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Everything posted by Tooswifty

  1. I'd rather have a match in 2-3 minutes than wait 45 minutes for one. I can go into that lower bracket in lvl 20 pvp gear and still win. Why, cause I know how to play my class and counter act the vs class. No amount of gear will help an idiot win or stay alive. PvP isnt fixed or scripted like PvE. Some understanding of all classes is needed to sustain yourself. Being lvl 50 in greens and complaining about the gear gap shows that people want a free pass to pvp gear. They dont want to learn how to play against any other class and counter act their options. I didnt race to 50 through pve and want my pvp gear given to me. I didnt beg, cry and complain how I was getting eaten by someone better geared than me. I learned from that to become a better player.
  2. I'll just take off my gear to get a lower queue time to complete my daily/weekly. You're right cause skill < gear.
  3. Complaining that the change in gear stats will make pve gear > pvp in pvp?
  4. Wonder what the Queue times would be for that proposal?
  5. So you want crafted gear that is equivalent to the 2nd best pvp gear? I can see it being on par with cent gear, but not champ gear. Why not make all 2nd best pve gear craftable then? I am geared, I can has raid now?
  6. Already there with the boxes in ilum. 4 hours in there and not 1 red name came up on the screen.
  7. pssst. Don't post the truth. It hurts and others belive that is just trolling.
  8. Beware, you are seriously going to be called a troll for your post. All mercs/commandos dont want to be fixed or balanced.
  9. I totally agree with you. 16 tries to get lucky for enough tokens a week is not fun. But if you are a battlemaster already, wouldnt that mean you spend quite a bit of time in warzones? I know I just run warzones and dont track the 3 win daily or 9 win weekly cause it is buggy and I know I'll complete it cause I'm in warzones 99% of the time I play. I'm not sure how the pve side works with the dailies or the tokens (or w/e) a boss drops, but the daily gives you 1 bag, I can get that daily done in 15 minutes with three 6-0 huttball wins. I would imagine that would be a reason that Bioware has it as RNG and not really commenting on the issue.
  10. It's MY gear and I want it NOW BJ Bentworth can help, just start a thread on the forums and we'll get your gear for you now.
  11. Guess you dont see enough gunslingers or snipers to know that those 2 are the easiest to play against. Plus the huge population gain of commando/mercs since the 1 button spam was discovered. Interupts and LoS are marginal, 1 interupt lasts 4 secs, cd lasts 8. How many tracers can get let loose in that time? Plus if a commando/merc is in trouble, pop a shield, run off and heal. Not too hard to kill the 'easiest class' to play against, amirite?
  12. Hate to hear your opinion of ilum. That zone isnt worth going to unless one is at 60 valor or above. Empire has 3-4 deep sitting on box spawns and if 1 group of republic comes out, ther's 40 on a group of 4.
  13. being a fresh 50 in pvp, you can jump straight into the mid lvl champ pvp gear w/o any valor. how can any new 50 in pvp be ************? If they want to fix obtaining pvp gear for brand new 50s or pvpers, fix the champ gear to have a valor level of 50 as well. Dont think you can just go straight to the mid lvl raid/dungeon gear as a 50. I dont know because I dont pve. I pvp'd 34 of the 50 levels, so I did earn my gear. Now the people who want to try out pvp are getting smashed. I'm not crying for you. I was in the 10-50s pvp from the get go. Honestly, if you want some hand outs, I heard there is a panda game that gives free loot on tuesdays. Working to achieve gear is not bad. Something to help, get a premade. But then again, if you are crying over gear, you'd probally want to segregate premades as well. this isnt burger king, no one gets what they want your way, right away in a video game. If thats too harsh for you, there is always the option to step away from the keyboard, unplug the computer and actually go outside, read a book or spend time with your family. Or Bioware can just give every 50 full top raid and pvp gear as soon as they hit 50. No work at all required. I can sit in gen LFG some end game raid, I'm geared. I have no idea how to pve, but i has the gears to do it.
  14. I personally find that PvB is the best part of the game. And the red name every 2-3 hours that gets lost and ventures out of their base.
  15. Pot, Kettle over With that said you are stilll tunnel visioning. If I go do a raid or a pve instance, am I going to do it as leth? no I'm not. Each tree has its use and to want one tree to be the end all of it all is narrow minded. The mods and enhancements can be changed on pvp gear, the set bonus for all ia sets are a little weak so to me they are not a big deal.
  16. I'm fat, bald and short. I went to my parents facebook and myspace to complain that it was their poor design as to why I cant get a date or anyone to fall in love with me. The response was simple, it is what it is. How does this fit into this thread? The sniper was designed and worked through beta etc and what we have now is the product. The OP has posted many of threads complaining that he only play one of three trees and calls anyone that doesnt play said tree a moroon or something else. Point being, the lack of versatility of the OP is what needs to be fixed not the class. Sure there are plenty of bugs in every class. But to continually post new thread after new thread offering the same river of tears is hardly going to get a positive response. I am currently playing a leth sniper and 99% of the time i am in warzones. I see no problem with the mm snipers that I am in there with. But I dont know how the OP plays his sniper compared to myself or any other sniper. Could be a case of the OP not utilizing all skills/talents and just wants a skill to kill all in LoS of him.
  17. yeah the lvl 50 bracket fixed alot, lolololololol. If you have any friends or are in the 50 bracket its self, its still a joke. Huttball 99% of the time, when the others pop, they end w/in 120 secs cause the other side doesnt show up. If you are complaining of being eaten at level 10, I heard there are these things in the game that give xp to help close the lvl difference, called quests. You dont need to go into a warzone already knowing you are at a disadvantage. Not too mention queue times are tripled or more in the 50s bracket, wouldnt want to see them with more segregation.
  18. I play a sniper. Leveled 46 of 50 levels in warzones. Most snipers only spec MM. TBH that is worthless in pvp. Try a 0/8/33 build. Lrthality is a wicked build if played properly. The key being played properly. I can take on 2-3 and live. Ilum is a blast. I havent had an 1v1 where i was taken below 90% health. I am not top geared either. Its all about know how to play, the cd and knowledge of all your skills and talent trees. Snipers really get screwed on medals in warzones. We have no protection points or heals to give us more than one column for medals.
  19. tl;dr.....but saw you were leaving with the river of tears
  20. forget that, huttball is where its at
  21. must have thought oyu were lonely and needed company.
  22. inb4 I work 60 hrs a week, have a disabled wife and 3 special needs kids. I play maybe 4 hours a week and want gear given to me so I can keep up.
  23. If wow is sooooo great, why for you here?
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