows them to step into raiding or pvp, usually its equal to the first Tier.


    Second, crafting should give raiders a chance to improve their gear as it becomes necessary for beating specific boss fights. Vanilla and TBC wow was perfect there, for instance did you need specific gear with resistance to be able to beat encounters, like shadow, fire or cold etc. The patterns for those should then be bound to raiding performance or part of a prequest series, so that you can only get them if you raid or intend to do so.


    Third crafting should offer for all players a way of improving stats on gear. At wow this is done by jewelery and enchants.



    People that dont like crafting are better of playing a shooter game but not an RPG ;)

  23. Let's look at the facts here....


    WoW, the mmorpg that implemented the xslfg still has 10+ million subs, will most likely shoot back up to 11 or 12 million when the next expansion comes out.


    so to spell it out in plain english, xslfg worked for WoW as they are still going strong and won't be going to F2P anytime soon.



    There are MMO´s with such a tool who are f2p. To think swtor will only survive with beeing a wow clone, is wrong.


    Because this is the reason why the other MMO´s failed and went f2p. They were wow 2.0 and nobody wants wow 2.0.



    That wow has 10 mio subs is right, but the reason for that is asia. People in europe and america are leaving the game more and more, asia is just covering this.



    The most successfull wow is still tbc and vanilla, you can check this easily by google.



    If SWTOR wants to stay alive then only if BW does manage to create a unique MMO which does the things that wow did wrong better and that starts at the DF and ends at Addon support and Arena. Those 3 things had an major impact on wow and ruined it.


    Not saying all are bad, but the way how they are put in the game is where BW must shine. If they dont, people who like wow will go back there and those that did like SWTOR for not beeing wow, have been gone to GW2 or any other MMO.

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