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Posts posted by RachelAnne

  1. Yeah, a PUG is a PUG. Doesn't matter what pool you get the people from, there's never any guarantee with a PUG. Yes, I've carried pugs as a healer multiple times. I've also carried them as DPS when the other DPS were vastly inferior.


    Maybe it's a generalization on my part, but I think the people who aren't able to carry a weak PUG complain the most about dungeon finders.


    Not really...


    Playing my Druid at wow I did end up healing, tanking and dpsing multiple times and without me we would had never seen some of the endbosses - thats not the problem. Even in a guild you will have to play for players that have a lower skill, even at TBC when I was raiding in a high end guild at europe, this was the case and I never complained.


    The issue is just the behaivour and nothing else.


    To get bombarded by comments like "GOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOG" , getting ninja pulls of kids who have no patience at all, stolen the loot you deserve as someone is on a "all mine" philosophy and last but not least the stupid kick system and never ending spam of dps meters by the worst players I have ever seen is what keeps you away of that tool.

    You need to understand that playing games is not for everyone a job, to help bad players is fine but to be treaten like **** in almost every run is not.


    If you build a group yourself, then you can skip such behaivour and thats why grouping must stay away of an automation and now that addons are at Tor this is more important than anything else to keep the fun at this game.



    Regarding the OP.


    A dungeon finder in general is not content, thats like saying the new log in screen is content...


    The legacy stuff is indeed content, as it does give you something new that you can work on.


    I always laugh when people at wow said that the LFD tool and the multiple ways of running a dungeon is content... in the end its not. If you run a dungeon once the content is pretty much clear, what keeps you playing is stuff that you can encounter every day new again, like the story´s at Tor - different classes, new zones or stuff you can unlock after a while. But those things will always have an end, as for Tor I have not yet finished every class so there is still enough content left.

    Content at an MMO is pretty much always coming to an end someday, especially if you are into an new release for a longer time, Look at wow, you have no new content for almost a year there and yet people keep playing and actually think they have new content because they can after running the raid in easy, now run it in normal and after in hardcore and then again in 25 instead of 10 men runs etc.


    Ranked Warzones alone aint content either, its just a system.... but if BW would manage to balance it right, better than wow, then this would be a reason to play further for pvp players - as the competition that comes out of it, is not really content but something many people are intrested in.


    We at wow did run Warsong for many months in the old pvp system and didnt need anything else, the competition kept us going and just that. You dont need a new Wz, Arena or whatever every time - just a working pvp system that puts equal skilled players against each other with the chance to improve your standing every now and then.

  2. At least you admit your selfish.

    EVERYONE who is in the habbit of quiting a round when the other team gets a little ahead is a CHUMP.


    YOU are the ones making PVP worse, even worse than the prolblems with premades, pugs and over powered toons.

    Care to admit that?


    This is a multiplayer game, and this attitude shows that you are not only selfish, but you don't mind screwing over other players. NOT COOL. This isn't the only problem, but one created by some PLAYERS and NOT BioWare.


    If you "BAILERS" were any good, and tried hard then your team might have a chance to make a comeback win.

    If you don't want to be a team player then don't play a team game. It's not too late to turn from the Dark SIde.


    I disagree!


    If I join a game and only see full geared players on the opposite side, then I leave and right after this a new player will get in, who might have better suited gear for that fight.


    You act like people wait minutes for a replacement / none is coming at all.. but thats not true. I have seen new players come in always right after someone was gone.


    You can ofc. blame people that leave all the time, but this wont change the broken system itself. Blizz gave leavers a 30 min deserter but never cared to fix the reasons for leaving - thats the wrong way, because then people just stop playing or scream "lose fast".


    Bw should just fix the queue system, I am sure its not so hard once the xrealm queues are up and then people with similar skill and gear + group size will meet and this is way more fun than our current situation.


    I played pvp at vanilla and we only had premades and it was hell of fun and I never ran away of a hard fight, but at Tor and also current wow the fights that you get are no fun at all, as you have lost allready by entering the queue :(

  3. I split the topic into a few major points that an MMO make good.


    1. Graphics & sound


    Everyone that played AoC will know what I mean. To walk through a forest was a real journey, to travel through a desert made you feel the heat and sand and you could pretty much smell the green while walking through it.


    Yes it did need a high end pc, but it was the best atmosphere and graphic environment I ever encountered in an MMO.


    2. Housing


    SWG & Ultima made playing the game a second "life". People did log on just to water their flowers, buy a new item or decorate their living room. It felt real.


    3. Raiding & endgame


    I still see vanilla and tbc wow as the best raiding experience I ever had. You had to beat very large encounters, that were like some big giant that could easily crush you with its feet. It felt epic to down these bosses and to advance into the next room. To coordinate a group of 40 players felt special,


    4. PvP


    For me also vanilla wow had the best pvp ever in an MMO. The idea of combining world pvp with BG´s was fantastic and since it was server only you had real foe´s and knew that meeting a specific player on the battlefield was an honor and a challange.

    Never again did I know so many players of a server like at that time - just the rank 14 grind was a bit too much, but the rest brilliant.


    5. Char design & crafting


    AoC had also a very good char design, you could change everything of your char - the possibilities were endless. I miss that at the other MMO´s from today. What I also miss is a class system that really is unique. I dont know, but too many MMO´´s give people too much.

    If a person choose´s to play a healer, then he should only be a healer and not a tank or dps if he wants to. The whole everyone must be able to do everything is boring.


    Crafting is a tricky one, because SWG had the long craft´s that took days, wow had the special craft´s that only 1 or 2 players from the server could do and that were needed for raiding, AoC had the great feeling while you were hunting for crafting materials and Ultima had the big variety.

    Those combined + the idea of BW with companions would sure make a great crafting system.

  4. Except many of those "cries" are justified. Update 1.2 gave us features such as guild banks and a modifiable UI. Those are normal features that other mmo's have included at launch. So for BW to try and feed that to us with the rest of the 1.2 poop sandwich, and call it new content, is a slap in the face and insult to our intelligence.


    And lets not forget how they told us right before it went live that there would be no ranked wz's, even though ranked wz's were one of the main features that was going to be part of 1.2. Tired of BW telling us one thing, then not staying true to their word.


    Vanilla Wow had no guild banks at release, it had no pvp system and it also did not have UI features.


    Still it is the best MMO that was ever created :)


    A good MMO is not defined by "but WOW cata has it", a good MMO is a unique thing - something that stands on its own, with features of its own. A copy of something else, will just always stay a copy and will never be able to be called good, except a good copy.


    Tor does now move more and more into a copy, it might be a good one someday - but it lost its unique atmosphere by then. Those that demand the wow features will sooner or later go back to wow, why play the copy if you can play the original?



    Personally what I wanted to find at Tor was a MMO without LFG, addons, mods, instagib pvp etc. At release it was that, I did really enjoy pvp, running dungeons without beeing measured but with kind people that actually say more than "gogogo". This seems to fade now more and more and turns into another wow clone.


    I find that sad and if the ranked Wz´s for solo queue´s are not something totally new and exciting I probably retire and no I dont say GW 2 will make it better, because it wont. Its on the same path towards a wow clone, unfortunately - I wish a puplisher would have the guts to develop something unique again :)

  5. The tools changed the people and not the people the tools.


    Vanilla had raid´s, dungeons, open pvp and later BG´s. You played those things for fun, but you wanted to achive something . To achive something was more a personal goal or the goal on your server, but it was not a global thing - competition for most players.


    You had no clue about dps too high / low, just a dead encounter was a way of understanding your performance. When we did raid at vanilla no dps meters were around, so the raid won together or lost together - single performance was not measurable and because of this not important.

    This created a big "we" feeling and thats what an MMO is all about. The "I" feeling is typical for shooters like CS, BF where you see your performance in kills, deaths etc. at the tab.


    PvP was also done for fun, even with the mega grind for rank 14 - people still did it for fun, many people stopped at rank 12 or 13 and did not complain and accepted it. In the early days the demands were much smaller, if you couldnt beat something it was ok and you tried again next week.


    Today meters pretend to give a performance check, the WWW does indicate that every encounter is doable and the forums are a breeding ground for "checks". A class has something I dont have, unfair! The thing is, thats exactly how it should be. There will be classes that do more dps, more healing etc. thats why the RPG element is in - but people just see the numbers of 1 and want the same so that they dont get blamed anymore in their raid for low dps...


    The www cant be stopped anymore, YT & co. are there but the tools like LFG, DPS meter can be stopped and this would help a little bit and bring back the "we".

  6. Before i start i will add i enjoy the game and despite some annoyances i think is a pretty well rounded MMO with a great platform to be taken forward (after all it is only 5 months old)


    One of the key things of any MMO is the community and that is fostered here on the forums by the community relations team and the communication that is passed out


    So why do i never see a post encouraging this, i dont expect the devs to come on here every day and respond to posts their job is to develop the game, but i do expect to see the community relations team take some issues to the Dev team rather then letting threads get to 1000+ responses before someone takes a nosey in


    There is very little info about whats coming up in game other then vague oh XYZ feature may be 1.3 1.4 or 1.million that's in 2014


    I'm not asking to have everything explained but i would like to see more communication and more interaction with the players on the forums. instead we are stuck to weekly Q&A session that rarely yields no more info then is already out in the public domain


    My point is Bioware, get on the boards/twitter/facebook wherever you decide and start interacting with your player base, if it doesn't fix anything it shows your interested in what players views are, communicate where the game is going, after all its something we are all invested in.


    If you complain about BW then you would be completely blown away by the lack of support at wow.


    I think that the BW crew does a good job, most questions are answered within hours - bad behaivour of people is flagged and taken care off etc.


    The only thing that I wish BW would do is ignoring all those wow players that demand wow features and just close these threads.

  7. I think part of the problem that i see is that many Republics are tired of losing alot to the many groups of Imperials and to top it off the Imperials rub Republics noses in it sometimes,but even on my server with a healthy amount of Repubs the sheer gear inbalance is getting old coupled with the Imperials rolling a few premades often.


    How a Imperial from my server can say that he or she is a hardcore PvP'er or very good and play Imperial is beyond me when he or she knows that more than likely 75% of their team has the other team outgeared,it defys all logic,but have no fear many Repubs are starting to quit and it will be Imperial vs Imperial in time.


    SWTOR the Factions killed by BW and the kids who wanted to be Darth Whatever.


    Fun that you say that, on my server we are dominated by the rep´s Premades and if you see them you kinda know that leaving the game is best, which is round about 80% of the games.


    @ topic


    The problem isnt so much good and bad players, its the imbalance that you can see quite fast.


    1. There is no role queue, so you can end up with many tanks and dps, but no healers --> loss

    2. A premade will face a pug ---> loss

    3. You have players of 13-15khp vs. 20k+ hp --> loss


    The same bad design wow has and even with a 30 min deserter people tend to afk a lot there or just afk until the end of the game. What BW should do is add a filter while queueing, so that people enter a game that they can win, rather than entering games which are lost allready due imbalance.

  8. Group finder and x-server.


    Give you a bigger pool of players for faster and better matching, Very important for pvp. If you want to group with your friends on your server do that. No one makes you use the tool.


    Duel spec

    is to allow people who like both pve and pvp to play both without spending a fortune on respecing,

    If you show up to a pve raid in a full pvp spec people are not happy with you or vice versa



    This game community is no different then WoWs, right now. Added these features aren't going to change anything because there is nothing to change


    You clearly lack the experience and confidence that a person doesnt need to have the spec of "Nihilum & co" to be successfull in this game or at wow.


    All that "must have 30/21 of Kungen for pve" is just an illusion and made up by people who are not so good and think that their poor performance is because of a spec, item lvl or similar things.


    The only people that really need a perfect spec, a dps meter etc. are those that get paid for playing games - those in a professionel environment.


    I never ever needed dual spec, addons etc. while I was playing semi professionel pve and pvp at wow (except raid assist) , so to demand that those casuals who are the majority in those games now must have all these professionel tools is just wrong, There is simply no need for it, especially if you look at the low difficulty at wow.



    Also I fail to see why a LFG tool does help people. To wait 30 min and then getting into a dungeon that you cant finish due low skilled players, or where you instantly get kicked, is not really an improvement. There is a reason why Blizz tries to force people into the dungeon finder, all these little boni or punishments aka deserter wouldnt be necessary if the tool would be so great. ;)

  9. The problem is


    Group finder > 1.3

    xserver WZs > 1.2.2 probably.

    Duel spec -> 1.3.2-1.4 probably.


    All these things were added for very good reasons in WoW and dealt with very real problems SW:Tor has now. Blizzard actual tried to resist them and find ways to not use them at the start. But once there were in they all became very popular.


    These are items you should have just learn from watch games before you why they are important.


    These 3 "tools" solved nothing, but opened the door for elitist players who now run wow. The game has become a job, where you MUST deliver like a small minority of progamers - if you dont, you get kicked out of groups, insulted etc.


    Right after the combat log was added to Tor, I saw people complain about damage. Now that those recount meters are available Tor is most likely moving into the direction of wow.


    It is sad, as the game had great potential - I guarentee everyone that all those people that demand, addons, LFG, Dualspec etc. will go back to wow anyways and hardly anyone will be left.


    I wish BW would have had the guts to keep Tor away from wow - and build a community of players that are a bit older and follow the original way of playing MMO´s...

  10. Dual spec doesnt help casuals, its actually making the whole situation for them even worse.


    People will start demanding that you have 2 specs, that you have the exact spec´s like some pro gamer and ofc. can play both perfectly. If you dont "kick".


    You guys never played wow?


    As more options get in the game, as more casuals need to work - its been always like that :)


    Personally I think that the most important feature still is ranked pvp, solo & group. Thats why people are leaving and not because of DF or Dualspec.

  11. It's kinda funny.

    In FPS games, I NEVER seen people complaining about clans/groups joining a match together.


    A FPS does not give rewards for winning games. At CS everyone has the same setup, so if you lose a lot you can just switch to another server or accept it.


    At an MMO this isnt the case, there you must win games to get items and only with those items you can atleast say "I have a small chance" to win.

    The thing is, that for instance on my server a repuplic premade of usually 6 players keeps dominating all Wz´s and its no fun to queue anymore. I did love pvp until 49, we had many great games but at 50 its pointless as you dont get anything out of it and always face the same guild team.


    The same situation ruined BG pvp for me at wow, there is no point and every premade that doesnt want premade only queue´s is badly skilled and knows it.

  12. No Huttball is a warzone. Arena is teams of 2, 3, or 5 attempting to kill eachother.


    Thats what Blizzard says ;)


    Arena is just too hard to balance in an RPG, it failed big time at wow. I played 2 full seasons there, one as Gladiator another as "peasant". The setup´s are way too important there, for instance was a rogue and a priest an instant gladi if you could play a little bit.


    What I would support is a 1v1 arena, but only for the fun without major rewards.


    For me an MMO need´s objektive based pvp, its great fun and can also be played at major tournaments and its entertaining for the crowd.

  13. I do not attack you in any way, i am just saying that you come with preconceptions about what is discussed in this thread, and your posts have no relevance to the actual discussion. If you can not be bothered to read the thread and see what has been discussed or what the discussion is about, why bother posting?

    chances are you are not going to contribute anything useful and misinform new readers.


    Because I wanted to show people that keep blaming new players with tags like "lazy, idiot etc." that they are wrong and I saw those post´s here.

    To think that someone doesnt buy gear to annoy others is silly. Nobody has fun doing pvp if he / she always dies - there are reasons why some dont have full set´s, I only got 1 char - do the space missions a lot but they are pretty much the only income, next to the Wz´s but its not much either.


    I also just went to Ilum as I heard there would be somekind of pvp quest content. The thing is, how to do those if your faction holds all nodes and you cant kill anyone or destroy anything?



    That whole 500k credits everyone has discussion is a bit like at wow when also everyone had 5k gold at 70 for the mount. In the end not everyone plays like that, even without ever using the GTN s till having my lvl 20 speeder I am broke but have a valor that I cant use for anything.... kinda feels wrong :D

  14. Your argument is contrived, vain, misinformed and completely judgemental. You accuse us of your own crimes, say we will not compromise yet it is you who outright refuses the idea of any Group Finder to be created. You have problems with not hand picking your own group to be in charge of and then accuse us of being elitist.


    But as I have said, Group Finder IS coming into the game with Patch 1.3 so really, your argument is in vain. You can learn to play with others or you can ask Bioware to make a special Hermit Server for those who do not play well with others.


    Nowhere did I ever say I dont want a LFG at all. I keep refering to wow´s LFG, I dont want that one because its not working properly.


    I am unsure what it has to do with "elitist" if I think that it would be a good idea to let those who have similar intrest´s play together. From my point of you do people play games for fun, to relax or to achieve something.


    Because of this they should not be forced to play with those that are not sharing the same intrest´s. If someone wants to play hardcore, then he should play with his kind. Just like a casual should with his etc. What wow does is throwing many different people into 1 pool, its the breeding ground for conflict´s.

    Thats why I think that a system with filters, manual adjustments to the queue is much better than a random draw like at wow.


    If you pick a server from the list to play on, then you do this because you expect something there. I picked for instance a RP Server, because I like to RP and chat while playing.

    If someone joins a pve server he most likely wants to have raids etc.

    The next reason is always the community there, at wow you had servers where you knew that they are controlled by "hardcore" players - so as a casual this was not your server but as a person with big raiding goals it was.


    I dont want to control other players way of playing the game, I want to influence and control my own. If I get home from work, then I would love to play a dungeon, a Wz etc. with likeminded players who share similar intrest´s.


    If you go out into a club, then you also select which one because of the music thats played there and the crowd. Just imagine you would make a random roll and then end up somewhere where they play stuff that you dont like at all. Wouldnt be fun, would it?


    I am the last who would complain in a random group and demand that they all play like I want to, I just said that it was very difficult at wow, if so many things were done differently and you were used to your own server.


    If I got into hardcore groups and didnt feel like rusing, then I just left those groups and was punished for it by a 30 min deserter. This also doesnt feel right, the hardcores wont have fun with me and I wont with them - so why punish me or them if we split?


    The whole wow system is a pure do it our way or we punish you, and you have no influence at all on your own game experience that you pay money for.


    There is a reason why Blizz keeps pushing those xtra rewards for those that use the tool, why they add 30% damage increase or badges to groups that finish a dungeon. They do know that the tool is not the big "ya we love it" kind of thing and would need many tweaks.


    I actually was happy when they first announced the tool but their execution is a serious problem and I do hope that BW can do better there.

  15. Do you really have no desire to read the posts in this thread before making these comments?


    Thread is going nowhere where every page someone reposts something that has been refuted, time and time again.


    Instead of attacking me, show me the post which does say where the pvp items are at crafting and where the pvp quest´s are. This would be helpfull :)


    You need to understand that I dont have any joy reading the whole thread where people who are new get insulted all the time.

  16. Then why do you queue right away instead of questing, or doing somethings that won't damage others' time? Do you also hold the same attitude when you waltz into 50 ops/hms thinking that the unfortunate few that took you are obligated to carry you for gears? Who carried them?


    I have not seen any pvp related quest´s, except the win x Wz´s. Those quest´s I try to do, but if you always face the same premade its hard.


    As I said, I did pvp from the beginning always bought the gear at lvl 20 and later 40. At 50 I bought 4 parts but for more I dont have the credit´s / commandations. The only way of getting credits and / or pvp gear is doing those Warzones and the quest´s that belong to them.

    It is not my fault, nor am I lazy or an idiot if the matchmaking doesnt work / all the work I put in before doesnt matter anymore.



    What you said about Op´s etc. is a totally different story. If someone wants to raid, then he has to do the 50 dungeons first. Just like he must do the pre 50´s first if he starts at 50. By doing so you will have gear that opens the door for the next tier.

    The thing is, if you follow the same path in pvp and do constantly pvp pre 50 - you have almost nothing if you are 50. Not everyone wants to do pve to be able to pvp, thats just not right.

    Its like telling a person that wants to raid, that he must play Wz´s ;)


    The whole reward system seems a bit broken, you can pvp a lot during your lvl up but once you reach 50 all this is obsolet and you are naked. Wow is the same, but atleast there you can craft pvp gear even tho thats only viable at the first season. I have not seen any crafting pvp gear yet at Tor, maybe its there - if so tell me please.


    Either they change the queue´s or they give people equal gear - I dont see how it will change otherwise.


    I totally understand that someone with 23k hp doesnt like someone with 15k, but to think those with 15k are guilty is wrong - most of them would love to have better gear, but the game doesnt give them the chance.

  17. The sad thing is, when I did lvl my char I got not many credit´s. I got valor rank 25 and at 50 had like 80k credits that I put into new skills´and I bought 4 pvp items, some by commandations and 2 for credits + I always bought new pvp gear at 20 and 40.


    I got no speeder or anything but I am allready broke :D


    It might sound simple for some to just buy gear for 500k credit´s, but its not that simple for all. It would had been better to give the recruit gear for free, if you have lets say valor lvl 20.


    Someone here said that you cant play with 8 of your guild, I know you cant queue for it... but there is a premade that has usually atleast 6 players in every game they play. Coincidence probably, but its kinda depressing :D

  18. If I leave a game it has different reasons.


    1. BW did put me against a premade, happens a lot

    2. BW did put me against players who have all pvp items allready, I am no help then to my team

    3. I get insulted by a troll / Elitist (doesnt happen so much tbh. guess I am quite decent)


    The 3rd thing BW can hardly fix, but 1 and 2 can be fixed easily by adjusting the queues. Yes most likely this wont happen before xrealm queues, but once those are up I really hope that there is somekind of matchmaking system.


    It should not be that a new players with about 15k hp must face those with 23k or that a solo queue does meet always a premade.


    My hope was ranked WZ with solo queue´s, BW did put those on hold for now and I hope they do come soon. Else pvp is unplayable for me :(



    I understand everyone that is leaving a game in the current pvp system, id never leave an even fight / game - but if I see I cant help my team due the lack of gear then I think it is better for all to just go and let a maybe better geared player in. To play vs. a premade is no point either - especially with only blue´s.

  19. You keep talking about community, but many of us are yet to see evidence of it in this game. You state it had a negative impact yet provide nothing but 'your word' for it. We have shown you factual evidence that the playerbase grew for a solid year after Cross Server LFD, which is more evidence to a positive result than to a negative result.


    As I have stated many times, a Group Finder with the option to queue either Single Server or Cross Server. Your only reasons against Cross Server seem to be that evil magic makes people stop talking on their servers, and that nasty trolls steal your precious loot. You then started making up facts about how the Group Finder removed the need for Guilds, despite there still being a heavy amount of Guilds within the game.


    As I said, no valid reason has been given against it.


    The simple fact you are declaring that the game does not need one, proves you are not in a position to comment on it. You do not need it, but others do. You are not the entire playerbase.


    The evidence is there, you know very well that we are not allowed to post links to the wow forum where people express their "anger" regarding the LFG tool. So if you want to see it, you should go there.


    We also have not yet seen any compromise of you, all you keep saying is "dont use it" which is not a compromise at all.

    A Compromise would be to leave out RP servers from automated tools, to tweak the LFG of wow to a manual tool which gives the power to those that group and not a random roll. Another would be to have somekind of tribunal like LOL has, so that bad behaivour can be punished and last but not least a filter system that allows players to select a specific "playstyle" when they queue up so that elitist´s can play with their own, just like casuals or people with a family could etc.

    You need to understand that your "professionell way" of playing this game is just 1 possible way. There are people that dont want to rush, that dont want to skip, that dont want you to roll for everything, that might need to go afk for a min ... if they end up in a group with your kind, they cant enjoy the run and you cant either as you demand things they cant deliver and rage.

    Those people need to be protected and thats why a tool like at wow is bad in design, as there they get actually punished and the elitist have advantages.

    This is a compromise, to say "dont use" is not.


    The thing you still did not understand is also the issue of xlfg or lfg. It does not matter if its xlfg or lfg - what matters is that you have no influence on the group that you get if its like at wow.

    The only difference of xlfg and lfg is, that at a server only tool you usually have a community that you know. I like to explain this by the marking issues I always had at wow.


    On my server we used skull for the first kill, moon for sheep, triangle for sleep or root etc. Playing at the LFG with people from other servers was hard - as a tank I always marked stuff and they didnt understand it. I saw skull sheeped, moon feared and all this.... but also the looting was totally different to my server and people especially on 3 others servers were very hardcore and rude, something my server was not and I was tired of permanently "gogogogog" commands.

    Nevertheless is the biggest problem the automated selection, every server has a few rude people - some servers have more and some less. By having a manual selection you can skip those and because of this such a "feature" is mandatory in every LFG.


    If the mistakes of wow´s tool are fixed, I would love to see a tool for raids, wz´s and dungeons - but if the mistakes are copied over, then I rather quit than playing further.




    As a sidenote, the wow tool has so many "carrots on a stick" that force you to use their tool - that it is pretty obvious that they do know the tool is not working that good. Why else punish people with 30 mins deserter if they leave, this could only be because many people didnt like the groups they got in :cool:

  20. I know people hate these things for what they think they did to other games but they are tools nothing more let the jerks be jerks they are going to be them anyway.


    The tool does them give a chance to blame someone directly. If someone posts "xy did only 10k dps " - kickvote, then in most cases the kick will go through.


    If he wouldnt be able to post the "evidence", people would not pay much attention.


    In the end I think that people should also get back to the roots of playing a game online. You just cant succeed every time, there will be those days when a boss might now die. Its nothing bad, I do know as a raid leader this can be annoying - but its part of a game.


    If you tell someone to intercept, then you do know that it was not good enough if the boss did cast still. Same it is with the dps, even tho I dont think that 1 single player is to be blamed. If all do like 15k dps (random numbers) and one does 12k, then he is still not the reason for the wipe. 3k dps dont make the difference - thats why the dps is from my point of view more a general issue than a player specific one.


    Personally I never was a fan of enrage encounters, they do "demand" the wrong gameplay - after my opinion. People should not be rewarded for maximum dps, but for smart play and movement.

  21. Talk about different worlds we must come from when they removed those I leveled a guy specifically to see them I saw a poll before cata that said that change was the most beloved by the majority of the player base. My guild at the time did special events just to revisited the old sites that you could now solo it was the pinnacle of blizzard genius when they did that.


    Even though the world change with cata I still smile when going through a quest chain or area that I use to be locked off from.


    The thing is, by doing those together you found people to play with. In vanilla there were 2 ways of finding "friends".


    Do pvp like world pvp or later BG´s, and the group quest´s. My F-list was full at vanilla and later I made my own guild with those people. we did raid and even managed to step into Naxx classic. These people I still know today and even tho we all stopped with wow - we are still in contact.


    From TBC on, but especially with WOTLK I met sometimes other people or we did invite new ones - but the "close" feeling, I never had again with those. One reason is the removal of those quest´s and the lack of traditional socialising by playing together.


    I dont know, but if someone is locked out of group quest´s or dungeons, then because he wants to. There will always be others who are alone and want company, thats why its so easy to find people there and build something with them.


    At wow today its impossible to find people, as everyone runs off alone or just sits at SW / UC waiting for the dungeon pop - not caring about anyone else but his / her own.



    What I am trying to say is, that if you allready want to skip the group content during the lvl phase, then there is a very high possibility that at 50 you are still alone. I am sure that many of those "we need a LFG" people never grouped for the 4 mens and because of this are unable to make a FP at 50.

  22. The issue with any addon in MMO´s or online games in general is, that there isnt a "he did good" - "he did not good" result.


    The results are always interpreted differently.


    If I look back at Cata then we did every heroic 5men with round about 10k dps at release. You would now say that this is sufficent for a dps there, after all we did those heroics like that.


    Funny is, if I went random people did demand 20k dps or more. For them a 10k dps was not sufficent, so they kicked those below 15 usually or blamed them constantly for wipes.


    You can make that example with pretty much every stat that recount has to offer, there will always be people that demand unecessary things - just because they think that it is needed.

  23. I am not for a punishment for leaving a WZ there instead needs to be an incentive to stay till the end. If those people want to leave the wz that is their choice since they are paying to play the game that they are leaving.


    Yes this and a better queue for more fair matches will certainly help.


    To lose a game should not automatically mean no rewards / very few. Ofc. if someone does not do much, then he doesnt deserve much, but if someone is healing a lot, tanking a lot etc. then he should be rewarded.


    I dont think thats currently the case, I had 8 medals in a game today and over 140k protection - I know its not an epic value but keep in mind I am still new at 50 but I got 80 pvp points only after the game.


    At different game I did really not so good but got 200 points :rolleyes:


    Thats kinda :confused:


    I dont think that a win should make such a big difference, its 120 points + a worse performance of me. It is probably very hard to reward everyone on his own, but id really like to see that + a boni for the win. Dunno, if it would work tho.


    BW is doing better than wow, but there is still stuff to improve :)

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