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Posts posted by RachelAnne

  1. Not a fan of anything that does give an xp boost, such a feature destroyed the lvling experience at wow a lot. People outlvl quest´s way too fast and end up doing only dungeons all day.


    Thats not what an MMO is about, the open world is dead.


    Legacy or perks should work like the buff for companions, so that they get stronger or that your professions are better something like that. But having mega items, mega boost´s in xp is a very bad design invented by Blizz.

  2. So what you guys think.


    Personally I think the game hasn't delivered original content but is more a rehash of wow like material.


    When Tor came out, it was definately not like wow. No LFG, No addons, No boring grind quests like kill 30 dogs and loot 15 tongues...

    A lot of trolls and whiners at the forum, actually want Tor to be like wow ;( as they are bored at wow too and dont like if another MMO is better as their "holy grale".


    The population issue is simply said the fault of the gamers themself, they did cry so badly at release that the servers had a queue - so BW wanted to help them and gave new ones... everyone who is a little bit experienced and smart did know that going to these servers will result in beeing alone.


    My server had 40 min queues and is very healthy today.

  3. Well unless they allow multiple chars with the same name, thats a horible solution. Tons of players would lose their char names, legacy name... if they merge them all into 1 or 2 servers. :mad:


    After all its not my fault that unexperienced players went to empty servers on release. My server is healthy and fine, no need to change a running system. I definately wont give up my legacy and char names.


    When they did that at Warhammer I canceled my account - same will happen if it happens here.

  4. you cant be more right


    rift added a lfd which was just horrendous for its first month or so until a few issues when ironed out.


    such issues were but not limited to


    people would just kick you from a group when thier guildy finally logged on and wanted in.


    everyone would roll need on items and then want to sell it to you before the 30 min trade grace period was up for bop items.


    guildies in a group would use the 30 min bop trade grace period by all rolling need and trade it amoung themselves.


    rage quits was the norm (sometimes this was justified)


    usually the better players especially tanks and healers didnt need this feature to get groups making dps wait even longer for one.


    new players were greatly mistreated like in your post


    i can see in this game how a cross server lfg would be just a nightmare unless certain pitfalls are not implemented. as i for one would be pissed if i got kicked just before the last boss that drops columi just so thier guildy or a alt could get a easy piece of gear preventing me from completing my daily or weekly.


    Well said, its not the basic idea of a LFG that is bad - its the execution like shown by Blizz at wow and at Rift. Horrible 2 LFG´s that ruined the game for so many casuals and they are still a majority. Those 3 mio sub´s that wow lost, are most likely not of hardcores but of casuals who dont have fun beeing insulted, kicked or be robbed.

  5. When does BW learn that most people are casuals and don't want to wait 20 (if your lucky) min to get into a FP or WZ? cross server would fix a lot.


    For the rest the game is superior to WoW on many fronts just not for the casual player.




    Go play wow and wait 40 min in queue and then be kicked for your low dps, I am sure thats what Casuals really need and still you want that at Tor? :p


    Casuals dont want or need an LFG, its the elitist´s and lazy folks that do.


    You can gather a group at Tor in a few min right now, just use the LFG channel - its not hard and the only true option for a casual. No Casual has the time to queue for half an hour just to find out that he once again did land in a boring elitist group, that has standards which he cant fullfill and because of that is removed from group.

  6. I'd rather play with people being rude than no people at all, which is the case now. Also, the lag problem is back with the newest patch. I'm not threatening with unsubscribing. I have already unsubbed and will not subscribe again, so it's not a threat.


    So you like beeing insulted all dungeon, beeing kicked infront of the final encounter, beeing spammed by gold seller and dps meters, like running a dungeon 20x and the item you need is stolen in every run... ?


    All I can say is :eek:


    D3 and wow do give a good example of such random groups, its a pain.


    There is not just the fact that atleast half the groups are horrible due immature behaivour, but also that the difficulty must be lowered by a lot. Random groups are random, so the encounters must be weak else you wipe all day there as you have no even group setup.


    When cata was released the game had a good difficulty, even tho was a bit too easy at normal raids. About 3 weeks later those dungeons were nerfed so hard, that you could do them now in green gear and without CC.


    I dont know, but a game should entertain - its not entertaining to bomb mobs without evening using your brain cells.

  7. But I tend to look at a person join date so I can understand why they would be against something they don't have to use themselves personally.


    First of all, please understand how LFG tools work. If you understand this, you will know that players MUST use it if its ingame.

    At wow you can only get specific items by using it. you can also avoid the instance lock and you get valor points for gear. There will also be achivements that can only be done by pugging social points might soon have a more important role etc.


    But they DEMAND others play what they picture as a perfect MMO... Thats the problem there, you have a vision of what you want.. I have mine.. And it just I want to PVE and I am not able to do so..


    You can pve, there is no one stopping you from doing it. Just yourself stands in your way, as you dont know how to form a group without a tool holding your hand. Its really not hard to ask your guild, friends or the people on your server - most servers have an LFG channel by now, join it and while you lvl your alts or your main you will see many groups going and you just need to talk to people. Its not hard, just do it.


    What you dont realise is, that by demanding an LFG tool you demand that the game is adjusted to it. DO you really believe that at wow any LFG group would had been able to master heroic dungeons or raids?


    OFC not, wipes and tons of tears made Blizz nerf the dungeons so that you have no challange there at all anymore. CC is not needed anymore, not even a true healer or tank - you can do them all with 5 dps specced players, guess what you dont even need 5 players anymore.


    A random LFG is a game, you gamble your group setup and its a fact that hard and challenging content cant be done with everyone, every setup. If you form a group the old way, you do pick a setup that works - a tool wont be able to do this. Because of this wow is that low regarding skill, as it is today.


    Those that dont want to use the tool, lose all their content - while you lose nothing if the tool doesnt come.


    Wow was a great game at Vanilla and TBC, you had to think before you did things - by adding the LFG all this is gone and the game totally lost its "I want to play again" button.


    At vanilla and tbc I could lvl char after char, could raid the same tier again and again and always had fun. But at WOTLK I couldnt be bothered to raid ICC a second time or lvl a second char up - as it was too boring and generic. If content is as easy as at wow today, then you just get tired of it - as humans always want what they cant get that simple, its like with love.


    The experience of a lot people will be ruined, content that is destroyed by nerfs is gone forever and cant come back. Wow lost a few million players because of that. Yes there are people that will run these boring dungeons day in and out - but even those will someday realise that 13 bucks are not worth it.


    A lot pro LFG people only see themselfs there, but not the consequences for the game.


    I have voted and I refuse to pay for a game that caters to the "Community" when in fact it catering to the elitist of the crowd... I guess that the negative side...


    The only elitist people that I ever met at wow, were those inside the LFG. People that measure others all the time, post their meters and feel like a king if they can insult someone else.

    The dungeons are not just boring, its also a torture to run them due the horrible elitist crowd that hangs out there.



    People that did raid at vanilla or TBC were in most cases very friendly and helpfull.

  8. It will bring in more subs, thus more funds for content updates and expansions. There are ways to deal with bad people. Even now without a LFG tool, you have jerks, ninjas in the game. As long as BioWarre makes sure you are never grouped with someone on your ignore list, I see no issues. Server merges or transfers will not at all for me if they involve me having to change my char's names. It is that important to me. Enough to cancel my sub even.


    People will leave if Tor turns into wow, just like a few might come over until the Panda´s arrive. As a developer you need to focus on loyal customers and not on those that cry since the first release day, due the fact that they actually want to play wow panda allready.


    I also dont know how you can put 60% of the community on your ignore list, thats impossible. At wow you had in 7 out of 10 groups people that were rude, ninja or elitist. Figure it out yourself how long it would take to put them all on ignore, how many dungeons you would need to run then.



    People did cry due queue´s at release and now they cry again as they feel alone. Its their own fault, my server is doing fine and many others do so as well, I think the experienced MMO player has no issue´s, they knew choosing a queue server at release is what you should do and not an light server. No reason to change a running system, nevertheless would it be intresting to see an improved LFG someday, but BW should stay away of Blizzards fail tool at all cost´s.

  9. Playing a tank myself, well I used to currently lvl myself a healer.


    I agree that we are squishy if we dont have a healer backing us up, 3-4 big hits and we are down. With a well geared healer we can last much longer, but we are hardly a threat then to the enemy.


    My damage output is like a fly leaving a **** (sorry for the choice of words there) :cool: but you get what I mean. I get crit for 4k by some players, while I hardly do 1k. I am completely survival specced, as a guard I do well - but people can ignore me way too often if they see a healer is on me.


    Because of this we should either be less squishy or deal more damage / taunt should actually really let players focus us and we are immun to damage for those few seconds.



    I did really like beeing a tank at Warhammer tbh. you could really block other players there - that was awesome. Yes its not possible at Tor, but we need some more tools to either be a much bigger threat or live much longer + take more damage from our team.



    Its wrong that tanks are not those defending but dps and healers.

  10. The irony is those 100 + light servers were put there because of people complaining about having to queue at launch screaming I will quit if I have to queue so extra servers were put up. Now those same people are here screaming that they will quit if server mergers don't happen now. That is exactly why devs need to ignore the community and plan according to what is needed to operate effectively.


    Well said!


    Agree to 100%.


    @ Topic


    I love my server we are only medium but have a great community that is helpfull and friendly. I would never ever quit there or give my server up, doing so would be the end of my experience in this game - I had it happen at Warhammer and AoC, not again please.

  11. In WoW, crafting was only useful the first 15 levels during the first year (with the exeption of Alchemy). In WoW the stunware problem was JUST as big as it is now, launch time Rogues will remember the big nerf. He mentions the grind for end game PvP gear, completely forgetting that WoW didn't even have end game PvP at this stage, let alone gear for it.


    I disagree


    Vanilla had great crafting, you had to craft fire res gear also you could forge a weapon inside of MC, later you had to craft for AQ poison resi and at Naxx frost. Crafting at wow made sense at vanilla it was required for raiding, after TBC Blizz changed that philosophy and made crafting worthless, except bucket´s and gems.


    PvP was also there in vanilla I think they added the pvp ranking system around april? After that the BG´s came, so pvp was there too.


    Stun´s well a Rogue could stunlock you - but isnt this intended? I mean they are Rogues. At Tor the stuns come from tanks, healers and "hunters" thats not right tbh.


    Wow today has probably just aswell a wrong stun system, at Vanilla it was much better and realistic I think.

  12. No it won't. I am currently on the 2nd most populated server in the world. It takes about 30-40 minutes at primetime to find 1 dps for a HM FP. Same server LFG tool going to fail hard.


    I am just on medium and can get a group in about 5-10 minutes.


    You must do something wrong, even if you server only has 100 players online to form a group is possible - you just need to want it.

  13. Gear progression in mmos is all about team work and friends. So if you want to do a ops or hm u go in solo? Funny wzs are a team effort also. Maybe you guys should play 1 player games if you want a solo environment meant for gaming.


    Nobody here does solo a Wz, what a silly argument is that?


    You have 8 players in every Wz, just you dont queue with them but still meet them in the game and then play together. What wow did with that "only premade" pvp is ridiculous and dumb - everyone should be able to do pvp and not just those with a lot time.


    Nevertheless would I love to see an improvement in the queue system, like a role queue so that teams are more even. Also the solo & premade queue is an option, so that both sides only face their own kind.

  14. LFG system. Please don’t take offense, but this is one of those features that needed to be supported from Day 1. Seriously. Just take a look at the WoW implementation, it’s nearly perfect.


    The wow tool suxx, is horrible coded and does favor elitist´s. To call such a tool "perfect" is ....


    It happens way to often that you end up in a group that have a totally different gear, skill or manner ratio than you. There is just no fun at that tool, there is a reason why Blizz added deserter, free epics etc. to force people into it.


    Lots of subs were lost since the LFG came into wow, perfect is something else.


    BW should code themselfs an LFG, that does not have the mistakes of wow´s tool.


    PvP Arenas. This is another feature that should have been in from Day 1. I myself am not a big PvP fan. But…a LOT of people are. Being a former Professional Gamer back in my Counter-Strike days, I still keep tabs on the Pro scene. In North America and Europe now, WoW 3v3 is THE game.


    Arena is only "popular" because its easy to broadcast, good pvp is something else.


    Blizz failed adding a HL-TV like feature for Warsong, we played Warsong at tournaments and it was awesome. This is real pvp, arena is kindergarden.

    Objective based pvp is a lot more intresting for the viewer than a silly deathmatch. Blizz just couldnt manage to give it a real go, the first Warsong tournaments were a start but they failed pvp with TBC...


    The Arena tournaments do also mainly happen at Blizz sponsored events ;) at the WCG it was a big fail and lots of high decorated E-sports stars do not see Arena as a pvp with skill involved.

  15. The game has a few bugs but its still more fun than wotlk and cata together.


    Personally a game should be fun and aslong its fun, who cares about a few empty server - after all its the players fault that they went there on release. Those who didnt want to sit in a queue at release made the mistake, experienced players knew that going to the servers with queue was key.

  16. So 7/8 players wanting to kick someone for misbehavior is not enough of a majority in your opinion?


    The votekick that wow is using where you can kick everyone you dont like is horrible, because misbehaivor is nothing you can judge - someone might just not know it better, might be not so good or does join without full gear due beeing a casual etc.

    Why should people now be allowed to kick him? Thats just rude and if this doesnt work at Tor, then I am very happy.


    Beeing the majority does not always mean you are right, lots of people claim Tor is bad - they are also wrong.

  17. Lol! Very well put! How can anyone argue with success? I do however think it needs to be cross server. Do not forget WoW tried the same server one and it was'nt that great.


    Google the numbers, you will see that wow lost a few mio subs since WOTLK at EU and US. The biggest issue wow has and Blizz did admit this many times - the new players dont stay. And they dont stay because of those that demand, post meters etc. in the LFG. Its just no fun for a new player to be thrown into the pool of sharks that insult and kick those out in every dungeon, just because of missing achivements, gear or skill.


    The LFG tool killed casual gameplay at wow due elitist´s ruling the tool but also the bad pvp system is a reason and the boring content at endgame.

  18. The speeder speeds are a joke. Show me another game that has transortation this slow?


    I think the 100%, 150% and 200% are a good start.


    This will just be another item I add to the list of why I unsub :(


    Vanilla had 60% mounts at lvl 40 ;)


    Personally I dont like mounts in MMO´s, its just not realistic that everyone sits on a dragon, speeder etc. To go by foot is much more fun actually and you also see something of the world then.

  19. 1. No LFG and dev attitude suggested they were somehow freaking morally opposed to it or something! So absurd! Even now they are grudgingly dragging their feet with it. People who pay for this product have jobs and don't want to come home and sit in town waiting to do an instance.


    2. Attitude of the community. While I've always hated this in every MMO, in this one it is BAD. There is an overabundance of bizaros who I can only believe don't play MMOs but love Star Wars IP that have rose colored glasses permawelded to their eyes. *** the people that love this game and defend it are absolutely bonkers insane. Just read what they say...





    I have a job, family and a RL and I am glad about the way it is. My server is medium and its just great to be able to pick your group and not let a random tool pick them for you, so that you end up with the wrong type of person in your group and tend to start somewhere in the dungeon but not at the start. Wow failed there big time, but as I said I wouldnt mind an improved wow tool - but even Blizz is unable to fix their broken tool.




    I love the community on my server, people help each other, you always find others to group and that elitist community of wow does troll the forums here yes, but I am glad my server doesnt have them. Playing Tor is actually fun and does not feel like having a job, like it does at wow where you MUST deliver all the time and need to play perfect due the pressure that the ruling elitist put on every player there.

    I do play MMO´s since more than 10 years and Tor is a great game that in its current state is fun and should be an example for many new MMO´s of how to do it and that there is a way of making a succesfull, traditional MMO and not a Singleplayer with dungen queue and shooter community like at Rift, Wow etc.

  20. After 10 years of blizzard sharing their game development experiences, ANYONE should be doing better than blizzard. They've shared a lot of stuff that upcoming MMOs should learn from. Unfortunately though, BW ignored a lot of them and is trying to push the viability of square wheels.


    I am happy that BW did not copy wow like Rift did, there is no point playing a copy of wow if you dislike wow as much as I do.


    Vanilla was the best MMO I played together with Ultima, but from WOTLK on wow died and its just a crap game for elitist´s and hardcore.


    There is a reason why Blizz lost a few Mio subs in the last years and now does focus on the asian market with their addon. People at US and EU are not intrested in the game due its bad design like Arena, LFG etc.

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