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Everything posted by Gnugthreeonefive

  1. Your know what's worse than being outnumbered 3-1? Outnumbering the others 3-1. We're having serious problems finding reps to pvp on Ilum, all hours of the day. For some reason, people think there's some kind of huge penalty of dishonour in dying. Let's rock already!
  2. I second the notion that CC's MUST NOT become too effective. It was the demise of Warhammer Online. 20 sec knockback (18.5 after your GCD) with a followup stun or 4 sec movement speed reduction is just too much. It creates a large imbalance between classes.
  3. Well written. There is only one way to solve the dilemma / game theory /social problem of PvP rewards -- have the reward be the fun itself! If all you get for PvP'ing is the pure enjoyment of the matter, you have zero reason to trade kills or otherwise abuse the system.
  4. There absolutely needs to be a deserter debuff. That Real Life issues can cause you to have to AFK is a necessary cost to avoid the rampant abuse -- abuse including the unfortunate fact that AFK'ing a WZ is the fastest way to get to your Fleet (silly!).
  5. I paid 6 months and I'm loving PvP. Guild is also starting Ops tonight after we finally have enough 50-ies.
  6. This also happens for me. It is obviously a simple yet very serious bug.
  7. Each planet has one or several questlines that cannot be abandoned, just like your entire Class quest line. I recommend making sure you complete all questlines that cannot be abandoned, and only do others if you need them. Personally, doing PvP and space, I had to skip most sidequests as I was constantly ahead of the curve.
  8. I'm having problems as a Powertech seeing what'll be available for my next GCD. Original version wasn't perfect, but it was by far the best of the three so far.
  9. To each their own. I'm at 50 and loving it. PvP is a blast. Ilum PvP needs some TLC; my suggestions: Hourly or bi-hourly objectives to fight over, companions for the faction with fewer players.
  10. I would prefer a game being replayable solely because of it being fun. Ie, I support zero gear difference and a level playing field for all. Hm,wasn't GW1 like that? Don't get me wrong, I love swtor and the pvp in it.
  11. This is not even mentioning the fact that AFK'ing a WZ is the fastest way to get to your Fleet, aside from Fleet Pass.
  12. Agreed. The new system feels like a bug, plain and simple. That, or very poor design choice. Not being able to tell if something is completely off cooldown is big fail on a small and simple thing. Please fix asap.
  13. Agreed. We need to be able to see target of target, and we need to be able to select via nameplates or some other easier way.
  14. It's about balancing immersiveness with gameplay (ease of use). Overall, I love the design. Should just remove the pointless airlock step. I'm one of the lucky ones on a fast rig that doesn't have 4 minute loading screens, so I'm not as biased as you may be.
  15. /signed This needs to change. For those of us with precious little time to play, this is a large detriment to the value of the product.
  16. The AH is simply not good enough. Frankly, it does the game a disservice, and was probably only included so it's on the "This Game Includes" list. It's one of those things where one wonders "Did they not have a single AH afficionado test this?"
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